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Overheard in the Shoals: Veritas Notable Quotables

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EMHMKVI:  Hello Addison MacKenzie, MD, Ph.D., FASFS, Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Medical Officer.  Do you prefer to be addressed as Doctor, or as Lieutenant?

MacKenzie: oO Bloody hell. Oo 

You could just see that facial expression.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Phan'ta'Go: Hello, can you hear me?

Ukinix: Yes, I can hear you C’lem Phan'ta'Go!


  • Haha 1

Vanlith: ::turning to look to the first Holocrew member:: I need you to monitor the rate of the fusion reactors. ::turning to the second Holocrew member:: and you need to monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew1: I will Monitor the rate of fusion reactors

Holocrew2: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew1: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew2: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew1: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew2: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew1: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Holocrew2: No I will monitor the rate of fusion reactors. You will monitor the plasma systems.

Vanlith: ::tired of the constant arguing:: SHUT UP!

Vanlith saying what we're all thinking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Teller:  Our speed is 900kph and accelerating.  Leading edge of the flare is now...eight hundred thousand kilometers astern.

Delano: How long do we have before radiation levels are critical? 

MacKenzie: Minutes, Commander. If what Lieutenant Petras suggests works, I’d say we’ve got ten. Probably less.

Delano: I’d tell you to put more power into the shields… 
MacKenzie: We’d still be like bread in a toaster.
Delano: Exactly. 
MacKenzie: Not sure how appealing that sounds, Commander…
Petras: It was nice knowing you all…

'Nuff said!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Roshanara took aside Commander Core while the rest of the damned -- er, the away team -- dug EVA suits out of a storage.

Nice vote of confidence from our CMO there... XD

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Rahman: Yes, what can I do for you?

Martin: Students, you may ask the question one and only one question…

Timmy (played by @Wil Ukinix): Can I have a burger?



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MacKenzie: You two know one another?

Cumar: We met briefly under circumstances I’ll explain later.

The fact that the acting security chief was an ensign surprised him slightly, but only slightly. He recalled back to his days on the Victory in which his buddy Cadfael was made chief engineer while still an ensign, although to be fair, Cadfael’s promotion to lieutenant JG was within 24 hours after that title was granted.

MacKenzie held up both hands, closed her eyes and shook her head.

MacKenzie: I’m on a need to know basis only, Lieutenant. Rest assured that this is not one of those times.

Monroe: ::with his arms behind his back, and a straight face, somehow:: We came out of the closet together, it’s fine.

How Andy managed that with a straight face, he’d never know. This wasn’t the time to ask. He bit back a soft chuckle and heard the sound of a badge chirp as MacKenzie tapped her commbadge.


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Martin, played by @Addison MacKenzie: Alright, students! If you remember, you’re all going to be writing reports about what you learned on your visit to the Veritas. Let’s start thinking about what you’re going to write about when we get back.

T’Pren, played by @Moonsong: I think I shall write about the chain of command on a starship and how that works in a crisis situation. 

Martin: Okay… who else?

Timmy, played by @Wil Ukinix: How Toshi got lost, and it took the adults soooooo long to find him.  And Kuma.

Martin: Perhaps we can focus on the less…interesting aspects of our visit. We wouldn’t want to scare your parents, would we?


Hahaha, ah... "less interesting." You know the working title for this mission was "Field Trip" but I figured that sounded more like a comedy film... ;)

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Ch’shaakrar: oODiplomacy diplomacy diplomacy. Just deal with it now and then you can complain about how much of a pompous waffle goblin this guy is to Danus later.Oo



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Without changing his facial expression, Wil shifted his attention to Tahlin and Del, before biting his bottom lip in slight embarrassment.  He then jumped when Jansen throw his helmet into the Corinth’s first officer’s face, before he stepped forward while she was stunned and cracked her with a fist to the nose.  That caused her to drop the weapon, before she stumbled backwards, holding her now bloodied nose.

