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Nathan Baker

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Everything posted by Nathan Baker

  1. Welcome! Adventure awaits! Happy Simming!
  2. Nathan Baker

    SEP/OCT "Somewhere New"

    "Welcome to Delta Station!" Jeremy walked under the threshold of the airlock and saw the large holographic sign projected on the wall of the station. Everything seemed so clean and the mood so friendly. It was a far cry from the transport he'd used to reach this brand new outpost on the edge of explored space. Jeremy Wilkins was a short and stocky man in his late 30's with a balding scalp and steel gray eyes. His clothes consisted of a light blue button-down shirt with a single breast pocket, a pair of gray cotton trousers, and canvas shoes. The trip hadn't been kind to Jeremy, since he was unshaven and his clothes wrinkled. But here he was. The last stop to the great unknown: Delta Station. Jeremy had been reading about this place since it's conception ten years ago. Stardate 238710.23 was the day a joint venture of several space-faring civilizations to share the newly discovered Iconian Gateway. The gateway, a piece of incredible technology leftover from the ancient Iconian Civilization, had the ability to take it's passengers to seemingly ANY point in the galaxy. The facility was named Delta Station, a Federation-designed space station, which was decided to be the housing of the gateway. After years of debate and squabbles, it was finally decided that all citizens of a newly formed alliance of Federation, Klingon, Ferengi, Cardassian and Romulan Remnants could use the portal to explore the galaxy and reap the riches that lay beyond. That was exactly what this down-on-his-luck Terran was preparing to do. Of course, such a piece of technology needed to be regulated and protected. One had to pass a rigorous background screening and medical examination before being given the OK to use the gateway. Most people, usually in large groups, wanted to find a world to colonize and begin a new life. Others were sex explorers wanting to get their names in history books. Jeremy was neither. He just wanted to get away. Away from his nagging ex-wife, his annoying kids, his unfulfilling job... it was just time to go and never come back. All he had was a bag of clothes, some meager provisions, a few how-to books and a small hand phaser for protection. "This will definitely be a big change," he thought as security scanned him with a Tricorder. He had already shown his permit to carry the weapon and was allowed to pass through the checkpoint with no fuss. Jeremy then carried his possessions, along with his own hefty weight, through the next series of checks on the way to the gateway. It seemed like several hours had passed, but Jeremy finally made it to the final stop. Through all the last-minute medical checks, questionnaires, liability waivers and planning offices, it was time to get going. It was time to begin his life again. This time on his own terms. There was a family of four in front of the balding man that were very eager to get going as well, and it showed with every step they took. Jeremy had overheard they were joining an agricultural colony somewhere deep in the middle of the Gamma Quadrant. Though he was happy for them, he was also annoyed with how upbeat they were. He thought about how glad he was not to be joining them. The gateway chamber was about as big as a school auditorium and full of Stafleet security officers wielding large phaser rifles. The cue formed to get to the gateway controls snaked around at least five times. Jeremy, who's feet were very much getting tired of all the standing, knew he was almost there. Just a few more minutes and he'd be going away from all his troubles. It was a remarkable feeling. Eventually, the family in front passed through the gateway, instantaneously arriving at a green and luscious planet and were greeted by several people. They all waved back to the overweight Terran and he put on a fake smile to show his acknowledgement. Jeremy was glad they were gone, because it was now his turn to go. "Destination please," the gateway control operator demanded. Jeremy handed the man a PADD. The operator looked at it, then to Jeremy, then back to the PADD once more before looking at the large-ish man standing before him. An incredulous look was painted across his face. "Risa? That's it? You went through all this trouble just to go to RISA?!?" Jeremy remembered the similar looks he'd gotten while applying to use the gateway. He only had so much money and it would've cost too much to charter a transport to Risa from Cestus III, where he'd left his former life behind. In contrast, the ferry to Delta Station and the subsequent use of the gateway were all free if you could pass the background screenings. With a small shrug, Jeremy's lips opened and he confessed, "I've never been there before. I've heard it's nice." The operator just shook his head, sighed, and tapped his controls. The gateway changed to show a beautiful beach with gorgeous oceans and Jeremy could smell the seaside air. The balding Terran nodded his thanks to the operator and reached into his breast pocket. Taking out a pair of sunglasses, he put them on and took a deep breath. "Time to get away," Jeremy said as he stepped through the gateway... and smiled when the dual Risian suns touched his face. And just like he'd heard, it was very nice indeed.
  3. Sorry, I hit submit before adding a title. Ensign's Cain SIM is called "What Lies Beneath the Surface" Would one of you awesome MODs please edit the title? Thanks!
