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Overheard in the Shoals: Veritas Notable Quotables

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Also known as "Holy Grail Melt Mode"



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I wonder how much spam was use to make THAT guy's head exploded on screen. Hmm.... *shudders*



Kelrod: Does the captain know that you're here and who you really are? Because he didn't mentioned having any passenger...

Kallo: That... is also a long story.

@Blake: Why not make it a short story then? 



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Kallo: I intend to take a diamond belonging to the Badnut family. They're a rather wealthy bunch that run trade near End Triangle. But to get the diamond, I have to access their family crypt. And I can't just walk in.

Rahman: Response?

Kallo: I'd never lie to you, Captain. I intended to pretend to be a member of the family, fake my death, have my body placed in the crypt — and with complete and open access to the Badnut diamond available to me, it is mine for the taking.

Blake:::frowning in thought:: If you couldn't walk into the crypt through regular means, how did you intend to walk out of it? 

Kallo opened his mouth, but paused, his index finger raised. After a moment, his finger dropped and his mouth closed, unable to answer her logical question.

Blake pinched the bridge of her nose as she sighed.

...and just from reading it you can see poor Blake doing that!

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I know it's not mine, but Kelrod was becoming fond of Baxter. If someone has stolen it,... I'll help Vanlith to rescue him, or... (Picard voice)... make them pay for what they've done!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...


@Blake: Wil, I can't access the internal sensor log data. It looks like- oh.

The man froze, sprung in the act. A woman, clad in little more than a black corset and impractical high-heels, had curled herself around the very uncomfortable-looking Chief Engineer. As soon as he saw Blake, his eyes shut, and he hissed something under his breath.

Jezebelle: ::Mock Tutting:: *Language*, Commander.

Blake's eyebrows rose, arms crossing around her chest. The engineer blushed.

@Wil Ukinix: This is not what it looks like.

Blake: I mean... it looks like you're having more fun than I am.



Shore leave has begun. 😎


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Moonsong: I am not your counselor, Kel. I am your friend and your sister. 


Kelrod: Sister… :: Marcus had never had a sister and Kelrod… well his life and his relatives were gone long ago, a distant memory from another life. :: So,... what’s the prognosis?


Moonsong: I am advising you to take the risk. Let her know that you are not oblivious to her interest… because, right now… I doubt she is aware that the interest is mutual. ::she leaned back on the couch.:: I am serious. You are a telepath with selective hearing.

Just what Kelrod needed, a new sister that was a counselor, and that has an infant as a secret weapon. Poor uncle Kel... 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Flynn: Commander Kelrod?

Kelrod: You're right.

Flynn: Lieutenant Antero Flynn. ::He moved to the center of the room and stood with a confident posture.:: Reporting for security clearance, sir.

Kelrod: At ease lieutenant, before you sprang something. I guess that on your hand is your updated file...

Is that a bit of snark coming from @Kelrod?

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10 minutes ago, Moonsong said:

Is that a bit of snark coming from @Kelrod?

Not a snark, a smirk and maybe an eyebrow raising. I just couldn't resist to the Jane way... *wink*

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  • 1 month later...

Blake: Something's not sitting right here. What else can you tell me about the Tholian station? Are we close enough for a proper analysis?


Lafizatar: Ma'am.. a psi-band emission is caused by the interaction of gravions with a type of subspace particle.  It's something I never expected to see in the Shoals, given that gravion and tetryon particles create rho-band radiation when they are exposed to each other, and that usually drowns out psi-band emissions. Normally, I'd expect to see it on a Tholian station preparing to deploy defensive webs, given the sparse data we have. ::a beep as Zhanyt's eyes refocused on the panel, looking at some of the data:: That said, the resonance indicates that it looks like the gas giants in-system are in deep inversion. I'd be prepared to wager that no communications have been going out of this system period, with the subspace distortion deep inversion storms cause. It's even likely the reason there's a graveyard of ships here, as that causes warp field instability if you don't know to compensate. Whoever the station is trying to talk to would need to be in system in order for them to receive the transmission, which means the previous alert to the Tholian forces likely didn't reach them. ::she began working the panel, a beat of silence:: That said, they'll exit inversion in less than three hours, and the effect will end then.


