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Everything posted by Blake

  1. If somebody came out with a Bioware-esq choice-system game for Star Trek, I would be eternally grateful. Instead I have to settle on the Abrams Trek game that's a 3rd person shooter that you had to play with in coop because yay for glitchy AIs.
  2. Were we watching the same film? Like, are you sure you went to go see Beyond?
  3. We've got more cast to have joined. However, my personal favorite part of the announcement: Rehka Sharma as security officer. I've kept going on about how my main wish for this series was a female security officer and now I got one. Now me as a happy camper will wait patiently for the show jigglinG ON MY CHAIR BECAUSE FEMALE SECURITY OFFICER GUYS FINALLY! ::cough:: Excuse my excitement.
  4. Donate to your nearest Good Friday appeal.

  5. XD It always brings a smile to my face when someone continues an NPC's habits and trends from another writer. Kudos to you, Mr Delano. This is the beginning for poor "Just Commander Blake".
  6. Rahman: Damn it! ::Roshanara winced as she picked up her bare right foot, rubbing her little toe that she'd stubbed on a crate she'd kept planning to unpack since she moved in yet remained on the deck where she put it three months ago.:: 😎😎😎
  7. I think the last dream (proper dream in a sim) I wrote, my character was having a conflict within himself and wondering what the point of all his work was when ultimately, every time he took a step off the ship, he was in danger. He found himself unable to trust those around him. So when I wrote the scene, it was a reality where he knew his mother well - where in one of my more recent sims with him, he admits to not knowing a thing about her, aside from what others have spoken to him. In this particular scene, however, she says exactly what he wanted to hear even if he acted like it wasn't, therefore trying to motivate himself using a maternal figure he'd never had in a single person - though he doesn't linger on the thought of his lack of biological mother (Rodulans in his area are typically big fans of "it takes a community to raise a child" kind of philosophy, so he's never lacked a maternal figure), he has always wondered what she would say to him, had she the chance to see him as he is today. So allowing himself a positive version involving her believing in him during this recovery period, what she might say, brought him some confidence in a time where he needed every inch of it.
  8. Learning a new language because the Americans want to say "whole note" instead of "semibrieve". :-/

  9. "The fan production must be a real “fan” production, i.e., creators, actors and all other participants must be amateurs" I feel bad for any fans with serious teeth in the acting business. Jeez. Also, on a side note, I wonder how this affects Star Trek Continues...
  10. It's a little late for saying they don't want it rushed, given that they started production in 2016 then set a premiere date for January 2017.
  11. Hoping all Melbournites in the fleet are safe after what happened today. Thoughts with those injured and passed.

  12. I guess we needed a Sarek? http://www.startrek.com/article/james-frain-joins-discovery-as-sarek
  13. We have a theme. And there's no lyrics in it!
  14. I've simmed relationships with both character types. Usually they're all pretty rewarding in terms of development, and while it's definitely more fulfilling to bounce ideas off another player, ultimately doing both is bringing me joy. If I'm simming my Primary with my PNPC (which I'm doing at the moment for Blake and Sabor within flashbacks), I have to operate with a set idea of what's to come. So if it ends badly or if they all live happily ever after, it's always going to be part of the plan until I change my mind (as such with Kinan and Irasaph, though their relationship is so behind the scenes that it's doubtful anyone will notice). I usually have a whole thing decked out from the get-go. If I'm with another player, I like discussing my character and the ins and outs and all the thoughts and motives and little cool tidbits, especially if it's about PC relationships. I've noticed that romantic relationships between PC characters (or PC to PNPC characters) tend to take a lot of planning and discussion. It's either orther, really.
  15. http://www.startrek.com/article/qapla-discovery-introduces-the-klingons Klimgon cast members.
  16. This line. Just this line. I don't need to read any further. XD
  17. A cast is coming together! http://www.startrek.com/article/star-trek-discovery-beams-up-three-cast-members
  18. Way of the Warrior holds a special place in my heart (first DS9 episode(s) I ever got on VHS until I finally got everything on DVD). It's not what I consider an episode you could skip, and seeing DS9 hold its own against a freaking Klingon fleet waiting for backup to arrive was just the icing on the cake. Easily one of my top ten Star Trek episodes.
  19. That's okay, Washington. I'm smiling for you.
  20. When King leans on the forth wall. EDIT: Darn it, Ryan - this entire flipping post was one chuckle after another! Here's more.
  21. I didn't realize how quick the internet could actually be.

    You know these forums used to take two minutes before all images actually loaded up? Takes five seconds now.

    Netflix and Online Multiplayer here I flipping come.

    1. Kamoyo Aleksandrov

      Kamoyo Aleksandrov

      And another one bites the dust.

  22. There's my weird sense of humor kicking up again.
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