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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. I hate the city. I need some [...]ing silence in my life.

    1. Kevin Marks

      Kevin Marks

      Silence will fall when the question is asked. ;)

  2. You're getting a gay marriage! You're getting a gay marriage! Everyone's getting a gay marriage!

  3. Chad Griffin at HRC says five year plan for marriage equality in all states. I say, FIVE YEAR PLAN FOR FULL FEDERAL EQUALITY. Marriage, employment discrimination, housing, credit, adoption. No more excuses. No more delays. Bulldoze everyone who stands in our way. Equality or bust.

  4. If you're not watching #StandWithWendy on Twitter, you're missing serious inspiration. A legislator in hour 10 of a 13 hour filibuster to save the healthcare of 13 million women in Texas.

    One woman against an uninformed, ignorant TX GOP bent on undermining the will and welfare of their constituents.

  5. DATES: The class began on June 17, 2013 and ended on June 24, 2013. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Isaac Bale / LtCmdr. Eilis Eete FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Willow Francis GRADUATES: * Alexander Williams * Gor ud Gutta * Jack Stavins * Enabren Welcome to the Fleet!
  6. What do you think it sounds like when Paula Deen says "Queer"?

  7. Glad to have you with us -- my door is always open if you ever need anything at all.
  8. Just got a call from HRC asking me to donate. Hmm... are they building up their pot-o-gold so they can again donate to the Democratic Party presidential candidates two years before the election, and before they actually extracted any commitments, I wonder?

  9. BIG SPOILERS! Finally saw the movie last night! Overall, I thought it was entertaining. Lots of stuff to nitpick on the technical side -- the transporter, for instance -- but I at least appreciate that they set that device up in the previous movie, as opposed to making it up for this one. So I at least felt like there was some continuity in the universe there. I was most disappointed that they wrapped up the story and brought Kirk back to life. If you're going to go all in on retelling the TOS movies, do it right. Give us the dramatic tension of wondering whether Kirk returns for the next movie. They still could have used the same device to return him to life, but wrapping it up in a bow like that was kind meh. I think the biggest problem with the Khan/Harrisman thing is that you're damned if you do, damned if you don't make him Khan. If he's Khan, you set up this whole trick for the audience because you knew there'd be questions about whether he's Khan, but then it's kind of a letdown because it wasn't a chess-game at all like Khan was. If you don't make him Khan, then you scrap the character's motivations for all this and you have to basically rewrite the whole thing. That said, I'm still not entirely clear why Khan would start all this by killing the captains at the CO meeting at SFHQ -- what exactly did that accomplish? Is the idea in Hollywood that audiences just can't handle dramatic tension anymore? Wrath of Khan worked because there was a great build-up, and then you had the long slow nebula chase, etc. I guess we'll never get tired of movie plots on warp speed, but I think we also miss out on a great element of good storytelling. Finally, I think the most difficult part of this whole Abrams series is that he's trying to serve too many masters. He's trying to make a good movie but also talk to the fans. There's just too much to accomplish in a two hour long film. Too much to try and explain in all that time. I felt like, when looking at TOS, the biggest loss in the new movies is simply the lack of real unity and strength in the crew. Spock and Kirk's friendship seems forced -- we spent the first 30m of the movie with Kirk hating him, but we're supposed to believe they have this deep friendship? And McCoy seems like a bit player more than Kirk's closest friend and confidante. Overall, Kirk seems less like a leader and more like the guy running around trying to find his head all the time. Everyone still seems like they're just getting to know each other, rather than a crew that -- by Wrath of Khan -- had known each other for, what, 10 or 15 years at that point? That said, there was plenty to like about this. I thought it was entertaining and enjoyable, and despite the total lack of grace in the Enterprise's engine room, I kinda liked that the engine is this crazy looking thing with a ton of tubes and wires, as opposed to a long cylinder with "the warp" in it, if you know what I mean. On it's own, it's a A- action movie. When you try and reconcile the Star Trek stuff, it's a B-.
  10. Last night I dreamt that I died, but stuck around as a ghost. I spent a lot of time pushing peoples' hands while they wrote things, and was outraged when Buzzfeed bought the right to publish the content on my FB page. #famousghost

  11. Hank Hedland is working all night so I'm going to eat Doritos and ice cream for dinner and there's NO ONE TO STOP ME!

  12. Good direct action should raise eyebrows. It should make some people angry. It should fluster the target. It should challenge the monied establishment. It should not apologize for the silly, misplaced outrage it creates.

  13. Glad to have you with us. My door is always open if you need anything.
  14. You'd think they had the same webmaster as we do!
  15. George Takei and Nathan Fillion make it worthwhile on their own!
  16. Wait, I just got home. Where is everyone? Surely you all don't plan to surprise me tomorrow, since I'll be at the baseball game and won't know when I'm coming home? Man, that's going to be weird when you all have to sit in the dark for like four hours.

  17. I love when my calendar sends me a reminder about my upcoming birthday.

  18. I'm burnin' up, burning up for your love!

  19. I'm listening to an Iron & Wine song. SPOILER ALERT: It's depressing.

  20. Sorry, hookers, it's time to call the cops -- and this time, start demanding arrests. You can hook all you want near my house as long as you keep the noise to quiet sultry flirting with passing cars. But your constant, shrill screaming of "Twerk it girl, twerk it!", "What?! What?! Yeah you best drive away!", and all the various Beyonce lyrics -- which I can hear a half a block away -- have finally driven me over the edge.

  21. Oh good, now there's a bird nearby that's learned to mimic car alarms.

    Birds -- what the [...] are they good for except to annoy the [...] out of me?!

  22. Every other week or so I am awoken at odd hours out of a sound sleep (Hank Hedland sleeps through almost anything) by the Percussionist from Hell. About two weeks ago it was 3am, and today it was 7:30am.

    Having had enough of this bull[...], I pulled on clothes and rushed the dog out the door to find this asshole. Just as we were exiting the building, a man was walking across the street with a CD player with loudspeakers and two drum sticks, alternating between "SHUT UP!" and muttering to hi...

  23. LaRouche supports are out and about today with banners against austerity and for Glass-Steagall. If you see them, be sure to remind them that LaRouche is a racist and homophobe who once tried to quarantine AIDS patients in California.

  24. Wait, Buzzfeed has a front page? So that's how you all find this [...]?

  25. What's the emoticon for "I would poke holes in my cheeks with kebab skewers if it would relieve the pressure in my head right now"?

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