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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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32 minutes ago, Sal Taybrim said:

I found this very evocative:


That line you quoted from Andersen reminds me of my event story from LARP. Just a bit.


Zinna:   They got an apartment together, they have a kid together, they're the ship's cutest couple.

They SO are!! :wub1:

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Taelon: I’m sure it makes things interesting, sir. ::He certainly hadn’t imagined he’d be sitting at a table with a Gorn and a 6 year old, anyway. The Academy didn’t let you in on that sort of reality, did it?::

I'ma just leave this right here... :whistling:

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Also, this whole exchange:

Anders: Flynn is my First Officer.  Two Risians in command of a Star Ship. 
::Taelon bit down on his tongue before he could comment. His father had told him a joke once that’d started with that line, and he was not going to retell it. To anyone. HIs smile strained around the edges just slightly, and his tone dropped to the deadpan one of someone trying extremely hard not to be sarcastic.::
Taelon: Sounds like a wild ride, sir. 
Whittaker: :: mock grimacing :: On second thought, I may find myself coming down a case of the Tamarian flu.


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This had me giggling:


::Tatash smiled serenely, reaching for his conversational wooden spoon with a delightful relish.::

Tatash: Have you had the chance to meet Commander Anders family yet?


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Tatash raises a valid question: 

Whittaker’s(Whitikari? Whitopode?):

What IS the correct plural of Whittaker? :blink1:


I'm loving the conversation developing between Zinna and Mrs Whittaker!

A few gems:


M. Whittaker: By all means, they are his parents now. :: beat :: It may be an overreaction but after hearing what he went through and what I know of Tilanna, I want to take the Orb Of Prophecy and flatten that cesspool.


Zinna: ::she smiled at Madeline:: You're a mother. I'm a mother. We both know you can't just drop a kid off at school and put food in front of it.


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By the time I get around to reading all these great sims (usually morning, my time) you all have put up the same quotes I was going to post! Great minds do think alike!

I also really enjoyed the conversation between Zinna and Captain Whittaker. Although I do have a different view on parenting now. I was so looking forward to just dropping one off at school and feeding it and nothing else! (And this is why I don't have, nor ever will have, kids.)


pNPC P.Ens Zel Rohan - Glimmer of Hope 

I just want to point out the entire exchange between Zel, Falcon and Vondaryan proves I will never be as cool as those three. 

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Taelon is obviously a keen student of Starfleet chair design:


Abruptly, the ship lurched wildly; Taelon caught himself on the side of the science console’s viewfinder, teetering at the edge of his chair. The old style of chair certainly didn’t have as many stops to it as the current ones did, he reflected. Now he knew why armrests were all the rage these days…

A wonderful little 'fourth-wall' nod :D

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Computer: Musical mode engaged. ::No sooner than it finished speaking did the introduction to Pirates of Penzance begin to play.::
Greyson: ::Quietly.:: ...Oops... ::and then busted up laughing maniacally for about 8 seconds.::  No, honest! I didn't sabotage anyth...::Hiccup!::..anything.

I admit, I was snickering wildly by the end of this...

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My husband wandered in tonight asking "WHAT are you laughing at?!"

Answer: pretty much every post today was wonderful!

Though most recently the line that had me in giggle fits:


Flynn: You know, the Klingons should really try this, it’s very relaxing. ::His mind drifted away as he began to ramble.:: They are always so uptight, has anyone ever tried to date one? Psh, I prefer Federation girls....

I'm picturing Romeo and Juliet, but Romeo is Flynn and Juliet is a lovely Klingon lady...  :D

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Taelon: Play them Aktuh and Maylota. They’ve already parked within kissing distance. Might as well make the relationship official. ::gazes at his console::

and did you know that Candy Crush will still plague us in the 23rd Century??


Trel’lis: Whatcha lookin’ for? ‘Candy Crush’? ‘Tetris’?

man, I can't pick favorite quotes... they're all too good...

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This sim is made of solid win.

Lt. Antero Flynn - Federation Girls

::Applauds.::  Flynn, there are no words to describe the sheer amount of awesomeness within this sim!

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1 hour ago, Robert Falcon said:

This sim is made of solid win.

Lt. Antero Flynn - Federation Girls

::Applauds.::  Flynn, there are no words to describe the sheer amount of awesomeness within this sim!

zOMG, agreed!  I laughed so hard I cried!

Now I need some sleep before I compose a fitting reply! <3

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Just so you know, I submitted the lyrics to Federation Girls to the podcast team for possible inclusion in a future podcast (credit to Antero Flynn). I will let you know if it gets recorded.

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5 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

zOMG, agreed!  I laughed so hard I cried!

Now I need some sleep before I compose a fitting reply! <3

I woke up to that gem of freaking awesome. Sooo good!!

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5 hours ago, Skyfire said:

Just so you know, I submitted the lyrics to Federation Girls to the podcast team for possible inclusion in a future podcast (credit to Antero Flynn). I will let you know if it gets recorded.

I'm flattered! 

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No drinking while reading Ops posts...

Whittaker: I ssssshould totally become a prof- prof- profiterole! :: he began cackling when he realised he had gotten the word wrong :: No! Not profiterole! Professional! I should become a professional singer!


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Proof positive that the Ops crew loves to tempt fate:


Flynn: I'm not sure I would have thought of that...::He lifted his head and smiled confidently.:: Not to worry! We will use our wit, personality and charm! What could go wrong....? ::He decided not to ponder too much on that.::


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15 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

Proof positive that the Ops crew loves to tempt fate:


If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Someone's got to do it, it might as well be us. It's more fun that way.

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I am the very model of an engineer Starfleetian,
I've information Scotty, LaForge, and Tuckerian,
I know the sting of drinking, and I quote the battles historical
From Khan to Federation grew, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About transwarp theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news, 
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.
I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;
I know the scientific names of beings dracunculus:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of an engineer Starfleetian.

And I am impressed!

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Ezo: Uhh...duh, breathing is super hard. Wait...no breathing is super easy...it's an automomy...autonomin..autonomic response!!

Why yes, yes it is.

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