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  1. (( USS Saratoga )) ::Raw ingenuity, inspired brilliance and sheer dumb luck had all come together to keep the Saratoga alive as it languished in the atmosphere of JB-437-2. Tubes and wires criss-crossed engineering, conduits were laid bare in the corridors, decking was pulled up in crew quarters and science labs alike, visual reminders of the dirty tricks used to keep the starship powered for decades longer than it should have been. ::But time takes its toll. Even with the abundance of hydrogen available, the patched Bussard Collectors were failing to gather the fuel they needed to power the ship's fusion reactors. Deuterium conversion was nothing more than a pipe dream. The warp core was cold. ::Strict protocols had been programmed into the computer. What systems were deemed non-essential, what could and could not be shut down as resources became scarce. Whole sections of the ship were dark and cold, cut off years and years ago from the life-blood of the ship to preserve the whole. ::The Saratoga, faithful and determined for over a century, was dying. ::It had one last mission to complete. Sensors, almost blinded by age, touched upon the approaching ship. It fit no profile, but that was not important. All that mattered was that it was there. ::Ports opened. The last remnants of power were pushed through the ship, aged systems pressed into service for one last time. ::On the Mercury's sensors, the Saratoga lit up like a beacon. A few moments later, and they began to register a single lifesign, sequestered in the elderly vessel's sickbay.:: (( Sickbay )) ::There was nothing. No thought, no sensation, not even the passage of time. ::Life, suspended. Stasis. ::Then...:: (( Many, Many Decades Ago )) WIECZOREK: ...hear me? ::She blinked. Hard. For a moment, there was nothing but absolute confusion, until it was blasted away by a tsunami of pain thundering into her head. Her whole body arched and tensed in protest, instinct demanding she scream. The sound was choked dead by muscle spasms before it could escape her throat.:: WIECZOREK: Lieutenant, can you hear me? ::Hands caught her wrists, trying to pry her hands away from her head. When that didn't work, he caught her face in his palms, leaning in close. Had she a rational mind, she would have recognised the face of Konrad Wieczorek, the chief medical officer of the Saratoga. Instead she lashed out, one moment trying to push him away, the next her fingers balling into the fabric of his tunic, hanging on dear life.:: VOICE: We're too late. She's too far gone. WIECZOREK: Listen to me. Jenna, listen to me. We need to put you in stasis, before you... before your brain is permanently damaged. Do you understand? ::She didn't. She didn't understand anything, couldn't react to anything, except the inescapable, indescribable pain reverberating in her skull. Though she didn't see it, Weiczorek's face crumpled in resignation and he turned to his assistant.:: WIECZOREK: Is the stasis chamber ready? VOICE: Yes, it's— ::The voice stilled as this time, she did scream. The sound was enough to raise hairs on even a Vulcan's neck.:: God. Oh, God. Why is it, why's she..? Why's no one else like this? WIECZOREK: Vulcan physiology, Betazoid physiology, the particular way they've combined in her, I don't know. Just help me get her into the chamber. (( Present Day )) ::Sparks flew in sickbay, conduits explosively failing as a jolt of power surged through them. It was the final tipping point for the sole functioning medical system in sickbay. The stasis chamber flickered off, discharging its occupant onto the floor in a tangled mess. ::It was akin to being plunged into ice water and had much the same effect, leaving her gasping for breath, curled into a foetal position on the floor. It had been a century ago for the rest of the universe, but only one heartbeat since she had felt a pain so pure she had been incapable of feeling anything else. ::Now there was nothing. Silence, darkness, cold. She began to shiver, her teeth chattering together. Black eyes squinted into the shadows, trying to make sense of the shapes swimming in front of her. ::Sickbay. In those brief moments of illumination between sparks, she could see she was in sickbay. But why was the power out? Where was Wieczorek? Where were the rest of the staff? ::Nam-tor pthak-bosh vel t'kashek. Kup-putash-tor kashek. Nash-veh Vuhlkansu. Krie'nuv nash-veh ma. ::The ancient mantra brought stillness to her mind, almost Pavlonian in effect. She had many questions, but there were no answers to be found curled up on the floor. With a soft grunt, she hauled herself up; first on all fours, then to her feet. With detached concern, she realised that her fingers and toes were already numb from the cold. ::She decided on her priorities: light, warmth, a weapon, answers. At least the first two could be found in sickbay, she was sure. The others... she'd come to them in due time.:: (OOC: For those interested, the translation is: 'Fear is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled. I am Vulcan. I have control.') --The Sole Survivor of the Saratoga simmed by Captain Quinn Reynolds Intelligence OfficerUSS Mercury
