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Robin Hopper

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Everything posted by Robin Hopper

  1. It's been pointed out to me that @Vitor S. Silveira already posted an appreciation for this particular sim. Since I can't delete my redundant thread, I'll just let it stand as a testament to: 1. How great this sim was. 2. How not to post appreciations (without checking that someone else hasn't already done so!)
  2. There has been a deluge of spectacular simming the last few days aboard the Artemis and, while I could have easily posted an appreciation for any of the sims in this scene, I think that this bit of introspective writing from Ensign @Jovenan is truly spectacular -- and the initiative shown in how her character has responded to this 'crisis' was wonderful to read. You can find the original here: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/fL_RwJxJzp0/m/G8CFRu3LBAAJ
  3. You had it coming @Hiro Jones!
  4. Hi @Kimahri Rehn & @Alan Letts - welcome to the Fleet. See you 'round the galaxy!
  5. This description of a ship being disabled in battle may be one of my favourite things I've read here, @Rebecca Iko: From: Lt. JG Rebecca Iko - Don't tease the hunter.
  6. Welcome to the fleet @Elonat! Looking forward to seeing where you're off to.
  7. It was a small line in an overall-impressive handling of some key events, but this line from @Yalu struck me as a reader trying to learn all about this new crew I'll be simming with: Powerful stuff.
  8. Hey - welcome! Happy to have y'all here!
  9. Congrats you three and welcome to the Fleet!
  10. I'm surprised that Counselling (what I chose) is actually in the lead!
  11. If you’re ever wondering how things on Amity are going, just look to this quote from our sober-minded First Officer, @Wil Ukinix:
  12. Another @SRaga gem, featuring @Nathan Richards: I am taking this as a compliment, BTW.
  13. This exchange between @Rahman and Rivi Vataix, @Wil Ukinix, and @Blake Tristam Kyo Venroe is just so goofy. What's not to love? Original sim here: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/c_YMqSLkSdU/m/vTjOcGpGAQAJ
  14. This whole scene was short and sweet. @Hannibal Parker (John Carter)'s contributions were great as well, but I found this closing entry from @Nathan Richards especially compelling. It's been a pleasure exploring the dynamic between Robin and Nathan, seeing where their path is leading, and I appreciate the nuance and subtlety with which my fellow writer tells that story here. (Original post here: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/jX_zAJh5csc/m/iF-mbzrNAwAJ
  15. Hey and welcome to the fleet / welcome back y'all!
  16. Delightful. Doz out here making good on this quote from her face claim! "I'm too young at 50. I'm not grown up yet. There's part of everybody like that." - Julie Walters
  17. This very moving sim, penned by Jansen Orrey's writer (@Cassian Iovianus), does an amazing job of conveying the time, history, and people the character has experienced in his time with Starfleet. In Jansen's final scene before his retirement, he pens a heartfelt and witty letter to one of his dearest friends, @Wil Ukinix. Original sim is here: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/3z5hePUV_q0/m/-ZkLooELBgAJ ((OOC: This is my final post for the character of Jansen Orrey as he heads off into the next chapter of his life)) ((Transporter Center 1, “A-Town” - Amity Outpost)) Jansen stood beside the door into the transporter room with one final look out toward the station proper. It did hurt his heart to be leaving, it always pulled at his heart to leave a duty station. Throughout his entire career, they had all been unique and special places and memories of people he would remember for the rest of his life. At the same time, he was beyond belief with happiness to be going to his Home with his family. Raissa and Natalia were waiting and he couldn’t wait to be reunited with them again. From his very early days on the Ares, doodling and coloring on the floor of his father's ready room to here poised on the edge of Federation space, family was always the thing that mattered the most in his career. So many amazing officers past and present, Tash and Julia, Sam and Cura, young officers turned old hands Lily Ventu, and Quinn Reynolds. T’Lea, Chythar, Eerie, Pavlova, Rahman, Teller, Wil. So many amazing people too many to think of and name them all… From his very first moments out of the academy when his offer to help had Tash emergency beaming the young science ensign to sickbay to help with an overrun of the injured to this last moment he thought it was fitting that his final official message was also to someone in Operations gold…or at least someone who used to wear that color. To: Commander Wil Ukinix Wil, It has been an honor to serve with you these years. Coming to know you as a friend, and a family member has been one of my greatest joys. To see the way your career has advanced over the years is so impressive and I know that both Amity and Starfleet are in good hands as I move off into my own personal next phase. By the time you get this message I will be beaming on to my transport and warping back to Earth. I have seen my share of Ukinix parties so I don’t need any more masked hunters whisking me away to far flung adventures. The history of Starfleet is something that is so vast and complex it can be a daunting thing to try and look to the past for guidance. I want to leave you with one of my most prized possessions to help you if you should need it. On your desk is a pair of isolinear chips the first is the official mission logs of my father’s ship the USS Ares. She served during the Dominion war and then patrolled along the Romulan Neutral zone until she was destroyed. The second are the logs for the Captain. Jackson Orrey was a career fleeter who served in Intelligence until he gained a field promotion to captain during the war. There was a time early in my career when I was religiously reading them both. It only seems right to pass that information along and hope it can keep aiding future generations. It seems even more appropriate that it stays in the family. It has been an honor to serve with you my friend. My Brother. ~Jansen Orrey END For Jansen
  18. This scene feels like it was crafted by the writers of Lower Decks. Solid comedy writing here, @Wil Ukinix! Quote from: Crewman Annamae Barberra - Rule 647 (the whole sim is hilarious, honestly!)
  19. Congrats and welcome! Hope you have fun!
  20. This whole exchange between @Wil Ukinix @Rahman and Rivi Vataix @Cassian Iovianus @Nathan Richards @Rebecca Iko @SRaga is just hilarious to me. In particular, S'Raga came up with some very inventive Caitian Insults during this mission. Copied from Captain Roshanara Rahman: Back to Basics.
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