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Everything posted by TLea

  1. @Vitor S. Silveira and @Arys Good character building from both of you. Love the snark, and hints of caring, but not caring. We all know your characters secretly like each other. ========
  2. I snorted. Out loud. Like a horse. lol @John Kendrick ^^ aww.. the naughty word got censored. That was the icing on the cake.
  3. Oh yes. That's our Captain. Use the ceremonial bowl as a coffee mug. lol @Oddas Aria
  4. @Arys I really LOL'ed at this. So funny.
  5. I think that's the nicest thing anybody has ever said about T'Lea. Thank you.
  6. Good character torture here. Wow. Well done! @John Kendrick
  7. The Vulcan mind and fashion hard at work. lol. Loved this! @Sival
  8. We all better be on the look out for our new Counselor. She out "tactical-ed" the grumpy Tactical officer. @Arys @Vitor S. Silveira
  9. Nice try! lol Love seeing this side of Aria.
  10. Beautiful! @Sival What a very Vulcan way to approach our lovable Mr. Tito.
  11. I was rolling! Best gift ever. LOL
  12. Yes! This was great R'Kala! We finally get a glimpse of this beautiful Klingon's past. I love it!
  13. Reactions to the Captain's announcement are hilarious. I'm surprised nobody jumped out of an airlock yet. So much love and confidence can be felt. Ahh... Nice. lol From Kendrick: From Silveira: From R'Kala
  14. Are they from a TV show? Movie?
  15. World building and scene building. So important. Sil you did a great job doing both to kick off this mission. I enjoyed the tension created by the situation and between characters. Nice work! === ((Ring, Unknown biodome, Away team main camp)) OOC: I haven't described the city deliberately, leaving it for anyone who wants to add details. I know I might have over-described the NPC's but I couldn't resist IC: Torlek frown, again. He looked around the temporary base set at the entrance of the abandoned city. They had set up a small temporary base near their beam in point. They were supposed to survey the surroundings. Torlek insisted they beamed enough resources to sustain the large away team of eighteen, for at least five days in the field. They started well, set up shop quickly, beginning to explore the city in groups of four or three. There were some difficulties, some areas looked shielded, others interfered with their scans. Communication with the Grace wasn’t stable. Still they managed to make some progress, signaling the buildings they entered and taking notes the old fashion way, by writing in PADDs their observations. Everything looked normal. That is usually when things go wrong. First they noticed Wyss and her team didn’t report in. As the hours passed and contact wasn’t made Torlek sent three teams in search of them. To no avail. He always found the redhead engineer quite the character, but she was also a fine officer and not one who would derelict her duty. But it was by the next day when he decided to send a larger detachment that things turned weird. Torlek lead the team, leaving only four of his team in camp, they tried to track the movements of the missing crew. As they embroiled themselves on the streets it was clear this was an almost worthless effort. The only sound was theirs, and they barely managed to clear a block of buildings. There was no sign of their missing shipmates. The matter worsened when they met at the designated checkpoint. Six more were missing. Torlek recalled the rest and returned to base camp. They now had lost half the away team. Nine crewmen were missing. And there he stood. Less than 30 hours since their arrival. He started walking to reach the crouched man, who was working on an improvised comm station. He put his hand on his shoulder. Smith: Take a break Mr. Clarkson. The Ensign looked up at him, but returned to work. Three tricorders were jury rigged to a PADD. They were trying to improvise a signal booster. Clarkson: Just a minute more Sir. Torlek squeezed his hand just slightly, just enough for Clarkson to know he was serious. Smith: I won't say it again. The man turned, his eyes darting red. As he stood, all the near two meters of height, he rose slowly like a wave. The Ensign was one of the engineers, but really didn't look the part. Torlek always wondered if he was able to crawl into a Jefferies tube with that size. The Ensign faced him in the eyes. Torlek stood his ground as he saw the man’s eyes water. Clarkson flitched first, as tears began to form and he wasn’t able to control one that streaked down his cheek. Torlek kept his gaze fixed at him, in a neutral tone he spoke again. Smith: Ask Doc for something to sleep, pass your work to Hammond and get in your tent. I don’t want to see you here in the next four hours. Now that is an order. Clarkson, composing himself, nodded. Clarkson: Understood Commander. Torlek let Clarkson walk a few steps in the direction of their camp, before walking to Hammond. Smith: I told Clarkson to get some rest, take his place if you please. The little Lieutenant nodded. Hammond: Yes sir, shall I try and hail the ship? Torlek shook his head. It's been hours since their last contact. Smith: Keep the channel open, but don't bother trying for now. I am sure the Captain is calling in the cavalry. Hammond nodded and turned, heading to the work bench. May was at eye reach, he nodded to Torlek, and so he stepped closer to him. Smith: Anything? May shook his head. With the phaser rifle resting in his arms, the security Ensign almost whispered his reply. May: Not a goddamn thing. No movement, no noise… Nothing. Torlek raised his hands and waved to the camp. Smith: Give me the rifle, I will take watch now. Get some rest and keep an eye on Clarkson, I don't want him to go and do something stupid. May handed the rifle and shook his head. May: That's why I don't agree with romance between crewmates. Stig, Clarkson's companion, was one of the missing. He was one of the quietest officers on the Grace. Torlek wasn't even sure if he ever talked to him. Torlek shrugged, he didn't see any trouble in relationships. Smith: No man is an island. Relationships are the cornerstone of society. May tapped Torlek's shoulder before moving on. May: Always the diplomat Commander. Torlek smiled at him, with a final nod, pointing at the camp. Smith: One tries. Now go and get some rest. No TAG/TBC Lt Cmd. Torlek Smith First Officer USS Grace Hopper as simmed by: Lt. J. G. Vitor S.Silveira Tactical Officer USS Juneau, NX-99801 O238907VS0
  16. I can just see the comic book pages now! Awesome!
  17. Mr. Tan is a fabulous writer. And so fun to write with!
  18. LtCmdr T'Lea. Thought bubble: "I have strategically positioned myself close to the restroom."
  19. This is the Juneau's version of "where did I park my car". Just keep clicking the remote to make the car honk it's horn. You'll find it sooner or later!
  20. Sometimes just one little word is enough to say it all. "Yeehaw" made me snort my morning coffee. And the visual image of Dekas possibly flying up to the holo-deck's arch in a western is hilarious itself. Can't wait for that!
  21. LOL I'm sure Oddas meant that in the nicest most flattering way possible. Hee hee.
  22. That was a great sim. Nothing like vomit and tic-babies to make things colorful and fun. Nice job and good work!
  23. Just wanted to say thank you to Indobri for co-writing this mini-series with me. It made it a lot more fun!
  24. The alien began shuffling toward them, it's blades swinging wildly as it emphasized and yelled again. Alien: Vahct tiil sentlo killed Cavre! Rel: Killed! Keep him talking, the translator is making progress already! Shark: Please don't make me shoot you... Rel: That's...not quite what I had in mind... lol
  25. With a crew of drunken pirates We're the only airship pirates... Now give me all your candy.
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