  4. (( Mess Hall, Renegade Trader)) :: Arden couldn't decide which was a worse situation to be in, on the Orion shipyards or the Renegade Trader with his Father? By the time he had reached the Trader on his way for the pre-arranged family dinner he decided on the latter of the two options. He had been trained well by Star Fleet in most regards so dealing with an enemy shipyard while daunting was a piece of cake compared. On the other hand dealing with Willard Cain never got any easier even with a considerable amount of experience at it. Not once had Arden walked away feeling like he was an equal to his Father. In the end he always felt like some six year old child crying or complaining no matter how old he actually was. Arden was determined to change that fact because while he was still young he was his own man now. One deserving of a certain level of respect if not that then definitely common curtsey. He didn't hold his breath waiting for either.:: :: After punching in a code at the airlock Arden was granted access to the Renegade Trader seeing the familiar bulkheads and corridors. With one final sigh he crossed the threshold calmly. Arden wasn't looking for a fight this evening, he wasn't even looking to relive the glory days. The only thing back there were more fights and a miserable existence. Nothing that needed to see the light of day again.:: :: As he walked through the corridors Arden saw that the Trader remained largely unchanged despite it being several years since he had been aboard. On the way to the mess hall he spotted few instances of malfunctioning equipment. Computer terminals on the fritz or ceiling lights that just didn't work. Some of the problems looked worse then others with a cursory analysis but that wasn't the reason for Arden being there. Reminding himself to be careful not to volunteer his services to help repair some of the problems he entered the mess hall. Glancing down at a wrist watch he had replicated for himself, it revealed he was early as he promised he would be.:: :: Half expecting to see the rest of the crew of the Trader, Arden saw his Mother and father sitting at the table while Ellen went about making final preparations. Despite knowing that the three of them were now aware of Arden's presence Arden walked up to Marcella Cain and gave her a hug at his own pace. The hug was affectionate as any such occurrence between mother and child would be. It filled Arden with a motherly warmth, one that couldn't be achieved when talking via sub space.:: :: Taking a step back he turned to his Father, Willard. He however barely gave a grunt of acknowledgement.:: Arden: Nice to see you to Dad. Ellen: Behave you two and I thought I said that this was meant to be a uniform free night! Arden: ::smiling:: Sorry Ellen I didn't get that part of the message. How was Bajor? Ellen: Do you realize that your always changing the topic? Bajor was great. I only wish I had more time to spend down there. Well thank you everyone for agreeing to come tonight, enjoy. :: Arden sat down as Ellen placed the last of food platters on the table taking a seat next to Arden. On the table were now traditional terran roast vegetables and a leg of pork. A gravy float and a small dish of butter were close by. Once everyone had filled there plates Willard spoke in his trade-mark charming tone that served him so well in the business arena. A touch of pride filled his voice.:: Willard: I don't usually take orders on my own ship, let alone from one of my children but this is fantastic Ellen. I am proud of you for doing this.. oO Of course you are. Like I can't tell what your playing at. Oo Ellen: Well it wasn't exactly easy. That replicator seriously needs replacing. Perhaps Arden could take a look at it. :: This statement came with a small murmur of laughter from the parents. Although Arden was sure it was related to the replicator joke, he couldn't be sure. :: Arden: I don't think I will have the time but if its anything close to what I remember of it. It probably does need replacing. Patch jobs can only last so long. Marcella: Well isn't that the truth. Willard: ::Staring straight at Arden:: Are you saying that there's something wrong with the Renegade Trader. Too busy playing with your new toy warship to remember how the real people do things. Working with what limited supplies we have and all! oO And it starts, hell that didn't take long. Oo Arden: No Dad, I haven't forgotten and there's nothing wrong with the Trader that a bit of TLC couldn't fix. As for the Ronin, that ship is far from being a toy and the people aboard are as real as they come. But we both know your insult was directed at me, don't we. :: An uncomfortable silence filled the room as the family slowly ate their food. Each of them looking about as if to decide what to talk about next in a more amicable manner. During which time Arden actually spotted a decoupler lying next to the replicator unit. Thinking to myself, the food actually did taste better then he remembered. It must have taken Ellen some time to get such a result.:: Marcella: So dear, how are you settling in on the Ronin? Must be quite the change. Arden: Its only been a few days but I'm settling in well. Still travel light so unpacking isn't usually a problem. Willard: So why have you been demoted? :: The question shocked Arden. At first he didn't realize what his Father had been talking about then he caught on that he might be referring to the Constitution. It seemed like so long ago that he left DS9 aboard the Ronin, so much had happened. :: Willard: What was the name of the other ship. Constantinople, Christchurch.. Arden: You mean the Constitution dad. Willard: Yes that one. I hear you were a department head. So what happened? Arden: The Constitution was decommissioned through no fault of my own that much I can guarantee. When I was