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Alexander Williams

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Alexander Williams last won the day on October 21 2018

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About Alexander Williams

  • Birthday 04/03/1985

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  • Location
    Assendelft, The Netherlands
  • Player's Pronouns
  • Interests
    Gaming, History, Cycling, Singing

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Warp Speed Poster (13/28)



  1. Great... now the entire fleet knows Porus has a crush on someone
  2. I'm not too fond of cereal, but I do like chocolate. I guess this is acceptable then. Muwuhahahahaha
  3. Commander Alexander Williams will suit up for this one.
  4. Tell me somethin', girl Are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for? https://imgshare.io/image/fiorr-1.Nxvpnd
  5. I read the Homecomming books from Voyager. That plot would be great for a new serie / movie.
  6. I think its time I take a walk around the BLOCK for some candy. Commander Alexander Williams First Officer USS Atlantis http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php/Alexander_Williams Training Team member Writer ID:A239006AW0
  7. Alex will be a little late... He is doing a special cover for a magazine (couldnt find any pictures with him on the red carpet)
  8. Hmmm its a very interesting topic, one worthy of exploration for a new ship. Someone could sim the ship itself. As for Alex.. he is always into adventure so this one sounds like a good one to try.
  9. Neelix is great with kids. Garik is probably the man with the best suit end he would be able to spy on all the kids to tell who was naughty or nice...
  10. I agree. Doing nothing is probably worse so we have little to lose for that matter. And as a Ferengi NPC i know it's perfectly safe to trust them
  11. Alex (my main char) has a bad streak when it comes to simming a relationship. I started to work on something 3 times and each time it was getting serious Alex or the other person was send off on a transfer... So.. if you are looking for a way off your ship. Ask Alex to be your boyfriend and you're good to go As for the more serious part. I never simmed a relationship (as in love) with my own PNPC. Have simmed a blood brother pact between my main and a Klingon PNPC. That is a lot of fun.
  12. I picked seven. Although data is more qualified on the matter Sevens moment with Harry Kim to have sex is one of those priceless star trek moments i had to give it my vote
  13. Congratulations to all the winners!
  14. Congratulations once again, welcome to the group
  15. I liked the movies but for me they are not part of the good old star trek feeling. So I dont like a series in this new time zone. For me its best where we left. Do maybe see if Sisko ever came back, Riker made it as a captain and how the Borg recovered after the voyager incident. And yes.. i know there are books out there to read about those things (have some of them) but its good to get a new serie going as well. Maybe captain Worf?
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