  2. ((Blueheart's Quarters, USS Discovery-C)) ::And so, Lt Cogud began his tale.. .. :: COGUD: It all started... well I guess when I was born. ::Cogud went on to tell the Commander the many aspects of his childhood, including his family's experience with Orions, and how he had been taught to hate them.:: COGUD: I can't change my upbringing. BLUEHEART: ::nodding somberly:: No. No, you can't. ::He furrowed his brow and the helmsman picked up on this cue.:: COGUD: Yes of course, you want to know why Mr Vedra called me a racist... I mentioned the Sol System Rally, I may have... given in to my upbringing. Seeing the Lieutenant reminded me of my upbringing and when I couple that with the upbringing of many of my academy colleagues I feel cheated, so I blamed the first Orion I saw and thought I stood a chance against, then I fired my best shot... ::Raj nodded. His countenance took on a grave appearance. He hated bigots. No, he DESPISED them. Why a dark-skinned individual is considered filthy was beyond his understanding. Why someone born of a lower caste is untouchable was beyond his comprehension. Why a pansexual tri-gendered alien race is one big prostitution ring was beyond his grasp. Whatever his own personal take on the subject, he wasn't about to let that leak into his professionalism. What he did understand about bigotry was that it's forged in the flames of insecurity and low self-worth, later festering into a paranoid delusion. Bigotry is a disease. As a physician, he was compelled to treat the disease.:: BLUEHEART: I see. oO Cogud probably hurled a volley of racial epithets at Vedra. And Vedra is already clinically depressed to begin with. So many things could go wrong from here. Oo ::He stood up, fetched another bottle of wine (this time a three-year-old Bordeaux) and filled the gentlemen's glasses before his own.:: BLUEHEART: Jorus, am I correct to presume you feel some remorse following your action? COGUD: ::Nodding slowly.:: Of course. BLUEHEART: Good. It's a start. ::to Vedra:: Raine, I understand your hurt. But this is something that cannot be rectified overnight. ::Vedra clenched his jaw and fists but said nothing.:: BLUEHEART: Raine.. Jorus is going to need time.. VEDRA: He can have all eternity. I will never forgive a sick [...] like him! BLUEHEART: ::firmly but gently:: I'm not asking you to forgive him. And neither is he. I'm asking you to understand where this hate is coming from. Can you do that, Raine? Can you do that for me? VEDRA: Why? ::He hissed.:: Why would I do that for you? Why SHOULD I?! The moment he gets a chance he's going to attack me or send some goon to attack me.. Or some other poor Orion. I can't understand that. I can NEVER understand that. Can't he think for himself? Why follow blindly what his family believes in? BLUEHEART: It's not easy UN-learning something, Raine. VEDRA: No! I'm happy with the way things are right now. We stay away from each other. Everyone's happy. BLUEHEART: Well, I'm not happy. ::He leaned back in his seat.:: Are YOU happy, Jorus? COGUD: No. BLUEHEART: And you're not happy too, Raine. No one is happy. All this hate back and forth is only going to escalate, and not only between the both of you. It will spread like wildfire, trust me. Then we'll have anarchy and another mutiny and heck, maybe even a public lynching! As First Officer, I can't let that happen. ::He stared solemnly into each of their eyes as he lowered his voice.:: As a friend, I can't let you guys destroy each other, as well as your own lives and career. Don't throw it all away. Not for this.. Not for this. COGUD: How do you propose to do that? BLUEHEART: ::standing up and pulling up his pants:: We hold hands and dance. COGUD: What! Sir... BLUEHEART: And that's an order, lieutenant! TBC ================================ Lt Jorus Cogud Chief Helmsman USS DISCOVERY-C & Lt JG Raine Vedra Chief of Astrometrics USS DISCOVERY-C & LtCmdr Raj Blueheart First Officer USS DISCOVERY-C
  3. ((Bridge - USS Columbia)) ::Perhaps someone is reading this and thinking that it is horrible for Puncdor to have lost the use of his Teth A gland. Actually I believe it would be best to call the gland what it is in the tongue of one civilization in a nearby galaxy that has from time to time had dealings with dragons. I believe I would be straying too far from my present concern were I to tell you how it was that this civilization came to know of the organ, much less what civilization I'm talking about. In any case they called it the igel. Now from a certain point of view it really is true that the loss of the igel gland was a tragedy for Puncdor. For example it is a coming of age among the older of Dragonkind to transition to adulthood and to dine on the Evastock and the Korbastik. But by wanting to remain young Puncdor shunned this transition, opting for one form of end over another -- and it really would have been an end to his childhood had he kept his igel and now, as he decided to give up the igel, it was an end to his ever becoming an adult dragon. I should like to say that had he returned home Puncdor probably would not have been shunned by his own kind. Perhaps he would have been seen as a minor, able to move from one place to the next in relative freedom. Dragons like their space and they roam far