transferred to the Ronin someone more experienced was chosen as CEO. And my position as a department head was a temporary thing at best. I'm good but far from the best and the last few days of proven that fact. Willard: And here I was thinking that I trained you to be more then just good. :: Arden simply didn't reply to the comment, not raising to the bait. Instead he thought about what Captain Perkins had told him about bullies. "The last thing you do is back down" he'd been told and Arden had no intention of doing so now. That brought a smile to his face although Arden couldn't tell how long it would last.:: Willard: Have nothing to say to that mister? Don't those Star Fleet types teach respect these days? Arden: To some extent they do but on a personal level respect is earned not a right. Tonight isn't about me though. This has got to be the best meal I have had here in a long time Ellen. Thank you even if the company is a little more difficult. Ellen: Well there's still dessert, the evenings still young as they say. :: Somehow Arden doubted it as he finished off his first plate. Putting down his knife and fork he sat and waited to see what would happen. After what seemed like ages Willard predictably broke the silence. This time he wasn't playing soft ball.:: Willard: So whats your plan Arden. Going to go back to your ship and continue to look down on us. Going to walk away again I mean the only reason your here is to mock me. Arden: ::Slowly standing:: Thank you once again Ellen, Mother, if you will excuse me I apparently have things to discuss with Dad outside. If I don't come back I will call before I depart. :: With that he left the table turning his back on his Father deliberately making his way to the aft cargo hold. He choose the cargo hold because it was out of the way and well outside of hearing range. It didn't take long for Willard to arrive behind him. Now that the pair of them were there it seemed so obvious what would happen next. As Arden thought about it he realized that he didn't want to argue with his father. A few years ago he wouldn't have hesitated but a lot had change since then but as he realized the day before this was one of those choices that was out of Arden's hands.:: Arden: ::talking before Willard could in a raised but controlled voice.:: Believe it or not Dad. I didn't have a plan when I arrived tonight. You were the one hell bent on causing chaos and stress. I get enough of that in my day job. I don't need you adding to it. Willard: Well if you can't hack it. Arden: Oh I can hack it but don't change the topic dad. Willard: Well as I recall you were the one that left, not me. So don't go blaming me for where your at. The trouble you get yourself in. Emotional or otherwise. :: The statement struck Arden causing a tear to come to his eye. It was true that Arden may have left for Star Fleet. Choosing a career over his family but it seemed oddly hypercritical that he be blamed for following his own desire when he could clearly remember growing up for the most part without a real father. One that was always on so called business returning only when it suited Willard.:: Arden: Your such a pathetic fracking hypocrite. Get over your fracking self. I can't count the times you left Ellen and I on Earth without our parents. Ellen may love you but I know better. Willard: Watch your tongue boy. I'm still your bloody father and I [...] well deserve your respect. Arden: Respect you, that would be the day. I joined Star Fleet because its something I believe in and the fact remains I am pretty good at what I do, your just too blind to see that. :: Willard went to talk but Arden cut him off raising his voice yet again.:: I don't owe you anything Father least of all respect or loyalty. Your neither my superior or worthy of the time I spent trying to please you. Hell you treat me like s**t so whats that old saying. "What comes around, goes around". Willard: ::Sneering:: And here I was thinking that you came to your senses. Came back here tonight to apologize. I would have even accepted it. But now get off my ship and don't let me catch you hanging around. Arden: ::Laughing:: Apologize for what? I came here because Ellen asked me to, not for you. :: Walking away he called over his shoulder.:: If you want to keep me out you better change those access codes. Wouldn't want to make too easy for me to break in!! See ya around. ::Once out of sight heading toward the airlock Arden abruptly turned and punched the closest wall letting a sob go before making his way back to the Ronin. Although what Arden had said made him feel good he knew all too well that he would regret it the next morning. For he always did, a weakness on his part that he knew his Father didn't share. Before stepping aboard DS9 Arden made sure to wipe his eyes in an attempt to hide the tears that had been spilled. The last thing he wanted was the new crew to stumble into this family feud. And see Arden as somehow acting in a childish manner. Perhaps he would see about calling Evanna. She usually was a good listener and never one to judge. Arden like his privacy and this was as private as Arden got.:: TBC Ensign Arden Cain Engineering Officer USS Ronin NCC-34523
  5. "Dialysis? What is this, the Dark Ages?"

  6. Congratulations to our new Ensigns! Happy Simming!
  7. Congrats to the both of you! Welcome!
  8. And by "summing" I of course mean "SIMMING!"
  9. Congratulations to our newest Ensigns! Happy Summing!
  10. I "acquired" the video today and watched it. Quite good! Shatner is the man when it comes to doing interviews. And Avery Brooks is... out there...
  11. I've heard of this but haven't had a chance to check it out. Is it on DVD?
  12. Tell me Goldfinger, do you expect me to talk?

    1. Hannibal Parker

      Hannibal Parker

      No Mister Bond.I expect you to die!!!!

