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Gogigobo Fairhug

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Everything posted by Gogigobo Fairhug

  1. Ever since Q clicked his fingers and sent Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-D hurtling across the galaxy, the Borg have held a deep fascination for many Star Trek fans and characters alike. Over the years and the various incarnations of Star Trek, the Borg have been a continuous threat to all known life that they have encountered. Picard himself was, of course, assimilated and became Locutus. Commander Chakotay experienced what it was like to be part of a Borg hive-mind thanks to Riley Frazier and her “Co-operative”. Even Captain Archer had a run in with the Borg, though it would be two-hundred years before Starfleet would come to realise the full extent of the horror that awaited them, with things really coming to a head at the devastating battle of Wolf 359. And who could forget Excretus of Borg?! (Oh, Bradward.) Still, others have been able to look past the gruesome appearance of the cybernetic implants and see that there is more to the collective than meets the eye. Annika Hansen’s parents found the Borg fascinating enough to want to study them up close, Geordi La Forge and Dr. Crusher were willing to vouch for Hugh and prevent him from being used as a weapon to disable the entire Collective and Captain Janeway not only forged an uneasy (albeit temporary) alliance with the Borg, she eventually freed several drones from the hive-mind, as well as aiding the liberated drones of Unimatrix Zero. All of this leads us to the events of ‘Picard’ and the “xBs” of the Artefact, where we are reunited with Hugh and learn that perhaps resistance is not futile and there is a possibility of life after assimilation, after all. Still, according to Hugh himself, the xBs are among the most despised people in the galaxy, seen as either a commodity to be exploited, or Frankenstein-esque monsters to be feared. However, those like Hugh, who were fortunate enough to regain their independence, have given us as Star Trek fans some of the most poignant, memorable, thought-provoking and emotional moments in the franchise’s history. With that in mind, this month, we are asking you to vote for your favourite “xB”. Come on, show these misunderstood, unfortunate souls the love they deserve!
  2. @Corey Wethern I love the idea that David Bowie and the Beastie Boys are considered "classical music" in the 25th Century. 😂
  3. [Dramatic music swells] 😆 ((CO’s Ready Room – USS Narendra)) Sal Taybrim was blissfully busy assisting Administrator Cass, and working to push forward her application for Miri 4’s Federation membership. He was due to meet with Cass in four hours and wanted to get the majority of the paperwork already done before he checked in with the Bolian. Little did he know that he would never make that meeting. He was focusing on his paperwork, and not especially paying attention to the fact that his requests directly to Starfleet Command were lagging. He had checked the time zone and wrote this off as being in the middle of the night at first. But as night turned to day, and he still had no replies, he started to have a nagging sense that something was wrong. A well-honed sense of low key paranoia borne from years of dealing with danger. And then the call came in. The official Starfleet seal. Sal’s head jerked up – it had been years since he had seen that, and his requests to expedite some paperwork hardly required that level of formality and secrecy. The emblem faded, replaced by a stony face Admiral, whose wrinkled cut through his frown like rivulets worn into stone. Steel grey hair and steel grey eyes completed the picture. Banks: Commodore Taybrim. This is Rear Admiral Banks of Starfleet Command. You have immediate orders to report to Sol sector with the USS Narendra. Sal diplomatically pursed his lips to stop himself from saying anything untowards. Taybrim: May I ask what is the nature of this order? Banks: Urgent Starfleet security matters. You and your crew will report to Sol sector, immediately. He understood the nature of classified missions, but he also had a shockingly high Starfleet clearance. Taybrim: Will we receive more information en route? Banks: No. And that was that. The rest of the conversation was even less enlightening, just a confirmation of the orders, the time table, the requested course, and then a black screen. Suspicious. So very suspicious. That’s when he decided to check the low frequency communicator. Oh. Oh no. There was a waiting message from Commander Dal. Hearing Hauke’s suspicions, the communications blackout and the additional information steeled his reserve. He was going to disobey orders… by following orders. They were going to Sol sector, but now how they were told. They were going to investigate this. And he didn’t have much time. Taybrim: =/\= Taybrim to Fairhug=/\= Fairhug: =/\= ? Taybrim: =/\= I need you to gather the crew and pull everybody back to the Narendra.=/\= Fairhug: =/\= ? Taybrim: =/\= Something has gone wrong. I will fill you in when you’re onboard. =/\= Fairhug: =/\= ? He sent a message to the crew asking them to return, and a message to Solaris McLaren to join the discussion between himself and Commander Fairhug. Something was afoot in Starfleet… ~*~ tags/tbc ~*~ Commodore Sal Taybrim Commanding officer StarBase 118 Ops
