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Gogigobo Fairhug

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Everything posted by Gogigobo Fairhug

  1. Four Doctors Walk into a Lab - Ouch! 😜
  2. I was going to post a quote from this shore leave sim by @Dekas in the Denali thread. Then I Saw another that I was going to post. Then another. So I thought I might as well post the whole damn sim! 😂 ((Roof of Anchorage tower, Denali Station)) Dekas had done his best not to think about it too much. The fact that his apparent best friend hadn’t even tried to talk to him since he showed up. Not that it surprised him much. Om-Zora was more than aloof, and while it had certainly gotten worse in the years they hadn’t spoken, he’d always been at least a little like that. He was very good at dropping off the face of the universe and acting like Dekas didn’t exist for whatever reason. He wanted to blame it on the Vulcans, but he knew that wasn’t fair to them considering he was pretty sure they would have at least let him know if they were going to go silent for a while instead of just doing it the way Om-Zora had. So he could only blame it on him. And all of those weird bitter feelings came forth now that they were in visual range of each other. He was mad about a lot of things, and the fact that this Aurelian had picked this time to be on the same roof as him at the same time on accident annoyed him more than he wanted to admit. The tall, gold-feathered Aurelian glanced over at Dekas and gave him a small wave from the other side of the roof. Dekas’ eyes narrowed, and he threw up a hand as though to say, “what? Only a wave? That’s it? After seven years???” Om-Zora had no such need to express an emotion about this beyond a small tilt of his head as though to respond with, “You could just come over here and say hi.” This somehow made Dekas angry, feathers on his face fluffing up with that emotion. There had never been a moment he so deeply wished he had a middle finger to flip him off with. oO What if I went off-kilter and killed him? Oo That wasn’t a great thought. oO Keep it together, Dekas. You’d probably get severely court-martialed for killing him. Even if he for sure had it coming. Oo He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He still didn’t walk over to him. It wasn’t his responsibility to be the one to make proper contact when he hadn’t been the one to cut contact in the first place. So he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes once, then made direct eye contact after the fact, and they held that eye contact for a solid minute before Om-Zora gave in and walked over to him. Om-Zora: ::in a monotone:: You are as stubborn as ever. All he felt was rage. But he was better than letting that get the best of him, and he held back the amount of profanities he had in his repertoire of known languages. Dekas: You’re so slappable right now it’s almost painful not to. And I don’t consider myself slappy, so don’t say that lightly. Seven years of absolutely nothing, and then weeks of even more nothing, while you have been on the Station. And you expected ME to come to YOU? Entitled. And stupid. You’d think with a medical degree you’d be better at not being an idiot. Om-Zora: I thought you didn’t want to talk to me. Dekas: YOU COULD HAVE ASKED! ::he lowered his voice, despite the fact they were the only two up there. Didn’t need an echo to betray him:: I mean, you could have asked. Om-Zora: You’re right. I could have. I should have. The fact that I didn’t was illogical. But I ended up getting nervous. It’s been so long, I wasn’t sure how to approach you. I am better at handling patients than I am friends, it would seem. I’m sorry. Dekas was still mad, a sorry wasn’t enough to make him not mad. But the fact he was willing to admit to there being an issue from his side did make it easier to not slap him in the moment. Om-Zora: I understand if you’re not ready to forgive it. Or if you would prefer we only be on professional terms. He spoke with that same initial monotone as if he didn’t care either way even though he clearly did care or he wouldn’t have apologized at all. oO You’re not getting out of this friendship that easily. Oo Dekas: Don't get me wrong. I'm mad, and it's extremely tempting to agree and say we go our separate ways and only interact during work hours. It would make things simpler. However, I'm not that person, and I already told you before, there is very little you could actually do that would make me not want you in my life. Even now when I'm feeling like