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Nathan Baker

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Everything posted by Nathan Baker

  1. This is awesome, can't wait until it's finished!
  2. Congratulations Ensigns! Welcome to the fleet!
  3. For me: You got: Geordi La Forge You can fix pretty much anything, and you love to figure out how things really work. But your easygoing nerdy demeanor hasn’t been great for your love life. Also, you probably have a thing for unusual glasses.
  4. From Buzzfeed: Which "Star Trek: The Next Generation" character are you? Take the quiz and post your results!
  5. ((Conference Room, Deck 1)) ::This was a mutiny! There were all against him! He was completely shocked that they would try and do this to him. Had he not been a good and honest Captain to him? Where was the gratitude and loyalty? :: ::Commander Greir Reinard was not himself and he couldn’t understand why everyone was questioning him. He couldn’t think properly or see past the red mist. He had never behaved like this in his life and everyone in the room seemed to know it was uncharacteristic of him too. :: Reinard: Oh no you don’t! ::Breathing heavily and getting more agitated:: Mutiny! I won’t have it! ::He thought he could trust these people, so why were they doing this to him? It didn’t seem right or fair to him! :: Falcon: ::Voice still calm, but nervousness working its way in.:: Sir, this isn’t mutiny. We’re concerned for you. That’s all. Thomas: ::Keeping his eye on the Captain, Kael addressed the Counsellor.:: Commander Brice, you’ll be accompanying the Captain to where he wants to go. ::That sounded more like it. They were going to do what he wanted. He lowered the chair a little so it wasn’t raised high above his head. He was glad they had remembered their place. :: Brice: Where? Thomas: He wants to go to the Brig, we’ll escort him there. But first I need to organise to get him there. ::Wait what? What did they mean by ‘organise to get him there’? weren’t they going to walk like normal people? He’d been putting the chair down but stopped as he suddenly became suspicious and paranoid all at once. :: Reinard: Hold on a minute. What are you doing? We are going to the brig right? ::He meant to go and talk to Bo’Sun. He didn’t know why but he strongly felt that’s what they needed to do. If this was a mutiny though as he now felt it was… maybe this was a trick to put him in the brig! He had never thought Commander Thomas capable of such treachery. How could he make such a poor choice in him for first officer when he was normally such a good judge of character? He’d never felt so betrayed in his life and it hurt badly. :: Thomas: =/\= Ensign Block, lock onto the Captain and Commander Brice, and prepare to transport. Confirm when that is done. =/\= ::Greir started to raise the chair again. He wasn’t planning on escorting him anywhere! He was only locking on to Brice and himself. She was the only one who could back him up and stop Thomas. His actions were out of order!. :: Block: =/\= Locked on sir, where am I sending them? =/\= Thomas: =/\= Listen carefully and when I’m finished do it immediately. Transport the Captain and Commander Brice, ::now speaking as quick as he could be understood.:: to sickbay and place the Captain behind a containment field…NOW! ::Greir gave an almighty roar of pure rage and swung the chair back over his head, preparing to flig it with all his might. Unfortunately the transporter beam took him and the momentum the chair had gathered send it flying backwards towards the door..:: ((Sickbay - Darwin-A)) ::As soon as Greir materialised in sickbay he slumped to the floor. The transport had made him feel disoriented and he was completely surrounded by an energy field. He felt like it was pressing him into place. Worse still he could feel the energy fields from the warp core and the freighter becoming stronger. He was desperately afraid and needed to get out of here as quickly as possible. :: ::He could hear voices behind him and got to his feet, using the biobed as a support. He began to get his bearings again. He’d never fielded this much all at once and the fact that he couldn’t control it and filter out things like normal was pushing his freak out button. :: ::That wasn’t what was making him so angry and aggressive though, although it was a contributing factor to his emotionally turbulent state. He could think clearly, he didn’t feel himself and he was all too mindful of the problems he’d suffered as a child. He was certain something had gone terribly wrong when he’d banged his head. :: ::Now he was trapped in a place that was lit up worse than the city of Bondi had been and there was no countryside to retreat to. If his nervous system got too overloaded with it all then he could be paralysed or maybe killed. He felt more and more sure, with the pain in his head and growing nausea that the worst would surely happen. :: Manius: Captain, this is Dr Manius, can you tell me what’s wrong? I want to help you. Reinard: ::In a panic:: Make it stop! It’s killing me! ::Was there anyone on this ship that would help him? Maybe he’d had it too good for too long and the price for everything great he’d had in life was an early and painful exit from this stage in the cycle. He wasn’t ready to cease being yet. There was still so much he wanted to do! :: Manius: What’s killing you? You have to tell me or I can’t help. ::Greir strained to focus and think hard to try and explain the problem. It should have been a simple matter to express but he’d become riled up way beyond a point where he could control himself, even with all of his years of training in