  4. Another line that tickled me, this time from @Solaris. 😆
  5. This really tickled me. 😂 Thank you for Rodrega, @Korras. He has been a lot of fun to read. 😆👍🏻
  6. Inspiring stuff from @Evan Ross’ MSNPC. ((Outside the Headquarter, Central Biodome, Miri 4a)) Her patience was running thin. Waiting for the Commodore and his counselor to meet her outside, Zeda could not help but shuffle from one foot to the other - and when she turned around, she finally saw them approaching. Cass: It is good to see you. We should waste no time. Darius: Administrator, I am Counselor Eliana Darius, I am here to help in any way that I can. Zeda tilted her head in recognition. Cass: Greetings. I appreciate your willingness to support our means. This is not the usual working environment for a counselor. Taybrim: I trust counselor Darius will assist in de-escalation and helping keep everyone safe. He said in a deep, reassuring tone. Zeda nodded. She would not question the Commodore's choices regarding personnel. Darius: I must ask, are there any objections to my use of telepathy? It can help me to difuse the situation, if I know exactly what I am working with. Sometimes words are not the true reflection of what is being felt in these situations. I will only read what is required and no one will get hurt. Zeda appreciated the young Officer's thoughtfulness. The sentiment was evident in her smile, even though it was short-lived. Cass: A very mindful question. As my citizens come from various different backgrounds and planets, it is crucial to bear in mind how differently they react and feel about telepathy. It should be our last resort - however, given the drastic situation, you have my permission. Despite the turmoils she still trusted the Starfleet officer to be capable of using her skills considerately. Taybrim: Yes, the colony has a quite cosmopolitan make up of species. Darius: I understand completely. He turned towards Zeda. Taybrim: They’re not mobbing here – where do you think we should go? Cass: The center of conflict is the main city of Biodome 2B. But my sources state that the situation is overrun by aggressive plants, and security personnel is taking control. I do not think we should head directly into battle, let alone join the armed conflict. She wasn't a military leader. She had been voted by a diplomatic counsel, merely overseeing armed action. Zeda liked it to stay that way. Darius: ? Holding his hands up, Taybrim was not visibly armed. Taybrim: We use words, if at all possible. But we have reports that the plants are mobile and we may need to defend ourselves. She nodded. Cass: While we were preparing, the protests have sparked into the Central Biodome - the one we are currently standing in. I think this is a crucial moment to intervene and to talk to the people, spreading the word among all domes. She glanced at her companions and gave a determined nod. Darius: ? They moved at a brisk pace, turning into a common area where a mob of people were gathered around a colony build where smoke was pouring out. There was no organized rescue effort and most of the mob was panicking. Some of them were being restrained, wailing and stomping on the ground as if they were toddlers throwing an out-of-control temper tantrum – but they were adults and they looked like they were affected by some sort of psychotropic. The plant. And that’s when they realized that there were people still stuck in the building. A building that almost certainly had a growing fire within. Taybrim: Over there… there’s people trapped in that building. Zeda's heartbeat was rushing as she came to a stop. This looked nothing like her beloved city center - normally, people were walking around the markets, sitting and eating in the streets, enjoying the perfectly balanced artifical weather: right now, it was a raging chaos. Cass: ::turning towards her security personnel:: This building needs to be evacuated. ::her eyes narrowed as they hesitated to leave her behind - :: Now! A few officers rushed towards the scene of chaos, while two stayed behind with them. Zeda clenched her hands and stared at the grusesome scenes in front of them. As of yet, nobody had seemed to notice them. Cass: What is happening to them? What are they feeling? She turned towards the Counselor, hoping she was able to pick up the emotions of the affected. Darius: ? Taybrim: It’s likely a considerable portion of people in the area are affected by the plant – even if they effects are mild and they’re not violent, they’re disorganized and impaired. As if they were on drugs, it had caused the organization of an already panicked population to fall completely apart. Cass: They must make way for the security teams. The people must get out safely. Darius: ? Taybrim: It’s your call administrator. Zeda threw Taybrim a glance. There was a silent exchange, one of insecurity against commitment - it was time to overcome her fear. She turned towards Officer Darius. Cass: Counselor, is there a way you can reinforce my words, or calm people down to an extent where they might listen to me? Darius: ? She bowed her head lightly. Cass: Any help is appreciated. She turned around, looking out for a prominent position - without further ado, Zeda approached the scene of chaos and climbed on top of a collapsed market stand. Smoke and a biting smell were emerging from the building in front of