this. Om-Zora simply nodded. Dekas: So I think I can forgive you. On one condition. Om-Zora: ::head tilt:: What condition is that? Dekas stepped close to him and backed him against the edge of the building. Dekas: This. And he shoved him right off Anchorage. Which did startle his friend enough to make a noise. oO Satisfying. Oo (What? He could fly perfectly well. Besides, he jumped off right after. And by that point, Om-Zora had already righted himself into flight.) Om-Zora: A warning would have been nice! Dekas: I thought it was implied! Om-Zora: It was not implied! He laughed and then went full speed ahead of him. Om-Zora was taller and his wingspan much larger, but Dekas had the advantage of speed and a better sense of sharp turns and landings now because of the recent tail feather growth. Dekas: Hope you haven’t gotten a proper tour yet, because I can give you a better one if you can catch up to me! Om-Zora: You could have just asked. Dekas: But then I wouldn’t have gotten to push you off the building. Om-Zora: That is an extremely illogical way to deal with your frustrations, and I hope you know that. Dekas: I do, but thanks for being such a good sport about it! He used that moment to fly upwards and very high. Angry or not, there was nothing better than a good flight with another Aurelian. Truly experience wind underneath and through his feathers and be able to know that another person felt the same. As a bonus, he got some exercise in. Thankfully it seemed Golden Boy wasn’t too bothered by the whole thing because he followed. Would it be enough to ease all the bitterness he had toward his old friend? No. But it was definitely a start. [NT / Just some bird interactions. Gotta get them in there.] — Lt. Commander Dekas Counselor Denali Station J239802D12 Pronouns: They/she (player), He/him (character)
  3. Love Gogi being compared to a majestic lion! Flattery will get you everywhere @Rustyy_Hael! 😂
  4. Really enjoyed this little slice of life from @Oddas Aria and @Alex Forsyth. (( Kingsley’s Quarters )) Gwen was not used to so much space, so her wardrobe was still relatively limited - uniforms and a small collection of civilian clothes. For the occasion, she selected a cotton dress that felt modest enough for a second date, but casual enough for the setting. Blue and red, it had been a gift from her family, they meant well but its cut and color was not exactly her favorite. A brush of the hair later, she managed to get out the door and to the bar on time, and found a table near the source of music, but close enough to a wall to afford some privacy. ((Alex’s quarter, Anchorage, Denali station)) Alex stood in front of her tall mirror, Trying out her fourth outfit so far as none of the others suited her. So now she was trying on a simple Jumper, shirt and jeans. It was the best she had, Fashion wasn’t her thing. oO It will have to do
.Oo She looked at her clock to see it is nearly time for her and Gwen date. Alex quickly tidied up her room by chucking them into the dresser and beelined towards the door. Once there she stop just before the door to mobius, Forsyth: ::To herself:: Ok, You did this before. It's just a date, It's not as bad as rocks falling from the sky or getting eaten by a space whale
.. With one deep, soft breath, Alex steps inside. It was like how she last remembered it, back on her first day with Lt. Commander Stelek. It was surprising to see the bar had received from the harrowing event, The asteroid attack left much of the ring city in a right sorry state. Making her way farther in, She spotted the Dark haired Marine sitting by one of the tables along the wall. She flashed the Marine with an awkward smile as she walked up, trying to look cool but coming off as more goofy. Forsyth: Hey, Gwen. Kingsley: Hey there, how are you? Forsyth::Blushing:: Y-You look great, tonight. Gwen motioned for the seat across from her as Alex sat down, Unsure what to say next. Forsyth: So, How have you been? Kingsley: Good, keeping busy with training and rebuilding - now that the med folks think I’m fully recovered. Forsyth: Cool, I’ve been busy here and there. That was an understatement
