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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Austin: Just don’t crash. We may need this to get aboard the Narendra.

always good advice

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Anders: The thing I worry about is when he hear huffs, ::Looking at the computer:: We think zebras and forgot about the horses.  ::Baylen focused on it closer.::







What in all the grand Vasresthi Satya’s great creation was this man talking about. It hurt his brain a little to try and begin to comprehend the gibberish that poured from the man’s mouth. Had Attikus suddenly forgotten the standard language? Or was it some kind of … different dialect?


Zebras? Forgetting Horses?::

Rundstrom: ::pained expression.:: Have we forgotten something?

Maxwell: Sorry pal, I’m no following you on that one?

Communication: Still difficult in the 24th century

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silveira: Yeah, but since Commander Elspeth went down there, we can let him handle the biobed fire for now. We have our own inside job to do.


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  • 4 weeks later...

'::But no hugs.  He’d leave that for Ishani.::''


from Captain Taybrim's last sim. Hehehe

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Elspeth: Maxwell, Silveria, McLaren - get ready to transport. ::She opened the intercom.:: Team two, we’re ready. I need volunteers with the infiltrators - the rest will act as scavengers and a distraction. 

Any volunteers? Promise you don't have to wear red shirts LOL



Zel: I’m not a Romulan!


::Vitor grinned and turned to keep covering their back.::


Silveira: Me neither.

From @Vitor S. Silveira Why does the Monty Python song "I am not dead yet' pop into my head here :? LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
Elspeth: Okay. I’ll - ::She hopped on her foot for a moment, winced, and sighed.:: I’ll need a lift. 
Silveira:  Here Commander. ::He joined his hands, making a step for her to climb on, and lowered himself slightly.:: Your lift is ready.

From @Taelon 's sim... lol!


I am loving the interactions from @Vitor S. Silveiraand @Arturo Maxwell!



EMH: Please state the nature of the medical emergency.


Maxwell: ::Losing his balance:: Shite!


EMH: Please refrain from using such language in my sickbay. Now, please state the nature of the-


Maxwell: Shhh!


EMH: Don’t you shush me, Mr…? Actually, who are you both?


Maxwell: No time fae that now lass.


EMH: And who are you calling “lass”!? Well, really you are a rude one aren’t you?


::Vitor raised himself slowly, almost at the same slow pace of his eyebrow. He began to walk towards Max now with a raised eyebrow and replied with his grin with a slight nod, as if saying “Really Max?”.::


Silveira: I think we have to discuss our insertion tactics Max.


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Govarek: Actually you know what I think?  ::He eyed the group in the forcefield.:: I think you’re a Starfleet rescue party.


::She eyed them closer. No… no way. This soft looking group?::


Tavana: ::she laughed out.:: If they're a rescue team, then ~I’m~ the empress of Quo’Nos.

Such... confidence...  😭

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""Silveira: That’s a long story, right now we need to act quickly. ::Vitor tilted his head, brewing an idea.:: Perhaps you can be useful…""


from @Vitor S. Silveira The shanghi king of Ops hahah


O’Conner:::laughs::  Starfleet!  Me?! ::laughs:: prancing around in a uniform going ::mocking tone:: yes sir and no sir. No way in whatever hell you believe in.

Just think of it!

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Romulan Guard: You walk, we follow.  You mess up we shoot.

::What did you say to that? Okey doke! Or maybe something a little more ‘poke the bear’. Everything and yet nothing seemed appropriate to say.



Don't poke angry Romulans...

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::There are lots of benefits to having a hard head and horns. One is decorating said horns. Another good thing? The ability to headbutt others with no personal discomfort. Something one of the Romulans quickly found out. Attikus turned to the nearest guard and grabbed at the man's uniform despite the cuffs. He reared back his head and threw it forward with a crushing blow to the much softer skull. The Romulan's head spit enough for blood to quickly pour out.::

Please tell me I wasn't the only person waiting for the guy with ram's horns to headbutt someone?!


Reason number three, horns are beneficial. The ability to ram things. Almost tackling one of the guards, Attikus locked his upper body to take the blunt force of ramming into a person. The momentum was enough to push the guard back into the wall and pin him. The guard yelled out in pain. There was certainly none breakage. But not enough to render the guard completely out of the fight.


If only Attikus had Elspeth’s horns. Those were much more… pokey. While his were good at knocking things out.

Elspeth... I think that's a challenge...

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Trel’lis: ~ Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon! ~

Crouching Trel'lis Hidden Dragon



:: Trel’lis heard Sal’s warning just in time to see the green bolt of energy come their way. She deftly dodged the bolt by mere inches! It passed closed enough to feel its heat on her appendage! She saw Attikus drop into the familiar crouching tiger stance and knew what was coming next. An instant later, the Kubarey pushed up from the ground, at speed, dip his head and charged, the shear momentum pushed the guard back against the wall and pinned him. The guard yelled out in pain, but nothing broken, this time.

As Attikus pulled back, Trel’lis spotted a phaser aimed squarely at him stopping him mid-motion. Trel’lis swiftly, silently spun about, effectively dislodging the weapon from the hand holding it, sending it flying to the right. ::   


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Now, as he found himself surrounded by Marines, being briefed by a seemingly worried CO. He smiled when he saw the familiar face of Lieutenant Valentino and nodded a greeting his way. Finally,the counselor allowed himself a moment to be properly confused.::

Well, if you're going to be confused, it's best to be proper about it!  :D

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:: It was always amazing how quickly things could go south in a matter of moments. One moment, he was being forced into the cell of the brig by a romulan, and the next thing he knew it was a close quarters fist fight. At least until someone got angry and brought a disruptor to the party.::


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“”Shezhana: Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer too, now, down the hatch. ::she insisted.::

Martins: I hate you.  ::She replied without much hate in her voice.  She opened wide and swallowed.:: How long is this going to take?””


ahahahahahahahahaaaa!!! Yes... this was a LOL moment @Sal Taybrim

  • 2 weeks later...

Lieutenant Arturo Maxwell.

Chief Terrified Officer.

Starbase 118 Operations.


Best.  Sig.  Ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"The little not-fox Fox like creature popped up and farted away from them.."


Leaking power cells I presume? 😂😂

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  • 4 weeks later...
Flynn: Well then, I will be there. Not even a teacup targ could stand in my way.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Valentino: =/\= I vaguely recall the haunted myths of Tumar II. I better make sure my Muon trap is charged up to capture the ghosts.

I can hear the theme song already



Taybrim: Welcome everyone.  As I told you all at our awards ceremony, we are going targ hunting!  That is the truth… ::he chuckled:: not a euphemism for something different.  So I hope everyone got a chance to brush up on their conversational Klingon.


Valentino: Blplv’a’


::Vitor saw Max looking back at Valentino and answered faster than the others.::


Silveira: God bless you.

Hehehehe!  ❤️

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kaskis: ::nods, as Elspeth walks off:: There’s a clearing up there we can use. It’s even got some nice rocks to sit on. Come on - Horns over there’s heading right for it. ::gestures towards Elspeth, who was navigating the rocks::

LOL 'Horns' ... have to remember that one!

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Oh, right!  It’s just green instead of blue!  Speaking of blue… yeah, that’s a one-in-three chance of guessing the right gender.  ‘Major’ it is, then.

Andorian issues abound :D


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