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Everything posted by T'Mihn

  1. I think J.J. was trying to include every "nod"from the TOS as he could. But it ended up having a feeling of doing so much in to little time. Simon Pef,"Sulu ","Chekov "and McCoy were hilarious. Chekov being so young. "Do you shave yet? "
  2. These had plot holes But almost every Star Trek movie did too. They did capture the banter between characters, the serious and fun moments very well. These characters in this universe are likeable and one can care about them.
  3. Different timeline, different universe and an interesting take on what the technology turned put and what clanges made the characters ehat they are. Uniquely different from the Prime universe. Yeah you can't buikd a ship that size in on the ground, only in space but its to show scale. Warp travel in incredibly dizzing.
  4. Hm. I don't know the episode name but seeing Vorik in a brightly colored, eye seeringly busy patterned Hawian shirt was hilarious.
  5. Scotty whacking that pipe was hilarious. I know this ship like the back of my hand!" POW!. Gotta have a moment like that where someone bangs a head on a pipe, slowly opening shuttle hatch or low door lintel.
  6. "Are you from space? " "No,Im from Iwoa,, I only work in space. "
  7. Aww.crud. :-( Then, I'm a bit stuck.
  8. Can a writer submit an old sim if it fits the challenge criteria?
  9. Saw those foam amrours? Cool huh?: -) Usually it's that stuff you out on kid's playroom floor. Only you need the thinner width in order to get the found part. A bit of metallic Krylon spray paint and some dry brushing weathering and high lights, you have affordable armour that won't bite you or damage furniture. Are you going time try foam route? It would be great Drow armour too.
  10. http://m.instructables.com/id/How-To-Make-Foam-Armor/ Here is an example of some great looking foam armour that does not look like foam. Cool huh? LARPing to me is a type of CosPlay. You have a costume, a character, some friends and having a great time.: -) Sinda, I can post more examples of how to make foam armour. I just have to dig through my files.
  11. Well Google "foam armour. There are tutorials on YouTube and online. It's affordable, paintable, all supplies found locally.
  12. Hehehe. That picture is awesome. I too am a costumer.: ) That make-up appliances is challenging, but if done well, its head turning. I've seen some awesome Cardassians. Pp
  13. AWw poor guy, having a bad day. Great sim.
  14. Heere wabbit, wabbit..
  15. It's a soulful sim.
  16. ROTFLMBO!! Woohoo. Don't mess with him. Hilarious. Godzilla. Lol!
  17. LOL@ Kevin. Elias, its amazing how much pressure folks will put on each other. The rules and burdens not realizing that the yoke we should carry isn't burdensome nor heavy. Its actually easy. I'm not LDS, just a vessel. A simple person making my way through the galaxy. We treat others kindly, out comes back, not always immediately. I appreciated that article, I like how he used Spock as a touchstone to communicate with the young person, conveying how hard it was to be of two worlds.
  18. Sakkora, I know exactly where you are coming from, for I face the same dilemma with my family, and some friends. They mock and malign my beliefs yet they practice things that is obviously destructive to their minds, bodies,and keeps them from obtaining the peace they desperatly seek.
  19. Great piece. Wonder where she is now and how it affected her?
  20. Aww.... They're adorable all of them. I like this family, they make me smile every time I 'meet' them in these sims. I can only imagine what an entire made of ceder smells like.
  21. What "makes a villian a villian? Born bad or made that way. Do they even see themselves asvillians? What about Gul Dukat and Kai Winn Adami. Infortunatly moone delved into the layers for Kai Winn but sort of did for Dukat. Or Elim Garek, is he a villian? Its a toss up with nim, noone knew wjere Eln stood, not even his own people. Q, well acted by DeLancie but I wouldn't call him villian but more a trickster like Puck crom Spakespear's Hamlet. Or the Borg.later personified by the Borg Queen played by Alice Krieg later reprised in Voyager. Kazon Ogla facton.. villain or merrely a product of constamtbwar? Or the Vidians?
  22. Thia is awesome. I like the take the Klingons had..
  23. Ahh. But this new timeline isn't the prime on,just a parallel one where something's are the same,others are different.
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