. Gwen grinned and cocked her neck to the side - she knew the other woman had been busy off the Ring - and that some things were out of her pay scale. Just then, a waiter came over, Readying his PADD. Waiter: Hello, what are you having? Alex grabbed the drink menu, giving it a look through. Forsyth: I’ll have some scotch with ice, please. Kingsley: ::without looking:: Same, straight up. Waiter: Right, Anything else? Forsyth: Not for me, Gwen? She gave it a thought - Gwen had given working all day, training, running, and then doing her usual recon shift through ten more square blocks of the city. Kingsley: I hope you won’t think less of me, but I haven’t eaten since 0600? Forsyth: Not at all, I’ve been there a few times myself. Kingsley: ::to the waiter:: Whatever passes for a cheeseburger, no tomatoes, medium rare, large order of fries, ketchup on the side. If you have bacon, there’s an extra tip in it for you. The man smiled and made some notes. Waiter: I think we can manage. Forsyth: You know what, I’ll have the same. It has been a while since I had a meal that was
real. Waiter: Ok, we’ll get on that. As he hurried off for their order, Gwen turned back to Alex. Kingsley: Thanks, I needed that. ::beat:: So, what are your plans for shore leave? Forsyth: Oh, Just catch on some art or reading, maybe do some sightseeing. Kingsley: I haven’t made it that far out, I feel like I’ve been cooped up for too long. Forsyth: Same, been working non-stop since I’ve been promoted. Gwen nodded. She had been around long enough to know how promotions worked, the move up from Ensign to Lieutenant was a big one for a lot of the regular officers - one that could test a lot of relationships. Even Marines could struggle with that transition, though they tended to be a little more regimented and that helped make sure the transition was a bit less bumpy, a bit more professional. Kingsley: From what I can tell, you deserved it. Forsyth: Thanks, I’m still surprised by it. Kingsley: Planning to hit anything in particular in the city? Forsyth: Not really, I still don’t know a lot about this area. Kingsley: On patrol I came across a large, I guess you’d call it a park. Green space, with lots of trees and green, and what looked like some sort of tables and things right smack in the middle of a bunch of buildings. It covered easily a dozen blocks, but it also had a large lake in the middle of it. Forsyth: Sounds incredible. The waiter brought their drinks and slid them in front expertly without interrupting them, Gwen nodded ‘thanks’ and picked it up held it in her left hand. Kingsley: Exactly. Forsyth: You must have been thrilled to discover something like that. Kingsley: I was on patrol, it was just one of those things. It was interesting to see a thriving green space in the middle of so much city. Really reminds you sometimes that wherever you go, whatever you see, things stay the same. Alex took a sip of her drink, happy to just listen. Gwen raised her drink, but sat it down. Kingsley: It even had a little waterfall off to one side, flowing from one side of a building. I wonder if it was originally like that or if something broke down, but I haven’t had a chance to go back and find out. Forsyth: I’ll be sure to add that to my list, Might be a good place to do some painting. Kingsley: Painting?. Forsyth: It is not my favourite of hobbies, I do like to just draw or build models mainly. The Waiter returned with their food, placing a plate down in front of each of them. They looked amazing, smelling good as well. Alex took a bite of hers, tasting it a little. Gwen took the moment to taste her drink - good, but not the best she had had. Forsyth: Oh wow, This is good. Kingsley: That’s good to hear. The Marine picked up the burger and looked it over before decided on a line of attack, before finally finding a way that worked and sinking in for a large bite. Forsyth: Good, Isn’t it. Kingsley: ::between chew::Very. ::beat:: Oh, I almost forgot. Forsyth: What? Kingsley: The little park, there were these little paths, like something, had been moving through it, herds of something. Gwen swallowed and held her hand over her face while she sought a napkin. Forsyth: Herd, Like wild animals? How deep were the tracks? Kingsley: Seven or Eight stone? Walking on three or four legs, tracking, is not my best suit. Forsyth: Wow that's incredible.. For the dance floor, the music began a much louder series of beats, and to Gwen’s ear a steadier series of horns, closer to Earth music even if what was passing for words were nothing her vocal cords could reproduce. Forsyth: What were they like, Big or small? Kingsley: ::grinning:: I have no idea. Forsyth: So what happened to this park, Is now being used again or not? Kingsley: Well, like most things we find, it's just cataloged and waiting for us, the crew, to have enough people to matter. Alex continued to listen while eating her food, hearing stories like this were all her favourites. She remembered the ones her