and wide, civilizing all manner of pockets of space.:: ::But let's return to our present corner of this true story of how Puncdor came to be discovered. If anything could be said of Puncdor's igel its loss posed for him an excruciating pain that I can assure the reader lasted not more than an hour. For the igel is an organ rather akin to the appendix in a human being. It swells, makes quite a fuss, and in humans simply bursts and threatens to kill the organism. In dragons it doesn't quite burst but rather turns the organism into something much fiercer. But losing the igel is in no wise fatal.:: ::Elaine LeBlanc was quite correct however when she summed up the loss of the igel thus::: LeBlanc: Uh well... I suppose it would be like being kicked in the testicles. Nevarass: I'd imagine that is putting it mildly. ::And it certainly was putting it mildly. As I have mentioned in a previous instalment of this history Puncdor was in a pain so profound that it felt akin to the end of dragonkind, rather than just to the end of the world as one individual in a different universe suggested the pain of being injured in the male gonads was like.:: Nicholotti: Then let's see if there is both a permanent solution and something we can do to help him with that discomfort. Nevarass: Yes, sir. I think we should monitor Puncdor for now to ensure he remains stable. But what about the adults, out there? LeBlanc: Could Puncdor help? ::And indeed the "Maternal Figure" of Kali Nicholotti suggested that perhaps Puncdor could get the others to follow them back through the black hole to lead them home.:: ::By now the pain was easing slightly, mostly on account of Puncdor's lying on his back and giving the hollow left in the wake of the igel a chance to rest.:: Puncdor: Uh well... It would be easy to suggest that the food supply here is soon to run out. And not only that but civilization. The younglings won't have any civilization to protect. They'll be alone out here in this odd galaxy of yours. Nevarass: That’s a good notion. Of course, if that fails, maybe we could convince them to follow us. We are food, after all. Nicholotti: Alright, Ensign Nevarass, if you would work with Puncdor and Miss LeBlanc on finding a permanent solution. ::It was at this point, as she was looking with some amount of sympathy toward the permanently young dragon, that Elaine came upon an idea.:: LeBlanc: Could we drop the force field? Nicholotti: Very well. Someone needs to stay with him, however. ::Shortly thereafter the maternal figure left Puncdor to his own devices, to think on what he would do with the rest of his life now that he had been granted this perhaps not eternal but rather prolonged youth. The first thing he decided he would do was to stand. Doing so was less painful than he had thought it would be. He moved his tail slightly and [...]ed his head this way and that. Decided that this should remain the extent of his callisthenics so as not to alarm the rest of the bipeds he walked rather than flew over to where the two science officers were. However, as is normally the custom with curious creatures like bipeds of the Milky Way Galaxy a new face came along wishing to speak with this new and wonderful discovery. Puncdor eyed the peculiar large-eared alien with great delight and curiosity. He had seen him a few times before when he'd been back inside his force field.:: Brek: You are safe with us, Puncdor. As you must have realized, we are not a violent community. All those weapons you see around us are for our protection. Puncdor: Yes. Yes, the children of your species are also the adults, defending you. ::The alien scratched its arm for a moment and then said,:: Brek: I can see you are curious about us, and if you want, there are many things you'll be able to learn about us: music, culture, games... But first, we need to ensure our safety. Can you ask the adults in your community to leave us alone? We can give them food, we can even treat their injuries. But for this to happen, we must be treated as equals. ::Puncdor tilted one side of his mouth in concern and uncertainty.:: Puncdor: Well.. As I said earlier I can probably tell them that there is not much food out here, or civilization. I hope they will listen though... Brek: I understand. If nothing you say to your elders makes a difference, then we'll have to rely on our technology to continue to protect ourselves. You, on your side, will have to decide whether you want to stay with us, or would rather go back to your species. ::Puncdor was quickly realizing this, but I dare say that his decision was one which I cannot easily summarize for you yet.:: TAGS TBC Kli'bits'querz''aa*em affably known as Puncdor The Dragon Now Permanently Juvenile Male Creature as narrated by The Narrator as simmed by Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Breeman Chief Engineer Starbase 118 and USS Columbia