counselling. :: Reinard: The energy fields. It’s too much! You have to drop the energy fields ::It came out as a terrified plea. His fielding had reached a point that had he been asked to find anything on the ship freighter or immediate area, down to the smallest energy weapon he could find it in a heartbeat. He was unprepared for it! :: Manius: ::Speaking urgently:: Ok I’ll do you a deal. You lie on the biobed and I’ll drop the containment field. ::Greir paced around. Lie on the biobed. Lie on the biobed. Lie on the biobed. It sounded so simple. For the first time since this had all started he felt like he knew what he had to do. That it would lead to something good happening made it all the more appealing. :: Manius: Captain! Lie down on the biobed! ::Right! Lie on the biobed. Now would be good. He stopped his pacing and did it immediately, trying to calm his breathing down so he didn’t hyperventilate. Sure enough the containment field came down and there was one less thing assaulting his senses. Maybe this could work. Greir wanted another deal like that. One that led to another, bigger switch off. :: Manius: Just like I said sir, the containment field is down. Just try to remain still and calm. ::What, no deal? Greir couldn’t handle that. Was he supposed to just lie here and die? No. There was only one thing for it, he had to get away. He needed to get as far away from the Darwin as possible, by any means. :: Reinard: ::Urgently:: I need to get out of here! ::He sat up suddenly, with wide panicked eyes. He lunged at Dr Manius, the man who stood between him and his continued existence. There was a struggle as Greir tried to get past Manius and out of the room. The man had grabbed him and intended to put him back on the death bed. He was just as much a traitor as the rest. :: Manius: ::Strained:: Computer! Re-erect containment field! ::Greir freaked out and screamed right in Todd’s face. He had no regard for anything or anyone else and was furious that his freedom had been denied. Already feeling angry and aggressive this latest mood stoked the fired and he finally crossed the final barrier, assaulting Todd by violently striking him, hard in the face. The instinctive move had left him exposed and a small hiss by his ear indicated the Doctor had succeeded in pumping him full of drugs. He felt extremely tired all of a sudden and with it the powerful emotions seemed to fade into the background as he slumped to the floor and sleep took him.:: Tbc! Commander Greir Reinard Commanding Officer USS Darwin-A Cadet Steward: UFOP: SB118 Academy
  6. Thanks everyone. It's good to be back. Well done to my fellow trainees and an excellent job from Commanders Laxyn and T'Mar. One of the best training sims I've had the pleasure to be in. I'll see you all around the fleet!
  7. It's Valentines Day. As I was leaving the house this morning, I was wondering which main character throughout the Star Trek franchise I would want to send a Valentine's Day gift. So, who would you choose? Let's keep it limited to the main characters of each show/movie series. Me? I'd probably send some flowers to Doctor Crusher.
  8. Congrats to everyone! Also, Mr. Vesole, Marine rank of 2nd Lieutenant is equivilant to the Naval rank of Ensign. So you're both the same rate, basically.
  9. All three of those SIMs were excellent! If I could've voted for all of them, I would have! Great job to all the writers this round.
  10. ((USS Mercury, Deck 25: Holodeck 3)) ::Shore leave had proved to be quite relaxing. Besides his after action report he hadn't done any work whatsoever but for Arden there was only one other indulgence that he craved before the Mercury's next adventure. Taking a trip down to Holodeck three and praying not to be interrupted this time Arden started another one of his rock climbing simulations.:: ::As the holodeck doors opened Arden found himself standing five meters from the rock wall he would be climbing. All around him was a lush tropical jungle, the sun was shining with a light breeze. All in all it was a prefect environment which would look even better from the top.:: :: A meter away sat a crate in which Arden found all the supplies he would need for this climb. Rolling up his sleeves and buckling his harness in place he gathered the other provisions testing the functionality of each. Even though this was a holodeck and his gear was fabricated fault free Arden checked anyway just as he had been taught. The motto of never make assumptions etched into his mind. Somehow that motto seemed all the more relevant since joining Star Fleet particularly with his chosen career path.:: :: By the time Arden reached the second of the three segments in the wall he almost wished he paid closer attention to the weather settings prior to starting. Having climbed above the canopy the breeze was still gentle but he could feel the heat more. A sweat coated Arden continued onward anyway. As he poked his head over the pinnacle of the wall onto a large open plateau. Usually Arden felt relieved at having completed the exercise but this time he was shocked to see Captain Tallis standing a couple meters away. Shaking it off and remembering that he was hanging by a rope a good two hundred meters off the ground, he swung his right leg up onto the plateau to allow him to quickly haul his body off the cliff face. Taking a couple steps away from the cliff he disconnected his safety ropes and approached the Captain, still confused despite Captain Tallis's expression of enjoyment.:: ::Tallis hadn't been able to make a trip down into the sensor module section of the ship for quite some time, and was pleased to have the opportunity. He was even more pleased