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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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WHat could he do… what - he was going to have to break something… something big! Something, anything, to get them to change subjects. This was like listening to mama talkin’ to strangers about his awkward teen years… the first time he pooped in the potty as a toddler. The first time he kissed a girl! … Not going to even think about when that had actually taken place. 

This had me ROLLING.

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Velix:  It’s like Y’zyr said, they seem to somehow be in a state of hyper-acceleration. Oh! We should gift them to DeVeau, she did bug things.

Yes.  Yes she loves bugs!  GIVE HER BUGS!

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And now, Neeya had found *bugs*. Well, Y’zyr had found them, but she had pointed out the weird plant they seemed to inhabit. Sadly, only Geoff seemed as excited about them as she was. She hoped DeVeau would be, and announced the fact that they’d bring her some.

Don't forget a sample of the plant too!

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Velix: ::to Y’zyr:: So you know how this ship seems to run on a bio-digester? 
Y’zyr: ?
Velix: So…. We are looking to increase energy output, right?
Y’zyr: ?
Velix: Sooooo…. If normal bugs and microbes are part of the bio-digester, which I assume they are, and those ones are super fast…. You see where I am going with that?

This definitely won't turn around to bite them in the but.  Nope.

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Pa’rhi: And done with such calm, it’s almost like this is an every day occurrence for you.

My poor sweet summer squirrel, if you only knew.

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Hael: I don’ - I don’ care if’n we done it before, I’m so ::he gave a heeby-jeeby shake.:: I can’ even think righ’ now. All I be knowin’ is ya’ll two can’ be near her ::he thumbed over his shoulder. So go’on.. Find ::he put his hands up.:: anything. ::he made a pushing motion with his hands.:: An’ keep tha; thing outta sigh’ ::he pointed to Y’zyr:: She migh’ kill you an’ it, if she sees it. ::he added brotherly.::


That *thing?*




It was probably masked behind his facial mask and glassy helmet face panel, but his brain blanched out… and it took him a solid moment to restrain his shock as he processed Rustyy pointing at him.


An eternally long short moment later, taking in the last part of his commentary, he realized he meant Geoff.






Velix: Hey! ::glare:: This is Y’zyr, and you don’t get to call him a *thing*. It’s unprofessional. 


He looked at her, and in a purposefully calm and restrained voice, said…


Y’zyr:  He means Geoff.


Velix: Oh. Well that’s fair. 

These three have just been a delight to read!

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Y’zyr:  Maybe… we should focus on the external sensors…


Clearly he was battling his instinct to DO THE COOL THING vs his obedience to authority, combined with not wanting to anger the Squirrel lady any further.  She hadn’t seemed to like him at all to start with, and his actions had antagonized her, thus antagonizing Hael.


“... tha’ thing…”


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Y’zyr:  She didn’t seem to like the bugs anyway.  If we get rid of most of them for her, she’ll probably thank us afterward.


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He smiled… well more like lopsided, hopeful grimace. But he tried. Rustyy was by no means so smooth talker or well rounded diplomat, able to overcome tense or awkward conversations. Nope, he was foot-in-mouth, never said the right thing, emotions on his sleeve type. 


And little did he know, that while he worked like a good little worker bee, that his comrades were busy scheming up crazy ideas. And little did he know Y’zyr had taken him so wrong… Well, not wrong that he thought Goeff was a thing - he did think that. And he was convinced that little Ya’ here would come at them like a crazed squirrel if she saw the creepy spider thing. 


Time ticked away, a call from Dal any minute would mean they would soon be leaving the pain in the butt part of space - the ‘cloud’- and be happily on their way home… He really questioned his leaving Ops for this mission. 


Sure it was fun, exciting… there was a never before seen ship that he was able to tinker with. 


But there were bugs…


And squirrel people - who were really short. Like made him feel tall, kind of short. That was short now. 


His sixth sense tingled… 


Rustyy turned quickly, somewhat startled by the presence of the polka dotted woman. He liked her, even if she had some twisted fatish for bugs. She’d like Pepper for sure. He mentally shivered at one of the many insect ladies of the station. Women were weird. Like - really, really weird. 


