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Looking for love  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. When simming love, what partner characters do you prefer to sim?

    • Simming a relationship with another Player Character.
    • Simming a relationship with your own PNPC.
    • Simming a relationship with a PNPC simmed by a different player.
    • Other (do tell us!)

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In our community, we sim adventures, we sim in space, we sim science fiction. Which is what Star Trek is about. But, ultimately, Star Trek is also about people, about their beliefs, doubts and relationships. And therefore, that is also what we sim about.

And, in some ocasions, these relationships mean love. We do sim about love between characters. The Embassy has recently seen a wedding between two of their characters, and we have seen such relationships in lots of ships, even shared children. 

We also see such relationships with PNPCs. Characters with whole families created as secondary characters, or with occasional relationships, or any options you can think of.

So we ask, when your character looks for love, where do they find it? 

This is a new post in our category Simming Questions. Here we will be asking questions about our community, our characters and our writing, and how you interact with it all.


I had planned to sim a relationship with a PNPC, but a relationship with another Player Character sort of organically grew  and so we've both just started going with it.

I'm relatively new to the idea and it could all fall apart, but so far it's been fun.

I'm open to either, but I think it's too early to talk about "preferences" for me.



In my years in RPGing I to had my characters have relationships and I do prefer for them to have a relationship with a real player. Why? It makes it unpredictable of what will be said, done or reacted when something happens. I like that and prefer that then written on something that is already planned out for years. 

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I've tried both. I prefer simming relationships with another player for the same reason RaWolf said. But the chemistry has to be right and it has to develop naturally without being forced. The draw back to this is RL will eventually take them away or they decide it's not for them. It does suck but it's fun while it lasts.


I far prefer simming relationships out with someone else, whether with its their main character or a PNPC. 


I'd prefer a real person as the love interest, but whether that's character or PNPC I don't care very much. I had just started a relationship with another player's PNPC when I transferred and we're currently still 'involved', though we haven't simmed anything since.


Alex (my main char) has a bad streak when it comes to simming a relationship. I started to work on something 3 times and each time it was getting serious Alex or the other person was send off on a transfer...   So.. if you are looking for a way off your ship. Ask Alex to be your boyfriend and you're good to go ;)


As for the more serious part. I never simmed a relationship (as in love) with my own PNPC. Have simmed a blood brother pact between my main and a Klingon PNPC. That is a lot of fun.

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I would let whatever happens, happen. Right now, I'm not planning on getting Krindo in a relationship now but I'm not counting it out either.


I've simmed relationships with both character types. Usually they're all pretty rewarding in terms of development, and while it's definitely more fulfilling to bounce ideas off another player, ultimately doing both is bringing me joy. If I'm simming my Primary with my PNPC (which I'm doing at the moment for Blake and Sabor within flashbacks), I have to operate with a set idea of what's to come. So if it ends badly or if they all live happily ever after, it's always going to be part of the plan until I change my mind (as such with Kinan and Irasaph, though their relationship is so behind the scenes that it's doubtful anyone will notice). I usually have a whole thing decked out from the get-go.

If I'm with another player, I like discussing my character and the ins and outs and all the thoughts and motives and little cool tidbits, especially if it's about PC relationships. I've noticed that romantic relationships between PC characters (or PC to PNPC characters) tend to take a lot of planning and discussion.

It's either orther, really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like simming a relationship together with another player. I don't care if that is a PNPC or a main character as long as another person is involved. It could result into adverture, romance, conflict and so on since it is unpredictable. There are two people working on a relationship like it goes in real life.  

Right now my main character is still in the dating stadium and it is so much fun to write this together. I hope it will work out into a relationship but we'll see where it ends up. 😚

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