Alora DeVeau Posted October 19, 2021 Posted October 19, 2021 Quote McLaren: Worry not... I checked... it smells better than our last ride did... Oh thank goodness. 😄 Of course, smelling better than the last ride isn't hard to do. 😄
Sal Taybrim Posted October 20, 2021 Posted October 20, 2021 Quote Taelon: Given the types of ships - Orion, Klingon, some Gorn and Romulan tech - I think Swarmers are the best choice. They’re - ::He paused, redirecting to an explanation.:: Small robotic units that can eat away at systems and overtake the computer software. I’ll have to get them trained for each ship type, but you can deposit them and they can work on their own. Technically they can be deployed in ship-to-ship combat if it comes to that….anyway, you can set them to work easily enough. If things take a turn, we can have them disable critical systems like life support and communications, but they can prioritize the launch and startup systems. They get into the hull and behind bulkheads to sabotage and overtake systems out of sight. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted October 21, 2021 Posted October 21, 2021 Quote Tatash: This is a ZPX 13 Demolition Charge. They are designed for clearing out debris fields in space, because they don’t explode, they implode. It borrows a little from Romulan design, inside each charge is a little singularity held in some sort of… ::he paused, looking at his PADD, almost going cross eyed:: techno-babble. It's all technobabble to me! 2
Alora DeVeau Posted October 21, 2021 Posted October 21, 2021 Quote From the narrative of Ishani Kasun: oO Who ever thought that Babydog was a good option for a mission name generator was not in their right mind. Oo Babydog? *dies laughing* 2
Alora DeVeau Posted October 24, 2021 Posted October 24, 2021 Quote Ariana gave this a bit of thought, she clasped her hands together and circled her thumbs around each other, almost like a mini thumb war with herself. I can SO envision this because I've done this! 😄 3
Alora DeVeau Posted October 25, 2021 Posted October 25, 2021 Quote From the narrative of Commander Dal: And the last thing he wanted was for his first mission to go down in a ball of flames. That would be a terrible way to be remembered. And a terrible end of a good crew. So best to avoid that and be smart and live. Don't die. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted October 30, 2021 Posted October 30, 2021 Quote From the narration of Nijil: This game of 50 questions was about as annoying as DeVeau outside of a staff meeting. Hey! Now wait a darn minute!!!! 4
Alora DeVeau Posted November 1, 2021 Posted November 1, 2021 Quote As if that was a beacon, begging for the silence to be broken in the most hostile way possible. Alarms screeched as a ship dropped out of high warp all too close for comfort. ‘You had to ask’ flitted through Ishreth’s mind, but he was far too polite to actually say it. *cackle* 1
Sal Taybrim Posted November 1, 2021 Posted November 1, 2021 We basically tell a psychopath to kiss off… Quote Maxwell: I think that went quite well. Yeah, me too… 3
+ Arturo Maxwell Posted November 1, 2021 Posted November 1, 2021 1 hour ago, Sal Taybrim said: Yeah, me too… Max; ever the optimist 😂 2
Sal Taybrim Posted November 4, 2021 Posted November 4, 2021 The award for excellence in introducing a nasty antagonist goes to... Quote Yael: Here… ::stopping the scroll of data for a moment, and stabbing a finger onto the screen at one particular entry:: … Trampis Osben. He’s got a criminal list a parsec long… ::taking in the laundry list of offenses:: Kidnapping. Murder. Another murder. Absconding with sensitive data after misidentifying himself as a specialist on Aesop Seven. Indecent exposure… *ugh*... He said that last part softly, but couldn’t help it. The identifying photos popping up with the list of crimes showed a sweat stained, obese Human with apparently no chin or identifiable bony features at all, and Ashley could absolutely one-hundred-bazillion percent have done without the visual. Yael: Murder again. *More* murder. Involved with explosives, arson. A gross violation of animal rights. Even *more* murders. Transport of… biogenic weapons… he’s… I love how murder seems by mundane at the end of it. And he's... a genocidal maniac to boot. 1 1
Sal Taybrim Posted November 5, 2021 Posted November 5, 2021 Quote Cookie: Yep, we’ve got important hanger stuff to do. oO I'm sooo good at this questioning thing. Oo Spoiler, she was not. I frikken love Cookie 3
Sal Taybrim Posted November 7, 2021 Posted November 7, 2021 Quote Ariana had to think fast, she didn't want this man breathing to close, never mind his hands in any part of her. Amaase: I'm, uhm.. pregnant. ::she again looked apologetically at Taelon:: I haven't long found out. Plot twist! Also excellent deception! 2
