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Gogigobo Fairhug

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Everything posted by Gogigobo Fairhug

  1. T'Pol and bring back Trip while they're at it!
  2. Welcome to the fleet, guys! You were a great class, well done. Looking forward to seeing you all around.
  3. Gogi is yet to meet a dish he couldn't devour! But mum's cooking is always the best.
  4. I think Saru might be my spirit animal. Just saying.
  5. I really enjoyed this episode. I'm loving Captain Pike and his character was the one I was most worried about going into this season. I totally agree that they need to give some of the other officers a bigger share of the limelight (and less to Tilly - controversial, I know 🙈), it's good to see that they're making a bit of an effort to do so, but an opportunity was definitely missed here to develop Owosekun's character a bit more. Does anyone else find watching Pike in action tinged with sadness in the knowledge of the fate that will eventually befall him?
  6. Since the first episodes of season one, I have enjoyed Discovery in parts and been disappointed with it in others. I still can't reconcile that all of the sudden Spock has a foster sister, I just don't know why they had to do that, to suddenly introduce this new element to the life of one of the most beloved Trek characters. I am also not a fan of the spore drive, I know season one basically couldn't have happened without it, but it just feels too advanced for a pre-TOS Trek. Despite not being happy about her being Spock's foster sister, I actually quite like Burnham's character. Tilly, however, is super annoying and off-putting for me. I was really excited about Pike and so far I like his portrayal. I'm intrigued to see how the season evolves. I hope there are more stand-alone episodes this season. I also found it hard to swallow that the Enterprise wasn't called back for the war effort. Overall, I'm still not sure why this period was chosen for a new Trek series. I personally feel that there are a lot of other options that could have been explored and would certainly have been less controversial. However, now it's here, I'm trying to make the best of it. I don't think it's terrible, but there are a lot of things I would have done differently. Just my feelings and opinions.
  7. Check out the link below. I'll definitely be getting these for my daughter! https://www.georgetakei.com/star-trek-golden-picture-book-2623045672.html?utm_content=inf_10_4221_2&tse_id=INF_66a28900fdc611e8b433ab68d22425b2
  8. Borg + Holodeck + Scavenger Hunt = lots of fun! ((Holodeck, USS Apollo-A)) ::Without a word, the two of them began to pick their way through the drones, who stood immaculately still. After what probably seemed like a much longer time than it actually was, they found themselves standing face-to-sphere with whatever this thing was. Dante’s mind was racing, he felt his gut dropped and a chill run down the back of his neck until he heard a voice:: Borg Queen: Greetings, one of two, two of two. ::The officers looked at each other. Evidently the sphere was addressing them as their Borg personas. It was...unsettling, to say the least. But in that unsettling voice Dante found comfort. It felt like everything around him was chaos, out of controll and trying to team him apart but there was a calm stillness in the voice, there was order. :: Borg Queen: You have wandered far from the Hive, but fear not, you are home now. :: Bliss rolled through Dante as he heard the voice speak once more. As he opened is eyes, or rather, seemed to peer harder with his holographic scanner that took the place for his eye Dante was puzzled for a second as he saw that he was now standing alone in a black void with nothing but the glowing ball. He paused for a moment, unsure what to do.:: Borg Queen: I see you are failing to understand. Perhaps you have been absent from the collective for too long. ::The darkness retreated for just a moment and Dante saw a Mandolin on the ground, just like the one he had as a boy. He hesitated before going over to it:: Borg Queen: Take it. You know what to do with it. This is where your answers lie. :: As Dante took the instrument he began to pluck out a few notes, the notes of the dirge that he had heard before. As he did the darkness retreated even more and he saw the figure of Gogi as a Drone playing some strange instrument of his own, but playing perfectly what Dante was playing. As they continued on the blackness retreated further and further revealing all of the drones in the room , still in perfect formation, holding instruments of their own. Together they filled the room with a perfect harmony of thousands of instruments playing precisely the same tune. Every note was perfect, every player in their place It was a beauty which Dante had never experienced before and he began to openly weep, overcome by the harmony of it all. Everything made sense, everything had a purpose, there was an undeniable reason for his existence and he had nothing to wonder about. :: ::Then, Dante tried to wipe the tears from his eyes and Dante found that his arms no longer moved of their own accord:: oO what’s this? My… My body. I can’t move my body! Oo :: Under the beauty of the music Dante now heard a new sound. It was the sound of millions and millions of voices screaming in pain and in anguish. countless bodies controlled while minds were suppressed, shredded and sacrificed for the order of perfection. If Dante felt nauseous before he felt like he was had just plummeted off of a cliff and his stomach rode in his throat. :: Termine: Commander!! Commander! :: Dante called out but he say that the Commander was still playing his strange instrument but deep in his eyes there was fear and tears:: oO I… Have… to.. MOVE. I Have to… RUN! I have to SAVE….. my … CREW! Oo :: With all the mental effort that Dante had inside him he willed his feet to move and slowly they began to, step after step Dante brought himself closer to Gogi and with one last heave threw his limp body at the other man’s. They both collapsed to the floor. With that the spell was broken and what was once music was now entirely screams and horror. :: Termine: Commander we have to RUN! Fairhug: ? :: The two men stood up and began to run to the perimeter of the circle, while every drone began to move slowly twoards them. Dante could now see their face and among them there were face of the crew of the Apollo,:: Termine: We need to escape this, we can’t outrun them for long and there’s too many to fight. Fairhug: ? Termine: It’s a better idea than anything I’ve got! :: From behind them the ball of light grew brighter and the screaming stopped and in it’s place a thousand voices chanted:: The Borg: We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile Lt. LG Dante Termine USS Apollo - HCO Officer A239503DT0
  9. Well done, guys. Glad to have you with us!
  10. Spock and McCoy! They loved each other really!
  11. Congrats and welcome to the fleet! 😊
  12. Well done, guys! Welcome to the fleet!
  13. Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement...

