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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. Each month, we want to keep you apprised of the number of graduates from the Starbase 118 Academy. Unfortunately, not all applicants graduate from the Academy because the either do not respond to roll call or do not complete the Academy requirements. The Training Team makes every effort to involve all applicants and to encourage[.....] View the full article
  2. Each month, the Publicity Team posts the number of applications our community received for the previous month and how those applicants found our group. This summary will give you an idea of how we are reaching new applicants and how we can improve our efforts to reach new audiences. If you’re interested in helping with[.....] View the full article
  3. After successfully sabotaging a joint Orion/Scarlet Brotherhood shipyard deep within the turbulent region of space known as the Badlands, the crew of the USS Ronin NCC-34523 have been granted some time to patch up the ship, lick their wounds and regroup. Having spent a few days on Deep Space Nine to celebrate the induction of[.....] View the full article
  4. Great posting from all of our fleet this month! View the full article
  5. RIP Steve Jobs. :( His technology inspired and changed the world! I rarely get mushy about celebrities passing, but this guy was who every geek wants to be...

  6. Damaged during the firefight with the suicidal terrorist freighter above Starbase 118, the USS Victory has limped home for repairs in drydock. With the majority of the terrorists now awaiting judiciary hearings, the operations crew of Starbase 118 is taking a much deserved rest. However, the crew still faces obstacles beyond simple repairs and re-staffing:[.....] View the full article
  7. Part five of the six part ‘Obscure Dangers of Spaceflight’ series will go over one of the least thought of, yet most dangerous of all those dangers mentioned yet; the inability to stop. Just showing up to the party? Head on over to the other parts and see what you’ve been missing. You can find[.....] View the full article
  8. The crew of the USS Thunder completed its mission related to the threats against the talks for Bajor to be admitted into the Federation. Bolivia Gaev had been arrested, and the crew would transport him back to Duronis II for Laudean prosecution. Spending a couple of days on Deep Space Nine, the Thunder crew enjoyed[.....] View the full article
  9. Just once, I want to see a cross-country road trip happen in a Ford Escort or a Toyota Corolla instead of a vintage Mustang.

  10. Captain, first officer, chief of security, chief medical officer. These posts, and many more, are staples of every simming ship and installation. But what about the lesser known positions – the intelligence officers, diplomats, and nurses of the fleet? In this series, we’ll examine some of the less traditional posts and the characters and writers[.....] View the full article
  11. This week, Poll of the Week asks whether or not you own any form of Star Trek costume. Do you own a Starfleet costume that you’re able to crack out of the wrapping for conventions and parties? Or do you own a set of Klingon body armour that’s displayed in pride of place in your[.....] View the full article
  12. Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: S’Acul Aveunalliv, Scott A. Shepard, and James Torken! View the full article
  13. Another month has flown by, and now we are looking down the barrel of October! And with the end of the year approaching, so too do we approach many things; the SB118 awards nomination process, the winter holidays, colder weather (for some), and the warmth of family and friends. Regardless of where you are in[.....] View the full article
  14. The Aurelian people are a peaceful species that evolved over time from large migratory birds. They have never experience war on their planet and while their first off world contact was not pleasant they were quickly able to correct this problem. They contacted the Vulcans who with the aid of Starfleet put a stop to[.....] View the full article
  15. If you’ve been around online for a while, then you have probably heard of an older, and pioneering, distributed computing project known as SETI @ Home. The entire point of the project was to put idle computers to work processing massive amounts of data that would have taken the SETI computers years to sift through.[.....] View the full article
  16. We've been in DC for two weeks and we still haven't been invited to the White House for dinner yet. Um, HELLO Barack Obama???

  17. Suddenly my Facebook feed is full of pithy images. Are people just really into posting textual graphics today, or is this some new Facebook algorithm because I "Liked" one before?

  18. StarBase 118, Trinity Sector (Stardate 238808.31) – The crisis appears to be over. Up to the minute reports are showing that the main terrorist threat to Starbase 118 has been destroyed. Isolated firefights are still being reported throughout the damaged parts of the station, but overall, the Starbase is on the path to recovery. Just[.....] View the full article
  19. Everyone loves a happy ending, unless of course, that’s not what your audience wants. There are plenty of ways to end our stories, or at least pause them so that our sims don’t end up being miles long, but how many of those ‘so called endings’ are really fulfilling to our crewmates? Writing a sim[.....] View the full article
  20. Metro driver: "The good thing is I don't get off until 1:30a, so if you want hold the doors open, that's fine with me." 3m later, waiting...

  21. Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Mackenzie Ingram! View the full article
  22. Just fell UP the stairs at Starbucks. Mortified.

  23. Please congratulate the following officers on their promotions: Ashley Deneve Yael to Lieutenant, Saveron to Lieutenant, Jaxon K. Mc Ghee to Lieutenant, Isaac Green to Lieutenant, Skyleena Blake to Lieutenant JG, Tobias Walker to Lieutenant JG, Deven Zell to Lieutenant JG, and Hannibal Parker to Lieutenant Cmdr! View the full article
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