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Everything posted by T'Mihn

  1. I tend to prefer a non sleep wear type of uniform. A two piecec is practical easy to get on. I tend to like the basic military lace up boots. <shrugs> I'm a military brat,what can I say. I like the Wrath of Khan uniforms. :-)
  2. Yeah a Cylon Baseship or two would be most unpleasant for a UFOP craft.
  3. Amoral class is tough. Since many UFOP vessels are different enough from one another, a general "x can beat y" analysts won't apply. We'll need to pick a specific ship. Possibly the best UFOP has that is adaptable to handle ballistic missiles, rail guns and nuclear warheads. Galactica at the time of the first episode was in the process of being decommissioned, most weaponry gone,one launch pod was a gift,shop and a skeleton crew. Probably under supplied hence a quick FTL micro-jump to Ragnor station just out system. Galactica wasn't at her,but she had an experienced commander and a crew willing to trust him. Colonial Vipers would be a head ache,we'd need fighter craft. Which we do have. They would distract and disable the Vipers. Photon,or quantum torpedoes might have to be used,skipping phasers. A torpedo will have kinetic punch and can be programed to detonate on contact with a Hull.
  4. Oh yes. The colonial craft were built to take a beating. How many ships of ours can do that? Maybe Defiant and others of that class. They have tough oblative armoured hulls designed to take a beating without shields.
  5. Hmm. Neither. There would be no reason for Galactica and a Federation ship to "Duke it out". UFP ship would keep range,IE back away and trying to establish communications. Cylons however would fire without hesitation. If a confrontation between a Federation vessel and a Colonial vessel it would be Pegasus. She is newer than Galactica, bigger,and a bit more advanced. She could stand bow to bow with any of her class. If the UFP ship had oblative Hull armour,she can take a few hits from Pegasus' rail guns,she could not handle the ballistic nuclear warheads.
  6. It makes sense to revise. If marriage between two beings of different species is compatible on the emotional, physical but not on the genetic level, they merely won't have offspring. Considering information being readily available to a Starfleet officer,he or she may not need genetic testing unless they intend to produce children with a genetically incompatible being. Or testing is requested by parties involved. Example, an Androian requires four people to create offspring, how would that be handled if a human and Andorian wish to marry and produce children. The paragraph to consultant one's CMO is logical. Seems to be a lot of "red tape" to go through, wonder how many illegal marriages there are.
  7. I've several sound tracks. New BSG all seasons,all 6 StarWars, All the trek movies including the Abrams version,last of the Mohicans, Master and Commander, The Last Samurai, Hero,Lord of the Rings Trilogy,and more I can't remember. :-)
  8. It is fun so far. We hadn't left DS17 yet.
  9. I like the TWOK uniforms. They're quite comfortable, no movement restriction and they look cool. Only modification I'd make is no stripe on the pants, and use the basic leather military boot with slip resistant sole,and reenforced toes. Don't want to have toes crushed .
  10. :-D. The infrared wouldn't damage things. Star Trek I would hope has a very weak version of a maser to use in situations when training against a forceful boarding attempt. A maser could have a stunning or small kinetic non leathal kick. Launching water balloons at each other is really out. Messy. Food fight, oh no way. Hide and seek without cheating with tri-corders. Teaching and honing tracking ability. Non-lethal pranks. Not a Klingon vessel.
  11. Exercise, work on hobbies like hand sewing. Run through the corridors playing lazer tag. :-D. PADD work might have a lot of that. They hardly show the hugh lag times between problems.
  12. So how are my fellow classmates doing? Gotta keep in contact.
  13. I'd be a bookworm,take anything apart, and reassemble. Study,hiking.
  14. Welcome. We don't bite...hard.
  15. Oh geez yeah. Someone is going to get a posterior chewing when they find out some nut shut down the holodeck safties. Endangered the officers. If that gets simmed,it'd be fun. Ensign T'Mynn Ah'mygahn Science USS Tiger-A
  16. Awww. You guys are going to make me turn green. Thanks for the welcome Thanks Jade,I'm having fun and suiming with you,riley Rex,and Simon of 13 was fun.
  17. T'Mihn

    JAN/FEB Behind the Mask

    Excellant story. I enjoyed it.
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