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Baylen Anders

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Everything posted by Baylen Anders

  1. ::They had been waiting, ready to catch the Albion in the most limited position possible. Mines to the left of her, jokers to the right... stuck in the middle was not a good position.:: Via Sal Taybrim
  2. Falcon: We don’t need full power, just enough to maneuver. Think of it like… marshal arts. Jujitsu with starships. Stormcrow pushes, we use that force against them and throw them into the field.
  3. I love this one
  4. It's all about the bounce!!!

  5. ::As the Commander was talking, a giant Gorn entered the bridge. Trellis turned to look at the large creature. His first reaction was to tense in fear then, seeing the Starfleet uniform, to relax.::
  6. Taybrim: ::He put a hand to his chest in mock-shock:: Any rumors of my addiction to breakfast pastries is highly overstated.
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet
  8. Supper Busy weeks suck!

  9. We are missing you!!!

  10. Taybrim: Moron. I just loved that... I smiled from ear to ear lol....
  11. Watching ghost shows, I will get all spooked out and wont be able to sleep lol.... Happen every time.

    1. Selene Faranfey

      Selene Faranfey

      I can't watch them at night for the very same reason, usually during daylight, and then need something I consider fluff afterwards, like a Disney movie. Maybe that will help?

    2. Baylen Anders

      Baylen Anders

      Lol funny how the mind plays tricks on us after watching stuff like that lol

  12. I am not a fan of having to pay to watch it. Because I already pay for cable, Netflix and Amazon Prime and so on, so having to pay CBS a monthly fee does not set well with me. I also like the JJ Trek Movies as a stand alone movies (I have pretend there just sci fi not trek) So I would really hate if CBS tries to run on that, and I am thinking that is what they want seeing how there hiring Bad Robot guys. I would hope that CBS would launch a forums to ask what the fans want and then listen to them. I know we all don't want the same thing but from what I read I know a lot of people do not want the JJ universe. For me what I want is a Star Trek Forensic type show with Medical, Greys Anatomy meets NCIS in trek lol. I would want a good cast of older actors not like some super young captain. I hate building a sexy cast just to get you all hot under the collar. Captain: Micheal Fassbinder? CMO: Robert Englund FO: Kate Winslet That is the type of cast I would like to see
  13. Sal: = ::He found himself grinning equally widely at that, and for a moment he wondered keenly what Commander West would look like running about in his underwear. Perhaps if he was a better telepath he would have been able to glean a mental image from the conversation, but instead he was left with only his imagination running wild.::
  14. What a beautiful cool day out side. Its so nice to not be in the upper 90's for once. Yay Fall!!!

  15. Handley-Page: =/\= Page to Commander Taybrim. Your Captain has returned… =/\= Made me think of the line "Honey I am home" I can just see the Captain taken off his top coat and setting down his briefcase and hanging up his hat as he puffs on his pipe. Lol
  16. Taybrim: Tip-toe, [...] foot. Let’s not rock the boat, literally. That said, the Arrow Class has extra shield generation capabilities and we may be able to augment the Cerberas with our power, for a short time.
  17. Hot... Cold... Hot... Cold.. Whats up with the weather? I am going to end up sick!

  18. Matthews: Ion storm with a chance of star ship showers. Strange weather we're having.
  19. Looks like today is going to require lots of coffee!!!

  20. Sun: Now we both have a fox I found to be very funny
  21. You got: Beverly Crusher You are the perpetual caretaker in your group of friends, sometimes to the peril of your own health. You likely have a long-term unrequited romance with a good, close friend, so you should probably just tell that person how you feel already. Also, you’re probably (secretly) a great dancer.
  22. Welcome guys. glad you have you :-)
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