  13. Congratulations! Welcome to the Fleet!
  14. Big Group! AWESOME! Welcome to the fleet and Happy Simming!
  15. Welcome to our two new members, and welcome back Makal!
  16. Congratulations all! Welcome!
  17. Nathan Baker

    JUL/AUG "Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"

    (( Sector 2459 - Tarador 5 )) oO What a fine mess you've gotten yourself into this time, eh Ben? Oo :: The small Venture-class scout ship was in over it's head this time around thanks to it's pilot and owner, Ben Wells. The scruffy-looking Terran was always taking contracts that seemed impossible to complete given his resources, but it hadn't ever been a problem before. Until now perhaps... :: :: Ben's ship, which he'd aptly named "Fortune", was in orbit around the massive yellow-hued Class-S ultra giant in the Tarador System. All 6 of the planets were gaseous planets of some sort and not of much worth to anyone... unless you knew where to look. :: :: The bald, blue-eyed man stroked his unkempt beard as he looked at the planet through the view port. He considered the task before him and tried to crunch the numbers... and they weren't looking so favorable.:: :: "Fortune" had been quite a reliable ship for the past 2 years; especially given the fact that he'd only paid 50 bars of latinum to take it out of an independent Zakdorn supply depot. After a few repairs, upgrades and modifications, the former Starfleet scout vessel had performed the various salvage and retrieval contracts with only minor issues. :: :: This little endeavor, on the other hand, wasn't going to be as easy. Ben mused about that prospect while taking a swig of Saurian Brandy... his last bottle. :: oO It never seems to go as far as I'd like. Oo :: Putting the bottle back down and wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Ben brought up his ship's hull tolerance specifications. After a quick glance, he leaned back in his seat and looked up towards the ceiling in disgust. :: Wells: Why, oh why did I ever think I could do this one? Someone want to explain it to me? :: The contract specifically required a 25 kilogram sample of the asteroid that was now inconveniently lodged in a hydrogen pocket 1000 kilometers into the planet's gasseous atmosphere. The asteroid's geologic make-up was causing problems with getting any sort of transporter lock on the rock face. Therefore, Ben would have to take his ship into the atmosphere and get into point-blank range to initiate any sort of transport. At those depths, the pressure would crush the "Fortune" like a can of dehydrated Andorian beets. :: oO No wonder I was the only one to sign up for this one. Oo :: Ben cracked his neck to try and ease the stress and looked back at the massive planet lying before him. :: Well: Read the fine print next time before you sign anything, will ya Benny-boy? You get me into more trouble that way than anything else. :: What made all of this worse was the time limit the contract had stipulated. The unnamed clients wanted their sample in 2 weeks... and it had taken Ben 6 days to ge`t to the planet at maximum warp. So, in essence, he had ONE DAY to get the sample and head back to the trading station on Relga 9 as the crow flies. There was no time to waste. :: :: The reward for this puny sample? 500 bars of latinum AND coverage of expenditures. Ben had salivated at such a juicy contract, until he was on his ship and read the details after signing up. But, he'd never reneged on a deal before... and he wasn't going to start now. :: Wells: Computer, transfer auxiliary power to structural integrity. Disengage all non-essential systems and transfer to the shield grid. Computer: Power transfer complete. Structural integrity field at 120 percent. :: Ben, satisfied with everything he'd done to batten down the hatches, set an intercept course for the asteroid. He then took the last swig of brandy and tossed the bottle behind him. A deep breath followed as he stared down the mighty gas giant like a gunslinger eying his opponent in a duel at high noon. :: Wells: Alright then... fortune favors the bold... and papa needs a new bottle of brandy. :: A few commands on the console in front of him and the small craft's impulse drive hummed into life. The view out of the front window changed from the horizon of the planet to a murky mixture of pale yellow with various tufts of orange and red. "Fortune" was heading right into the belly of this beast... and Ben hoped she could handle the ride. :: :: The turbulence started off as a mild shake, but slowly grew to be a more moderate vibration. All Ben had to work off of now was his sensor data showing him how close he was to the target. After a minute, he was only a third of the way there. :: :: That's when things got complicated... and scary. The computer spouted off warnings of cross-variable currents and swirling hydrogen eddys. Ben, being a decent enough pilot, evaded the worst of it. But that wasn't before his shields began to buckle under the strain. :: :: "Fortune" was rocking and creaking as she passed the 500 kilometer mark. Ben's knuckles were white and his complexion pale due to the stress. His breathing was getting faster and faster and the sound of his heartbeat echoed in his ears. But still, he pressed on. :: Wells: We're almost there... just a little bit more sweety. You can do it. Computer: Warning, shields are offline. Structural integrity at 80 percent. Hull pressure exceeding specified limits. oO Thanks for stating the obvious... Oo :: at 750 kilometers, klaxons sounded throughout the small cabin of the ship. The creaking and snapping noised became intolerable. Ben was terrified, but amazed that his ship kept going... until the inevitable happened when he got to 950 kilometers. :: Computer: