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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Handley-Page: oO Not a doctor then Oo Ah, Counselor Sheridan. Very good to have you aboard. I hope I shall not be needing to visit your department too often, unless the voices tell me otherwise.

I'm just going to leave that one here. XD

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Handley-Page: Noguwip? Demanding? What are you talking about, Willis?

I see what you did there... >.>

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Richard Matthews:

::Closing the com link, Richard busied himself making those last minute preparations that always seemed to pop up when someone thought they were done. He didn't have much time before he was expected else ware. Unless Leo was overseeing the ceremony Taybrim was attending. Then the speeches alone might buy him hours of time.::

::If the Captain ever devised a way to read Richard's thoughts, he'd be hung.::

I don't drone on that much, do I? ;)

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^ I totally need to remember this if Sal needs to buy some time... >.>

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^ It's the future's version of cat vids! >.>

Also, this one made me chuckle:


Stevens: As I'm a somewhat late add to this merry band, can someone fill me in on what's ahead?

Matthews: I am not a merry man.

Anyone else read that in Worf's voice??

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  • 4 weeks later...
Taybrim: =/\= We have Ambassador Calderan here, she is in need of medical assistance. =/\=

Jos: ::That gave the doctor pause.:: =/\= Did you say Ambassador Calderan? =/\=

Taybrim: ::he paused, glancing towards Vell and Stevens. Why, yes, that was most certainly Ambassador Calderan.:: =/\= Yes... =/\=

Jos: =/\= Nia *%*$*£*&* Calderan? =/\= ::Again said if it was her full and proper name::

Taybrim: ::he blinked several times, taken aback:: =/\= Um, yes. =/\= ::beat:: =/\= And it's just Nia. =/\=

Jos: =/\= Just Nia *%*$*£*&* Calderan. Got it. =/\= ::At this point it was hard to tell if he was just being obtuse or if he was doing it on purpose.:: =/\= I'm running out of biobeds, Commander. But I have express orders to treat the Ambassador. How bad is she? =/\=

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

:: Leo pondered the issue. Was the Noguwip not so much the vanquisher of

the Taree-Aidris demon, but its keeper and controller?::

::Foreshadowing senses tingling!::

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  On 5/4/2015 at 2:17 PM, Sal Taybrim said:

:: Leo pondered the issue. Was the Noguwip not so much the vanquisher of

the Taree-Aidris demon, but its keeper and controller?::

::Foreshadowing senses tingling!::

Muwahahahaahaha!!! :whistling:


Richard Matthews:

Taybrim: =/\= This is a courtesy reminder to Ensign Pon Pon, Lieutenants Matthews, Sheridan and Gilaars. Meeting in the captain's ready room in fifteen minutes. =/\=

:: The actual hellz? Try as he might, Richard could only draw a blank at a scheduled meeting. This though he couldn't ignore, well he could, and he could possibly get away with it if he bribed Page with genuine tea - with real grown tea leaves and not the replicated stuff. But it would be more of an effort getting his hands on that and trying to attempt bribing a superior (not to mention kind of illegal) so he'd just get up and deal . . . there was always the rest of shore leave to be a lump.::

Matthews: Ugh, I've got to get up now. ::So saying he rolled, he rolled right off of his couch and onto his hands and knees.:: Alright, I'm off the couch, now the getting up part should be easier.


YES PLEASE!!!! :w00t:

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::It was late afternoon, and Cadfael had been spending the last two hours on the holodeck studying shotokan karate with his instructor, Usagi-sensei. He came back into his room and ran a hand along his face, feeling the sweat from the workout. ::

This was inspired by a real life moment. I actually had a professor at De Anza who was named Peter Rabbit. I assumed he became a 4th degree black belt out of self defense, so he wouldn't get picked on in school. I never asked him if that is why this happened.

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  On 5/4/2015 at 2:38 PM, Leo Handley-Page said:

Richard Matthews:

Taybrim: =/\= This is a courtesy reminder to Ensign Pon Pon, Lieutenants Matthews, Sheridan and Gilaars. Meeting in the captain's ready room in fifteen minutes. =/\=

:: The actual hellz? Try as he might, Richard could only draw a blank at a scheduled meeting. This though he couldn't ignore, well he could, and he could possibly get away with it if he bribed Page with genuine tea - with real grown tea leaves and not the replicated stuff. But it would be more of an effort getting his hands on that and trying to attempt bribing a superior (not to mention kind of illegal) so he'd just get up and deal . . . there was always the rest of shore leave to be a lump.::

Matthews: Ugh, I've got to get up now. ::So saying he rolled, he rolled right off of his couch and onto his hands and knees.:: Alright, I'm off the couch, now the getting up part should be easier.


YES PLEASE!!!! :w00t:


I'm calling a Falcon staff meeting. NOW!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Handley-Page: =/\= You do realise we’re trapped in an ion storm and in

grave peril?=/\=

Oh, let me have just a little bit of peril? o:)

  • 2 weeks later...

Handley-Page: [...]y or sloppy?

::Slightly perplexed, Solok addressed the CO.::

Solok: Negative, Sir. The code gives no indication of agricultural origins.

:D :D :D

Page's quote having no context makes it even better. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

When players take digs at thier own characters...


:: After Leo had left sickbay, he returned to the Command Centre. He had
another hour of his shift before turning in. He sat in the Command seat,
and notice how much the cushion has sagged.::

Handley-Page: Must have been that big [...] Pythron squashing it!

  • Like 2
  On 7/10/2015 at 1:51 PM, Sal Taybrim said:

When players take digs at thier own characters...


:: After Leo had left sickbay, he returned to the Command Centre. He had

another hour of his shift before turning in. He sat in the Command seat,

and notice how much the cushion has sagged.::

Handley-Page: Must have been that big [...] Pythron squashing it!

Just means he's extra huggable!

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  On 7/10/2015 at 8:06 PM, Leo Handley-Page said:

Eyas is SUPER-DUPER huggable!!!!!!!! :hug:

Lidia agrees! Best punching bag ever! :hug:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Matthews: Hey Smurf

::A smurf, Udas had come to learn from Matthews, was an ancient Earth cartoon. They were blue with white hair. All similarities ended their. Andorians were vicious warriors, scientists and politicians. Smurfs ran around in the woods.::

Udas: Hey yourself. ::looking Matthews up and down.:: You'd think just once you'd come your bloody hair.


Rocko turned to his tasks in an effort to dig himself out of the kitty litter pile he put himself into.

Hee hee hee... nicely played!

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1011: We find the patient's --

10111101: oO 10101001001001111100101010101. Oo

1101: -- lack of consciousness --

10111101: oO 01001001110100100100100100111. Oo

1011: -- disturbing.

I'm in love with all of Solok's NPCs already, but I completely lost it at this. :D

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