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Everything posted by Haukea-Willow

  1. @Evan Ross Well actually Korass is going to be her uncle and Taybrim her grandfather, because space dad Taybrim. 😆 The rest can be aunts, uncles or the like. lol
  2. @Gogigobo Fairhug Join Starfleet they said. Go on missions they said. Adopt a kid they said not. lol. Besides it's only fitting I should deal with kids both OOC and IC lol. But no really, I love Amar just as much as Haukea.
  3. I just re-watched this episode as earliest as this morning. Fresh on the brain I guess. Seemed fitting. ❤️ @Gogigobo Fairhug
  4. So, Haukea and the MSNPC Amar, played by @Korras, have been building a relationship for several posts now. But this most recent one from the writer nearly made me cry it was so sweet. I knew I had to put it on the forums right away. ((StarBase 118 - Commercial Sector - Quo’Nos District)) Ikker: Oh yeah? And what are you going to do to a kid - huh? Willow: Nothing. I’m going to let you go, Ikker. Amar: Let him go? I think he can go find Vanla again, then.. Ikker: Response Willow: Walk away. But don’t drag Amar into this. Amar: I think this is goodbye, Kayden. Ikker: Response Willow: Amar is wanted. With me. Amar: ::Eyes widening in surprise, speechless:: Ikker: Response At that, she turned to Willow, still processing what she had said, and thinking she heard wrong. It couldn’t be right, could it? She must have misheard. Amar: I don’t think I can go back to them anymore.. I thought we would just drop something off for someone, and then we would be off to have fun. I never thought that this would all happen, but if they did.. I don’t want to be a part of that anymore. ::she hesitated before going on:: Do you think I could stay on the station here, at least for a while? Willow: Whether temporary, permanent, unofficial, or official, you are more than welcome to stay on the station Amar. She knew other people would want to talk to her, and she was sure there would be some trouble for her. But honestly, after today, she was tired of running, and hopefully, just maybe, she would get some time to spend on the beach. Before she could answer, the sky lit up again. She looked up, and a smile crept onto her face as she looked at the moon and stars. Before she knew what was happening, another wave of emotions rolled over them, but this time, it was just a whole lot of happiness, mixed with relief. She couldn’t help but cry. Ikker: Response Willow: You may leave now Ikker. I wish you well. Goodbye. ::Turning to Amar:: How are you? You alright? Ikker: Response Amar nodded. She had sensed so many strong different emotions today, and she was exhausted from it. Normally, she could keep her composure, but today had turned out to be so, so, much different then any other day. She had never sensed anything on this scale before, as she had never been in a place with so many people packed so close together, with so much going on to anger them, to scare them, to make them feel relief on such a scale. It was as if thousands of people started pointing their flashlights in one direction, but instead of her eyes seeing it, it was her mind feeling it. Amar: I’m alright. Everybody is happy, is all. Willow: Well I know I am. She looked up, and knew she was, and still concerned, and caring. it was a combination she had not experienced all too much before, but it was very much a good experience. Amar: I know.. and I am too. Willow: Do you want to keep looking for your Aunt or…? ::Haukea was asking more for clarification than anything:: Did that mean she wanted her to go with her aunt? No.. it did not seem so. She sensed her hesitation. Amar: I don’t want to. I think she has something to do with what happened here today, and I want no more part of that. I want to make things right. Willow: Well you can always come home with me. I don’t mind giving up my bedroom for a while. Amar: ::blinking in surprise:: you .. mean that? She tried to process what she had been told. It was positively one of the nicest things she had ever been offered, and no amount of credits could make up for that. Willow: Response Amar was lost for words. In an impulse, she hugged willow, tears rolling down her cheeks. somehow, this person she had met today cared more for her then most others she had before. And those that did care, invariably had their own motives for that. She sensed none of that now. She finally managed some words. Amar: I would like that very much. Willow: Response ** MSNPC Amar ***** Ensign Korras Ops Officer Starbase 118 Ops O240010K12
