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Denali Station quotes that have a nice Ring to them.

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T’Lea:  And Commander set your tricorder to scan for high velocity projectiles when you are up there.  Try not to die.  It's too much paperwork.

If @TLea speaks from experience, that doesn't bode well I'm afraid 😁

  • Haha 3

@Tomas Falt have I mentioned yet that I'm slightly in love with Hesan? 😆



Nan almost laughed.  


Hesan: I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m not sure if it’s my size, the phaser rifles, or my sunny disposition, but I’ve never had problems turning up somewhere unannounced. ::short pause:: Not for long, anyway. 



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This piece of narrative from @Kettick is giving Douglas Adams vibes 😆


It looked almost exactly like crabs did, which was common enough in the Universe, and hovered gently above the lip of the hole, almost exactly like crabs did not.


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Posted (edited)

It's a constant of the Universe : sooner or later, crabs.

On  the other hand, we have @Dekas going full, er, well:


Dekas: I, ah. Um. Crab?  

In his confusion he found himself making snippy crab hands with his own hands.

That. Whatever that is. 😂

Edited by Kettick
  • Haha 3

@John Kendrick there's something about an unsure second thought after a reassuring statement that makes me chuckle. 





Kendrick: Don’t worry, Ensign. I’m adjusting our speed. Your magnetic boots will hold.


oO I hope. Oo



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@Kettick as always having an excellent sense of humor in his writing 😄


Remmilians and Vulcans shared a few characteristics, notably a strength that went beyond what their outward physical appearance suggested, and a diametrically underdeveloped ability to discern whether "if you need a hand" was in good taste around a cyborg.

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Another one from @Kettick at this point I may as well start a Yann fan club. Loving the bird related personal notes “overgrown parakeet” is a hilarious way  to think about an Aurelian.



The Ferengi in front of him blinked.
Then waited.

It did not seem to phase the overgrown parakeet that had barged in front of him.


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he was just a single cyborg moving junk for the magic crab.

@Yael what could be more normal? 😂

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T’Lea’s form was surrounded by the transporter beam and then disappeared from their refuge.

Raimor: ::quietly:: I should have confronted her earlier…

The Remmilian felt that this assertion from his Betazoid counterpart needed correcting.

Kettick: On the contrary, Ensign. I believe waiting until Commander T'Lea was weakened enough not to shoot you on the spot when you asked to examine her was a wise tactical move.

I believe @Kettick has a point 😄.

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KayBay: If a Ferengi feels like he is being the bigger person in the room, you are doing something wrong, Lieutenant.

The Aurelian was almost tempted to point out that with his own seven-foot frame, and head feathers that made him appear even bigger than that, KayBay would likely struggle to be the “bigger” person when he was in the room with him. But that would be more impolite than the initial demand so he kept it to himself.

Touché Lt. JG Om-Zora 😁 (@Dekas).

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Are we surprised that I'm appreciating @Kettick again? Because honestly, he's a GEM. Yes, please fire some big space rocks at us, sir. 😆


Kettick: =/\=... in order to disintegrate this platform or at the very least blast it off course before it becomes an extinction hazard. Therefore, I believe I speak for everybody when I say we would appreciate if you would be so kind as to fire the big space rocks away, sir. =/\=


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Villa: Ma'am, your arm.

Forsyth: I-I known, It's just a flesh wound.

Very Monty Python-esque from @Alex Forsyth here. 😂

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Posted (edited)

Another one from @Kettick. This time inwardly about the fact that Dekas just put himself in a stupid amount of danger. "Crows were really smart, for instance." is maybe one of the funniest roasts he could have thought about Dekas in this situation. 😆



Raimor: ::blinking in disbelief:: C-Commander… You- Why did you do that? You could have been killed!
The Remmilian engineer concurred with the medical assessment, and very pointedly did not glare at his superior and nonetheless friend.
Nor did he call him a birdbrain. That would have been rude, and an unjust stereotype. Crows were really smart, for instance.



Edited by Dekas
  • Haha 2

@Gogigobo Fairhug writing Francisco over here being an excellent wingman in the middle of a crisis. 😆



Villa: So, Kingsley, eh?
Forsyth: Response
Villa: ::with a cheeky smile:: Hey, she's a…nice person, right? 
Forsyth: Response
Villa: Well, if we make it out of all this in one piece, I bet a lot of people are going to want to celebrate. Maybe you'll see her around somewhere.
He turned to face Forsyth and gave a wink through his visor.



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1 hour ago, Dekas said:

@Gogigobo Fairhug writing Francisco over here being an excellent wingman in the middle of a crisis. 😆


Hey, even when radioactive asteroids are falling on your head, you have to keep on keeping on! 😂


@Freck is funny and if no one else appreciates it first, I absolutely will 🤣 


Well, there was always Rule of Acquisition 76. Freck snorted in spite of himself.

Freck: I’d suggest luring them in with a fake surrender, but I don’t know if I’d trust pirates to not take advantage of our “vulnerable” state and get rid of us before we can spring the trap. Not exactly ideal conditions for a ruse.

Ah, well. Not everything had to end up like a holo-novel. Back to crunching numbers while the real tactical experts in the room talked.


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@Kettick is always out here with the zingers, I swear 🤣


Without the bulk of the Trill shielding it from the last shower of debris, the poor appliance would likely have ended riddled with more holes than a Ferengi tax return


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I'll stop appreciating @Kettick's portrayal of Kaybay when he stops being funny, which is literally impossible. He's hilarious.



Kaybay: =/\= Give your orders, and we will coordinate. You'll have the right of first refusal on any salvage, at humanitarian rates. =/\=
Om-Zora: Response
Operations: =/\= Response =/\=
Kaybay smiled. He had never pretended it would be a humanitarian *discount*.



  • Haha 3

Okay also upon reflection I missed this little thought process during my first read-through, and Ensign Raimor makes a good point. 😉


As Dekas triggered the transporter, Raimor closed his eyes. He supposed that if he never reappeared again he wouldn’t have to worry about it.


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Okay, I'm catching up with the reading today and everyone is just full of good ones. Such as this one from @Freck I wheeze-laughed. That is such a good response to successfully blowing up an otherwise dangerous asteroid.


He couldn’t help himself. Freck jumped to his feet, pumped both fists in the air and shouted.

Freck: Dabo!

Finally, something went exactly their way for once! It was like every previous frustration and sensitivity and hint of exhuastion that had been building up that day was cleared away with just one death-defying successful stunt.

followed by @Tomas Falt's response to it. Which I find entertaining because both versions of relief are completely reasonable ways to handle it. You can almost hear the relieved exhale as he says it.



The Asteroid was gone, replaced by molten fragments small enough they’d burn up as they hit the ring's atmosphere. He almost collapsed in his chair at the sudden release of tension. Denali was safe. 

Falt: Dabo indeed, Ensign. Dabo indeed... 



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Ensign Raimor over here with thoughts like these making me giggle.


Well that was good news at least. Between the wind and rock storms, Raimor had feared that the shuttle would have taken damage to any of the important systems. It seemed like this was a tough little bird after all. He looked over at Commander Dekas. Was that insensitive?

honestly a high five to the first person who uses a phrase like “a little birdy told me.” To Dekas’ face at some point. 

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