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Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by T'Mar/Mel

  1. Your friendly neighborhood Red Head (that ISN'T the Captain lol) is wearing a tight fitted blue dress!
  2. Oh this Meyer/Hael thing is getting ridiculously funny. And yes Jamie.. the Conny may be in need of AA!
  3. Jess you beat me to that! I read that line and couldn't read any further for a good 5 minutes!!
  4. Well, I wrote a really long and heartfelt post and then the forums apparently ate it because it never posted. For now I will simply say congrats!!!
  5. Congratulations everyone!! I know from experience that the FO role is quite involved and Maxwell Traenor has excelled in this role. I couldn't be more happy for him!! After playing a Security Officer for many moons, I have to say that it can be difficult to find something for your character to do (same with Operations and Intel!). Well done Kurt Logan, Brell, and Trellis Vondaryan respectively. Although I haven't served with you, I know you would not have been awarded if it was not well-deserved! Although I have an Engineering PNPC, I really don't know how anyone can play a full-time engineer, science, or medical officer as the technical knowledge is beyond me. Many hip-hoorays to Varaan, Merrick R'Ven, and Jaxton Vee! The same can be said of Tyr Waltas, Tatash, Paul Scudder, and Antero Flynn! I truly mean it when I say job well done!
  6. LOL!! Yes, I read that and immediately rolled my eyes!
  7. I agree with the others about Jadzia's death. I was just angry.. even moreso when they brought in Ezri. it was very Doctor Who for me, only I didn't get a chance to really get to like Ezri. Having said that, a particularly moving scene for me was when Picard was in the Nexus and watching his family that he wished he had, along with his nephew who had died. I am still in denial about Data's death and refuse to acknowledge that scene as having existed in the Trek universe.
  8. These are amazing!
  9. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! Glad you are here!
  10. I so badly wanted to comment, but it just didn't work IC. Maybe T'Mar should have smiled instead
  11. I really liked Kes. She started out like a little child, but was really starting to grow into a complex and fascinating character. I was really upset when they brought Seven onto Voyager to amp the sex appeal and Kes was booted. I thought Kes brought so much more than Seven ever did. Having said that, I think Seven could have been a decent character had they written her differently.
  12. I love Porthos! He was just so cute and spunky.
  13. Nimoy hands down. He set the bar on what the species was like and gave everyone after something to base their own characters off of. If I were to choose someone other than him, I'd absolutely have to say that Tim Russ was stellar. I felt like he brought his own uniqueness, and knowing that he was so funny behind the scenes makes me that much more impressed with his ability to mask the emotions.
  14. My understanding is that the Round is determined by the Contest Calendar Date and is based off of when you are submitting the Sim to the contest. I hope that helps!
  15. The Prometheus puzzle will be solved...

  16. Congrats on a job well done! Welcome to the fleet!!!
  17. Congrats and welcome to our fleet!! Hope you like it here!!!
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