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Everything posted by Tracey

  1. Hi all! Welcome to this week's edition of the Poll of the Week! Now who can forget that unmistakable tune from the Original Series that was the telltale sound of the call to battle. As we have watched the episodes of Star Trek, we quickly learned that not all were friendly and welcoming to our Starfleet crews over the years. The Klingons, for example, in the Original Series did not have a special place in their hearts for Captain Kirk and his crew. JeanLuc Picard was not a merry man when Q paid him his yearly visits. The political ping pong played between the crew of DS9 and the Cardassians was ever present during that series' run and the Voyager crew and the Borg were never best of friends. And who can forget the Xindi that wrecked havoc for the crew of Enterprise. All in all, all the series had their fair share of problem aliens to contend with who didn't quite see eye to eye with our Starfleet heroes. Nevertheless, this week's Poll of the Week question will put your minds to work as we try to discover, of all the adversities that each crew had to deal with, which crew had to deal with the most adversities while treking through the stars? So let us know who you think which crew had their hands the most full while performing their missions in the darkness between the stars!
  2. Welcome to this week's awesome edition of the Poll of the Week, Fleetmates! After recasting the Captains of all the television incarnations of the Star Trek franchise, our team of pollsters here at Poll of the Week have come to the conclusion that most of the fleet has watched at least one episode of one of the television series of Star Trek in their lives. Knowing that, our super genius number crunchers here at Poll of the Week feel that releasing this week's poll will not be a hindrance to those who have never watched an episode of Star Trek, because finding someone in the Fleet who has never watched a single episode of Star Trek would probably be much more difficult than finding someone who has, within our little community. So that leads us to this week's Poll of the Week question. From which television series were you first introduced to Star Trek? Was it TOS with the swashbuckling Captain Kirk or was it The Next Generation crew that you first saw on the small screen? Or maybe it was the keepers of the wormhole, the staff of DS9, or maybe it was the early pioneers of space travel, the crew from Enterprise? Or was it the crew that became stranded in the Delta quadrant on-board the Intrepid Class Starship, Voyager? We here at the Poll of the Week are dying to know what Star Trek television series got you started on this journey to the Final Frontier! So don't be afraid to vote for the Star Trek series that started it all for you!
  3. Welcome to the one and only, the incredible, the indispensable, the amazing and incredibly fun Poll of the Week! It's been a long road...as we approach the final of our recast the Captain series, and as we end this series recasting the Captain of Enterprise. What Enterprise character, other than Archer, do you think would make a good Captain for the first incarnation of the USS Enterprise? How about the Vulcan T'Pol or the Floridian engineer Tucker? Or how about the security officer Reed or maybe Hoshi the linguistic specialist? Would the ship's pilot, Mayweather, have made a good Captain, or how about the Denobulan Doctor Phlox? Maybe even, someone else? So vote, vote, vote, fleetmates, to recast the Captain of Enterprise, because our experts here at Poll of the Week are eagerly awaiting the results!
  4. Here we all go everyone! It's your favorite time of the week! It's Poll of the Week time! Sticking to the same theme of recasting television incarnations of the universe we all SIM in, this week we'll be focusing on the crew of Voyager. Who do you think would make for the best Captain of our favorite Intrepid class starship if Captain Janeway was not her queen? Would it be Commander Chakotay or the resident Vulcan, Tuvok? What about the renegade Tom Paris or his former Maquis eventual wife, Belana Torres? Or how about the clarinet playing Harry Kim or the holographic no name Doctor? What about Seven of Nine taking command or maybe Kes? Or maybe even Neelix battling the Borg to lead the crew back to earth? Or someone else maybe? So vote and let us know who you would think would make the best Captain of the USS Voyager, other than Kathryn Janeway, because we here at Poll of the Week are itching to know!
  5. Welcome to another edition of the Poll of the Week! Once again this week we'll be recasting the Captain of a favorite Star Trek series and this week we'll be focusing on the crew of DS9. Who do you think, other than Ben Sisko, would make the best Commanding Officer of DS9? Would it be Major Kira, the former freedom fighter of the Bajorans, or one of the two Dax hosts? What about Worf, or Doctor Bashir? Or would Miles O'Brien have made a good leader for the crew at DS9? Or maybe even someone not on the list, such as Garak or Quark? So vote and tell us the reasons why you voted for who you did. Our mad scientists here at Poll of the Week are standing ready with clipboards in hand ready to take notes on the results.
  6. Well here we go with another Poll of the Week folks! Here's hoping you all are having a great holiday season thus far! As we approach 2392, we return to the old theme of recasting Captains. This week we focus on The Next Generation. We have decided to leave out Commander Riker in this poll for several reasons. That being said, there are a myriad of others in the Next Generation cast to choose from. Would the android Data have made a good Captain? How about the Klingon, Worf, or LaForge? What about Doc Crusher or Counselor Troi? Would Tasha Yar have made a good Captain...or how about even...Wesley? Or someone else entirely? So let us know here at the Poll of the Week who excluding Riker and Picard, would make the best Captain of Enterprise D!