Warning. Microfractures forming on outer hull. Breach imminent. Catastrophic decompression in 90 seconds. Wells: Transfer emergency power to structural integrity! :: The computer beeped an acknowledgement. Finally, the large mass of gray rock appeared through the window. Ben had no time to enjoy the view. He beamed the piece of rock into the cabin and quickly reversed course. :: Computer: Cross current detected on present course, recommend course correction. Ben: Sorry sweetheart, no time... :: He took a second to wipe the sweat from his brow and continued on course. The ship was hit by a massive current of rotating hydrogen and helium which threw Ben out of his seat. He scrambled to get back and correct for the issue, but the only thing that greeted him was the computer's less-than-cheerful news. :: Computer: Hull integrity critical. Breach in 29 seconds. :: The instruments showed "Fortune" was only 150 kilometers from clearing the atmosphere, but the last jolt had done a number on the impulse engines. It would take 32 seconds to get clear at his current speed. Ben closed his eyes and hoped for the best. :: oO Please be wrong... please be wrong. Oo :: The computer counted down the seconds to a hull breach and Ben just sat there silently repeating the mantra. For a split second, he wondered if all this had been worth it. Was this hunk of rock he carried really worth 500 bars of latinum... or his life? :: :: Before he could find out if his doubt would come to fruition, the shaking finally ceased. Ben almost thought his death had been so painless that he didn't even notice the hull breach and decompression. But, when he finally opened his eyes, all he saw was the view out of the front window. It was full of stars. :: :: With a large sigh of relief, Ben slumped back in his chair and put his hands on his face. He rubbed his eyes and began to chuckle at the lucky break this ship had given him. All the math and logic were against him this time, but the vagabond pilot of this second-hand scout ship had defied the odds once again. The Terran turned in his chair and took a his first close look at his 25 kilogram prize. :: Wells: Looks like I picked the right name for this ship... now I just want some brandy. :: The sweat-soaked Terran turned back to the controls and mercifully set a course to the trading station. The computer informed him it would take 7 days to reach his destination... and he only had 6 to get the rock back to his client. :: oO Please be wrong... please be wrong... Oo :: Ben closed his eyes and tapped the control to engage the warp drive. :: ~ The End ~
  18. I'm really not sure how to feel about this game. For one, it's primed to go up against ST Online, which has had plenty of time to establish itself as the premier Star Trek MMO. On the other hand, I think the one thing Infinite Space has going for it is the fact that it's free. However, MMOs these days need money to develop. So, will there just be tons of in-game advertisements to maintain itself? If so, won't that get annoying to the players? Although, the major problem I have with STO is probably the same problem I'll have with Infinite Space... it's only Star Trek in name and look, not in substance. Star Trek isn't about going around the galaxy engaging all manner of aliens in ship-to-ship or away team combat. Star Trek is about exploration; not only of the galaxy but of the human condition. I'm sorry, but all I ever see in Star Trek MMOs is, "Let's go blow some stuff up! FOR THE FEDERATION!" Unless Infinite Space can offer more exploration and less war, I'm going to pass.
  19. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet! See you around!
  20. Welcome to the Fleet! Happy Simming!
  21. OOC: This takes place the day after Parker's attempted strangling of Ensign Walker... (( Engineering)) :: Maya was on a mission. As much as she cared for Parker, she knew that as a Starfleet officer, killing your crew mates was not something condoned. On a Klingon ship, such a killing would be considered justice. Her man could barely move this morning after the so called "workout" with the Captain. Maya lived in two worlds, and she saw the two in very close proximity, especially now. With purpose, she strode into Engineering looking for Walker. Several noticed her, and some wondered if there was going to be a repeat of the previous days' mayhem. Maya wasn't here to kill Tobias..she was here to explain Parker to him the best she could...and perhaps salvage some sort of relationship with him. Men like Parker often stood alone..most too afraid to face him...[...] cowards! She really needed to watch the Chief though...Martinez was just a little too close for comfort..and although she was willing to share Parker with Kamela,no others were worthy of him. She spied Tobias working on an engineering console and she headed right for him...she needed to get this over with..... Gemini: Tobias...I need to talk to you...about Parker... :: She could see the confusion in Tobias' eyes....was he wondering if she was going to try to killl him too? Tobias: Are you here to finish the job that Hannibal started? Gemini: No...I'm not going to kill you. but if you don't find a place where we can talk,I'll find a way to poison you where only your eyelids will work... :: Tobias motioned her over to a currently unoccupied office. Tobias sat at the desk,while Maya stood before it.. Tobias: If you're not here to kill me, then what can I do for you, Lieutenant Gemini:: staring straight at Tobias:: Do you really understand why Parker wanted to kill you? ::Tobias paused for a second before he responded, after he thought about the answer.:: Tobias: He believes that I'm responsible in part for his parent's death, that I'm a traitor to starfleet. Is that the