  5. Woman: Who are you? Willow: I'm Haukea. Woman: Haukea who? Willow: ::Pause:: Haukea-Skywalker.
  6. @Madison Marsh I just have to give a huge shout out to a writer and character that has been making me and my PC feel the feels since day one. We are now able to write in a scene together and it the fluffiest thing in the whole entire world. ❤️ I am so glad to have the writer of Madison Marsh as a friend. ((Main Sickbay, Deck 505, Family and General Practice Care, Starbase 118)) Madison had been working on building up her patient base. This process took time, but would happen quicker due to her assignment on a station. There are thousands that live and work on the station every day. She met Ensign Willow's apparent requirements and therefore she would not hesitate to add her to her client base. The medical field always was chaotic in the past centuries and it still was not perfect in the twenty fifth century, but much improved over the course of time. Her goal was to make it as simple as possible on patients so that they can get the quality care that they require if she had anything to do with it. Marsh: It sounds like I meet your specifications. If you are not opposed then I will list myself as your primary care Doctor. Willow: You?! I mean….I’m not opposed. You do have a great bedside manner. ::Haukea blushed:: She squinted her eyes in response to Willow's compliment. Did she really have great bedside manner? She would accept the compliment and continued onward with the medical business considering she had a patient to treat. Willow likely had a broken nose and Doctor Marsh was going to resolve the issue immediately. Marsh: Before I move on to the medical procedure, did you have any concerns? Willow: No other concerns. I’m usually healthy, don’t get sick often. No chronic concerns. She walked to another station to pick up a medical tricorder. All of the biobeds, medical tools, consoles, and equipment were in immaculate condition. Starbase 118 Medical definitely kept their brand standards for Sick Bays high. It was a privilege to be stationed at a state of the art facility like this one. Marsh: You stay there and relax while I grab a few supplies. Willow: Sure…Sure. You want me sitting or laying down? She turned to meet Willow's gaze and she appeared to be a little bit confused which was understandable. Most folks visit the Doctor once every couple of years and do not do procedures every day like Madison. Marsh: Lay down and relax. I will patch you up in no time. Willow: ? Madison returned over to the biobed where Willow was laying back. She began a scan of Willow's nose, read the feedback, and saw the imagery of a broken nose to mend. She thought that the nose was broken all along, but it was crucial for a Doctor to never assume a diagnosis. After a few moments, she set her medical tricorder down and filled her Hypospray tool with 10cc of Terakine. Before administering the Terakine she wanted to present the diagnosis and present the procedure to her patient. Marsh: You have a broken nose that requires minor surgery to repair the bone and cartilage. I will be able to remove all of the cuts on your face and the burning sensation will cease to be there. I will inject you with Terakine which will allow this procedure to be pain free. How does that sound? Willow: ? Madison nodded her head once in agreement with her. She tilted her head slightly looking down at Willow and a slight smile spread across her lips. Marsh: Did you have any additional questions before I start the procedure? Willow:?
