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Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Just a reminder to all wiki-savy people to keep updating their ship's face listing - there are a few ships on the pages that are *really* out of date . . .

  2. On LOA. Do not disturb.

  3. You know when you've been typing "StarFleet" wrong when Scotty unintentionally corrects you in an information file for the Star Trek game . . .:/

  4. Guess who's back. >:D

  5. Complications in a Brekkian/Betazoid and Vulcan hybrid pregnancy? I may need to consult my Vulcan book . . . :/

  6. How does one cut themselves on *sticky-tape*? I'm glad you asked! I don't know, but I managed to do such thing! >:/


  8. Well . . . really . . . I think that fight was started as part of the send-off for the Ronin . . . actually I don't really remember the details of what happened behind the scenes there, but still. It was a good bar fight.
  9. I remember that! Reed, Walker and Deven Zell were at the bar when a fight broke out. I think Reed collapsed afterwards and ended up in Lt. Ba'Eli's care. I don't really remember if Walker was in the fighting or not, though. But I do remember that the two were drunk after Reed suggested . . . I rest my case.
  10. Is OUT of hospital. Now lets get this stuff done...

  11. Is in hospital. Apologies, as there may be delays from me of all sorts.

  12. Am tired, and can't sleep. So what do I do? Look for flaws on Sky's wiki page... :/

  13. Is back a day early..

  14. Now has Firefox . . . :/

  15. Re-watching all of the Marvel and DC movies that I own . . .

  16. "Oh, have you seen my ghost, staring at the ground . . ."

  17. Congrats, and welcome to the fleet!!
  18. "An error occured - You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day" . . . what, I can't *like* anything for the rest of they day!?!? What are you trying to do, *KILL* me???? >:(

  19. Too hot for this season. If I suddenly go silent for a couple of days, nobody panic...

  20. Congratulations, and welcome to the fleet!
  21. SO BORED.....

  22. SO BORED.....

  23. is rather popular today . . .

  24. Happy Birthday!!

  25. Ever since Facebook, everything has needed "like" buttons . . .

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