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Shunned by Star Trek  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do if you were shunned by Star Trek?

    • Star Wars
    • Battlestar Galactica
    • Dr. Who
    • Some other Sci-Fi franchise
    • Try to make amends to Paramount ("I'll do anything!")
    • Curl up into the fetal position and shiver... a lot.
    • Something else? Share!

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We are all Star Trek fans; that goes without saying. However, imagine yourself in a world where, due to some unknown heinous offense, you were shunned by all things Star Trek. Imagine that you receive a perpetual cease and desist order from Paramount's lawyers, barring you from anything to do with Star Trek. Send back your uniform, sell your videos, renounce your membership in the fan club: we don't want you. Your poster is up at all the conventions with a big "Not Welcome" label. Toy stores don't allow you to buy the action figures. You're not even allowed to utter such famous phrases as "Make it so" or "Live long and prosper."

You are truely and utterly OUT.

This week's poll is a discussion of this nightmare scenario. How would you react? Where would you turn to get your science fiction fix? What would you turn your fandom towards?

Here are some of the options I thought of. If your's didn't make the list, please share!

  • 1 month later...

Either BSG or I'd make up my own sci-fi world/universe, which I have done in the past.


Do exactly what I'm doing now: keep writing the good version of Star Trek while waiting for someone who actually loves the franchise to make a really good movie about it...


I was a vote for something else. If I could no long sim the Trek verse, I would find myself or start a sim group based on the X-Men and the Marvel Universe. Just realized that I'd at least get to keep Patrick Stewart (my fav captain). lol

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I suppose, though, if all Trek was erased from my brain, I'd turn to Red Dwarf.

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I'd probably focus more on my own writing, Iceni Magni and Foreign Demons both could do with more written in them, maybe do something Mass Effect/Babylon 5 related?

Maybe Honorverse?


One word: Marvel.

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Well, I like all things sci-fi and fantasy, so I've still got Star Wars, Stargate, Dr. Who, Marvel, etc. But Star Trek was one of my first experiences with sci-fi, along with Star Wars. I grew up with TNG and later DS9 and VOY.

I'm gonna go with fetal position here.

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There is already very little star trek in my life these days, so it wouldn't affect me too much, which doesn't mean that I don't like to sim in the ST universe obviously, 'cause I do :). But if I couldn't do that, then I'd go for a Ripper Street sim. Or if it has to be scifi, then a game taking place in the Intersolar Commonwealth written by Peter Hamilton. There are enough worlds and dimensions in those books to create something trekish without even using one star trek word.

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Not that it means a thing to me personally, but I once applied for a Sim-Fleet group. I filled out their detailed applications, character bios, information etc. etc. etc. Waited to hear from them, weeks went by. In that time, I did send the customary "Thank you" email card for them allowing me to fill out the applications for membership. They also wanted to see not just a sample post, but some stories from other places that I sim and or GM.

Suffice it to say, I was a little shocked when I got a email with Glad Salutations to me and then as I read the email the words stood out almost as if they were all caps. "YOU HAVE SO MANY YEARS OF WRITING EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE YOUR OWN SIMS, YOU POSTS ARE CHAPTERS IN SOME PLACES, WE MUST DECLINE YOUR MEMBERSHIP BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR SIMS AND WRITERS HAVE TOO MUCH EXPERIENCE TO BE MEMBERS IN OUR GROUP."

At first I was disappointed. Then I just looked at the other side of the coin, it really was THEIR LOSS, not mine. ;)

But if I did not have Star Trek in my life, I would continue with Star Wars and a lot of other Science Fiction and Fantasy.


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As I'm currently (well, not this exact second) playing a Star Wars tabletop game with friends, I'd probably go for that.

Although someone also mentioned Mass Effect, which would be a fantastic choice, too!


I would no doubt have to go with Battlestar Galactica. There is something about its grittiness and the question as to whether humanity will survive or not... and who could argue against a ship that takes ordnance without shields?

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Honestly, while I do like a number of other Sci Fi options. The only way I wouldn't do star trek if I didn't know about star trek.

Even if it was against the law. I would hold private meetings of "rebels" and what old shows, read and write simms.

Alright, call the deprogrammers and get a white straight jacket.



