Sal Taybrim Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 Not advisable? At their size, a fall from such a height would mean that they would have Taelon and pancakes with a side of Max berries. No thank you. so you’re saying that’s not the breakfast of champions, then? 1 2 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 Quote From the narration of Commodore Taybrim: Well, if they had de-weaponized tribbles once, they could certainly un-shrink people. He had faith. O_O 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 Quote Tatash peered inside, thankful that nothing came to peer right back at him. Inside was a large, round orange object, the smell of citrus washing up from it. He stepped closer to it before looking down at his feet as they found something soft, laughing to himself. Tatash: It’s a lunchbox, I’m pretty sure this is a ham sandwich. I just keep coming back to this and every time I see it so clearly in my head and I just can't help but chuckle. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 4, 2021 Posted August 4, 2021 Quote Which made Ishreth wonder if these pirates simply thought they had a bunch of mercantile dandies or if they realized they had a fairly large group of Starfleet officers in the cage? Most were not wearing dress uniforms, so it would be tremendously difficult to make out who was who beyond the fact that they were now cute little miniature versions of themselves. He was already praying that Tyva would never hear of this. Who was he kidding. Max would probably sell him out to Milly and if not Max, Alora. He would never hear the end of this. *Looks completely and utterly innocent* 2
Alora DeVeau Posted August 4, 2021 Posted August 4, 2021 Quote Both his antennae perked up and then curled forward. The lizard was practically dancing to catch the tiny little red point of light. If it hadn’t just tried to swallow a civilian whole, it would have been amusing. Tatash: Nice to see you making friends, Andrews. Ishreth's narration and Tatash's snarky commentary just had me cracking up. 1
+ Arturo Maxwell Posted August 4, 2021 Posted August 4, 2021 18 hours ago, Alora DeVeau said: *Looks completely and utterly innocent* What on earth makes you think Max would do such a thing? 😇 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 7, 2021 Posted August 7, 2021 Quote Recovering slightly from the force of the motion, it took Ashley a moment to realize the pirate was talking about him… there were no other purple people here. Better watch out. 2
Ashley Yael Posted August 13, 2021 Posted August 13, 2021 Quote Effie: Bye Daddy! Bye Uncle Fries! ::She turned to face her three new pets.:: *Hello!* There was genuine joy in the girl's voice, but there was something else there. Something akin to the way a lion might greet a mouse it's got backed into a corner. Bwaaaaahahahahahaaaa! 2
Alora DeVeau Posted August 13, 2021 Posted August 13, 2021 Quote Valeria: Oh no, your tasty blue snack of a Commander went back to save your very heroic Mr. Andrews who ran off to save the bravest Gorn of them all. Hopefully at least two of the three will return to us soon? This just cracks me up every time I read it. Commander Dal is pretty yummy though! 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 14, 2021 Posted August 14, 2021 Quote Dune: Precisely calculated to take advantage of these windows in system cycles, of course. I believe the system cycle in the Tuffli class of freighter is… ::checking the schematics once more:: Every eight point seven seconds. Harper: If that’s so, that would certainly give us a window of opportunity. I imagine the window is short, however. What is the risk? Zel: Get caught in a cycle, get cut in half Just give it to me straight, Zel. 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 15, 2021 Posted August 15, 2021 Quote Pirate: You are ALL MINE! I’m gonna GRAB YOU and HUG YOU and SMASH YOU! Kasun: oO That’s not normally how the quote goes. Oo 2 2
Alora DeVeau Posted August 17, 2021 Posted August 17, 2021 Quote From the narrative of Ashley Yael: And he said that in the tone of "good guy, action hero," not just a generic "good person," wanting to plant the thought Tatash wasn't an "enemy" character in her collection. Though he quickly imagined Tatash playing the villain in a super spy holo-novel adventure, adorned in a classy suit, complete with bow tie and eye patch... and he couldn't help a small chuckle before continuing. I can totally see this @Tatash! 1