  4. ((Rear Compartment, Runabout 'Rick Husband')) ::To be there, yet almost completely invisible, was something that Vincent often tried accomplishing. Sometimes, usually on account of stillness, or rank, perhaps, it would work. Other times, his size simply got the best of the situation, and people would 'see' him in the plain sight where he stood. Now, however, was one of the former moments, and for a time, as the runabout filled with officers, he seemed nearly invisible to them all.:: ::It wasn't something he minded either; being able to stand in the back of the rear compartment and simply watch the tired officers as they moved into the ship and sat was not only something that killed time for him, but it kept his mind busy as well. One by one he counted off the senior staff; there was the Chief of Security, the Chief Engineer, extra security officers, and the Ferengi diplomat that couldn't really fire a phaser. Beside him was a small dragon, with its tongue sticking slightly out. Then came the others, in collars of all colors, all seemingly preoccupied with things around them.:: ::That left him to a bubble of relative silence where he could still hear the soft clicking as he adjusted the rifle tucked up against him and the side arms in the holsters on either side of his body. For him, peace always came first. Kali had instilled the sanctity of life on all she'd led when she was in the Corps, but Vince knew that such outlooks didn't always mean the firepower wouldn't be needed. He'd be there to back Kali up in anything she did, but in the end, he'd never be caught like he had been on Lavon.:: ((Flashback, Lavon Palace, Stardate 238606.26)) ::Following the fireteam leader, a small statured Asian woman who held an aire of command and confidence about her without ever saying a word, Vince let his eyes fall on the form of the First Officers up ahead. A million thoughts raced through the mind of the young, and fairly fresh, Marine, the least of which was not the seething annoyance at the man's recent comments about those in the green collars. It was no secret that Andrus Jaxx hated the Marines with a fiery passion, but it was kind of a surprise that Kali took the comments and said nothing more.:: ::It was one thing that he planned on taking up with her when they returned to the Resolution. Her, and the Marine CO, a man who could at least stand up for the job they were doing.:: ::Still, even though he'd just met her a day ago, Vincent found himself worried that he was doing the wrong thing. The path this woman had chosen was a strange one, but something about it, and her, seemed to just be right. It was like his anger and seething hit a wall that absorbed it and stole it from him. The emotions never had a chance to boil over because of it.:: ::Suddenly, the group stopped. He had to catch himself quickly before he ran right into the woman he had to look down to look at.:: Jaxx: He is here. ::nodding toward the Main Chamber:: extreme caution, Lieutenant ::pausing for a moment:: set phasers to kill. Nicholotti: He, who sir? ::Kali was lost on this point. She looked around the narrow hall, but saw nothing unusual.:: Jaxx: I am not sure exactly what, but we are being watched. ::Without hesitation, the woman turned and orders were issued. Vincent raised his eyebrow towards the First Officer, but something in the way he stood, and in the tone of his voice, told the tale of honesty and the deadly truth none of them realized. Turning around slowly and training his weapon as he went, he was far too late to do anything about the door that suddenly slammed down between them and both Kali and Jaxx.:: Jones: Dammit! ::Having run to the metallic slab that kept him and one other Marine separated from the officers, he slammed his fist on it and watched through a small window as a massive Hirogen hunter faded into existence just in front of Kali and Jaxx. A frantic look came over him, though no one would see it to share the moment. Unable to move the slab with his bulk alone, the Marine searched quickly for anything that would allow him to pry the door open.:: ::The event lasted moments, and the door eventually opened on its own, but by the time the team came back together, it was already too late. Glancing forward as he ran into the room, Vincent looked on as the First Officer picked up the fireteam leader and moved towards the closest exit, where the transporters would be able to find her. Glancing sideways, he noted another casualty, a teammate, but the trail of crimson that fell, leaving a path where Jaxx had been to where he was, drew Vincent's attention as a icy chill ran down his spine.:: ((End Flashback)) ::Subconsciously, Vince had looked towards the [...]pit, to where that woman was now. Vowing to keep her in that state, alive and well, even if it were for the arms of another, he found himself gripping the rifle just a bit tighter as a few more people entered the craft.:: ::Back to watching, rather than re-living painful memories of the past, he noticed the medical officer from earlier join the rest of them in the somewhat packed rear compartment. He didn't know the man, having just met him, but something seemed to be written on his face and it didn't look entirely like sun and roses. And whatever it was drew Vincent to him as he started to move forward.:: Jones: The rough day's just beginning, unfortunately. Skyfire: Yep...I know. May I join you? ::With a subtle nod of his head, he offered the new medical officer a place next to him on the wall, as far removed as was possible from the crowd.:: Jones: They call me Jonesy, you can too. I'm not an