her as she raised her arms and voice. They were running out of time. Cass: People of Miri 4a! Please listen to me. Only a few heads were turning around towards her. The affected people still didn't seem to notice anything going on around them. Cass threw a glance at Counselor Darius, hoping she could support her as she continued. Taybrim/Darius: ? Cass: Miri 4a is facing troubling times. I understand that fear, confusion and anger are taking hold of your hearts. I feel the same. But I need you to remember where we come from. She paused and took a deep breath. Cass: This colony was built on a hostile surface. This moon offered nothing, and look what you made from it! ::she gestured around them:: You've invested hard work and so much love in this world, and those are the foundation and the soil we walk on today. I need you to remember that. This colony was build by a community and we need to defend and preserve it as one. Starfleet arrived here as a friend, but it is still us who need to rise and stand our place. Taybrim/Darius: ? Zeda gazed around the chaotic street as she extended her hand towards the building. Cass: Please, take a deep breath and focus! Brothers and sisters of ours are trapped inside this building, and they need our help! I know some of you are feeling unwell, and from those of you I only request to remember who and what you love in this colony. Remember the good days. Make way for security. ::she was hoping that the delirious state might increase positive emotions as well, not only negative ones:: Remember your friends, your family! Everyone else - whoever feels able to, please support our officers. Bring water. Evacuate the building. Biodome 2B is facing serious trouble. The citizens are in need of food and we need people who support the deliveries. Talk to your local authorities, remember what we are fighting for! She gazed around the street, hoping for some response. Taybrim/Darius: ? Administrator Zeda Cass Head of Colony Miri IVa as simmed by Lieutenant JG Evan Ross Intelligence Officer StarBase 118 Ops O240009ER2
  7. And this one from @Sal Taybrim also tickled me. 😂
  8. This line from @Mister_Wake tickled me. 😂
  9. I have a feeling there are going to be lots more chapters to add to that book, @Corey Wethern! 😂
  10. I enjoyed this line from @Sal Taybrim.
  11. The more serious side of @Corey Wethern. 👏🏻
  12. @Corey Wethern that’s next mission. 😉😂
  13. My approach is very similar to Robin’s ☝. I would also add that species is something I take into consideration. So, instead of picking an actor and shoe-horning them into a particular species, I tend to think to myself “Hmm…who would make a good Vulcan/Bolian/Ferengi?” etc. 🤔
  14. Really enjoyed this engrossing sim from @Mister_Wake, particularly the way it shows the difference in what was actually happening/being said and what was happening/being said in T’Reyna’s mind. 👏🏻 ((Distribution Station, Biodome 2B, Miri IVa)) Having a scanner buzzing by her head was not pleasant, yet a lesser annoyance compared to the fury rising in her scorching veins. Myran: If she is indeed infected, Commander, she needs to be moved to a medical facility quickly. Fairhug: Ensign, how do you f… Foolish, foolish... T'Reyna: Shut up! ::She outburst:: My.. Head! So ... Full of ... Hatred! Commander, Adjunct, I am... unfit for ... Duty, please ... stun me before--... This could be career ending. Telling an officer to quiet. He understands, however. This is not herself. Any fool could deduce that. oO I need to control myself Oo Myran: Commander? A soft feeling. Touch, hands, sensation. It caused her eyes to widen, in surprise, in anxiety, in happiness and anger all at once. Relief and stress, how dare she touch you, she is here to help, please do not touch me... Irrational, illogical, irritable.. Myran: Let me take your pain, Ensign. ::Turning to Fairhug, her eyes full of compassion.:: I can only dull her pain, Commander. I cannot work against the effects of the plant; however. Ah... Solace... All that pain through her neurons ceased. No longer did the fire spread through her with agony to kick her blooming chaos into motion. Her breaths would become more steady, practiced and focused as she attempted to endure through the emotions. This was like Pon Farr all over again. Fairhug: How do you feel, Ensign? T'Reyna: I am not... Fit... For duty... Myran?: No, you are not. Commander, we should really move her to a medical facility, but we also need to deal with this uprising and the plant that has once again morphed into something other than what it was. Containment is logical. Containment is best. Containment is encasement, wrong, you can help them, they need you, this is not what you deserve! Serve them, prove yourself! The pain may be dulled, but the flames are out of control, like a bonfire rising smoke, filling the lungs with choking ambition! Fairhug: Do you have anyone who can help nearby? Myran pulled out her communicator and typed something into it one handed. Myran?: I have let security know that we have several affected by the plant. They are sending reinforcements and medical personnel. Fairhug: Ensign, why do you feel you are unfit for duty? The Commander! Calming, soothing, official! Answer him, you fool! He asked you a question, soldier! T’Reyna: Symptoms... Blood on fire... Emotions- forced... And... And... Difficult to think... Fighting