Wil blinked in shock.  Mild mannered, calm, matter of fact, Counsellor Jansen Orrey just neutralised a woman holding a FALLHHHASLLPPPPPPPP capable weapon.

Excuse me I just gotta go stick my head in a pillow and laugh this out for a couple minutes I'll be right back

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Grellin: Blessed be the fates that have sent these saviours to rescue us! My hero!

And as the three entered the room...

Ukinix: ::Shouting:: Jansen weapon!

The woman Putrika had labelled second-in-command had slipped Orrey's weapon out from its holster, disengaging from a hug.

Inevitably, that weapon was discharged, smacking against the floor near Ukinix's feet -- though the telepaths of the group had already hit the deck, taking cover.


Look, in hindsight, it probably *was* an over-reaction. But engineers and weapons just didn't mix. Tristam narrowed his eyes, giving Ukinix a side-glance when they both realised they were the only ones currently on the deck plating.

All eyes turned to the woman currently trying to hide the fact that she had a disruptor she'd just mis-fired.

Ukinix rose his hands up into the air -- as if that was meant to do anything (Terrans, honestly) -- and slowly stood. The Rodulan remained behind, re-arranging himself so that he was at least seated comfortably for this ordeal.

Orrey: ::turning his head inside the helmet toward the captain his voice cold.:: Your crew are all idiots, sir.



Right back at you @Sky Blake, with a great assist from @Jansen Orrey, this passage is a classic.



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Core:::rubbing his eyes:: Every time I'm sent off-ship, I always end up in a death trap of some kind.

Maybe Roshanara wanted the life insurance. Because too frequently, it was her doing the assigning-to-dangerous-places.


Hehe... now that I think about it, I like how there’s a whole TNG episode where Picard realizes he can’t be in a relationship with a subordinate under his command because he’d never want to put them in danger.

Meanwhile, Roshanara practically kicks Tristam out of the airlock...


Whatever. He knew what he was signing up for.

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Ukinix: Even though it’s tiny, the liaison office at Livernois is a Starfleet installation.  ::tapping screen:: The Tas has a link to it.  ::gesturing to screen:: We can see that the uplink between Livernois Shipyard and Starfleet is down. The main feed, in fact the main backbone of Ketar V’s communications, which connects it via its 2G relay to the rest of the Shoals, is down.  Different organisations on Ketar V rely on that backbone, it’s government-built shared infrastructure.  ::Tapping screen:: Livernois is not the only one affected.  *All* the ::counting fingers:: shipyards, CCMS, government departments, any businesses that leverage that network are in the dark.  We couldn’t even order a take away burger from Welder’s Diner.

It's like going to Maccas and finding out the drive-thru speaker is buggered.

Edited by Blake
For those who aren't aware: "buggered' in this context means "busted/broken".
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  • 2 weeks later...
Robinson: Fine… I yield the floor to my distinguished colleague. What say you of my proposal?
An eyebrow rose so high on the Romulan representative that one would be forgiven for thinking she might actually be actually Vulcan.
Tessara: I see the merit behind what you're asking, but it's complete codswallop and you know it.
Never mind.

Damn it.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Phan'ta'go: =/\= Lieutenant Ukinix, this C'lem Phan'ta'go, from Main Engineering, can you hear me? =/\=

Placing his fingers on each side of his temple, he closed his eyes momentarily, before finally deciding to tap his combadge.

Ukinix: =/\= ::quietly:: Go ahead, Crewman... =/\=

Ukinix is about two more "can you hear me?"s away from taking a long walk out of a short airlock, and it shows.

Edited by Blake
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  • 4 weeks later...

(Snippet from @Roshanara Rahman with Ukinix tag thrown in for completion)

Xio: Signaling to the bridge. Helm acknowledges.

Ukinix: ::Nodding to Xio:: =/\= All engineering hands.  The Veritas is attempting to orbit the planet, it's going to get shaky. =/\=

The downside of being in engineering is that the engineers didn't see whatever crazy feat--or foe--the bridge crew was tackling. Then again, perhaps that was by design to minimize sickbay's intake of engineers suffering from aneurysms.