officer, just an ear, if you needed it. Skyfire: I'll keep it in mind in the event I need it...tell me, who is the counselor on our posting? I am afraid I wasn't given much chance to read up on the assignment before it was handed to me...but I should schedule an appointment when we get back. ::An ear, and a shield, and perhaps the interference that ran between darkness and light, somewhere in places no one actually knew, keeping others from knowing the truth. For the briefest moment, he missed his place on Starbase 118, the chair he leaned back in, and the console where his boots were often found. But they would be home soon enough. They would be home and perhaps things would get back to normal.:: ::As soon as he thought it, he scratched the idea. No, normal was far too chaotic. He really could do with at least a week without someone trying to blow up the station, eat his soul, kill his captain, or steal anyone from his home. After all, those things made it a far less desirable place to live.:: ::But as long as Kali was there, and he served his fellow officers as he could, then maybe chaos was survivable.:: TAG/TBC -- CWO 1st Class Vincent 'Jonesy' Jones Lead NCO, 292nd 'Eagle Eye' 118th Counter Intel Division Starbase 118 / USS Victory As simmed by Captain Kalianna Nicholotti
  5. ((Greir’s Quarters)) ::Greir sat at his console. He'd had a productive day and thoroughly enjoyable evening. He felt he had been further able to cement his friendship with Dr Malon, and further earn her trust.:: ::However that gnawing feeling was still bothering him and he finally decided to take action, starting by checking the chronometer. Deciding that now was as appropriate a time as any he took the plunge.:: ::The last time he’d tried to call home he’d cut the connection before anyone could answer. He had his fingers tightly interlinked behind his back to stop him wimping out and doing the same again. He watched the symbol on the screen rotate and turn, wondering whether someone would answer or not.:: ::He felt a great deal of guilt about not having kept in touch with family over the years. He felt guilty about not having been there to support his people through the battle of Bondi. The loss of Rori pained him badly. He wanted to try and make things right but it had gotten to the point he was afraid to call home. He was afraid of what they thought of him.:: ::Loffe sat in his office, staring at the small monitor on his desk. The sound of an incoming sub-space message had taken him from his work. The readout mentioned Vigilant.. Loffe rubbed his chin, then realised what that meant.:: Loffe: oO Greir? Why now? Oo ::He clicked accept, setting his jaw.:: Loffe: Hmmm... ::The face of his older brother filled the screen and Greir was filled with anxiety. Though Loffe looked older he was unmistakable nonetheless and it was a further indication of the time that had passed. The two of them stared at each other for a while neither wanting to be the first to speak. He swallowed hard and was first to break the silence, speaking nervously in his native tongue.:: Greir: Good day, brother. I’m... glad to see you. How have you been? ::Loffe glared at his brother. He looked mature, and Loffe had to admit the Star Fleet uniform gave his younger sibling an air of authority he lacked as a youth on Duronis. Nevertheless, why had he dained to call him now?:: Loffe: I am have been.. fine. And you? ::in a cool almost dismissive tone.:: ::Greir tried not to let the cool response bother him too much. He hadn’t been expecting a warm response after all this time anyway.:: Greir: I’m well, thank you. What have you been up to? ::Trying to open a bit of a dialogue.:: Loffe: Things have been eventful, as you may... or may not... know. ::Loffe was referring to the Battle of Bondi and the tragic losses they had suffered.:: But they are not your concerns, brother. ::Greir did get what he was referring to and the comment about it not being his concern rubbed him the wrong way and put him on the defensive.:: Greir: I know what happened. If I could’ve been there I would have. How is it not my concern? ::Loffe just huffed. He was wracked with contrary emotions. It was wonderful to see his brother again, after so many years. But then, why had it been so many years?:: Loffe: Hurrumph. Well, sorry. It’s just that you’ve ::pause:: not been in touch. I felt like you’d cut all ties with us. ::There is was in a nutshell. The overpowering feeling of guilt rose up to try claim him and he didn’t know where to begin to try explain himself. He was not one for lying or making excuses and he didn’t feel what he’d done was right so how could he justify it?:: Greir: It’s not like that at all, it’s not what I wanted... ::Irregardless he couldn’t take it back now.:: Loffe: Well, you’re here now. ::his tone now softening.:: How is Star Fleet? Your ship? ::This was a topic he could talk about any day of the week quite happily. His hands finally coming up from behind his back. The excitable gestures and gleam in his eye spoke volumes of his passion for his work.:: Greir: You would not believe the wonders I have seen Loffe. I just got transfered to this ship, the USS Vigilant. Even before we could get it off the ground we were called into action. I