  14. Easily Trip. His sister died, his daughter died, he died, he got killed off in every alternative timeline/universe. Even his clone got killed off! In fact, his clone was bred with the intention of being sacrificed! He never ended up with T'Pol even though he should have. Why did the ENT writers hate him so much? WHY??? 😭
  15. Tough one for Gogi. Family is important to him so possibly a trip home. But he's also a wanderer and would feel equally at home on an adventure holiday as he would on a city break. So basically, you could plop him down anywhere and he'd find something to do. 😅
  16. Welcome to the fleet! 😉
  17. Congratulations everyone! Thoroughly enjoyed my first awards ceremony. Roll on next year! 😁
  18. I'm awaiting a graphics request. But here's Gogi waiting to pick up his suit from the dry cleaners...
  19. I think I'd like to see something based at Starfleet Academy.
  20. I'm totally with you, @Delan Han! The whole "monoculture" thing drives me nuts. I think way too deeply about these things too. As you say, with little old Earth being as diverse as it is, why shouldn't pretty much every other planet be as well? That's why I liked what 'Enterprise' did with the Xindi. I'm looking forward to delving deeper into the Bardeezans in the future and fleshing them out some more.
  21. I actually agree with all the options of this poll. Although, ideally I like my sci-fi to be as "realistic" as possible, I usually explain such things away as: "Oh, that's just a human translation for (insert thing here) and obviously the native species has a different name for it in their own language." It happens all the time in the real world. If I were a Spanish-speaker talking to an English-speaker in English, I would use the English words for food/drink/whatever. The thing that bothers me more, is what are the chances that both humans and Saurians invented brandy totally independent of each other? But that I usually tell myself is either one of two things: 1. It's not *actually* brandy, but the use of that word is a rough approximation. Or 2. Human brandy (or whatever) was imported to these worlds and they've started to make their own versions. Much the same as you can have whiskey made with different techniques in different places producing different and distinctive tastes. In which case, I suppose you could have things like "Human gagh" or "Human groatcakes", which would be human takes on those dishes.
  22. Looks good. I think with the design of the uniforms in season 1 and now moving on to these, we've seen a transition from the boiler suits of Enterprise to the more aesthetically pleasing uniforms of TOS.
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