  7. Appendages; I had to keep it pg-13. 😆
  8. She word vomits; I love that people find that amusing. ❤️
  9. I had forgotten that Sal had his telepathy repaired. I was reminded in this sim. This sim was so warm and fuzzy, just like the title says; it gave me the feels. I can't wait to be a part of this scene with Sal and now Stendhal. @Sal Taybrim ((Little Risa - Near Beach - Starbase 118)) It was an absolutely gorgeous day on the beaches of Little Risa. Sure, the whole weather system was programmed into the computer and nice days could be had upon request – and if Sal Taybrim had wanted it, he could have requested it. But not once in his seven years of being on StarBase 118 had he messed with the weather. That seemed like a petty thing to do. It was better to let the computer move forward with all its meticulously randomized patterns that carefully follow natural weather, and enjoy the surprise of absolutely gorgeous days when they came up. He was dressed in a warm sand color light wrap tunic with a simple tied belt and slacks. It was attractive yet casual Betazoid style which certainly made him look far more approachable than a Starfleet Commodore’s uniform. Willow: Commodore, Taybrim, Sal, Sal Taybrim, ::As usual her words flowed out of her mouth in a complete rush, attempting to keep pace with her million mile per minute thoughts:: I completely apologize, I did not see you there, I was lost in my head, on a mission so to speak. He smiled to her, bright like the dawning rays of the sun and fell into step beside the Risian security officer. Taybrim: We’re off duty, Sal is fine. He smiled, enjoying the casual connections. Of course some officers preferred formality at all times – Sal could understand that reliable separation of duty and personal. But he liked the warmth of connection. Taybrim: Where are you headed on this beautiful day, Willow? Willow: Well I was going to go to the beach. I know it is artificially created but it reminds me a great deal of home, the moon festival. Besides Ksivi-Sava kept mentioning it when in my body and the faded memories are hard to let go of. The body swap. It was funny how many things it brought to the surface. Since returning to his own body Sal had found that his recently repaired telepathy was now tingly – like it was on fire and ready to reach out and connect. A new sensation that he hadn’t felt since he was a teenager – and he was quite far from a teenager anymore. He rolled his mental focus back to Willow, and wondered what a Risian Moon Festival was like. Taybrim: I hear there’s festival on the beaches, though I don’t know much about it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I assume that’s your destination? Willow: You are more than welcome to join me and in fact I would love it if you joined me. But I’m not going to force you. I’d hate to force you. I want you to be able to make your own choices, not be influenced by me. I mean I don’t let myself get influenced by others opinions and neither should you… ::Deep breath in:: He smiled warmly, calmly, reassuringly. Taybrim: No forcing needed. I would love to come with you! I haven’t seen this festival before and I want to learn more about it! Willow: ? He considered that. Things on StarBase 118 were – of course – not the same as they were on one’s home planet. But they were charming and community-affirming and wonderful nonetheless. Taybrim: I hear music and see swags of flowers, all of which is a good sign… Willow: ? They neared the slowly growing party on the beaches of Little Risa, and could start to smell grilled meats and vegetables, and the sweet smell of fresh fruits. The crowd started to get a bit thicker as people were weaving their way through local vendor stalls and the brightly decorated shops towards the beach. Sal was about to point out rows of decorative fire torches that looked like they were being readied for some sort of entertainment when a familiar presence brushed past his mind. And he noticed. That was the most amazing part – he noticed, with his telepathy, the mind of someone else. It had been over a decade since that happened. He turned, eyes scanning for that impression. Taybrim: Counselor Stendhal? The words came from his lips in surprise, partly at finding the correct person nearby, and partially because he had noticed this – him! The broken telepath noticed something with telepathy. For a split second he felt dizzy – almost giddy. Stendhal: ? Taybrim: By the rings, it’s been ages! And you’re back here on StarBase 118! He called out, delighted. Stendhal: ? He waved her over and waved Willow over. Taybrim: Come. I’d like you to meet the amazing Haukea-Willow. Willow, meet Counselor Karen Stendhal. Two fantastic friends. He hoped they would become fantastic friends. He induled a moment in his empathy and let the feelings of fun and friendship and frolic from the festival wash over him like a big fuzzy mental blanket. Stendhal/Willow: ?
  10. Couldn't figure out how to post this to the Ops quotes thread so I guess you got two shout outs for this now. Yay!
  11. @Rustyy_Hael You're picking up what I'm putting down. Made me laugh and smile.
  12. @Rustyy_Hael You're picking up what I'm putting down. Made me laugh and smile.