dad told her, about alien worlds and lost cities. Gwen tried the fries, which were good, but were not made from potatoes. Forsyth: I would love to explore something like that, Uncovering lost secrets. Alex did get somewhat explore one of the buildings with Kenrick and Fairhug, making sure it was safe for the Mithgiln. Kingsley: To be fair, all you need to do, is step outside ::she gestured outside with her hand, still holding her burger:: get yourself on a duty schedule. The station is kinda brilliant that way. Alex smiled, the music had changed to something different but still with a beat. Forsyth: Get anything for your collection recently? Kingsley: ::perking up::My dad just sent me a great simulation of a steam locomotive, when we get holodecks up and running it will be an excellent immersive workshop. Forsyth: Steam Locomotive, Those used to be my dad's favourite too. Kingsley: Maybe we should introduce them some day. The music picked up and Gwen thought she recognized a beat, even if she didn’t recognize the song itself. It was slower than several of it predecessors, almost danceable, and she took the opportunity set her food down and make the universal sign for “do you want to dance?” Alex: Sure, Although I’m a bit rusty. Getting up and following Kingsley to the dancefloor, A bit of her felt nervous but also a little bit curious by it. oO Now don't step on her foot.... Oo End. _____________________ Lieutenant.Jg Alex Forsyth Tactical Denali Station D239910AF1 Warrant Officer, 2C Gwen Kingsley Cyber Warfare Officer Lightning Aldabrans Written by Fleet Captain Oddas Aria Commanding Officer Denali Station E239305OA0
  5. Completely agree. Nicely done, Mister Raimor!
  6. This tickled me from @EgilRenot. 😂
  7. @Nestira Aristren's MSNPC's first impressions of Sherlock, Willow and Ksivi-Sava! đŸ˜‚đŸ‘ŒđŸ»
  8. Such high standards from @Ksivi-Sava. đŸ€Ł
  9. @Dekas ❀
  10. Love to see glimpses into the lives of fellow crew members, like this offering from @Kailar Tod. đŸ™‚đŸ‘đŸ» ((Personal Log - Starfleet Shuttle, Near Trillius Prime)) It has been a couple of days since the mission concluded, and I find myself on a shuttle headed for Trillius Prime, my home planet. The journey has been quiet, allowing me some time to reflect on the events of the recent mission. I am grateful for the successful outcome and for the camaraderie share with my fellow crewmates on the USS Eagle. As the shuttle glides through the stars, I can't help but think about the mysteries that have been haunting me. Chief among them is te disappearance of Joran, my former bondmate. It has been years since he vanished without a trace, leaving me with unanswered questions and a void in my heart. While I may be on a personal journey to meditate and train, a part of me knows tat I can never truly leave behind the search for him. I hope that in spending time on Trillius Prime, I may find some clarity and closure. The shuttle arrives on Trillius Prime, and I step out onto familiar soil. A sense of tranquility washes over me as I take in the serene surroundings. I am home. The journey to my isolated house is one I have taken countless times, yet it always feels like a new beginning. It is a place where I can strengthen my body and mind, where I can delve deep into the mysteries that have been eluding me for far too long. For now, I take comfort in knowing that I am on the right path. ((End Personal Log)) ((Kailar's House, Trillius Prime)) Nestled amid the serene beauty of Trillius Prime, Kailar's house stood as a testament to his desire for solitude and reflection. The quaint dwelling blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings, its architecture and design harmoniously integrated with the picturesque landscape. It was a place where the Trill found peace and solace, away from the bustling world of starships and intergalactic missions. As Kailar approached the house, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and comfort wash over him. The tall trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling softly like a soothing melody. He took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp, clean air, scented with the fragrance of the nearby flowers. Tod: It's good to be back. His steps were measured, deliberate, as he ascended the wooden steps leading to the front porch. The soft creaking of the wood beneath his feet added to the ambiance of the tranquil setting. Unlocking the door, Kailar stepped inside and was greeted by the warmth of his home. The interior was adorned with various artifacts and art pieces, each telling a story of its own. