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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Sorry @Evan Ross think you outdid yourself on this one. Really embodied Ross and Wetherns relationship.

Ross: Wait - you're telling me you gave this guy a gun?! 
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57 minutes ago, Corey Wethern said:

Sorry @Evan Ross think you outdid yourself on this one. Really embodied Ross and Wetherns relationship.

Ross: Wait - you're telling me you gave this guy a gun?! 

❤️ they'd kill for each other, and most days they also want to kill each other 

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On 5/8/2024 at 1:39 PM, Alcyone Brennan said:

Let me just say that Alcyone would never have approached @Korras if he had worn that outfit :D
This is a whole new level of terrifying! I love it


On 5/13/2024 at 9:38 PM, Korras said:

I think this is what they call AI's halucinating.. :P

I laughed so hard I had to include the reference in the post. :P

@Corey Wethern also having some thoughts on Korras' fit


Wethern: Well done Korras. That flying was nearly as sharp as those shorts.

Cruel! ...but I'm wheezing 😂 This awards ceremony just hits different.

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It was the amount of cocktails Corey had. He is jealous he can't pull off the shorts look. 

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Lieutenant Tito: What happens in shoreleave, echoes in eternity.

I thought what happens in shoreleave, stays in shoreleave

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Lt JG Ross - Plants vs. Zombies

Another contender for my favourite sim title by @Evan Ross. 🤣

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While Haukea herself preferred to gather information through the means of getting her hands dirty, working with individuals in active crisis, T’Reyna, acting as her exact opposite, charged ahead with her myriad of questions, choosing instead to gather as much data before setting off. 


On the whole, both methods complimented each other, providing a variety of diverse information; Allowing T’Reyna and Haukea to fit together like pieces of a puzzle, each equally distinct in color, yet combining to form the larger complete image. 

I really like this analogy from @Haukea-Willow. 👏🏻

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This is a really excellent bit of narration to introduce an MSNPC!



She placed her words carefully, trying to stay formal. Oh, how much she longed for the truth: she wanted to grab the young man's hand, tell him about the terrible night she had spent at her sick husband's bed, about all the people constantly swarming in and out of her office, awaiting orders and solutions she could not provide. She was tired and exhausted, and yet she knew that these emotions were deemed informal by most species and therefore had to be contained. 


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Loving Rodrega @Korras!!!

"Rodrega: Let me tell you about arrogance. Arrogance is when three Starfleet officers barge into someones lab, on a planet where they have no authority, and threaten to damage their work, all because they think they know better. How is that for arrogance?

Tito/Wethern: Responses

Marsh: Yes sir. 

He decided to give them one more chance to leave on their own accord. Unlike them, he resorted to threats only as a last resort. He did not start with them, and had given them more then enough chances to leave.

Rodrega: When I use this communicator, two things will happen. One will be an alert to the deputies. Two will be an alert to the colony administrator, who no doubt is meeting with your senior officers right now."



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Out of the frying pan, into the airfryer.

A nice modern twist on a classic from @Mister_Wake. 😂👌🏻

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A beacon of hope and yet just another meatsack full of chemical impulses like every other meatsack on the moon.

Ahh, the old meatsack full of chemical impulses on the moon saying from @Sal Taybrim. Barely a day goes by that I don't use this one. 🤣

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Tito: I don’t think there was ill intent. Rodrega might be an a… ::He corrected himself before finishing:: Idiot, but he is a top Botanist with well known work. But you think it's plausible?
oOIdiot, ha! So true!Oo
Marsh: Dr. Rodrega has made himself a strong case for being a magnificent idiot, because one would have to be quite the genius to create a biological product like this one on a molecular level. 

This exchange between @Vitor S. Silveira and @Madison Marsh tickled me. 😂

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Marsh: I reviewed the history of this planet prior to the mission to be better prepared. Did you know that Starfleet saved the population of this planet only 135 years ago from an experiment that unintentionally resulted in the creation of a deadly disease that affected everyone on the planet? Yet there are clearly citizens here that still reject Starfleet's assistance with yet another plague affecting this world. It just doesn't make sense to me, but I guess we could simply be dealing with just the extremists at this point. Turning down help from a proven reliable source when you clearly need it is ridiculous in my mind.

I enjoyed the nod to the TOS episode in this dialogue from @Madison Marsh, but what I also liked was how it speaks to our unfortunate propensity to repeat our mistakes.

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A small smile played on her lips as the yacht’s ride became tranquil once again. It was a small thing, but she loved it.  Knowing that she could make a difference no matter how small by knowing, practicing, and honing her kraft.  Her eyes twinkle and her dimple showed clearly on her right cheek.

Love this from @Sasch Kreshkova. ☺️

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  • 2 weeks later...
Marsh: Hopefully we won't find any trouble over there while we derive the serum. 
Corey cringed slightly it was like saying good luck in a theatre. For a man of science, he was suspiciously superstitious.
Wethern: You had to say it didn't you Marsh :chuckling: there will probably be hoards of Borg or something there now ready and waiting for us. 

@Corey Wethern that’s next mission. 😉😂

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Wethern: That said, you see a lot of dark things in this job and times when people are suffering and in pain. They could be a small child or a fleet admiral. At the end of the day they are an individual and they need you to make them feel it is ok even if it might not be. If you aren't able to laugh yourself you don't make it in medical. That and having a good team. 

The more serious side of @Corey Wethern. 👏🏻

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I enjoyed this line from @Sal Taybrim.


He tapped his commbadge while pulling out a PADD, typing a message to the Narendra while waiting for an answer on the commbadge.

The slightly unnerving thing was how quickly and easily he did that.  As if he was used to this level of chaos.  It felt like an old coat, a little uncomfortable and yet it fit too well.


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Foster: Alright, let’s try a remote supply drop off first.  If that doesn’t work I will let you play Santa Claus and deliver rations to the people, ok?

Korras: ::confused:: I am not familiar with that clause.

@Korras 🤣

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On 6/27/2024 at 5:36 PM, Gogigobo Fairhug said:

@Korras 🤣

I really could not resist. :P


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Tito shook his head. He was far from heroic. If he ever was a role model, it would be on how not to act as a Starfleet officer.

Tito: None of us are heroes, we just do what needs to be done. So, do we take it outside?

Love this from @Vitor S. Silveira.

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