wish I could tell you all about it and the instrumental role I played but it’s all classified! I did not call to talk about myself however, please, tell me what has passed... ::Loffe was pleased, genuinely, that his brother had found a purpose in life, even if it saddened him slightly that it was not in the service of Duronis itself. A service that cost many to pay the ultimate price. The Klingon War was but a few months before.:: Loffe: The Battle was terrible. Many perished. I feared the worst. ::Edla came in from the garden and heard the voice that she had not heard in such a long time. She set the tools down, and moved over to Loffe, staying out of the view of the monitor for a moment. ::Loffe rubbed his leg. The wound still hurt very much. He had made a good recovery, but in truth he was never going to be able to do all the things he once had. However, he was one of the lucky ones.:: Loffe: But we survived, any battle you can walk away from is a good one I guess. Do you want to speak to mother and father? Greir: Of course, if they will see me that is. Loffe: Mother will, Father is his own man, as you well know. ::Greir nodded slowly, he knew well enough. Soon enough his mother appeared on the screen. :: ::She hadn’t talked with Greir such a long time and she was thrilled to see his face. She could see more and more of her husband in her son’s face. The same eyes, and there was a bit of her parents there as well. She was so happy to see the mature face of her son.:: Edla : Federation service seems to be good to you.::Smiling at him. There was a weariness in her face, however, putting a hand on Loffe’s shoulder..:: Greir: I do love my work, but how are you? ::Concerned:: Edla: I am okay. Tired, just tired these days. ::She forced a smile on her face.:: I wish I could get your father on the comm. He is stubborn. That horrible pride.::The smile vanished. ::Greir sighed heavily. It seemed that while Rori had paid the ultimate price at the Battle of bondi, it had taken it’s toll on the rest of his family too. Yet another thing he had not adequately taken into account. It seemed where family and home was concerned he just couldn’t judge things properly.:: ::He’d known his dad would have been hit hard by the loss of his brother. He didn’t really expect his father would want to talk to him but he had so many questions. Did Gjord hate, or maybe blame him for the things that had passed. He had to know where he stood, even though he knew it could be painful.:: Greir: Why won’t he talk to me? Edla :: Frowning:: He is still upset mostly at himself, but he would never admit that to himself. I don’t know if he knows that you decided a different path for service. If I can get him on the comm would you talk with him? Greir : If he doesn’t want to talk to me... I can hardly blame him. I’ve always been the weakest son. ::Loffe straightened at that comment. He had always liked, loved even, Greir and felt protective towards him as any older brother would. However, by that very fact that he was protective did allude to the more quiet nature of the younger Reinard.:: Edla : Someone has to take the first step, Please, if you could just talk with him. ::Pleading. :: ::She turned and called out.:: Edla : Gjord, there is someone on the comm that would like to talk with you. ::There was a gruff reply.:: ::Loffe glanced back at Greir, and gave him a look he had done in the past, when they were both children.... a kind of “Dad’s going to be mad at us for this” look.:: Loffe: I hear him now. ::Gjord came and saw Loffe and Edla move away from the monitor. He could see his son’s face on the monitor. He stiffened as he came to the monitor. Seeing Greir reminded him of the loss of his younger brother. There was not a lot of physical resemblance, but the way that Greir carried himself reminded him of his brother.:: ::Loffe nodded, silently. Their Father had many great characteristics, and stubborness and pride ranked very highly. Loffe did not expect Greir to get much sympathy in the ensuing conversation.:: Gjord: Hmph. So...::Looking at Loffe and Edla.:: I guess this is your idea. Well, I see you still have that uniform on. Where are you posted now?.::Coldly.:: Greir: I just got a new assignment. I’m on the USS Vigilant now. The ship will be operating much closer to home - Zeta Gelkis region mainly. I didn’t call to talk of me... how have you been father? :: He paused for a minute, he could see backbone in his son. He was repelled and impressed at the same time. Taking a small measure of pride at how well he turned out. But not wanting to admit it.:: Gjord: Hmm. I am fine. No thanks to you.... . ::turning his head, and then back to face his son.::You should of been here. ::There was an edge in his voice.:: Edla: Gjord! ::Giving her husband a disapproving look.:: Greir: Well before you all cut me out of your life. ::Which was rich coming from him...:: I have one thing I want to say. ::There was a long pause as he struggled to contain the surge of emotions. It was a very tense situation facing his family for the first time in so many years. He was getting a mixed response, but considering he hadn’t been cut off yet it was better than anticipated. Less than he’d hoped but he only had himself to thank for it. His expression would crumple then smooth back out before crumpling again.:: ::Gjord studied his son’s face carefully. He hadn’t seen it in almost five years. He could see maturity in it, seeing some harder lines in his face and definition . That had replaced some of his youth. He had to admit that he wasn’t a bad looking son.:: Gjord : I’m listening. ::Following his arms. Barely looking at the monitor. Edla came up and put her hand on his shoulder, trying to soften him a bit.:: Greir: ::Voice fraught with emotion:: I’m... sorry... about Rori... ::There was a long pause before he managed to continue. He couldn’t look at the screen. He was welling up and did not want to show such weakness. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest and he felt on the edge of a panic attack.:: Greir: …about everything. ::There was a long silence as Gjord looked at the monitor. Loffe felt the tension and it made him, even with all his personal certainty, feel uncomfortable. Gjord meanwhile looked at directly at his son. :: Gjord : Hmph....only a fool can be wrong about everything. I didn’t raise any ‘fools’, perhaps a jackass . I have chores to do. We’ll talk later. ::With that he left the monitor, and went outside. :: ::Loffe frowned and felt for his sibling even more.:: ::Greir sighed again. He wasn’t satisfied with that as he hated leaving things unresolved but it was the best he could hope for. He didn’t know what else to say and supposed that was the end of the conversation.:: Greir: I guess we’re done here then. Elda: Do you have to go? How are you doing on the ship? Have you made any friends? ::Trying the keep her son with her for a few more minutes, with a barrage of questions.:: Grier: I told you, I didn’t call to talk about me. I wanted to know how you have all fared... we’re like strangers now. No one will tell me anything. Elda.:You are my son, and always will be. Give you father some time. Contact us again, he won’t contact you, but it is a start.::Giving him a weak smile.:: Grier: Until next time then. My love to you all. ::He was sincere but did not think it would count for much.:: ::Elda smiled at her son, proud of him. Loffe felt a pang of angst realising that Greir was going.:: Loffe: Good bye Greir, don’t leave it so long until next time, understand me. ::Greir nodded solemnly as he closed the channel. His mother had clearly been happy to see him and it seemed as though his brother was about ready to forgive him. His father was another matter entirely and it really bothered him. It was really late now and the conversation had really put a downer on an otherwise very enjoyable evening.:: ::He went into his bedroom and slowly stripped. Finding it hard to settle down he tossed and turned as his keen mind tried to get to work on the problem. Eventually he became so tired that he drifted off to sleep.:: A JP by: Lt Cmdr Reinard Chief Counsellor USS Vigilant and (NPC) Loffe Greir's older brother Simmed by Leo-Handley Page and (NPCs) Elda and Gjord Greir's Mother and Father Simmed by Eerie
  6. "Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream." ~ Kahlil Gibran ((Present)) ((Blueheart's Quarters, USS Discovery-C)) ::In 2576, when Amman will tear out the door to Blueheart's quarters amidst the wreckage that was at one time the resplendent flagship of the Avalon sector, the grieving Emerson Ravenscroft will enter that space in the hopes of sensing some residual emotion, some remnant memory, tattooed into the bulkheads and deckplates by fires and explosives. Alas, he would find no such solace. But Love, the one and only true timeless cosmological constant, knowing no shame or rue, will always find a way to breach the barriers of Time. And that was exactly what she did that fateful day.. After Raj had left, Emerson had headed to the replicator to have himself a smoked turkey sandwich. He had then experienced a strange sensation of foreboding. So strong was this feeling that it almost felt that a physical presence had manifested itself in the room. It had spurned him to spin around, instinctively, only to reveal nothing to his eyes. He had shrugged it off as stemming from either hunger or fatigue and had carried on with his quest for a sandwich. The dark foreboding returned. His heart, abruptly stopped, sank to the depths of his being. Blood drained from his head and beads of sweat erupted on his brow. The hairs on his arms and on the back of his neck stood on end. A shiver coursed through his veins like an ice-serpent. Bile rose to the back of his throat. His initial thought was that he was about to die. But almost as swift as this thought had entered his now-bloodless mind, another thought burst through. It was not HIM who was about to die! He crashed to the floor onto his knees. A searing pain bored its way through the right side of his skull, ultimately wracking his whole brain. It felt like talons and claws and nails and thorns thrashing about hysterically inside the vault of his skull. He whacked the right side of his head with his fist repeatedly. Again and again and again. He felt the skin and bone rent asunder from the top of his right eye all the way to the back of his right ear, the blood and fat and marrow spilling out like the entrails of a slaughtered