  13. @Ksivi-Sava I just wanted to say that I highly enjoyed reading this sim. You did a fantastic job "creating" an experience for Ksivi-Sava that blended the current situation and memories of Haukea, even though I didn't have much for you to go on. Made me laugh and smile. ❤️ ((Sannin VII - Cardassian Embassy - Corridor)) Ksivi-Sava: ::yelling, all the while waving at everybody in a sprawling gesture:: We all have to do better! We have to deal with this madness, because that’s what it is! Madness! Tell me you remember your mothers! Tell me with a straight face! For the time being, Ksivi-Sava’s body was at least quite literally holding the insane reporter in check. However, he—no, she, it was Sherlock, for goodness’ sake—seemed to hold a much lesser grasp on the severity of what was happening: Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): ::to the real Ksivi-Sava while holding a flailing suspect:: Of course I remember my mother, she takes every chance she can to tell me how much she hates that I joined Starfleet. No, your mother, not my father, Ksivi-Sava wanted to yell at Ksivi-Sava. After all, she had said “mother”… No, he had said “mother”; he was a he! That was right, Ksivi-Sava was here, not over there, talking neither about Ksivi-Sava’s mother nor Ksivi-Sava’s father, because that one wasn’t Ksivi-Sava. Sherlock. That had to be Sherlock, talking about Sherlock’s mother, not Ksivi-Sava’s father, and he was— Willow, right? But Willow had been to a beach before, so how come he hadn’t? She couldn’t really be Willow then, could she? Her nose hurt. Iru: Oh my g- ::she cut herself off. one shouldn’t enrage the crazy:: Put. Me. Down. ::her voice was low. which added to the hooded look her pointed and sunken appearance already had.:: Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): No! Not until you calm down. Willow (as Sherlock): No. Put her down. Hands to yourself! ::tone much like that of a school teacher:: On closer inspection, that was probably Willow. Ksivi-Sava (because that’s who he was, by everything decent!) tried to take deep breaths, but awkwardly metallic blood interfered with her circular breathing technique. How was one supposed to practice proper mindfulness this way? Ksivi-Sava (as Willow): ::grabbing hold of her head, progressively ruffling more hair while mumbling:: Keep it together. Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): ::pouting:: Fine, Lieutenant. I'll put her down. And just like that, the scraggy figure plummeted to her posterior. Funnelled through Willow’s eyes and optical nerves, the bizarre imagery entered Ksivi-Sava’s mind right through some of the substantial cracks that had formed in it, like a rather neatly-fitting wedge shoved between the fragments. He needed a handkerchief for his nose. Iru: You! Ugh! While patting down Willow’s sides in search of a handkerchief, Ksivi-Sava noticed the odd stranger picking up a PADD that she somehow must have lost. He briefly glanced across the floor in search for a handkerchief, even a pack of tissues. Perhaps she would lend him one if he helped pick up her things… but alas, she didn’t seem to have lost anything that would help with his nose. Who was that poor lady, anyway? Willow (as Sherlock): I told you we don’t consent to being recorded! Ksivi-Sava (as Willow): How is that important right now? I need something for my nose, and there was another thing, too, something about the nose… ::briefly pondering, then rambling on:: Right, breathing, I needed to breathe, because of something really terrifying, something… He blew out a remarkably substantial remainder of breath, considering he hadn’t taken any since the beginning of his objection. Some of the pressing reality of their situation dawned on him anew, prompting him to ruffle more of Willow’s hair and attempt to take more deep breaths. It was a confusing roundabout of mental and nasal congestion. Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): Response Iru: Oh no - I’m not going anywhere - ::a few steps away for her safety.:: YOU ::an old witchy like finger jutted out towards the calmest of the three… except for the whole screaming for no reason she knew of.:: Take me to your commanding officer, now!! Willow (as Sherlock): No. Yes! That was it! They had a commanding officer. They were here in this pitiful state, more or less slowly losing their mental cohesion. Well, at least Ksivi-Sava knew she was, and that was something. That discontent lady was certainly well within her rights to see Ksivi-Sava’s supervisor as much as any Risian citizen or tourist was. And while that unfortunate affair of her plummeting on her behind would be discussed with the shift commander, they could just as well examine the other matter… right, her nose! Ksivi-Sava’s nose, that’s what it was. Ksivi-Sava (as Willow): Well, the lady seems to have a point, and… ::pointing at Willow’s nose:: I need sick leave anyway. Say, could any of you, by any chance, lend me a handkerchief? Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): Response Iru: Call him! ::there was a hint of desperation.:: Then I just call the Cardassian security. ::her threat was not hollow.:: Willow (as Sherlock): You do that and they will have to answer to Starfleet security. What were they even talking about? Clearly, they were intoxicated, which might be an issue. Ksivi-Sava (as Willow): ::in a tone sounding just off enough to be the opposite of reassuring:: Well, well, what’s this talk of Cardassians and Starfleet? Let’s just all take a few deep breaths and calm down here, shall we? As hammered as those kids where, she might end up having to call for reinforcements at any point. But goodness, where was her communicator? How in the name of everything decent did she lose her communicator, of all things? Had one of them nicked it from her? That was embarrassing… That’s what they had been going for all the time, hadn’t they? At least she still had her phaser. Of course, she would hate having to draw it, but if everything else failed… Tensely, she kept watching the situation unfold, her hand hopefully not too obviously close to her phaser. Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): Response Iru: Response Willow (as Sherlock): There are more of us where we came from. I can easily make a call and have a dozen more security officers show up. ::She was slightly fibbing but Iru didn’t need to know that. So it was the short one that had taken her communicator! Oh, and the sheer insolence of bragging about it… Sure, the personal ridicule she could swallow, and would likely have to keep on swallowing for quite a while, once her colleagues got wind of this. But more than that, she represented Risa—their law, their state and their very way of life; not to mention that the theft of Risian security equipment was nothing to sneeze at. Only begrudgingly did she decide to shift into bad cop mode, but if she was to keep this situation under control, a show of strength was in order. Ksivi-Sava dropped all pretensions of her hand only accidentally resting near her phaser as she took a firm step forward and pointed a tense finger at the short kid. Ksivi-Sava (as Willow): ::pointing a bloody finger at Sherlock’s body:: I would advise against that, little Miss Badass! Hand me the equipment now, or your parents will have to add a trip to the precinct to their holiday plans! Parents? Hadn’t there been something about parents earlier? The thought escaped Ksivi-Sava as quickly as the kids decided this was a good time for another stupid move. Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava): Response Iru: Response Willow (as Sherlock): Go on. Try me. That was it. No amount of bluffing would do with those kids! They were nothing short of an immediate threat that needed containing. She had trained for this as passionately as she had always resented the prospect of ever having to go through with it—yet, they had left her no choice but to draw her weapon in a swift, well-practised move and point it at that outrageous menace to public safety. Instead, Ksivi-Sava clumsily tried to produce Willow’s small and fiddly Type-I phaser until it dawned on him that something was off in much the same way that a vertical atmospheric reentry on full impulse was off. As he froze in shock, he happened to be staring right into the emitter of the phaser he had just awkwardly fumbled out. Ksivi-Sava (as Willow): ::dazed:: Oh, dear. I think this is all wrong. A driblet of blood from Willow’s nose also dropped into the muzzle. Sherlock (as Ksivi-Sava)/Willow (as Sherlock)/Iru: Response
