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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. Suddenly my Facebook feed is full of pithy images. Are people just really into posting textual graphics today, or is this some new Facebook algorithm because I "Liked" one before?

  2. Metro driver: "The good thing is I don't get off until 1:30a, so if you want hold the doors open, that's fine with me." 3m later, waiting...

  3. Just fell UP the stairs at Starbucks. Mortified.

  4. Metro train I'm on now 31 minutes behind schedule due to disabled train in front of us.

  5. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. Most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. I have always wished that for myself. And now, I wish that for you." - Steven P. Jobs ...

  6. If it ever becomes clear that Troy Davis was mostly, or entirely, innocent, the members of the Supreme Court will have sent him to his death for no good reason at all.

  7. I find it supremely ironic that riding up long escalators is one of my top 3 phobias (alongside spiders and being on planes), and I end up living in an apartment above Wheaton Station's 2ND LONGEST ELEVATOR IN THE WORLD. Started sweating and hyperventilating just walking by it today, so I didn't even try and board. Took the world's SLOWEST ELEVATOR instead, down to the station and back up again later.

  8. So, remember last night when I had to walk down what I felt was the world's longest escalator down into the Metro station, which was broken? Turns out I was almost right -- it's actually the world's SECOND longest escalator, and the longest in the western hemisphere. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheaton_(WMATA_station)

  9. VW Jetta was returned this past Saturday, and our rental car was returned today. I am now officially car-less for the first time since I got my driver license.

  10. First day in DC not starting so well. Realized I damaged my Jetta while hauling it here and now need to return it to dealership and rent a car.

  11. At one point, when we were sitting in traffic as we were leaving LA, a car pulled up next to us and as I glanced over, I noticed an older couple staring at me. I was like, "WTF?" to Hank Hedland. A few minutes later, I glanced over and they were motioning at me to open my window. As I did, the older gentleman driving yelled out something...

  12. Everybody leaves Los Angeles. And now I have. Bye y'all!

  13. FYI to all who care: Hank Hedland, Baxter Rex, and I are planning on leaving LA in the early afternoon of Wednesday, August 31st. We are driving to Tara Howard's wedding in Austin, and then plan on arriving in DC on September 6th.

  14. I think it's more than just that The basis of science fiction, when looking at it from a literary perspective, is trying to analyze current events through fresh eyes to understand them better. One very clear example: TOS, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield," which was all about race relations and trying to show people how utterly absurd segregation was. You can also look at "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" as being directly related to the fall of the USSR. Here you had a former enemy (the Klingons/Russians) suffering from a societal collapse, resulting in "old warriors" (Kirk/Gorkon = America/Russians) having to learn how to trust each other in this new reality. The frozen prison planet in the movie, Rura Penthe, is even referred to as a "gulag" by the Klingon who greets Bones and McCoy as they arrive. Gulag, of course, was the government agency that administered the Soviet forced labor camp systems. I think there's certainly a case to be made for the Borg signifying communism, generally, as they made their first appearance in 1989, which was before the fall of the Soviet Union. Looked at the in cultural context of the time, it's possible that the Borg also represent a fear of technology , and perhaps even fear of consumerism mentality. Zombies fulfill this role today, acting as a metaphor for the idea that we're all just becoming mindless drones who use brains as food. Interesting to think about, either way
  15. DATES: The class began on August 7, 2011, and ended on August 14, 2011. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Miles Unum FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Bree Keely GRADUATES: - Skar Dohan - Scarlet Delores - Chris O'Hanlon - John Stark - Arthur Sen - Cayden Dunn
  16. DATES: The class began on July 31, 2011, and ended on August 6, 2011. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Tracey Townson FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Alleran Tan GRADUATES: - Danielle Swift - Kayla McDermot - Makal Kora (Returning Member)
  17. Hank Hedland and I were just talking in the bedroom when Baxter came padding down the hallway with his blanket draped over his back like a robe. We have no idea how it got that way, but he walked into the room and just stood there looking at us like, "What? What are you guys talking about in here?"

  18. There's a similar game for Battlestar Galactica which just came out a few months ago and uses the same graphics engine. That one was produced by SyFy/NBC. It's not clear to me what actual benefit they get out of these games, but I would assume it's a way to draw more people into the franchise and get them interested in purchasing more merchandise, as sort of a loss leader. (i.e.- spend $2m to develop an online game, but then make $5m in DVD & other merch sales from the new fans that are earned from the game)
  19. Sounds cool!
  20. Glad to have you with us. I've heard some good things
  21. It's strange that as the number of my friends goes up, the amount of engagement on my Facebook page is going down.


  23. Is anyone I know a LACMA member, and not want to see the Tim Burton show? The tickets are free for members and Hank wants to go, but we can't afford the ticket cost right now :P

  24. Hello east-coasters. It's 5:40am and I can't sleep. I haven't been awake this early since I quit my job last year!

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