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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Oh boy. XD
  2. My timezone allows me to live in the future.

    And no, you didn't win the lottery you entered.

  3. In which Core absolutely qualifies as the mum of the crew and I accept this position with great pride.
  4. There's two of me now. Can only mean double the fun.
  5. I feel like I've seen something about the Discovery in canon already and that it was pre-TNG - which also fits with some of the rumors that were coming out a couple months ago. Registry suggests this too. Its been suggested to me that they might not be going past Voyager because of conflicting with Star Trek Online - which I sincerely hope is not the case. STO is great and all, but . . . really? Does it really have to classify as canon?
  6. Not sure which is better - people running down your driveway "picking up air drops" in a virtual zombie apocalypse or people walking down your driveway claiming to be looking for Pokemon near your [...] paddock. :-|

    1. Hannibal Parker

      Hannibal Parker

      Either could get you shot in the right circumstances.....


  7. I guess I won't be seeing it until it's released on DVD. ADSL2 with bad lines in an area your service provider don't wanna come isn't the best host for Netflix. Stupid Australian internet...
  8. Can only "like" posts once. I believe we need to expand this number to however many times a human being can click the "like" button.

  9. Vyrenna-speak for "careful, Captain Kells might get kidnapped again".
  10. Literally the most I'll ever use Treknobabble - mainly because while I'm well-versed in Star Trek and playing an engineer, writing long paragraphs involving Trek science involves many a hour-long journey into the depths of Memory Alpha.
  11. Did anybody else get around to playing the Star Trek game set between 2009 and Into Darkness?
  12. This Rodulan cracked out the "normal" eye contacts just for the occasion.
  13. It hurts, too. Because these are two characters that are usually always together. And seeing them split apart like that after years just . . . ugh. For better or worse, that sim really hurt.
  14. With Star Trek Online finally hitting our consoles, now's a good as time as any to discuss what other Star Trek games you might have loved or hated when playing with that controller on your home console, recommending or downright slamming as you go. I'm "lucky" enough to own Star Trek: Conquest for the PS2. Nice little strategy game, actually, though has little to no story aspect.
  15. Should launch an Australian time-friendly fleet chat.

    1. Hannibal Parker

      Hannibal Parker

      TRue, but when would that be?

  16. WELL THEN.
  17. Just the fact that this continues throughout the sim . . .
  18. Adding "Don't upset Ventu" to my list of how to survive on Starfleet vessels . . .
  19. That awkward moment when you realize your boyfriend has a crush/is best friends with your ex. You say this now, but I joke not when I say that this section originally had "If Roshanara wasn't in the picture, he may have kissed him".
  20. Alex Kurtzman: Producer, announced, Star Trek 4 Star Trek Into Darkness (producer) Star Trek (executive producer) Robert Orci: Executive Procedure, announced, Star Trek 4 Star Trek Into Darkness (producer) Star Trek (executive producer) Star Trek Beyond (written by) (post-production) Star Trek Into Darkness (written by) Star Trek (written by) Don't get your hopes up. =/ I'm aware of their credentials. I mean they're much better television producers then they are for film, hilariously so.
  21. I'm done with this reboot franchise. I'm not gonna see it. I'm gonna leave my faith in the guys that give me Limitless and Scorpion every week to bring me a TV show better than the movies I'm being provided with and worth more of my time. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci haven't failed me for two years worth of TV series, I'm hoping they don't break that streak.
  22. Kicking butts while making uniformed character images without a proper photoshop and taking names.

  23. Take me back to the Sweet times, and fun nights Everything's gonna be alright Post-Voyager Only post-Voyager And even if I have to wait till Next year! I don't care All i know is that I'll see you there Post-Voyager Only post-Voyager Cause that's where I wanna be!
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