  14. I was def not expecting an award at all, so I am surprised I won what I did (Natasha Yar Pin). Throughout my almost five years in this community I've had a total of three different PCs. Two in medical and my current in security. My past two PCs had several issues that made them difficult to write even though I loved the characters deeply as I put a lot of myself into them. Yet, I'm proud to be writing a character that is both dynamic and imperfect (in subtle little ways). Thank you to all the writers on Ops that helped me through these difficult transitions and mentored me in my new role. @Sal Taybrim @Alora DeVeau @Nestira Aristren @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock as well as everyone else on Ops for being a friend and supporter. I hope to continue writing for Haukea-Willow for many years to come. ❤️
  15. Not edited to reflect Haukea's Risian status but better late than never. ❤️
  16. “Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth
  17. The ending of this sim nearly made me cry it was so sweet, and heartwarming. <3. I 1000% loved writing this scene between Sheila and Dune. We are certainly going to miss you Sam. Can't wait til you come back. @Kaijin445 ((Sheila’s Quarters, Habitat Ring, Starbase 118)) Without a single shred of doubt, the good doctor and her loyal canine companion were by far the highlight of his otherwise dreary bordering demotivating day. He loved her personality, he loved her spirit and he loved the dynamic she shared with her dog. And he loved the dog too, of course; the canine penchant for loyalty and dependability transcended even planetary borders it seemed; Sheila was a lucky woman, no two ways about it. Dune: Of course. I’d love to have an Alistair of my own, but- ::chuckling:: I suppose that isn’t quite possible, is it. No dog can attend training or pen reports for me, yes? Bailey: A dog attending training? Penning a report? The idea of such a thing seems silly. Dune: Correct – but the idea of my own Alistair is still funny! How about a clone? Bailey: They aren’t a clone. But I agree it certainly would be nice if such a thing was possible. It would give me a break if it was. Dune: Indeed. Bailey: Anyway. I believe our tea has gone cold. Should we make some more or should I get out snacks instead? He would’ve loved to ask for both, in fact, and talk with her till the wee hours of the morning. Being with this Elaysian woman was a joy, plain and simple, and he would’ve been content to revel in her company as long as possible. That being said, though, he was tired and did very much want to go home and rest; as chief medical officer knowing that she’d have chided him for it, too. Without rest he would not be able to go about his day the next morning and that helped no one. Dune: I think I shall pass on both for the time being, doctor – thank you for the tea and the offer nonetheless. I have had an absolutely wonderful time with you and your dog. I really should be going for the night… Bailey: Well you’re more than welcome to stay for dinner but I don’t want to keep you if you have others to see and places to be. Though I’d certainly love to see you again sometime. If you’d like of course. Dune: ::chuckling:: I would be delighted to see you again. Simply let me know when and where. Until then! He didn’t want to go – but he couldn’t stay forever, of course. After one more quick wave to Sheila and her dog and returning the cup she’d been so kind to lend him, he made his way out. Somehow or other gravity reasserting itself made him feel heavier inside, too, as if the weight of the world had once more settled within him – a heart-breaking feeling, really. He couldn’t wait for the next time they’d meet. Maybe then he’d get to spend a little more time with her then. Ensign Dunamis Tactical Officer Starbase 118 - USS Narendra 0239706DM0 OOC: This will likely be my last post for Dunamis for now! Thank you to everyone who’s made him so fun to play and introduce around, and I’m so glad that you all enjoy him as he is! This won’t be the last time you’ll see of him, however, he’ll be back when I’m back from leave, and I promise when he is he’ll seek out everyone he’s known since!