Antero shined at the helm navigating a starship, but this was clearly where Lafizatar stood out. He scratched his head at her explanation, thankful that she was on his side.


Flynn: ::Almost inaudible:: I think I smell my brain cooking a bit….

I was wondering what that smell was @Antero Flynn

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Tristam Core, played by @Blake:





The greatest romance ever told.


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This cracked me up real good:



Urizni: If you seek those who have come many turnings ago, they are gone, on the altar of the glory and desire of the Maker.

@Wil Ukinix: oO …Directive, Prime Directive, Prime Directive, Prime – wait, what! Oo

Ukinix: ::Swallow, before quiet voice:: Altar, you say?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ensign Freedman’s first ten minutes aboard Veritas:



Rahman: We responded to a distress call of a transport ship that evidently crashed to the surface of an asteroid. We’ve recovered at least one survivor, a teenage boy, and are still searching for other survivors. Meanwhile, we’ve got a small community, previously unknown and possibly pre-warp residing within the asteroid, which has now begun to grow unstable and threatens to tear itself apart. 


Freedman: ::frowns:: Pre-warp? That always heightens a situation. 


Freedman knew life on a star ship would be hectic. But to be thrown the gauntlet so soon into a posting made her jitter internally.


Rahman: It’s a lot to take in, I know. Just be prepared once the orders start getting thrown out fast.


Freedman: I will, sir. 


oO Jaysus, what a day. Already. Oo



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  • 2 weeks later...
He followed it to its source in the engineering lab and felt a wave of reassurance when the person responsible for jamming out to it was precisely who he was looking for. The engineer somehow looked completely engrossed both in his work and the music at the same time.
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
For me
For me
Antero promptly whipped out his air guitar and played several strong power chords, approaching Wil while the note hit it's pinnacle. His face took on a rock n’ roll scrunch as he shamelessly began to headbang along to the ballad for several seconds before shamelessly shouting along with the lyrics.
Flynn: So you think you can stone me and spit in my eeeeye

And that, ladies and gents, is how I got Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in my head for the rest of the night.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

He had shaved his beard (it would grow back in no time).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Going back through my sims to update my wiki page and stumbled across this one:


Ukinix: ::To Kionn:: In the meantime Ensign, scan for life support systems or any other type of systems for that matter.

Kelrod: We might be careful that we're not led into a … holding cell of some sorts. But wherever we're going we can expect more like him to be waiting for us.

Rao: Rather exciting isn't it?

Wil could feel Kionn’s enthusiasm.

Ukinix: ::Slight smile:: It is. ::Neutral face:: Provided we don’t end up in a holding cell.

Face obscured by the darkness of the cavern, Blake's glower at the Chief Engineer was felt, rather than seen.

Blake: Your positive thinking inspires me.


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Ukinix: OK.  Char, try that again.  The *Captain* has asked you to delegate.  So, instead of asking me nicely, you have the right to order me.  ::Eyes up, left:: Nicely.


Vanlith: You know what needs to be done now though ::trailing off in a question:: 


Ukinix: So give me an order.


Charlena tried a few times to start but she just couldn’t wrap her head around giving Wil an order at all.


Vanlith: I don’t think I can do that.  


Ukinix: ::Slight shrug:: Alright, then I’m ordering you to give me an order, Lieutenant.


Vanlith: Commander really I don’t think this is ::she paused unable to finish her sentence as she couldn’t find the words::


Ukinix: That *was* an order.


Vanlith: I’m ordering you to stop ordering me to order you to do the things I have politely asked even though it should have been an order to do and to just do the thing I have politely asked instead of ordered for you to do now.

Teamwork, @Sophie290999 !  

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  • 2 months later...

Thorne: ::scratching her head in confusion as she looked from the Klingon to the trashcan and back again.:: This trashcan is your house?

I don't really post much in here. But this one got a laugh out of me!

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