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Rune Jolara

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Everything posted by Rune Jolara

  1. Is it ever really too soon for a bat'leth? Really? I laughed just a little too much when I read this.
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
  3. Congrats and welcome to the Fleet!!
  4. Life can change drastically so quickly. Just when I think I'm going to be okay, the pain and grief hit full force all over again.

  5. How long can a dead body go unnoticed on a space station?

    1. Wilmer


      Boy, I REALLY hope that's a rhetorical question...!

    2. Rune Jolara

      Rune Jolara

      It's not Rune's body so it's all good. ;)

  6. Congratulations and welcome!
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
  8. One of me is already more than the world can handle.
  9. People can be extremely insensitive.

  10. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!!
  11. My inability to sleep is getting stronger.

  12. Some battles are best fought alone in silence.

  13. Today was a total disaster but it could have been worse. At least I survived...

  14. In reality, there are two paths and only two paths. One leads to a dark future. The other to a spark of hope. Choose carefully.

  15. I'd say you're right... has to be pre-TOS, tho it's not nearly as sleek as what was in Enterprise which is baffling where design is concerned.
  16. I love the name... but that ship... I'm sorry. That is the ugliest ship I've ever seen.
  17. Just saw it... I'm usually very critical of the Abrams timeline but I thought it was nicely done. There were a few silly moments but they were really added a bit of fun in my opinion. There was even a little plot behind all the action. I loved Jaylah... I have no idea what race she is but she was a very nice addition.
  18. It's official... it will be on Netflix in 188 countries excluding the US and Canada. In Canada it will be premier on CTV and then move to Space. In the US it will premier on CBS and then be exclusively on CBS All Access. Personally, I won't pay to watch it. http://www.startrek.com/article/international-broadcasters-set-for-new-star-trek-series
  19. Whatever medical equipment it takes to cure cancer.. all cancer.. like this:
  20. Congratulations and welcome back to the Fleet!
  21. My heart, my soul, my light in the darkness. I will forever love and miss you.

  22. Don't know why I bothered posting it.
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