  18. @Kaijin445 I wanted to post this sim of yours here for a few reasons. 1. I just love how much of a gentleman Dune is towards Sheila/in general. He is really the perfect sort of man in my opinion. 2. I also love the descriptions you provided on Dune's background. It definitely helped me get a deeper understanding of the type of person Dune is. I can't wait to see where the scene goes from here. ❤️ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ((Sheila’s Quarters, Starbase 118)) Well, the good doctor did seem happy to be talking to him, at any rate, which he was pleased with. The reddening of her cheeks, the smile that seemed to never stop growing across her face and making it positively glow – all good signs, he took them as. Perhaps she didn’t often get visitors and he was a rare exception to that norm; in which case he was still glad to provide her the company she wanted. Dune: ::blushing lightly:: Well, I suppose. I did earn the top score of the cadet’s command and control course at Starfleet Academy – but book learning does not substitute for actual empirical experience, does it? Holodeck simulations are quite close but they still cannot compare to the unpredictability of real-life circumstance, can it. Then she seemed to stumble and fall, even in the lowish gravity that they were currently floating in – in response to which he surged forward, catching her in his arms and providing support. He must’ve felt like a tree, strong, tall and sturdy as most of his people tended to be. The perfect steadying pillar. Bailey: You could say that again. ::Sheila gave a low laugh, relating her current experience to Dune’s statement:: Dune: Does this happen often? Bailey: Oh, no. I don’t fall often but it’s not unusual. My left hip is weaker and it must have had a twinge suddenly. ::Here Sheila blushed not out of fondness but embarrassment for her fall as well as her rambling:: Dune: That’s alright. Does this affect you badly? Bailey: Well I’m not sure if you have experienced this but being a minority species comes with certain disadvantages within Federation space and Starfleet. That gave him pause. He too was of a minority species, in fact, a species that’d only just come into the Federation – and he felt the pressures all the same. He’d scared children his age for looking different and felt daily the pressure to represent the best of his people, to perform in the best arenas possible and show that there was plenty the Kelpien race had to offer. Dune: As a matter of fact… I have, somewhat. ::glancing towards the sofa:: Would you like me to help you back to your seat? I can handle our drinks if you’d like. Bailey: Oh, that would be great thanks. ::Though she sounded less enthusiastic than when she had replied to his opinion on the gravity situation:: Gripping her hand he floated over, gently easing her into a sitting position upon the presumably much more comfortable sofa, and off he went again towards the kitchen counter. He’d been scalded a few times in his life from careless hot water handling and poured many, many drinks; he could presumably handle himself around two cups of tea. He could sense the drop in enthusiasm in her voice, however. It was plain to see: the doctor valued her autonomy greatly and offering to take this simple task from her likely made her feel a little worse than she let on. Nonetheless she’d accepted, perhaps feeling that it’d be best that she not ruin their talk by spilling boiling hot liquid on herself, and so he would gladly offer his assistance, but he’d have to keep that in mind from now on. Dune: Growing up on a Federation vessel of humanoid children was not easy. I was a scrawny, hoof-footed bald boy with large yellow eyes at age six and you can imagine how my class of humanoid, hairy-headed peers felt about that. It is easier for young humanoids to accept other young humanoids, I feel, ignoring even the color of one’s skin, extra bodily features and so on. So I did not have very many friends and continued to do despite my parents’ best efforts. Bailey: ? Dune: I had some very persistent friends who took my hand and ran the journey in part with me. Indeed Qltlha and Julien had helped in spades; the former was adamant about dragging him from the cosy confines of his textbook and dorm room to attend the wild party that cadet Strauss three doors down sometimes held; not for the purpose of partying, but to get him to mix with people. It was a life skill, she’d said with utmost certainty, to be able to at the utter least be able to spend time in crowds and seem less like a shut-in, especially for someone with the ambitions that he held. Oh, it’d been nerve-wracking at first and he bemoaned silently each and every time, but slowly but surely he’d learned. Julien was a different story. The human took it upon himself to hone his crush’s person to person skill; behind many of their interactions (yes, including the badly veiled attempts to win his affections) was a lesson to be learned about the nuances of face to face relations. Again it had not been easy for the then much younger man that Dunamis had been then; making eye contact, reading body language, catching tone and so on was a supremely difficult affair for someone who’d been deprived of it for a great portion of his life. But he’d learned. Slowly but surely. He in fact continued to attribute his success in the Academy’s command modules to Julien’s efforts back then and this he did without a single sliver of shame. But that being said this conversation was not about himself. This conversation, this visit in its entirety, was about Sheila, and his purpose in seeing her was to offer her support, be it the starbase’s – or his own. He brought the steaming cups of tea over, placing them delicately on the table between them. Bailey: ? Dune: Would you be comfortable in sharing with me how you feel in that regard? Bailey: ? Ensign Dunamis Tactical Officer as simmed by Ensign Drevas Matthel Security Officer Starbase 118 - USS Narendra O239706DM0