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with volumes of knowledge and wisdom, a testament to Kailar's thirst for understanding the mysteries of the universe. A large window overlooked a small garden, where Kailar had cultivated an assortment of colorful flowers and plants. Gardening had become one of his favorite pastimes, a way to connect with nature and find moments of serenity amidst the complexities of life. Moving further inside, he found his meditation room, a place of silence and tranquility. Here, he could escape the distractions of the outside world and delve deep into his thoughts, seeking answers and insights that often eluded him. As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape outside, Kailar found himself drawn to the small study in the house. It was here that he kept his personal logs, detailing his thoughts, emotions, and reflections on life's journey. Seated at the desk, he activated a holographic display and began to transcribe his recent experiences, including his contemplation of joining as a Trill. The idea had been growing in his mind, and he knew that becoming a joined Trill would be a profound and life-changing decision. Lost in thought, he took a moment to look at a holographic image of Joran. It showed a joyful moment they had shared during a trip. The memory was bittersweet, a reminder of the happiness they had once shared, and the uncertainty that had followed Joran's disappearance. Kailar's mind drifted back to the mysteries he sought to unravel—the truth about Joran's vanishing, the enigmatic circumstances surrounding it, and the lingering questions about his own purpose and identity. The journey to self-discovery was far from over, and he was determined to find the answers he sought. As the night fell, Kailar leaned back in his chair, gazing up at the stars through the large window. The vastness of the cosmos reminded him of the infinite possibilities that lay ahead. He knew that his journey was just beginning, and that his time on Trillius Prime was only a stepping stone in the grand tapestry of his life. Kailar closed his eyes, embracing the tranquility of the moment. The mysteries of the universe beckoned to him, and he was ready to embark on whatever path lay ahead, knowing that the pursuit of truth and understanding was a journey that would last a lifetime. NT / TBC ------ Ensign Kailar Tod Tactical Officer Denali Station D240006KT3
  11. From @Freck. It's been that kind of mission. đŸ€Ł
  12. Also love @Haukea-Willow's unique approach to things. đŸ‘đŸ»
  13. Love our sociable Security Officer @Haukea-Willow. 😂
  14. And here's one of those great little touches we've come to expect from @Alex Forsyth. đŸ˜‚đŸ‘ŒđŸ»
  15. @Kettick's MSNPC Xern and @Oddas Aria do indeed go waaay back. 😂
  16. Love this from @Kailar Tod. Pretty much sums things up in general! đŸ€Ł
  17. Okay, here's the context for @Dekas' sim title. It's too good not to mention. 😂
  18. One of those sim titles you had to be there for, from @Dekas. đŸ€Ł
  19. @Ksivi-Sava, Garak approves this sim title. đŸ‘đŸ»
  20. Will @Madison Marsh ever forgive me for assigning her to Engineering on her Cadet Cruise? Find out when Gogi and Madison meet again! đŸ˜œđŸ€Ł
  21. Really enjoyed reading @Freck's Gallamite mercenary Captain. Possibly the first villain I've ever felt sorry for? 😅 Looking forward to him possibly popping up again somewhere down the line. 👀 (( Corridors, Mercenary Ship Proficiency )) Delmer was practically chuckling with glee as the doors to the escape bay were finally blasted open and he watched the disruptor rifles of his security team fire through the doorway. It was even more gratifying when they made ground, stepping through the doorway and into the bay specifically. He was in the middle of wishing for some Gramilian sand peas to snack on as he watched the streaks of orange and green rip across his display, when suddenly one of them that had climbed into the pod called out and then, the unthinkable began to happen! The last of them started to retreat into the pod. Delmer: What? They’re getting away, shoot them down! Ah, of course, shooting them down. There was more than one way of accomplishing that, which he’d alluded to in his threats to the Starfleet crew earlier. Time to put his money where his mouth was. With a quick movement, the Gallamite clicked the comms panel. Delmer: =/\= Bridge, this is Delmer. Are sensors good enough for a target lock? =/\= Kutel: =/\= Uhhhh