reason? ::Tobias realized that there was more going on with Parker than even he knew. The anger towards him for killing Parker's parents was highly misplaced. Parker was blaming him for everything that the Syndicate had done wrong. Channeling all his anger towards the closest person to him. There was more going on than Tobias could understand.:: Gemini: No...that is not the only reason he wanted you dead. I have seen him kill before. You have seen him kill before. He is merciless..quick... He wanted you to know something before he killed you. Tobias: ::Rubbing his still sore neck:: I got the message. Gemini: He, in is own way, liked you a lot. He..trusted you. And you betrayed that trust. You disrespected his honor. You mocked him. I'm not here to judge you for what you did...we have all done things we wish we had not, and we will do so again. If this were a Klingon ship, you would be dead.not for what you did,but because you were not honest with him when you had the opportunity. Unless you change the situation with him, you will always worry on some night he might still kill you. ::Tobias betrayed more than friendship and he knew it. But he also knew that what was now common knowledge needed to remain a secret, sometimes the wrong things needed to be done for the right reason. To destroy the devil, part of him had to become the devil. And he hoped in the end he wouldn't lose his soul.:: Tobias: I sleep with ghosts every night, Gemini, when I do sleep. So there is nothing I can do to ease that. Gemini: You must fight him. Tobias: Not going to happen, he tried to kill me once, he is not getting the chance again. :: She could see the fear returning to his eyes at the thought of facing an enraged Parker again..with no one around to stop him..be she knew how to handle that... Gemini: You must take your punishment for betraying him..a piece of your [...] for the rest of your life..a life less than 24 hours ago he was more than willing to take.. Tobias: Punishment I'm not afraid to take, but this will be a little one sided. Gemini: I am certain that you will find a non lethal way of evening the odds....because I can still make my threat very real... Tobias: I don't like threats, received too many of them the last week... Gemini: Facing him and taking your punishment for your betrayal will allow him to respect you..there is no other way. You could save the ship a thousand times but it would mean nothing to him..in his eyes you would still be a traitor. This is very personal to him...and you know why it is. If you truly want him on your side,this is what must happen... :: Maya studied Tobias for a few minutes,wishing she could see the inside his mind to watch the wheels turning. She wasn't about to tell Tobias that Parker was fighting the Captain each night to "improve his temper". From the way things went last night for her man,this enlightenment might take awhile...and also slightly weaken her man when he faces Walker.. Tobias: And I have this desire to continue breathing at the end of each day. Gemini: He will not kill you. He will beat you. Then the road back will begin.Parker..Parker...is a man who would sacrifice himself for everyone in the crew to save them. He saved my life...twice. How many times during the fight on that rock did he save yours? Your men? His men? All he asks is honesty. Give him what he needs. Soon. :: With that,Maya turned and left the office. She did hope Tobias understood what had to be done. Her man needed his friends, the few he had. Mya looked over her shoulder as she left Engineering,noting that Tobias had not left the little office yet. Hopefully, he will figutr it out. She had done the legwork...now it was time to head back to her lab... ::Tobias sat in the chief engineer's chair, a lot weighing in on his mind. He had to think of something and fast. He had been backed into a corner and unlike Jubal, Parker had a diffrent set of rules, ones that wouldn't allow him to bend. It would be over an hour before he left the office with a plan that just might work.:: TBC/TAG Lt. j.g. Maya Gemini Chief Science Officer AS simmed by: Lt. Hannibal Tiberious Parker, Acting Chief Tactical Officer Acting Chief Of Security USS Challenger & Ens. Tobias Walker Engineering Officer USS Challenger - A
  22. (( Mediplex )) Herrera: Alright, so now that's all sorted I guess you have nothing to worry about for the day, right? Blake: No. I have a list of things to worry about actually. Being chained to Parker is number four, this "event" number three, Marloy being on board number two, and- ::She cut off there.:: Herrera: ::Insistently:: And? ::Sky pulled up the sleeve of her shirt to show the scar that she had already shown him.:: Blake: The inflictor is now aboard the ship. And he intends to cause as much damage as possible. That's my number one worry. Aperon. ::Diego looked down at the scar, and then back up at Sky.:: Herrera: So I take it you've seen him. Blake: Ha. Seen him . . . Herrera: Did he threaten you? Blake: He did more than just threaten me. ::The slight ache in her cheek where Cynthia had healed proved that. Sky probably had a bruised shoulder as well due to hitting the bulkhead where Aperon pushed her side-on.:: Herrera: It's important that you remember that you're in Starfleet, and there are rules. ::He held up his hands before she could interject.:: They govern him as well as you. He can't go round threatening people. This is the USS Challenger, not some Nausicaan pirate scow. If he threatened you, and you have witnesses, then you need to take this to Parker. As much as you two hate the sight of each other, Parker can't ignore something like that. This 'Aperon' or whatever his name is would probably end up on report, at least. Blake: Parker would be glad to see