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Which Series Was Your First?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. From Which Star Trek TV Series Did You Watch Your First Episode Of Star Trek

    • The Original Series
    • The Next Generation
    • Deep Space 9
    • Voyager
    • Enterprise

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Welcome to this week's awesome edition of the Poll of the Week, Fleetmates!

After recasting the Captains of all the television incarnations of the Star Trek franchise, our team of pollsters here at Poll of the Week have come to the conclusion that most of the fleet has watched at least one episode of one of the television series of Star Trek in their lives.

Knowing that, our super genius number crunchers here at Poll of the Week feel that releasing this week's poll will not be a hindrance to those who have never watched an episode of Star Trek, because finding someone in the Fleet who has never watched a single episode of Star Trek would probably be much more difficult than finding someone who has, within our little community.

So that leads us to this week's Poll of the Week question. From which television series were you first introduced to Star Trek? Was it TOS with the swashbuckling Captain Kirk or was it The Next Generation crew that you first saw on the small screen? Or maybe it was the keepers of the wormhole, the staff of DS9, or maybe it was the early pioneers of space travel, the crew from Enterprise? Or was it the crew that became stranded in the Delta quadrant on-board the Intrepid Class Starship, Voyager?

We here at the Poll of the Week are dying to know what Star Trek television series got you started on this journey to the Final Frontier! So don't be afraid to vote for the Star Trek series that started it all for you!


80s-90s kid. Grew up with TNG, and the later TOS moves (IV+)

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I don't know why Star Trek didn't catch my eye sooner, but I first started watching Voyager when it first aired. Back then I was in high school. I went on to Watch Enterprise and other series from there. While there's still a lot I haven't seen, particularly when it comes to TOS, I do enjoy watching the odd rerun when I get the chance.

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Well I grew up watching TOS with my uncle. I've seen every episode at least a dozen times. But it wasn't until TNG came around when I was in high school that I became really hooked on it.


You forgot the animated series!

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Was also an 80s/90s kid so TNG was first trek. I'm told I even watched the first episode while being babysat by my aunt.

Watched reruns of TOS as a kid too, had a lot of the playmates TNG action figures (oh if I had only left a few in there boxes) Then watched all of DS9 and Voyager going through school never missed an episode. Enterprise I watched at first but did not catch most of it as it aired most of those I didn't see until years later.


first runs of the first series(I was quite young) =-= but from then on I was hooked..


I was 7 and a half. I remember my parents discussing is it okay for me to be awake that late. Between my mom who was pointing that I'm only seven and dad who was even more zealous pointing that I'm seven and a HALF, daddy won and I was watching Voyager from the first episode. It was a hard time for us, I've lost my twin sister to leukemia few months prior. My parents were rarely talking to each other and watching Voyager all together united us again.

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My parents were never really into sci-fi/fantasy stuff, so I never watched Dr. Who or any of the old Trek or the original BSG. Quite how I ended up such a rampant nerd is puzzling...

My first introduction to actually watching Star Trek, rather than just being dimly aware that it was a thing that existed and basically what happened in it, was Voyager during a re-run when we got satellite television in the early 00s. I remember thinking "oh, this is that Star Trek thing" and being confused as to why Kirk and Spock etc weren't in it - I'd heard so much about them, I hadn't realised that there were OTHER Star Trek shows with different sets of characters. After a few episodes though, the Voyager cast won me over and it became a show that I 'watched' as opposed to a show that was on.

Then I discovered DS9, and fell in love completely. But it started with Voyager.

To this day, I've still not watched a full TOS episode, though I am familiar with a lot of TNG.


TOS. Remembering watching it in reruns in the 1970's I would race home after my newspaper delivery. Probably why a few people didn't get their papers.


I grew up with TNG. I remember coming home from school as a wee lil' girl and before doing anything else I turned on the TV to watch Star trek. It was when it was first aired here in Germany. And I was so fascinated by it that I stayed with it ever since.


I have a vivid memory of the first time I saw Star Trek.

The year was 1967

My older brother asked to watch "Star Trek"

I grumbled that I didn't want to watch some 'race track' show.

Fortunately my mother ignored me. Then I saw the Enterprise sweeping its graceful way across the screen and I've been hooked ever since.

My attendance of the second ever ST convention in NYC in the 70s is another story.


My dad is a huge trekkie (his words), so he would let me watch DS9 with him. I loved it. Kira Nerys and Jadzia Dax were easily my favorite characters, and Quark was a close second to them. But being snuggled up with dad was the best part. He was always busy, doing a lot of sidework to take care of us, so DS9 was our daddy/daughter time. I still smile thinking about watching those episodes with him.

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