a weapons lock? =/\= He couldn’t help but sigh. He did not have time for this. Delmer: =/\= Yes, Kutel, a weapons lock. I’m not playing around anymore. =/\= He practically ground the words out around his clenched teeth. Kutel: =/\= Uh
I can shoot, sir, no problem there, but
what am I going to be shootin’ at? =/\= Delmer: =/\= In a few seconds, you’re going to— =/\= Suddenly, the whole ship lurched to the side, and Delmer was once again thrown to the ground. He had to blink a couple of times before awareness came back, but it was awareness of rushing wind that brought him back and with a surge of adrenaline. They had ANOTHER hull breach?! What the hell happened in there? He thrust himself to his feet, but before he could even check to see if his team was still alive, a flash of fur and his First Officer was clinging to the panel, punching in the emergency commands to seal the pod bay with a forcefield. Delmer: What do you think you’re doing? We have crew in there! M’Raak turned on him, and Delmer was shocked not at the rage in her eyes, but the sadness. M’Raak: Don’t you think I know that? This ship – Your­ ship – is falling apart at the seams! It was them or the whole lot of us! The Gallamite stumbled back in disbelief. There was no way he’d just sit idly by while those damnable officers murdered his crew and lived to tell the tale. He punched in comms to the bridge again. Delmer: =/\= Kutel, I swear, I better hear about pod debris in the next five seconds, or so help me
 =/\= Kutel: =/\= Aye, sir, I figured out what you were askin’ fer. I got the pods. All of ‘em. =/\= All of them? He glanced at M’Raak, who had moved to stare through the shimmering field at whatever damage had been wrought to his ship. She looked back with just sadness now. At least they had vengeance. Kutel: =/\= There is
one thing, though, sir. =/\= Delmer: =/\= What is it, Kutel?! =/\= Kutel: =/\= Now that the sensors are clearin’ up a bit, it does look like there might be some residual transporter activity around the pods? Is that— =/\= The communications were cut short once more, but rather than an explosion, it was just the Captain’s fist literally punching the button to end the call, denting the panel in the process. Delmer: That’s fine, I can
I can still track them. I can still lure them back with
 Where was the communicator? The entire foundation of this plan, it was in his pocket, he’d literally just been feeling it in his pocket and now it was gone?! That was it, he couldn’t take it anymore! Delmer: Damn you, Falt! I swear to the stars themselves, I’ll
! He was so chocked for words he couldn’t even get the words out. He wanted to swear vengeance, he wanted to curse him, he wanted to
he wanted to scream and cry and get all of the raw emotion out, but he just
couldn’t. Instead, he sank to his knees in the middle of the corridor. Defeated. He was defeated. All of his plans, his machinations, all of it. All of it was for naught. And yet, as Caitian fingers gripped his shoulder, he was reminded that he wasn’t yet alone. She spoke gently, calmly. M’Raak: Come on, Captain. Delmer. We need to get this vessel spaceworthy and get out of this system before Starfleet finishes up and decides to come after us. Delmer: Does
does the cloak work still? M’Raak: I believe so. That would give us the time we need. The Gallamite nodded weakly. Delmer: Then we should activate cloak and effect repairs. M’Raak: Aye, sir. I’ll get our engineers right on that. You go back to your ready room and recover. He shook his head and climbed back to his feet. Delmer: No, no, I’m a member of the crew the same as all of you. I won’t let you have all the fun. M’Raak got a sad smile on her muzzle. M’Raak: Good. Besides, I know you. You’ve still got tricks up your sleeve, and it’ll be good to distract that big thinker of yours. The Gallamite rolled his eyes. She did know him well. And as they set off towards Engineering to hide their ship, he couldn’t help but think that yes, he did still have tricks up his sleeve, and this certainly wouldn’t be the last that Lieutenant Commander Falt, or the Eagle, for that matter, would see of him. NT/END for Delmer's reign of terror...for now ---------------------- MSNPC Delmer Mercenary Captain Written By Lieutenant Junior Grade Freck Science Officer Denali Station D239911F12
  22. Welcome to the Fleet! Great job in training. 🙂
  23. I love the little tangents @Araxxu Vahin goes off on. 😂
  24. Love the description and thought process in this passage from @Ksivi-Sava, as well as the phrase "dark-eyed, carroty-haired presence". 😂
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