Ah... so that's why engineering bays are designed without windows!  Otherwise sickbays would have to be twice the size...

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Creature: Nes riyun isn claost dink k nar borot cha.

Wil turned around, and then jumped when he saw the creature from earlier with three dull yellow "eyes" in a triangular formation floating in the air of the corridor.  Around it was an energy field of some sort, that slightly blurred the background of the wall behind.

He raised his left palm slowly, and then his right, which he had subconsciously put on his holstered phaser.

@Wil Ukinix: We're from the United Federation of Planets. ::smiling:: Hi?

"Wil makes first contact with an alien species."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Orrey: =/\= And Doctor, in the name of Science, I hope we can work together in the future. Consider yourself free to leave as you see fit =/\= ::He reached for the place on the panel to end the call but pulled his hand back.:: =/\= Just one more thing.=/\= ::He sat forward smiling warmly at the other crewmember on the ship.:: =/\=Estella I hope to speak to you more as well the next time we speak. =/\=


The hologram looked back over at the monitor, a simulated blush now starting to appear.


Estella (hologram on a civilian ship, played by @Roshanara Rahman ) : =/\= Is your ship equipped with holoemitters throughout, Captain? Corridors? Ready Room? ...personal quarters? I mean, we could stay a little longer- =/\=

Yuo've got some competition, @Moonsong !

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G'var:::swinging her bat’leth:: You truly have the heart of a Warrior, you bring more Honor to your House than you could possibly know Sister.


Charlena looked up as she finished fastening the tape. She couldn't help but smile. This felt good, she felt like she was actually in control. She was so proud that G'var had said that to her even if her lungs were burning just a little. 


Vanlith: ::sincerely:: It's all down to you.  


G'var:::raising a brow::Me? ::cradling her bat’leth in the crook of her arm:: No, today is about you Vee. Your Courage and Honor have brought you here. 


Vanlith: Honestly. Without your help and support I don't know how well I would have lasted here. 

Poor Kelrod, drowns his loneliness in a glass of... whatever. Who'll notice... as long as he does his work.


But then something happened to Wil in a split second.  On his way to the ramp, over his shoulder and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a woman, with dark hair, and spots on her skin.  The clothing that he could see in that instant, her top, was red.  Somewhere in his mind subconsciously told him it was someone familiar - and important.  An authority figure....  It was his Captain!

Abyrinthe: Excuse me?

Instinctively and without question, he turned to greet his Captain.  He didn't know she was back from Krios Prime, so this was a pleasant surprise.

Ukinix: Captain!  ::Smiling:: Welcome back.

His smile quickly disappeared when he realised that, although she looked a lot like Captain Rahman, it actually wasn't.  Maybe it was the crappy fake spots on her skin. Or the fact that the spots were more akin to a Trill rather than Roshanara's native Krioisian.  Or the lack of burn mark on her face.

Or, maybe, just maybe, it could have been *the fact that she wasn't wearing any pants, and wore knee high stiletto boots*.  Yeah, that was probably it.  A look of slight horror appeared on his face.

Abyrinthe: Uh-huh. I'm not in character yet.

There was a confused expression on Wil's face - while at the same time, Ceciri was cracking up laughing.

Ariadust: Sorry, sorry about this.

Ukinix: ::Squinting eyes:: Wait, *you're* the impersonator?

Abyrinthe: Look, you didn't mention anything about these scars she's got all across her face.

Wil placed his hands on his temples, and closed his eyes, groaning quietly with displeasure.  How could the hire company have got it so wrong?

He had to submit a crew manifest to the company, it was part of their rental agreement.  He wasn't sure if Roshanara was going to make it, but he put her name on the list anyway - just in case.

When the hire company offered someone to entertain everyone as part of the hire cost, and that the entertainer could impersonate someone, he wickedly said that he wanted them to impersonate "Raissa Moonsong" and had sent through her photos.

Not "Roshanara Rahman".

How could they have got that so wrong?