me get beat up by someone I know quite well. Actually, half of the senior staff would love it, and that includes the Captain. Herrera: Why don't you sit down for a second? I'll get a dermal regenerator, and we can say goodbye to that scar. Blake: That won’t do much.::Regardless of what she said, she did as she was asked.:: Herrera: ::Taking care to keep his tone casual so as not to make this into the big deal it potentially could be.:: Who knows, if Aperon sees you with the scar missing, then maybe that would send him a clear message that you don't intend to be pushed around by him anymore? It's the sort of message he can't do anything about. Any member of the crew reserves the right to have a scar removed, if they want... Blake: It’s not just that. Aperon . . . Aperon will . . . ::She couldn’t sum it up properly in a way that was “simple”, so she cut straight to the memory.:: When I was in High School, Bailey and I weren’t the only Brekkian hybrids. There were three others. Two of them, Hayra and Cestra, were twins while Jesse was a single child like myself. At that point in time, the students who would have protected us from Aperon had left school. Not because they wanted to, because they really would have done everything they could to protect us, but because they had to. Aperon had gathered crowds, making them think that hybrids weren’t meant to exist. The injuries that were inflicted on us five were . . . cruel. My mentor, Marloy, he wasn’t able to come and protect us anymore either; he was banned from the school grounds, so the only thing he could do is help heal us when we returned to him afterwards. Aperon had absolutely nothing stopping him to try and kill us. Well, one day, Hayra and Cestra went missing. It had the three of us worried, and I mean it. Marloy was also uncertain. But about a week after their disappearance, they were found dead in Kekorna’s forest. There was a lack of blood, and apparently they were strangled to finally kill them. Herrera: Response? Blake: The most suspicious thing about it was that Aperon went missing the same day for three days. Regardless of nearly everything pointing to him, he managed to walk away, because he was such the good student. Herrera: Response? Blake: You know how you asked me if he threatened me? Yeah, he attacked me out in the open outside the Mess Hall. Sure, Bailey encouraged it, but if you waited fifteen years to try and inflict a broken arm and nose on the person who did a heap more than that to you, you would have done the same thing. ::Sky’s real fear was Aperon trying to attack her in her sleep, where she would be powerless against him. It scared her badly. Just thinking of what he might try to do to her in the next few days – trying to work out how he might hurt her. She might not be able to sleep for another three days, regardless of the fact that she needed it. It took her a few seconds to work out that there was tears running down her cheeks.:: Herrera: Response? Blake: No. But I suppose I have to manage. Parker is going to try to give me hell, so I have to be in a mood where I can *not* slice his neck with a knife. But with him stuck with me for the next eight hours, I should be safe. It’s the night that I’m worried about; if Aperon managed to join as an Enlisted officer than he’s bound to work out how to open a locked door from the outside. Aperon doesn’t follow the rules. He cheats . . . *all the time*. He doesn’t care if there’s a bruise on his reputation. Herrera: Response? Blake: He isn’t here for StarFleet. ::She jumped off the biobed.:: He’s here for either me, or Bailey and his family. And that’s what concerns me. Bailey’s daughter is *quarter* Brekkian, so she just might be the start to all this. Herrera: Response? ::Considering that Sky *was* just scared, she took one look at Diego and then at the door.:: Blake: I’ll see you soon – hopefully not *too* soon. Herrera: Response? ((Outside Mediplex)) ::Now, you’d think that with all that worrying, Sky would keep a look out for Aperon’s thoughts. Well, guess again.:: ::A hand reached out and grabbed her by the neck. Slowly, it’s grip got tighter on her, and she began to lose the ability to breath. She looked up into the hard brown eyes of Aperon, struggling to even get a small gasp of breath in. Sky would have tapped her comm. Badge – that’s if she hadn’t given it to Tom to make sure that Mando and Parker wouldn’t find her in a hurry. Now she wished that they *did* find her in a hurry, because Aperon wasn’t playing the normal fair-fight game.:: ::Sky slid her hand on his wrist, and pressed her thumb into his skin so that it would move past the bone and into the muscle behind it. When he finally let go, Sky took the advantage of the extra time; she quickly breathed, and then punched him – again, in the nose.:: Blake: Haven’t you had enough!? ::She spat.:: Why!? What the hell did I ever do to you!?! Aperon: Exist. ::He flung himself at her, but Sky didn’t realize that he had a dagger in his hand until it pierced her chest. It stopped her right in her tracks. Aperon pulled it out slowly, more pain adding to the list.:: Aperon: Right in the heart, Skyleena. No blade to stop most of the bleeding. ::Sky fell to the deck underneath her.:: Blake: The-the only thing I . . . care about right now . . . is you . . . hurting . . . others. ::She gasped.:: ::Aperon seemed to take joy in that, and his foot collided with Sky’s arm. Sky had to bite her lip in order to stop herself from screaming – he had snapped it, and when someone snaps a Brekkians arm, it takes a *long* time for that arm to heal.:: ::But, unusually, a cat strutted itself in between Aperon’s legs. Aperon kicked it away, until it snarled and clawed his leg.:: Aperon: AHHH!! Get off me you mongrel! Marloy: Excuse me, but I think that’s my cat. ::That’s when Sky’s eyes closed.:: Tbc . . . Ensign Skyleena Blake Security USS Challenger-A
