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Quotes: Excalibur-Eyyyyyyyy

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Silveira: When we get back I am going to make a shirt that reads: “I went to Jupe and all I got was a cut but.”


I'll put in an order for one of these t-shirts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The irascible woman actually smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.  Karrod felt a strange flush of heat on his cheeks as she vaulted into the vehicle without another word.  Niac eventually had to prod him into motion and he hauled himself into the codrivers seat at the front, bringing the vehicles internal navigational sensors online and verifying its remote link to the runabout.  He cast a sidelong glance at MacKenzie as she started up the vehicle and Karrod had to suppress an urge to stare just a little bit longer.  

Niac:  oO Keep your eyes on the sensors and off the XO, idiot. Even if she is intoxicating. Oo



Sil fully endorses Commander @Karrod Niac last line of thought. ;)

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@Genkos Adea


ch’Thorlles: ::cooly:: I’d like to think it’s the former, and I used to serve on the Gorkon with Adea, so I know something about incompetence.




ch’Thorlles: ::his antennae crossing themselves at her:: And who in the icy tundra of Andoria are you?




ch’Thorlles: No, no, Shryv. It’s a short “i” sound. ::he gestured with a blue hand:: Try again.



I love this guy.

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@Addison MacKenzie



Addison waited until the gurney stopped moving and the sound of the door closing could be heard before throwing the sheet off and sitting straight up. Her lack of amusement at the charade she had to pull to get them out of the sticky situation was obvious.

MacKenzie: ::whispering at each of them:: You suck.



The fact that a GIF exists of this makes it even better.

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K. Morgan: I don’t know, but I’m tired of being kept in the dark all the time. Assistant Chief Medical Officer ought to count for something, right? ::muttering:: Not on this ship, apparently.

Bean:  You’d think!  Even just an acknowledgement would be nice.  A little gesture to let us know they think of us as more than just their order takers and lackeys.  ::mockingly::  “Yes, Sir.  No, Sir.  Right away, Sir.”

ch’Thorlles: But do they think of us as more than lackeys?


Bean:  Anything like this happen on any of your former postings?  I used to work on Deep Space 224, and that place was massive, but I always still felt like part of the team.

ch’Thorlles: When I served on ::he swelled with pride for a moment:: the Sovereign-class Gorkon, I *always* felt appreciated. At least by the head of Ops - I don’t think I ever actually saw the Admiral of Vices or whatever, but the chain of command at least knew I existed.

K. Morgan: ::shrugging:: I’ve always been Commander MacKenzie’s right-hand man. Wherever she’s been posted, she’s always requested to take me with her. The Veritas, the Embassy on Duronis II, the Thor… They were all impressive. I’ve felt like I had a voice, but only through her. Now that she’s moved into command…


He sat back in his chair and finished off his beer.


K. Morgan: They suck.



Leaving the question here.

Do the Lower Decks Officers on the Excalibur require a suggestion box?


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Rolling high on perception Doc :D



Adea: Sorry, did you just ask Addison on a date?


Niac: Response


Adea: “Know a thing or two about chemistry” - come on, that’s a line. How long did it take you to think up?


Niac: Response



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  • 2 weeks later...

Silveira: I have the perfect recipe for that. I won't talk to him. I won't talk to her. And I will try and keep myself 10 decks away. That might increase their chances by 539 percent. Give or take a six, I am not very good at math.



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And then...



He wasn't sure what the future held for the pair of them, broadly, but in the here and now, he was pretty sure the future held some burgers, and that was a future worth looking forward to.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

*sneaks in*

MacKenzie: My talent is brain surgery. Unless one of you is volunteering to assist, then I’ll just be eating and observing this evening

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  • 2 weeks later...

Inside the car an angry looking man raised a very specific finger in his direction and shouted something heavily punctuated by obscenities.


This really tickled me! 😆

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Kirky nodded and mopped a bead of sweat from his brow.  Romulan Supernova Remnant was his favorite ska band at university.  Now he felt a little guilty about it.  The name wasn’t nearly as cool now that he was going to witness the event in real-time.



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MacKenzie: Commander, we’re all getting off this ship right now, even if I have to shoot you and make Lieutenant Dakora drag you onto an escape pod. And with all I’ve been through today, rest assured I’ve used up any patience I might have had longggg ago. I will not ask one more time. Let’s. Freaking. GO!



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Etan: Did you ever expect to be falling through time when you graduated from Starfleet Academy, Ensign? ::he asked with a smirk.::


The words broke the silence, Sleepy glanced his way, she huffed out a laugh.


Tiberius: Honestly, I'm glad it was with you guys.


Not me quoting my own work here. I really smiled when I saw @Sleepy Tiberius’ reply to this. It was really heartwarming!

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Dakora: If he's just going to kill me at the end of this, I'm starting to wish he'd quit beating around the bush and do it already.


MacKenzie: ::flatly:: We could only hope, Lieutenant.



@Addison MacKenzie’s savagery is on a whole other level.

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