Sal Taybrim Posted November 12, 2021 Posted November 12, 2021 Quote Perhaps he was actually 45% Trill, approximately, seeing as how his four limbs, and quite a bit else in him that was and was not visible, was cybernetic. Artificial. Honestly, there wasn’t much of him that hadn’t been made whole, or hadn’t been made better at least, by some artificial means. His formerly pale greenish eyes were now a gold with red flakes… metallic implants that corrected his vision. Hearing, voice, sight… all at one point harmed, now corrected. The neural node, a control point for his many implants and on-board systems, clearly seen behind his ear and framed by his buzz-cut sides and shock of top-heavy ash-white hair, a miniscule light holding a steady green. The somewhat mechanical mask he wore also led to a mystery as well… did he actually *have* a face beneath the smooth grid and fabric and vents sealed beneath his eyes and over his nose, form fitted to his jaw below? Or was it a mechanical aid and implant as well? Perhaps it was closer to 40%. Still a Trill, regardless. He did still have his spots, after all. It's all about the spots, 'bout the spots, 'bout the spots, no tribbles... 2 2
Alora DeVeau Posted November 15, 2021 Posted November 15, 2021 Quote Cookie scrambled into the gatehouse before Revak and got ready to open the gate once Revak entered in the approval codes. She had been denied the new codes because of anti-Cookie discrimination among the new management. The Syndicate had trusted her with them but apparently Cookie was just too weird for the new management. This sounds a lot like me. LOL 1 1
Sal Taybrim Posted November 16, 2021 Posted November 16, 2021 Quote Amaase: It's just, if he leaves that thing running longer than a few minutes, she's gonna blow. ::she grinned a toothy grin:: 'Did we set a bomb? Oopsies...' 2
Sal Taybrim Posted November 16, 2021 Posted November 16, 2021 Quote Oops. A torpedo streaked between the vessels, smashing into hull plating and knocking the coolant remixer out of alignment. That should make the coolant lines start to work harder with steadily "dirtier" coolant. Another drain in power. Maxwell: Oops, was that me? When Ops turns to Oops >.> 4
Sal Taybrim Posted November 17, 2021 Posted November 17, 2021 Quote Revak: Some of those ships have been there for years. All functional, just dormant. There’s a Delta Skimmer F-7 Suicide Runner, There’s a Regent Class Orion small fighter, oh! And Korvol Nalvis’ Party Shuttle… Tatash: A… Party SSShuttle? Cookie: Ooooh, let's pick that one. She had always wanted to go inside it and put her Cookie fingerprints all over the nice upholstery. Cookie fingerprints! 😂 3
Alora DeVeau Posted November 17, 2021 Posted November 17, 2021 Quote Very professional. Very co-ordinated. Revak’s military trained background sensed military training. The Hegemony? No, they wouldn’t work with such a random assortment of folks. Not Klingon Empire or the Romulan Star Empire either. Starfleet? A lightbulb went off in his head. Starfleet. Starfleet was the only military power in the area that was this cosmopolitan and varied. But Starfleet was a bunch of jerks who arrested criminals like the regulars on Miranda VII. Unless the Malevolent Overlords were so bad that Starfleet was willing to overlook the Syndicate ties. Either that or these were the craziest Starfleet officers ever. Or both. You don't know the half of it. 1 1
Sal Taybrim Posted November 21, 2021 Posted November 21, 2021 Quote Rustyy was there. Like dog poop on the bottom of a pair of shoes, no matter how much one wiped it off, a little bit would still be there. While an unusual description it is also uniquely Rustyy ❤️ 2 1
Alora DeVeau Posted November 24, 2021 Posted November 24, 2021 Quote It was a risk. Of course, then merely setting foot on the station was a risk. As the saying goes, 10 out of 10 people die. It’s just about how and when it happens. Commander Nijil, please validate your information before sharing. We ant to make sure we're not spreading 'alternative facts'. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted November 25, 2021 Posted November 25, 2021 Quote Blackwell::And Rue tapped on the Goon’s shoulder and smiled. When he turned, it was a very quick exchange of her fist to his mouth, and him slumping down. She looked to Sol: Their training has something to be desired. ::She resisted making the pun of saying They seem tired - because they were Am-BUSHED::: Which is worse? Terra Prime, or the bad jokes? 1
Alora DeVeau Posted November 27, 2021 Posted November 27, 2021 (edited) Quote If it hadn’t been so dark, Alora might have noticed Ashley’s unrestrained incredulousness in his expression. She wanted him… a hobby-level trained fighter, a psychologist, who had only ever thrown one real punch in his entire life… at his friend Tony Meeks, actually… to fight off who-knew-how-many, who-knows-how-well-trained actual fighters? Take them by surprise? Was she insane? You're her counselor. I would think you'd know the answer to that by now. Edited November 27, 2021 by Alora DeVeau 1
Sal Taybrim Posted November 29, 2021 Posted November 29, 2021 Quote Few things could intimidate his youthful confidence into something smaller… this one was going on that short list. Green Slimy Ship Eating Space Gun of Doom. That is officially what we're calling it now. 3
Sal Taybrim Posted November 29, 2021 Posted November 29, 2021 Quote Indeed. For someone whose repertoire of responses consisted mainly of flinging absolutely bloody everything at his target in the hopes of reducing it to a pile of nonresistant, compliant ash, the General’s first response upon arriving was to do exactly that: fire every single weapon he had at his disposal directly at the offending two ships. This is the perfect description of our enemy! 3
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