to have the opportunity to do what he was about to do. A few stealthily deployed clearance codes allowed him access to the otherwise closed off holodeck in which Arden was running his climbing program. A few more codes allowed him to easily access the part of the program that needed to be accessed. He knew it would not be long before Cain made it to his location. Until then, he took the time to enjoy the heat and the jungle scenery. It was a far cry from the confines of sickbay.:: ::So it was that when the Science chief made it to the top of the rock face, his captain was waiting for him with a flask and a light lunch of subs filled with a selection of fillings. For a moment, Tallis was sure that Cain would fall back down the cliff in shock, and was glad that the safety protocols were active. Fortunately, the worst did not come to the worst, and Arden hauled himself up onto solid ground.:: ::Taking the flask offered to him Arden drunk deeply. Afterward he wiped the sweat from his face before addressing the Captain.:: Cain: Captain are you a.... Tallis: ::Laughing:: No, I'm real. And to answer your next question, this is the first time I've ever gatecrashed someone's holodeck time. In my defence, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have something important to talk to you about. ::A formal air quickly descended on the proceedings, which Tallis hadn't quite been aiming for, but couldn't really be helped. As much as he tried, there really weren't very many ways to keep something like this casual.:: Cain: Yes Sir I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my appearance. What did you want to talk about Sir? Tallis: Well, to be honest, I'm thinking of appointing a new Chief of Science... ::To say that Arden didn't understand would have been an understatement. Arden knew the Captain well enough that he wasn't joking, definitely not having gatecrashed on his holodeck time. To his knowledge he had been doing a great job as the CSO and couldn't think of a reason to be replaced. Deciding the best thing to do would be to remain calm he asked the next logical question.:: Cain: May I ask why you are replacing me, Sir? I think I have done a pretty decent job thus far. Will I still be in the science department? ::The Bajoran smiled through Cain's inevitable concerns as he ploughed ahead, deliberately being vague, and knowing that Cain was about to get the shock of his life. In short, he was enjoying every minute.:: Tallis: Well in fairness, Arden, I don't think you'll have much time to spend there. Cain: I don't understand Sir. ::They had reached the point where Tallis's fun had to come to an end, and an offer needed to be made.:: Tallis: Commander Parker is moving into a more specialist role that should give us the edge we need out here in the Menthar Corridor. That means I need someone who's reliable, competent, respected by the crew, and a [...]ed good officer all round to step into the role of first officer. That would be you, if you're willing to accept a promotion? :: Now it become crystal clear why the Captain wanted to move Arden. Arden honestly felt idiotic. Not because he had expected the promotion but rather that he underestimated how much the Captain thought of him.:: Cain: I am honored Sir and I'm willing. I certainly have some big shoes to fill but I will do my best Captain. ::Rhul beamed as his wind-up unraveled into a realization of what was really going on. Arden was humble as ever, but that was one of the qualities that a great command candidate needed; it helped to keep in touch with the lowerdecksmen.:: Tallis: Your best will be more than good enough, Arden. Although come to think of it, Parker's feet are pretty big... ::he chuckled.:: Cain: I doubt that there are many who could actually fill his shoes. ::smiling:: Did you have any thoughts about the next chief of science Sir? Tallis: I think that Ba'Eli would make a good choice, given her enthusiasm for her change in departments. ::Arden had gone from shock and confusion to pride and excitement in the space of a few moments. The new position came with a lot of responsibility but that wasn't anything new. Even if Arden took a while adapting this time he knew he had support if he needed it. :: Cain: Thank you again Captain this definitely means alot to me. Tallis: You're more than welcome. I think you'll find yourself getting used to a red collar quicker than you might expect. You seem to have a knack for command. For now, though, help yourself to a sandwich. ::He glanced to the rock face towering behind him.:: I have a feeling you'll need it if you're going to make it to the summit... TBC A JP by Captain Tallis Rhul Commanding Officer USS Mercury NCC-99812 and Lieutenant Commander Arden Cain First Officer USS Mercury NCC-99812
  11. I'm sure Roy Orbison's "Ooby Dooby" has a nice safe spot in history as the first human song the Vulcan's were treated to after their official arrival.
  12. Just celebrate Humanity's first contact with an extraterrestrial race (in this case, the Vulcans). I'm sure folks around the Federation have parties. I'm sure some overzealous Humans try to get their Vulcan friends to dance with less-than-enthusiastic responses.
  13. Congratulations! Welcome to the Fleet!
  14. is on the Highway to the Danger Zone.

  15. Welcome to all our new members! Happy Simming!
  16. Just a city boy... born and raised in south Detroit...

    1. Blake


      Glee: Baaaadddd

      Journey: GOOD

    2. Hannibal Parker

      Hannibal Parker

      This is a very sick crew.....

    3. Blake


      Who are you talking to. Me or him? *snicker*

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