Alora DeVeau Posted August 17, 2021 Posted August 17, 2021 Quote Zel: out most likely miniature people. Don’t step on them. Which was circumstantially factual. And Zel absolutely didn’t want to see what kind of paperwork was involved with accidentally stepping on a fellow crewmember. It's pretty messy. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted August 17, 2021 Posted August 17, 2021 Quote Zel: have I ever been on a Tuffi class freighter? Yeah. For any length of time? No. Can I navigate it? Probably. Cargo is at the back and belly, and from the engine noises, we’re at the belly. We need to go up and probably forward away from the engines. Don’t sleep next to the engines or you’ll get brain warts. I'm pretty sure Doctor Bailey has a cure for that... 1
Ashley Yael Posted August 20, 2021 Posted August 20, 2021 Quote From the narrative of Tatash. "The first thing he was going to do when he was back to normal size was tan this young girls hide. The second would be tanning Yaels to match." Do you promise? 2
Sal Taybrim Posted September 1, 2021 Posted September 1, 2021 Quote Valeria: That completely depends on your definition of alright. Andrews: If you're not sucked up by a robovac right now, and you're conscious, that qualifies. Sounds good to me! 3
Alora DeVeau Posted September 7, 2021 Posted September 7, 2021 Quote From the narration of Kh’reyah: Such was the trouble with humans and all their billions other coincidental lookalikes she’d encountered in her experience. There's only a few. 2
Alora DeVeau Posted September 14, 2021 Posted September 14, 2021 Quote He’d been replaced by the … to him only - annoying science officer. She was far more people-friendly then he was, and otherwise a good fit for the role. She just drove him crazy. And he left the flower behind so he was sure it was dead by now. Okay this made me laugh. But the flower? Alora's gonna have a far different reaction........ 1
Alora DeVeau Posted September 14, 2021 Posted September 14, 2021 Quote Oh, how he wished that he could say something snarky about the illogicality of thrills obtained this way and how for him it never worked except to instill an ever ongoing sense of I don’t know why I’m doing this, please help, but his face was too busy peeling itself off with the G-forces that assaulted his body. From the narration of Dunamis. This made me laugh. 1
Sal Taybrim Posted September 20, 2021 Posted September 20, 2021 Quote To change because of the evil in the universe was a crap reason to have to do anything. truth. 2 1
Ashley Yael Posted September 21, 2021 Posted September 21, 2021 Quote He waved his other hand in an almost panicked reassurance. Foster: Oh no, I like it. I like it very much, I just… never… didn’t…wow…? Yeah, those were words. Jumbled haphazard, not really understanding words, but he was starting to get the hint that this was something Ashley was doing not only for himself, but for his future relationships. And Wyn was a possibility of one of those future relationships. So please, Wyn, the logical side of his brain pleaded with the lizard side of his brain: don’t mess this up. Lizard brain... ACTIVATE! 1
Ashley Yael Posted September 21, 2021 Posted September 21, 2021 Quote Kh’reyah: Alright, you. Counter offer. I spend the evening with you at this carnival and you take me to food and drinks. How does that sound? We both benefit from this, do we not. You drive a hard bargain. 1 1
Alora DeVeau Posted September 23, 2021 Posted September 23, 2021 Quote On the plus side, the cavernous storage bay was now stacked and organised better than it had been in months. Every crate neatly labelled and put In it’s colour coded or numbered zone, the floors spotless and shiny from a cleaning duty (that he too had partaken in). Bliss. Tatash, I need you to come clean and organise my house! Please! I'm desperate! 2
Alora DeVeau Posted October 18, 2021 Posted October 18, 2021 Quote Taelon: If they, um, don’t work, then we can do things the Klingon way and blow things up. Show of hands for all in favour of the Klingon way. 2
Sal Taybrim Posted October 19, 2021 Posted October 19, 2021 Quote The briefing room was big. Sorry, big didn’t quite cut it. Try cavernous. Why exactly the briefing room was so big or so grand in its decoration and furnishing was an absolute mystery to Matthel, but whatever the reason was right now it wasn’t his place to question exactly why. I'm glad y'all like our new briefing room so much 2
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