  19. @German Galven I wanted to post this sim here because it shows a great deal of willingness to improve and translate others descriptions and actions into those of your own, from your own character's point of view. Keep up the great work, always love reading sims from German. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ((Pirate Ship Drowning Band - Captain Farrow’s Quarters)) Bailey: Now about that plan. I was thinking we could use our own momentum to knock this container over and pop the lid off. Unless you actually wanted to stay. Galven: I think not staying would be ideal. A. Harper: Could not agree more, I don’t see any other option. Galven: Would it be better if I stood here and then I can lift one of you on my shoulders, then the other climbs up the two of us? A. Harper: That makes sense, hitting the top of the cage should have more of the effect we want. Galven: ::glancing upward to survey the situation:: The top of the box is still pretty high up there. ::sets his hands on both sides of himself:: I'm not sure if the three of us would still be able to make it up there. Bailey: Response A Harper: Galven I think you’re strongest, you think you can climb on us? Galven: ::scratches his ridged chin:: Perhaps, but there's still a lot of distance from where I'd be. A Harper: Shiela do you think can help hold his weight, we don’t want to cause you any injury. Bailey: Response German was so focused on the task at hand and listening to the others when all of a sudden the cage they were in rattled a bit. Falling over the force of the small quake, German expected the worst as he turned towards his attention over the direction of a faint sound. Galven: What was that? Did anyone else hear something? Bailey/A. Harper: Response Another sound came from outside the box. He didn't know what or who it might’ve belonged to, but it was very animalistic. Galven: Such a strange animal. Bailey/A. Harper: Response What happened next was so random that even German was caught by bewilderment and surprise since he was usually the most random person in the science department. Something launched itself at beneath the box, then darted back as the box only settled right side up once more. As all this was happening, German grabbed Sheila and put her over his shoulder awkwardly, then held out his other hand for Alex to take, and ran to the other side of the box to grab hold of anything sturdy. When the bottom was lifted among the commotion, the box tumbled onto its side. German wrapped both arms around Sheila and Alex, falling on his back so they wouldn't get hurt. Galven: Yo ho! A pirate’s life for us in these crazy waters! Bailey/A. Harper: Response Once the fiasco settled down, German let go of the others and tried to regain control, noticing movement again to the other side of the box. He was worried whatever was happening might do more harm to them. He saw a head push through a gap, causing the lid to finally fall off the box. Sachiko sat down and curled her tail around her, the tip slowly lifting then dropping, her eyes closed into thin slits, and purred. Galven: Well, looks like we don't have to climb out the top now. Are you guys okay? Bailey/A. Harper: Response Galven: ::to Sachiko:: Could you give us a warning next time you're about to do something like that again? Sachiko: Response Galven: You've got to be kitten me right meow. ::smirks:: Bailey/A. Harper: Response Galven: Let's get out of this box now. I'm not sure if we should ride Sachiko again or not. Who knows what she'll do. Bailey/A. Harper/Sachiko: Response ---- Ensign German Galven Science Officer StarBase Ops V239507GG0
  20. A little late to the party but I have to agree with @German Galven. @Alora DeVeau is a talented writer who must have had an excellent previous life as a cat. Loved the sim. ❤️
  21. @German Galven Learning from each other is the best. Cheers!
  22. German Galven, If I could have I would have nominated you for the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award this year. You certainly have grown so much since you started and I then joined you a few months later on the Montreal and then the Astraeus. And even with everything that happened OOC last year, you powered through it will amazing grace. I can't say it enough how much of an fantastic writer you are. Love getting to write with you. Here's to another fantastic year of writing. 🥳
  23. A very well deserved congratulations all!!!
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