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DATES: The class began on December 2, 2015 and ended December 9, 2015.
LIST: sb118-academy3

COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Kael Thomas
FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Maxwell Traenor

* Phlair
* Isabel Pond

So glad to have you with us! My door is always open if you ever need anything. :wolfy:


Welcome to the fleet, I am sure it won't take long for you to fall in love with such a great group of writers and staff. I look forward to seeing you guys about the fleet.


Ahhhh new meat . . . I mean . . . new ensigns! (haha!)

Welcome to the fleet! I look forward to seeing you IC!


Ensign Merrick R'Ven

Science Officer

USS Apollo - A

ID: A239210MR0


Congratulations to a wonderful training class! It's great to see both of you in the fleet!


Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :)


Again, congratulations! It was an absolute pleasure getting to write with the both of you!


Congratulations and Welcome to the Fleet!

Glad to have you both here writing with us!


Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!


Well, thanks everyone! It is awesome to be welcomed like that.

Of course a very special thank you to the training officers, I was very pleased that I'll get a chance to sim a bit more with you :)

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