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Robin Hopper

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Everything posted by Robin Hopper

  1. This year's Halloween Avatars Theme is BLUEY! We even have a THEME SONG: Robin Hopper · AmityBlueyTheme Here is our Wiki Category for anyone wanting to see all the completed Avatars: Amity Halloween Contest 2022 I confirm that we've: Properly named all avatar files and uploaded them to the wiki. Properly named our category on the wiki. Properly categorized our category on the wiki. We still have a few more avatars that will be completed within the next 1-2 days, and will upload them accordingly as well. Let the check-ins begin!
  2. Welcome - kudos on completing your cruise!
  3. Hey! That's a nice-sized class. Welcome to the fleet, you three!
  4. Some amazing writing here from @Jansen Orrey showing the years of experience his PC has earned...
  5. Welcome aboard -- happy to have you in the fleet!
  6. I love that music plays such an integral role in your simming, @Wil Ukinix. It always adds a very personal and relatable touch (as far as I'm concerned) and frankly I'm mad that I can't steal the idea of incorporating more music without it seeming derivative. Thank you for the appreciation and curse you for your inspiring choices!
  7. Kivik is wearing some traditional non-gendered J'naii formalwear and a pin representing the Pella flower from back home.
  8. Welcome to the fleet! Happy to have you.
  9. Ensign @Nathan Richards not only did an awesome job with his first Mission post, conveying the chaos of the situation and continuing the story along, but I also found the use of Morse Code particularly original and enjoyable. A creative and momentum-filled start! Original post here: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/veK3eGUFuco/m/x-h9UuGbAwAJ
  10. Wow thanks @Talos Dakora! What a compliment. While I do not work in Animation, I’m fairly familiar with the industry. I work in admin at an Animation school and good friend & former roommate of mine is a professional Animator. I definitely made reference to an lot of Lower Decks scenes to figure out how they pose their characters and expressions. It’s a great show!
  11. Another appreciation coming your way for this little self-deprecating conversation re: (Kivik's unique) Pronouns and Grammar from @Wil Ukinix: Taken from "Lt Cmdr Wil Ukinix - Let Them Eat Cake" (LINK)
  12. Aww, thanks for the kind comments, folks!
  13. I'm still thinking about this flashback that @PaarusZalbac3 wrote a few days ago, exploring Zal's feelings towards the Vidiians through the context of his history with the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. The full scene is here: Ensign Paarus Zalbac - Murder She Wrote. Note - this is fairly intense and may trigger some folks as it covers (in an appropriate manner) subjects of abuse, imprisonment, and murder: Just wanted to appreciate the powerful work done here!
  14. Welcome aboard - happy to have you both!
  15. Greetings, welcome, nice to have you here!
  16. Welcome to the fleet everyone - and glad to have you aboard Amity Outpost, @PaarusZalbac3!
  17. Hey - congratulations! Sorry I'm late to the party, but welcome! Glad to have you aboard.
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