Weird squirrels and weird women. Poor Rustyy


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If he had a sense of foreboding, a sense of danger… he might not like what she had said. But really, he was pleased with the idea. Anything to help! He smiled at them both - completely oblivious to anything that happened before.


Hael: Oh yea’s, whatcha gots? Be all ears to us gettin’ a move right quick. 


Ya’faemi/Yzyr: response 


If he paused for a moment, he would think these two hated him. This was some sick, twisted touture, suffrage for not being bug friendly, or weird ‘baby’ spider friendly. Yes the powers that be saw fit to make him swim out of depths for as long as possible, just shy of literally drawing him.


Don't forget to save some for Alora....

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Because there was nothing the ginger Betazoid loved more than talking with new friends – except possibly talking with old friends.

Commodore Taybrim - Home Safe


Because there was nothing the ginger Betazoid loved more than talking with new friends – except possibly talking with old friends.


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From the narration of Arys Trovek: 


Do you want to go somewhere private? We can use my office or get a quiet spot in that Café with Taybrim’s face on it.

The Commodore is watching you.  Always watching.  Always.

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Flying Saucer Pizza was run by a rather nostalgic and adorable pair of brothers from Italy. How in all of the universes they ended up on Starbase 118 was a matter of which brother you asked. Rue had asked both brothers, and gotten entirely different answers. One story involved the Mafia, Klingons, and somehow, a “very sexy vulcan”, and the other story involved Yakuza (who knew they still were around), Bajorans, and yet again, a very sexy vulcan.

I absolutely need to hear these stories... 


Thank for you the curiosity @Prudence "Rue" Blackwell 

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Yes I am catching up with Ops sims.

Couldn't let this gem out :D



Trovek: On Cardassia, everyone has a place. Me, coming home from work. You, in the kitchen.

Zorkal: You over my knee.  

Trovek: ::smirking:: Shhh. Don’t ruin it.


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Sherlock: That’s all…I swear.

Yeah, right.

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1 hour ago, Alora DeVeau said:

Yeah, right.

For now...

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Looking to his right, he could see a young man, gazing at his padd with great attention; a sight not uncommon on the promenade.  The man brought his untouched coffee to his lips and took a sip.  Julan smiled as the man winced from the hotter than expected coffee.  oO We’ve all been there buddy. Oo

Oh so relatable!

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There was something about the young Cardassian. Maybe it was that little spark of rebellion when she pet the fish in the pond outside the Embassy on 118. Or her slightly broken way of speaking Federation Standard. Whatever it was, it made Aine agree to come to Cardassia...and even wear the dark green and blue dress that Ferri had recommended to her. And Aine never wore dresses.

Well that isn't exactly true, but it seams to be worth the effort ;)

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Putting this in the proper topic!



Sherlock: Just two more, I promise. There was the cave :: beat :: that I blew up. I kinda face planted on that one. And then the explosion. Oh! Wait! I also had the back of my head and neck smashed by a collapsing bulkhead. But I don’t think that one counts. That was a Q’s fault.

When you have so many injuries you have to keep adding to the figure...


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Tito: Last time I played a Nurse we cut someone's leg off. I don’t have to worry about Medical details.


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Trovek: And that also was not being reported. Is that it? ::she paused:: Don’t tell me there is *more*.

Sherlock: Just two more, I promise. There was the cave :: beat :: that I blew up. I kinda face planted on that one. And then the explosion. Oh! Wait! I also had the back of my head and neck smashed by a collapsing bulkhead. But I don’t think that one counts. That was a Q’s fault.

Trovek: A.. Q’s fault… 

Sherlock: That’s all…I swear.

I keep waiting for someone to pop up saying "A likely story...." in a mustache twisting villain voice...

and that someone would probably be Q

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2 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

I keep waiting for someone to pop up saying "A likely story...." in a mustache twisting villain voice...

and that someone would probably be Q

I'd be happy to oblige. 😉

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Geoff:  Awww… it’s okay, baby.  I can be patient.  ::he gave her his most handsome of spider-bot expressions, his mandibles twitching and clacking like little maracas::  Once you go Geoff, you never go back.

I just about DIED when I read this.

And if you don't get the reference, dm me. 😄

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