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Everything posted by TLea

  1. Gotta say I loved the ending to the Mirror Universe story arch. HEE HEE!! That was great! Didn't see it coming. "Why did they have to be cancelled to get better." Probably a lot of reasons -- one of which I like to call "filler" episodes. Where the writers just do fluff stories that don't connect or build to any storyarch. They write those just to fill the episode orders for the season. I hate that. Now that they know the show is cancelled they have probably taken all the juicy stories and just run with those till the end. At least I hope they do. That would suck to just use filler episodes to kill the season.
  2. Thank God, somebody else finds Janeway's voice irritating. It reminds me of a munchkin. And all that off-topic chatter was just us talking in code about how much we think Captain Archer is the best captain. I can't believe you didn't understand that. Tsk, tsk...
  3. AHHHH!!!!! ::covers ears and runs screaming from the thread:: AHHHH!!!!!!
  4. Perhaps a good old Vulcan mind-meld then?
  5. It sure would be fun to try! Just don't let him sing, that might totally work against us.
  6. Yes, but are you as "friendly" with the ladies as Kirk??
  7. Hey! You and kirk have something in common! ::wink:: :-)
  8. That was ME, yo. Don't make me get all gangstah up in here. I like a flawed captain. Archer has that. I don't like cardboard cut-out captains.
  9. LOL! I was trying to be diplomatic DarkForce! But just between you and me, Archer is the best. Actually now that I think about it, Kirk is a little too arrogant for my tastes.
  10. I always found Picard, Sisko and Janeway to be stiff. Maybe that's the character, but Archer and even Kirk is more personable to me. Not saying one is better than the other, I just like Archer the best.
  11. IMHO, Archer, rocks as Captain. He's loose but firm, he strong but listens to opinions. And it seems like he has the most fun and is relaxed. I dunno maybe I relate to him more than the others. The other captains are a little too straight-laced and "school-teacherish" for me. No offense to the school teachers on the board. :unsure:
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