  23. ((Outside Sickbay, 1623 hours, Beta shift)) Medic: Move aside sir. I'll take over. ::Tal moved aside and stood up. His glance showed that a number of the intruders were quickly reaching a more revealing state and that most of the injured crewmembers were either gone from the corridor or were being assisted by either other crewmembers or by medical staff.:: ::Tal tapped his comms badge and started to speak.:: Tel-ar: =/\= Computer make this a ship wide broadcast. =/\= Computer: =/\= Proceed. =/\= Tel-ar: =/\= This is Cmdr. Tel-ar. I need a situation report from every department head in 10 minutes. If any one has any information they think is important then contact your department head and report it now. All security and marines will continue to remain active until otherwise informed. Tel-ar out. =/\= ::Tal then turned and walked over to the entrance to sickbay where he entered to see just what the butchers bill on this engagement was going to be. As he did his comms badge chirped again. With out thinking Tal activated it. :: Parker: =/\= Parker to Captain Tel-ar=/\= Tel-ar: =/\= Proceed Lt. =/\= Parker: =/\= We are modulating the shields to slow them being able to transport through them. The shrouds look very similar to what the Jem Haddar used, so I've got Engineering to build me a SLUG to detect subspace fields within the hull. Once it's activated, their shrouds will no longer be effective and we will get positive locks on their locations. They have spilled enough of our blood, now it's time to spill much more of theirs.=/\=. Tel-ar: =/\= While I may agree with the sentiment I need live subjects if we are ever going to extract information from them. Make ever effort to contain and detain as many of them as possible Lt. ::Tal paused for a moment. His antenna were twitching. The smells were confusing and all the screams of pain, moans of agony and whimpers of fear were messing up his enhanced senses. Then he continued.:: How long till your ready to proceed? =/\= Parker: =/\= It should be ready and installed in ten minutes Captain. Chief Martinez is assisting Ensigns Walker and Zell in the installation. I'm heading back up to Medical to await our guests, unless you have other orders for me, Sir. =/\= Tel-ar: =/\= No. Not at this time. ::Again Tal paused as he overheard one of the medics pronounce the young man he had been attempting to revive with CPR as dead. So much blood was exposed that it was almost the only thing he could smell.:: Just continue with your efforts Lt. =/\= Parker:=/\= Aye Sir. Parker out.=/\= ::Tal glanced down the corridor. It was as bad as he had ever seen. With out realizing it he shook his head and turned towards the main entrance to sickbay.:: ::Just as he was about to approach the door close enough for the sensor to detect him and open, a medic with a wounded security officer weaved into his path. Tal stopped just in time to avoid bumping into them.:: KKKAAABBBOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! ::The main doors to sickbay exploded leaving a massive hole in the center large enough for someone to walk through. The blast struck the medic and wounded man first, driving them backwards into Tal who also went flying backwards into the wall. :: ::His head was ringing and his body hurt. His side was throbbing and when he tried to move Tal felt a strange sense of unreality to the attempt.:: ::Tal shook his head carefully and found blue blood was running down his face. He was also pinned under the two crewmen who had been just in front of him.:: ::It took him a few moments to push them aside. He had started to do so carefully until he noticed that the medic was missing half his head. The security officer was also dead.:: ::Once Tal had shifted them aside he tried to stand. His balance was shot. With a sudden brief sense of panic Tal lifted one hand up to touch his antenna. One was OK but the other one was half missing. That explained the loss of balance and weird sensation he was feeling as he tried to move.:: ::Still he had a ship to run. A crew to care for and a mission that he was determined to finish. So he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand. It was harder than he had expected. Now to walk.:: ::Tal took short careful steps. Both to make sure he did not fall over but to also make sure he did not step on anything that might cause him to fall over as well. :: ::It seemed to take forever for him to reach and enter the gaping hole in what had use to be the main sickbay doors. He had to grab on with both hands in order to be able to step through the hole.:: ::Once inside he heard a female suddenly scream. A glance around the wildly spinning and wobbling room showed a number of people staring at him. He managed to look down with out falling over.:: ::What he saw explained a lot. He was covered in red blood. Simply plastered with it. Here and there a thin line of blue, his own blood slid down his body to mingle and mix with the red.:: ::Then he spotted the jagged white object sticking out of his side. For a moment he did not realize what it was. Then he recognized it. It was a large thick piece of bone shattered to the point it was barely recognizable. :: ::That did not make any sense. Both arms and legs were working ok, if a little unsteady. From the size of that bone it had to be a leg or arm… the two crewmen in front of him. It had to be one of theirs.:: ::Suddenly someone was holding his arm and talking to him.:: Someone: respond TBC ***************** Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar Acting Captain USS Challenger-A
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