I am like this, I don't BEG to anyone. ;) And technically, as long as Fan things remain sex; they won't make us stop, writing dreaming creating within their Genre. They need US to much. :) I am Science fiction Fantasy fan so, if Trek kicked me out there are so many journeys I can travel, take a raft with Huck Finn, play baseball with churt rock using sawmill slats for bats.... Oh play me some Mountain music... La la la la. and I can get out house and drive up to Fort Payne, Alabama for the day and have fun in Fort Payne, DeSoto Falls park, Little River Canyon and dream up some Fan Film script plots.... Yeah lots of playgrounds for me.

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Like some others, I don't know that I'd be crushed by the news... I am not a rabid ST fan but do enjoy it. My hope is that we would ALL pick up stakes and Sim something else, because this community I AM quite fond of. We could write Jane Austen fanfic for all I care, as long as I kept in touch with these great people.

I guess if left to my own devices, I'd go back to WoD PBEMs... But they pale in comparison to the structure and organization I find here for the most part.

PS: This is neither an endorsement or suggestion for Jane Austen fanfic writing.


Like some others, I don't know that I'd be crushed by the news... I am not a rabid ST fan but do enjoy it. My hope is that we would ALL pick up stakes and Sim something else, because this community I AM quite fond of. We could write Jane Austen fanfic for all I care, as long as I kept in touch with these great people.

I guess if left to my own devices, I'd go back to WoD PBEMs... But they pale in comparison to the structure and organization I find here for the most part.

PS: This is neither an endorsement or suggestion for Jane Austen fanfic writing.

Here is a little bit of news for everyone, changing the name to Starr Trekk, makes it kosher to continue simming with in Trek universe outline. CBS/Paramount cannot say anything to you. It is like Changing the features ever so slightly to Lady and the Tramp art or Spock art it is not 100 percent copy of those genres therefore their cc's do not bind the artist or a sex writing group. So long as you don't break their CC's you are fine. Now with re-boot alternative trek, you can still get around it but it is a little more difficult... And the rules are harsher to get round with sex standards and they will SHUT DOWN any Fan Film that attempts to use the new reboot look etc.. but again if you really -really like the new re-boot I am sure some one will find a way to get round all the CC language. I am not one of them, to much trouble to try and do.

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I'd go back to making a Babylon 5 uniform and making bad fusions of Mass Effect and Babylon 5. I'm sure I could find SOMEONE to sim that.+

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Posted (edited)

I'd go back to making a Babylon 5 uniform and making bad fusions of Mass Effect and Babylon 5. I'm sure I could find SOMEONE to sim that.+

I love B-5! I am in a costuming/charity group Klingon A. Group but I don't have K character yet. So, they ask me to join as my Ambassador Delenn Char. My ship chapter in KAG is Whitestar Nine. :)

Edited by Renda

Like some others, I don't know that I'd be crushed by the news... I am not a rabid ST fan but do enjoy it. My hope is that we would ALL pick up stakes and Sim something else, because this community I AM quite fond of. We could write Jane Austen fanfic for all I care, as long as I kept in touch with these great people.

I guess if left to my own devices, I'd go back to WoD PBEMs... But they pale in comparison to the structure and organization I find here for the most part.

PS: This is neither an endorsement or suggestion for Jane Austen fanfic writing.

I always played WoD on a chat based setting and Star Trek on an e-mail based one.

I think it's the rank structure that allows Trek e-mail sims to shine. WoD really needs a diceroller mechanic.

After 12 years running Changeling on chats, I finally burned out. Burned out, hard. Which is why I came back to Trek sims. :)


That's okay, we won't be shunned they need us to much ;) And I fully intend to have fun and soon will have some more Star Trek Fan Film news, Doctor Maura Drake, CMO USS Potemkin is about to boldly go to a new assignment. I am so excited, details in a few...

Renda aka T'Brei

"That's Drake, Ensign. Remember it, fear the name if you ever fail to keep your physical appointment." ~ Maura Drake, CMO Potemkin.... A Fan Film...


No Star Trek? Well over the years I've mellowed and no longer the rabid fan I used to be.

I would turn to Babylon 5. One of the many games I've played over the years was a B5 sim. Great was the day I earned command of my own Whitestar, the Capricorn.

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Out I'd go into the Black,

I'd tell 'em I ain't coming back,

They can burn the land and boil the sea,

They can't take Firefly from me.

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Technically Paramount can't do a thing to Sim writters. IF they could, going underground is best. Still write Trek secretly while enjoying other sci-fi like Babylon 5,BSG and others.

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