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Samira Neathler

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Samira Neathler

  1. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  2. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  3. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  4. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  5. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  6. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  7. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  8. Congrats and welcome (back) to the fleet.
  9. Congrats to the winners, creators and everyone else. 😁 All the entrees were awesome!
  10. Ladies, gentlemen, aliens and ::beat:: non-aliens, (Yes we discovered lately we have non-aliens too.) We have a winner for our QotM August and a smashing winner no less! Congratulations to our Skipper who won with the quote: Reynolds: Yes, we received that transmission from the USS Obvious some time ago. Keep them awesome quotes and sims coming, we all love to read them and who knows maybe you'll be the next winner! Greetings Sami and the QotM-team.
  11. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  12. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  13. Hey Gorkonites and Borg-visitors, We have a winner! The QotM July 2401/2024 goes to.... Our beloved Ferengi with: (Gnaxac) Gnaxac remembered dating an Andorian called Sour Zhiassa once, for about a week, before he realised 1) the nickname wasn’t just about her personality and 2) he didn’t really like girls. Congrats Elliot. Keep on writing those awesome sims and if you want to nominate a quote, let me know by DM, mail or smoke signals might work too. Greetings Sami and the QotM-team.
  14. Loved this snippet from @Nera Ay's sim:
  15. Congrats and welcome to the fleet.
  16. Well done guys, congrats and welcome (back) to the fleet!
  17. One of our teams was faced with an unresponsive door. Until, @Vesela Pace worked her magic on it, well partly... 😁
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