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Paul Sharpe

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Paul Sharpe last won the day on June 5 2015

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About Paul Sharpe

  • Birthday 08/23/1973

Personal information

  • Location
    South Wales UK
  • Interests
    All types of SciFi books/Films, Fantasy Films and Music

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  • Current Vessel
    In Training/Unassigned/On Leave

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StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (17/28)



  1. All options have merit so I have chosen other as I like all
  2. STO Give away 3 Tier5 ships Unlock account-wide, but faction based, there is the Avenger Class for Starfleet, B'Rel BOP Retrofit for Klingon's and the T'Varo Light Cruiser for Romulan. All these are VAdm ships roughly about 3-6k Zen, get them while you can STO players. When claimed they are unlocked on your account, the Avenger Class is an Engineering ship. I know most of you play STO so get them while the goings good.... If you want them!
  3. I went for the first option
  4. That is a very ugly ship, but also logical when you think about it, it was a transition period where Starfleet was starting to smooth its starship lines out after the Earth/Romulan war.
  5. When you are feeling down, always remember "Don't worry be Happy!"--- Hey thats good advice LOL Note to self also.

  6. I read it, wondered how long it would take them filmmakers to adjust to the modern world
  7. I went for transporters as it costs so much to catch public transport these days.
  8. Hey All Do not know if you all know this, if you do not please click the link to read the article. The lawsuit against Axanar has been dropped by Paramount/CBS, below is the link on the latest news on what seems to be an excellent fan film. http://www.treknews.net/2016/05/28/axanar-lawsuit-update-proposed-fan-film-guidelines/
  9. Just thought you all should know that the Indie Fan film ST: Horizon is now complete and is over an hour long, it is on You Tube, but for ease of access here is the link.
  10. If any SB118 Members has an STO char and they want into the SB118 Fleet drop me a line in STO and the Char I have in the SB118 Fleet will invite you into the Fleet. My handle is @paulda73 I have numerous characters so it is safer just to supply my handle for STO. Paul
  11. Okay if anyone has been looking forward to the new Indie Star Trek film ST: Renegades it is finished and while the uniforms are subject to ones own opinion on like or dislike, the film is actually excellent for an Indie flick and currently it cost nothing to watch, this might change, but if you is interested click the link and be taken to the You Tube site. The Film is over 1 hour long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE2Wgop9VLM
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