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Artemis-cellaneous: Memorable whatevers from The Borderlands


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10 hours ago, Jovenan said:

@Vitor S. Silveira, I love you and I hate you (not really)!


For context, Silveira calls Jovenan "Nan". A few days ago in Discord, some of us admitted they were initially confused by that!





You all should know by now not to fuel my chaotic plot writing mind ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Jovenan deserves all the points for this excellent callback.


Jovenan: It’s not lies. It’s possible because we’ve all come here… from the future.

What? At first, that confused Tevet even further than any other claim they had made. It wasn’t possible to travel in time… or was it? Mom had told stories about travelling in time, of time machines and ships that went into the past or the future, something about whales. But they were all stories, not true! Yet… It made more sense than any other explanation.


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The more they could blend in, the better. Though, two of them were Vulcans and the other's hair was a fashion statement all by itself.

I wonder who that third can be. Would you know @Savel ?

Yeah, I love this little teasing going on in our alter line...

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  • 4 weeks later...

oO Violence is the cursed spring from which all suffering flows. Sacrifice that which is dear and let the Wheel guide your way. Oo

The Tenets were clear. Violence wasn’t the way forward. 

oO Against the currents of time, only cooperation and unison can see us safe. Discord would see all drown, but together, we will float. Oo 

Absolute artistry in this craftwork by @Gila Sadar. This is the type of prose that fills me with awe to read, and inspires me to do better in my own writing. Thank you! 🧡

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Jovenan didn’t turn her eyes away from the vessel rushing towards her, not when it had grown to cover the city’s skyline, not when it crashed through the dome, not when the immense force coloured her vision white and would surely vaporise them all. She thought she had deserved it. Execution without a trial, just like home.

She didn’t believe in ghosts. But at the last moment, she wondered if Vitor would soothe her spirit to the eternal oblivion in the Artemis’ arboretum alongside her sister-across-the-universes.

@Jovenan Want a double-date to the counselor's office come shoreleave? 😢 To everyone else: Assassination plots are BAD for crew morale.

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Had to shout out @Gnai's title. It's been fun seeing Gnai's reactions to everything going on around it. Especially it's reactions to the two Vulcans paired up with it.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 220025.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Renirs: I dunno. Maybe it was that I beat up the Security Chief, but I don’t think I should have been punished for it. Gabe was totally okay with it, we even discussed me training his officers afterwards. He’s chill like that. ::thinks:: Or maybe it was because of that one time I showed up covered in blood and asked your boss to fire one of your colleagues. But that’s okay too, he knew to leave the ship on his own accord. ::wink::

@Jovenan proceeds to have the most entertaining PNPC in this damned fleet. Renirs is a gem no matter who she meets. 🤣

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Posted (edited)

Savel: Ensign Jaseb. ::feeling less formal using his first name, even with the title::

Ensign Jaseb... I did expect something like this from @Gnai, not from @Savel!

Savel, you made my day! ❤️

Edited by Jaseb Chevalier
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Every time there's a new Renirs sim I feel like I need to rush over and post the highlights here ASAP. She is too dang funny. @Jovenan, you've done it again (had me laughing out loud).


So far, it had been a typical cave. Dark, slippery, smelly cave, but many of them were, or so Jozial would imagine. The hidden goodies were still to be discovered; what was the point of a cave if you didn’t put anything in there? At least they hadn’t yet found out the pools of water here weren’t invested by sentient, long-lived worms who could take over your body. She never understood what make the ancient Trills go “hmm, I’m gonna cut my belly open and put this slimy creature in there”. Kahless, her species were disgusting sometimes! The spots were cute though.


Renirs: My ::bleep:: ::bleep:: in the ::bleep:: ::bleep::, ::bleep:: ::bleep::! ::Bleep::!

A grimace on her face, Jozial was clenching all her muscles as she was lying on her side on the ground, hoping that it, or the shouting, would take some of the pain away. Mines! The corrupt cops, humanoid traffickers or even the teachers didn’t use those to get her! That was a sneaky, cruel, twisted method of hurting people. Better write it down.

She saw something bright approaching her. It was glowing, illuminating the surrounding air. Was it an angel? A friendly Prophet or Megan having come to take her away? She watched in awe as its subtle hair dancing in the air as it got closer and…

It was the freaking jelly.


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