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Jana Zicv

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Jana Zicv last won the day on August 5 2020

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About Jana Zicv

  • Birthday April 30

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    Science & Sci-Fi

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  1. Welcome @Ikaia Wong The fun is all ours to conquer. Enjoy your time and if you need something just drop a message. Cya
  2. "You should know how many incompetent men I had to compete with - in vain!" — Inge Lehmann Inge Lehmann was a Danish seismologist and geophysicist. In 1936, she discovered that the Earth has a solid inner core inside a molten outer core.
  3. Hey!!! I almost missed you guys. Welcome to the fleet and I hope you have a lot of fun.
  4. Welcome to the gang! Feel yourself at home and prepare for tons of fun. 🥳
  5. Welcome @AesonDel. I hope you have a ton of fun. Welcome.
  6. ((Somewhere... and Nowhere)) What is nothing? Is there really such a thing? For there to be nothing, there had to have existed traces of something, from which that null could grow. But if it was nothing, how could it be recognized as such? For Chloe, nothing was now... or maybe it wasn't. Unconsciousness gripped her. There was no body, very little feeling. And yet... there was awareness. A painful awareness. Both literal and figurative. To the helm officer, her awareness felt like it spread across the entire universe. And every part of her non-existent body was screaming with pain. Something was wrong, very very wrong. Why wouldn't it stop? Then... relief. Oh sweet, sweet relief. A voice pierced the nothing-somethingness and reverberated everywhere, as the pain was slowly sucked away. Feel better Lt. Feel better Lt. Feel better Lt. And she did. She felt better. There was no pain. But still very little substance. She couldn't bring herself to worry though, for some reason. This was what it was. Was this what death felt like? Another sound began to reverberate. Whatever it was... it was an alarm. Something was wrong. She knew that sound. Alert. Red alert. That's what that sound was. What was wrong? NT ************************************************************************************* Lieutenant JG Chloe Waters Helmswoman USS Arrow, NCC-69829 ****************************** Podcast team member ****************************** Writer ID: E239601CW0 *************************************************************************************
  7. Welcome to the space gang of devotee trekkers. Feel yourself at home.
  8. Welcome to all of you. Interesting times we're living on the fleet. Make sure you don´t miss the fun
  9. Welcome to the fleet! See you among the stars.
  10. --> I really get the spirit here Mr. @Keneth Nakada. I would say it was a naive move, but a very good character building stuff. Nicely done. Original post here --> I Connect The Spider - Part 1
  11. I would like for USS Arrow something like this music. A little Idyllic I know, but... It´s my liking. 🥳
  12. Welcome guys! You are going to enjoy the place... a lot!
  13. Well, I intend to develop most of the personal character-building in the science labs. But this is only the intention right now. She is new to the crew, not much to do in her quarters, and after the shift, she probably will continue to work on her papers and researches. So, she should forge her best relationships around this theater.
  14. Wow!!! What a fantastic sim. The writing level of USS Arrow is getting higher and higher at each sim. Happy to have you among us Mr. @Maxwell Traenor 🥳
  15. @R'Ariel You have a funny and gentle style that always give me much joy and satisfaction to read. Ensign R'Ariel: oO La La Lo Lo ::swish:: La La Lo Lo Oo <-- Original post
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