  7. I'm back! I want to thank Fleet Captain Idril Mar for holding down the fort while I was away! So without further delay, let's get things started. This week's poll begins another series of polls, this one on the topic of alternate leadership. In the original series, the powerhouse acting of William Shatner as James T. Kirk, Captain of the Starship Enterprise, was dominating. It affected everything about the series and there are few scenes that Kirk himself doesn't appear in. What, however, would the series have been like without his lead from the front, machoman, jump on the hood and hang on style of leadership? If, say, Spock had been in the chair, would that have made a difference? What about Scotty instead? This is your chance to correct Roddenberry's 'mistake' and image your favorite cast member at the head of the crew. Here's a list of the cast members to choose from. Pick your favorite and tell us why!
  8. This is when the insanity fun begins!
  9. Epic: Spock leaves the bridge. Arrives in engineering. Places his hand on Dr McCoy's head. "Remember". Takes the passed out Scottie's gloves and enters the room with the radiation. What happens in that minute or two has remained ingrained ever since I saw it.
  10. The epic use of lens flare. The epic emotional outburst of Spock for no reason that a Vulcan would actually succumb to on so regular a basis. As I would watch the new movies I actually thought that Spock was actually very emotional and tried to suppress his emotions in order not to make stupid decisions, like punching Khan for revenge while having little regard for the welfare of the Enterprise as it was plummeting to the ground. Spock is epically selfish. Kirk is an epic creap. Bones was epically underused. They epically slapped together different aspects of TOS without any explanation. They epically brought a Tribble back to life with human blood. There is so much more epic stupidity in these films I can go on and on. The writing for Trek in our group is far and above better than the garbage that is now Star Trek. I really think that the writers for future movies should really take a closer look at fan fiction for inspiration.
  11. Welcome to the mental institution fleet everyone
  12. Welcome to the nut farm fleet!
  13. As they say in yiddish, brukhim-haboim
  14. Probably going to miss it again this year due to my schedule Ah well, at least the New X-Men movie is being filmed practically in my back yard
  15. Welcome to the madhouse fleet you two
  16. Welcome...or as they say in Romulan...Aefvadh
  17. http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/images/2/24/Admiral_Kirk.png Is there going to be time travel in this film? This looks like the insignia from TMP and are those Admiral insignia on his shoulder?
  18. Welcome....and welcome back
  19. In answer to these ideas. 1) I don't think this is a good idea. I may be wrong, but I am under the assumption that alot of potential new recruits read these SIMs and may even use these as a basis as to whether to join or not. Either way, the top SIMs contest, in my opinion, makes for a wonderful selling point for the group as a whole. Get rid of it, and we may lose potential new recruits. 2) I'd have no problem doing this on my ship. I am certain each ship could find someone to do this as well. 3) I'm curious about this incentive. Perhaps some sort of contest where the ship with crewmembers who vote the most get some kind of award at the end of the year? As an afterthought, we may be able to lower the amount of SIMs in the top SIMS category if we make it so you cannot nominate your own SIM? Again. Just a suggestion.
  20. On the Tiger we have a Top SIM of the week. Are you speaking of doing the same on each ship and then choosing one to place in the top SIMs for each month? There are 2 things I have issues with here. Who will choose what is best and what isn't so good? I find this way too subjective. If one person from a ship chooses the "best" SIMs, two things may happen. 1) If they choose their own SIMs, or their friends' SIMs on a regular basis it may look biased, or the opposite. 2) A great SIMmer that has to make these choices will avoid their own SIMs to not look biased. However, if placing SIMs for individual ships for voting on a monthly basis is done by anyone on that particular ship, and then voting takes place, and one SIM per month, per ship, is placed into the top SIMs category, and then one SIM is chosen from there...and then...and then. To me it just seems way too complicated and the results end up almost the same. Personally, I kinda like the way the Top SIMs contest is now. The top three SIMs that were in the final round were excellent and deserved to be there. As participation increases, inevitably, so will the numbers of SIMs. As such, anyone can nominate any SIM from any ship they wish if they come across one that stands out. If ships choose not to participate, they should be free to do so. If the number of SIMs nominated increases dramatically, we can always run it bi-monthly in order to keep the number of entries easier to manage. Then hold a runoff for the top two for that month, if necessary. Increase participation, but lower the number of entries. To me at least, that doesn't quite seem to go hand in hand. Unless a set of rules and regulations would be created to qualify a SIM for the top SIMs contest. As such, I wouldn't even know where to begin without angering quite a few people. So at the end it comes down to, in my opinion...if it ain't broke... My two cents
  21. As they say in Romulan...Aefvadh
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