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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Taybrim: Tip-toe, [...] foot. Let’s not rock the boat, literally. That said, the Arrow Class has extra shield generation capabilities and we may be able to augment the Cerberas with our power, for a short time.

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You have *staff* for that now too?! If you guys start driving around in an old RV and Velana starts ending every sentence with "B***!", I'm callin' the cops.


If no one makes a graphic of this, I will be so disappointed xD

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oO I can see stars. Oo ::He'd acknowledged that.::

oO This is unusual. Oo ::He was dimly aware of this also.::

oO ... Because there's normally a wall in the way? Oo ::He was getting somewhere now, he could feel it.::

(Sylvain Marchaud simmed by Necessity James)

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::Two people moved forward from the group of waiting medical personnel. Introductions where made quickly; Nurse Ada Dixon and Doctor Grave Doom (Richard did a double take at that name - convinced it came right from a random name generator on drugs) had responded to the red alert and Richard's summons.::

- LT Richard Matthews

When I mentioned this to my wife, saying it was Richard's quote, her first question was, "Reed Richards?"

Still, this was awesome! (And potentially confirms Latveria in the SB118 Universe!)

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::Two people moved forward from the group of waiting medical personnel. Introductions where made quickly; Nurse Ada Dixon and Doctor Grave Doom (Richard did a double take at that name - convinced it came right from a random name generator on drugs) had responded to the red alert and Richard's summons.::

- LT Richard Matthews

When I mentioned this to my wife, saying it was Richard's quote, her first question was, "Reed Richards?"

Still, this was awesome! (And potentially confirms Latveria in the SB118 Universe!)

Your wife is awesome for getting the Doom joke and the awesome racks up like 20 notches at the Reed Richards part cause. Haha! Awesome.

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The fanciful part of Sal’s imagination wondered if one stared into those wide, dead eyes, would one be able to see the person who committed this crime reflected in the dying stare?

Lt. Commander Sal Taybrim

*Waits a beat*


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From Lt. Falcon:

::And the fact that she actually had a top 5 list of ‘worst smells of all time’ probably said she needed to choose her destinations more carefully. Or just stay home.::

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From Leo Handley-Page:

:: Leo had a cold shiver that he managed to hide. A volunteer? Someone good at piloting ships? He prayed to the forces of the universe it wasn’t Kaitlyn being foolishly brave.::

This earned a "Daww...." from both my wife and I. ::Chuckles.:: There was no doubt in my mind that he cares about her, but we still enjoy seeing it demonstrated!

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From Leo Handley-Page:

:: Leo had a cold shiver that he managed to hide. A volunteer? Someone good at piloting ships? He prayed to the forces of the universe it wasn’t Kaitlyn being foolishly brave.::

This earned a "Daww...." from both my wife and I. ::Chuckles.:: There was no doubt in my mind that he cares about her, but we still enjoy seeing it demonstrated!

He does care about her... very much :hug:

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Taybrim: =/\= The bomb onboard is enough to destroy the Starbase unless we get it outside the primary shielding. Even with the Starbase’s shields, Major tr’Khellian notes we need to get it at least two AUs away from the base to ensure the safety of those onboard. =/\=

I know I'm giving away my dark secret of reading too much fanfiction here. But when I read the at least two AUs away from the base? I started picturing our group in various Alternate Universes. XD So this quote get's an honorable mention because it made me picture us all in a high school sitting - the Japaneses Anime kind. God help me.


Nooo! Not fanfiction AUs! All our characters would end up in a modern day high school with cat ears! ::runs screaming:: ;)

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::The alert was just one more flash on a panel that was flashing in so many places that it looked like a rock concert run by a lighting designer on speed, whose favorite color was ‘red alert red’::

I'm cracking up over this imagery!

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Handley-Page: =/\= I understand. Very well, sit tight and hold onto to something, except Rawden, he’s married.=/\=


Especially coming a scant three lines after a comment about Velana being 'the one that got away'. ¬_¬

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Handley-Page: =/\= I understand. Very well, sit tight and hold onto to something, except Rawden, he’s married.=/\=


Especially coming a scant three lines after a comment about Velana being 'the one that got away'. ¬_¬



Tiam: oO This may sound crazy, but… Oo What if we make a sling shot? ::Seeing puzzled looks, she continued.:: I know it’s risky, but if Lt. Falcon thinks we can manage it, we can use our momentum and a quick u-turn to fling the Cerberas the rest of the way. It would just be a matter of releasing the tractor beam at the right moment.

Tiam, I've gotta say, when I read this line I actually leaned back in my chair giving a nod of major appreciation. ::Smiles.:: I LOVE this idea! It is, very much, Kaitlyn's brand of crazy! Which I'll also be noting when I make my reply, but I wanted to tell you now. ::Chuckles.::

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Why thank you! :D I think Tiam and Falcon may have that same, let's call it, adventurous streak in them... This could mean trouble for Ops xD

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Why thank you! :D I think Tiam and Falcon may have that same, let's call it, adventurous streak in them... This could mean trouble for Ops xD

Let the mischief begin! :z::ninja:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
CPO Necessity James: Broadsword Calling Danny Boy!

"Where Eagles Dare" reference, love it!!!!!

Edited by Leo Handley-Page
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Usually Vulcans were like the tofu of telepathy. They were there and tangible but utterly flavorless.

- Sabina Tiam.


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  • 1 month later...

Richard also always kept a tricorder on his person because he'd figured out a way to make them go boom back in the academy.

- Richard Matthews

:D Tiam pulled the same trick during training.

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