oneself, to... suppress... An attack from within... it is... in my blood... Even without the pain, the new war within raged on. Sweat dripped down from her forehead as her body fought the flu-like symptoms, her body trying to heat out the pathogens within. Cold fusion, soldier. You feel that flowing through your veins, the energy? That is not an illness, that is you! What you are without that pathetic Vulcan teachings, who you are supposed to be! If you destroy the working parts, you get a broken machine! A beacon of light from a burning screen! Light it all up, Subaltern! Let this city burn, root out the infection, bring these miserable people the monster they believe you to be! oO I am not a Subaltern any longer... I am an Ensign! My duty is to these people, not destruction.. Oo Cut the source of the problem out, you cannot cure cancer without radiation! Fight the fire within with a fire of your own! Burn it all down! Light up the void! Hands firm. Her eyes snapped to the Adjunct as she was grasped like a common criminal. No matter how much T'Reyna knew why, her body insisted on fighting back. Every ounce of her being fought against the infection, the illogical conceptions of hostility... Myran?: Please don’t fight against me, Ensign. This is for your safety. We’re going to get you some help. Fairhug?: Perhaps we should take a step back, Adjunct. T’Reyna is a friend and a Starfleet Officer. I’m sure she means us no harm. Yes, Officer, I am Subaltern T'Reyna, ally, friend, you are not my target... T’Reyna: Commander, it is... ok...-- That is all she managed to say. It was not the flash of phaser fire she sensed first. It was the sound she first heard. Phaser. Fire. Energy. Flame. Fairhug?: Get down up! Shoved away by a force she could not even register of the Commanders, she was now free of the soothing grasp of Myran. The pain returned, flooding her being. Yet it was not the same agony she felt before. No, this was not pain. It was something different. Something familiar. Something worse. Something older. Myran: ? Another shot. Another firefight. Another time. Fairhug?: It’s the Tellarite Jem'Hadar. Looks like he found T’Reyna’s phaser! Myran: ? T’Reyna: Contact! This wasn't an alleyway. It was the Badlands. Harlow-III. A barely inhabited piece of rock in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by abnormal storms in space that made any chance of reinforcements a petty dream. Yet even here, across these scorched barren rocks filled with craters, the flames swirled in vortex firestorms, rushing in hazes across the battlefield. Smoke rose from the pits nearby, where ships had been shot down and homes had been laid to waste. The only safety were canyons; natural rock formations where once the rivers of life flowed, only to dry after thousands of years of heat. Walls either side, bricks upon Miri-IV, the canyon stretched only a small passage. No cover, no escape, only a way forward. To fight. The pain of the heat rose from within, a uniform ripped and torn as blood oozed from her chin, scarred from the protest, shrapnel from artillery. This was war. This was Hell. Before her, the enemy came into sight as her two crewmates fell. The Jem'Hadar, armoured and rifled, his pale scales as clear in this red rock as a target like a star in space. His rifle raised and she knew his aim was perfected through Dominion training. Yet he missed, anyway. The phaser hitting a wall above Commander Fairhug. Perhaps it was the storms that toyed his senses, or a lack of ketracel-white. Both sides had lacked supplies for weeks. There was only moments before they deaths. She acted fast, as was her instinct, a good soldier that she is. She dived down, gripping Adjunct Myran's Sublieutenant Voltok's phaser from her his holster. In a snap-like motion, muscle memory and trained focus, she fired upon the TellariteJem'Hadar soldier. Myran/Fairhug: ? It is fortunate Myran had set it to stun. The enemy fell, heavily with a thud. Another foe defeated, of little relief for their vast infinite numbers. Harlow-III, she swore, would not be their grave, no matter how much they must suffer to fulfill their role in this endless war. Wasn't this war twenty-six years ago? T'Reyna blinked. The Tellarite was on the floor, stunned from Adjunct's phaser. Slowly, as she came back to reality, she dropped the phaser with a shaken hand once more. To her, the body was still. She knew not if she had just killed him or not. She did not know if she had just killed an innocent man. In that momentary panic, she felt her body freeze in place as the fires cooled. For even a soldier, burning in the embers of battle, would defeat themselves in the cold depths of guilt. Myran/Fairhug: ? Ensign T'Reyna Security Starbase 118 Ops O240102T11
  15. Love this from @Sasch Kreshkova. ☺️
  16. I enjoyed the nod to the TOS episode in this dialogue from @Madison Marsh, but what I also liked was how it speaks to our unfortunate propensity to repeat our mistakes.
  17. This exchange between @Vitor S. Silveira and @Madison Marsh tickled me. 😂
  18. Ahh, the old meatsack full of chemical impulses on the moon saying from @Sal Taybrim. Barely a day goes by that I don't use this one. 🤣
  19. A nice modern twist on a classic from @Mister_Wake. 😂👌🏻
  20. Loved this bit of narration from @Sasch Kreshkova. 👌🏻
  21. Gogi is still getting ready! 😧
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