Ukinix: Wait - the person I *actually* wanted you to impersonate was someone else.  Raissa Moonsong?  It was in the information I provided?

Abyrinthe: Yeah, well, I'm not doing them unless you're willing to pay for the time it'll take to fix it later

Another quiet groan.

Ukinix: Fine.  ::Waving hand:: Whatever.  Captain Rahman it is. oO I'm going to get my ass whipped over this. Oo

Fake Roshie smiled with satisfaction.

Abyrinthe: Good. Now just confirming, the bachelor, Jason Orrey?

Ukinix: ::Sigh:: Yes.  Lietenant Commander Jansen Orrey, who is marrying ::slightly clenched teeth:: a woman named *Raissa Moonsong*, the one you're *supposed* to be impersonating-

Abyrinthe: Yeah, Jansen, whatever. Okay. I got it. Anything else I should know about him?

Ukinix: He should be here in a few minutes.  He's being - uh - let's say, "surprised" with this celebration.

She nodded and made her way to the back of the ship.  Wil closed his eyes for a second in disbelief, exhaled, and then turned to greet his crewmates that were arriving.

Hehe, great POV from @Wil Ukinix. A fun weekend ahead!

  • Thanks 1

Moonsong: I do have a question for you, G’var.


G’var:::lowering her shades:: Ask me anything, Your wish is my Command, My Empress!


Moonsong: Since you went through all this trouble to plan this for me. And since you are my friend… would you consider being my Maid of Honor?


G’var raised her brow, the question had caught her off guard. Surly Raissa couldn’t be serious? Certainly the Captain or Commander Blake would be a better choice. They had all know each other far longer. Staring back at her friend, G’var could tell she was being sincere, letting a wide wicked grin spread across her face, G'var realized Raissa had given her a great Honor, one she would be happy to fulfil all her duties.


G’var:::growling low:: I would be Honored my friend. I will crush all your enemies that come to strike on your wedding day, and if you should fall, I will take my place as Jensen’s Mate. This I swear before Kah’less.


G’var was a little concerned, Raissa’s response to her affirmation was mostly choking and spitting. Shifting over G’var moved to give her a few quick slaps on the back, when Raissa suddenly waved her off as she tried to compose herself.


Moonsong: ::choked:: Air! Air!

Just your typical Klingon disaster recovery plan @G'var @Moonsong.

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@Jo Marshall's pirate Ollie Zuccaro to the pirate king Henley Marths:


Zuccaro: Captain... Can I call you Captain? ::He leaned a little forward on his arm.:: The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem. We delivered the item to which you have a problem, however, what you fail to see is the problem is now your problem, not our problem. Savie?


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Marths: ::Smiling at Josett:: Aren't you pretty. ::Mimicking Josett:: Well you know, Ollie... ::Normal voice:: maybe we could work out an arrangement that involves ::winking to Lena:: the lovely lady here. I have a warm Jacuzzi.

Zuccaro: I love a warm Jacuzzi. Always makes my cannonballs feel extr—

Josett: I'm sure we can figure something out. You'd still like your mirror, we'd still like to get paid...

Zuccaro: With a spell in the Jacuzzi.


@Jo Marshall does it again!


Carry On GIF - CarryOn KennethWilliams GIFs



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Standing just a length or two over from the shuttle was a security team of varying description, led by someone whose goatee looked like a small furry animal had taken up residence on his chin and barely moved for the warmth, while the Captain stood in maroon red, dark hair done up, quite the stunner. Of course, Ollie slipped into charming pirate with a wide boyish grin and held his arms out as though coming back to an old friend.

From Commander Marshall post. Never thought about that! I might use the idea in the future.

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The pirate glanced to the security officer with the three pips on his collar and the small furry animal on his features, decided he was going absolutely nowhere with any of them until someone decided to tell him what was going on. Granted, he had little option in the actual moving, seeing as sudden bursts of energy from phaser weapons tended to induce narcolepsy.

Yeah. energy weapons tend to have that side effect! LOL! At least it's better than other settings...



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