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Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Han Solo as an unfortunate victim of a universe swap.
  2. D: I don't even...
  3. I don't want Enterprise. Give me something other than an Enterprise, for the love of all things. I'm just so done with the Enterprise linage. There are other ships in Starfleet than the ones named Enterprise.
  4. And now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. XD
  5. You know you love the beagle.
  6. Everybody's gotta have a happy holiday.

  7. Voyager hands down.
  8. Everybody loves Tucker . . .
  9. I think for now the Cardassians and the Federation are playing nice towards each other as much as they can. Starfleet's gone so far to allow them to share a joint command of DSX (also called DS10, depending on who you talk to) in the Menthar Corridor. The Garuda has simmed a lot of contact between Starfleet and the Cardassian Union, though tensions are still sort of high, especially since the terrorist attack on the station (the original co-captain of DSX was killed during this event). I haven't seen anything on the Romulans. There may have been one or two Romulan characters I've come across, but none of them mentioned their homeworld or anything regarding a new home planet.
  10. Best parts of these movies, I have to admit, is McCoy. He doesn't get a lot of screen time, maybe, (and I was disappointed to see that Bones was also minimized in the Into Darkness novelization as well) but he always brings a smile to my face whenever he's in a scene.
  11. A British tar is a soaring soul, as free as a mountain bird. His energetic fist should be ready to resist, a dictatorial word... Sing, Worf, sing! One of my favourite moments, and that song was stuck in my head for days . . .
  12. Welcome back, Marcus!
  13. Remember to nominate your favourite bio to the Featured Bio Contest! It's as easy as dropping a link!

  14. As I was reading it, I was chatting to Rich about Ketanya's image... Deliera: VOSS TOTALLY STOLE SOME OF TRISTAM'S SHARKWTF VOSS STOLE SOME OF TRISTAM'S SHARK Rich: You knowthis isn't really the kind of feedback I was hoping for... Deliera: VOSS STILL STOLE TRISTAM'S SHARKAND IT LOOKS GREATTOTALLY CAN'T TELL IT'S JEN GARNERBUT VOSS STILL STOLE SHARK AND TARTARE
  15. Called it.
  16. Next week, week after, so looking forward to the fun we're gonna have

  17. So . . . this little not-so-happy gem marks the classic horror movie death in Meanwhile, on the Mercury part 6 . . . I thought it was a pretty neat collaboration.
  18. Just this entire section with everybody's reactions . . . From PNPC T'Leia's "No Bricks Without Clay":
  19. For all you continuity pickers out there:

  20. Before I read this sentence properly, I was quite honestly looking for the full stop . . . and then realized there wasn't one . . . And then me in my silliness decided to attempt to say the entire thing without stopping . . . I failed miserably. Vaala must have a serious pair of lungs.
  21. From Xx's "Dropping The Base Really Bugs Me".
  22. In response to above from the Tans: It is quite literally the first time they've agreed on something. XD
  23. My work is done.
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