pig. The pain vanished. Abruptly. His entire body went rigid. So sudden was the switch from painful to painless that he vomited. His mind began to shut down. Just before his head hit the pool of warm and lumpy bilious ejecta, random images burned themselves on his retinas. A morgue. A shot to the head. An alien landscape. A dreamless frozen sleep. Raj. Emerson would convulse once before losing his consciousness to darkness. Yes, Love almighty and eternal will always find a way to breach the barriers of Time, and that was exactly what she did that fateful day. Re-igniting a link between two sworn hearts unbroken by Time. No one ever said there wouldn't be a price to pay.:: TBC ============================ Lt Emerson Ravenscroft Xenolinguist USS DISCOVERY-C as simmed by LtCmdr Raj Blueheart First Officer USS DISCOVERY-C
  7. (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) :: Dressed in all black, she stood quietly off to the side, little more than a shadow in the midst of the other mourners. She drew in a deep breath of the cool forest air, the fresh scent of pine seemed somehow soothing. She looked down with tears threatening to cloud her vision as the tiny bundle, cradled in a sling against her chest, squirmed and made the tiniest sound. The round little face scrunched up but quickly relaxed, never even opening his eyes as she gently stroked his cheek with the back of her finger. The peacefulness of her son's expression brought a hint of a smile to her pale lips. In her mind, he was a gift from the gods, born premature but healthy in every way. :: :: She looked up once again at the little old man standing at the head of the crowd. She had yet to meet him but she knew everything there was to know about Ryoma's father. As he spoke, Devon Romjin stood a little taller, holding her head high. :: TADANOBU HOSHINO: Today we gather to remember the life... and death... of Ryoma Hoshino: son to my family, and to Lyshan VI as a whole. --------------- (( Intel Office, USS Discovery-C - Current Day )) :: Devon sat leaning back in her chair with her feet propped up on the edge of the desk. In one hand was a PADD containing all the information she could dig up on Valdor III, in the other hand was a cup of already cold chamomile tea. It wasn't her usual drink but her stomach had been a little upset most of the evening so Travers had suggested it. :: :: With a sigh, she tossed the PADD onto the desktop and sat up, letting her feet hit the floor with a thud. She looked at the dark liquid in the cup, her stomach turned and she sat the cup down, pushing it half way across the desk. :: ROMJIN: Travers... ::even though she was alone:: You're home remedies suck. --------------- (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) TADANOBU HOSHINO: Earlier this year, Ryoma, serving aboard the USS Discovery, was... :: voice wavering, the corner of his eyes glistening :: ... lost to the cold of space. While helping his crewmates to escape the stricken vessel, a Breen energy weapon cut through the hull of the Sovereign-class starship and Ryoma... :: A tear traced a moist track down his face :: ... my son, was dragged out into space. :: Devon bite her lip, her throat tightening as memories of that day came flooding back like a tidal wave. If she had been where she was suppose to have been, maybe... She blinked, sending a single tear rolling down her face. :: --------------- (( Crew Quarters, USS Discovery-C, Current Day )) :: Devon usually went to the Eagle's Roost for dinner following her shift. Not today. Just the thought made her even more nauseous. Travers had actually told her she was looking a little green and urged her to go to sickbay. But that wasn't going to happen if she could avoid it at all. :: She took a quick shower and then climbed into bed, pulling the blanket up over her head. She just needed sleep. For a moment she thought about Ryoma. She missed him. Sighing, she closed her eyes. She'd track him down later... if she felt better. :: --------------- (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) TADANOBU HOSHINO: Ryoma gave his life so that other may live. As parents, we could not be prouder of his actions, but we wish he were... :: He choked on his words. :: ... home. ROMJIN: oO Me too. Oo :: The thought brought a fresh tear falling from her dark eyes and she hugged her child a little tighter, leaning her cheek against his head. :: TADANOBU: In memory of his actions, his service to Lyshan VI and the Federation, we open the Ryoma Hoshino Natural Site, protecting our world as my son protected us. --------------- (( Crew Quarters, USS Discovery-C - Current Day )) :: Devon rolled over onto her back, throwing her arms out to the sides and swallowed hard. Her legs were tangled in the sheets but she couldn't bother kicking out of them. She lay completely still for several minutes, until the door chime sounded. She drew in a sharp breath and swallowed hard again. :: ROMJIN: Go away. I'm trying to die in peace. :: She already knew who it was so she wasn't surprised when the door opened and Travers sauntered in. :: TRAVERS: :: hands on hips :: Tsk tsk tsk. You're late for your shift but lucky for you I'm such a terrific friend. ::reaching into his pocket and pulling out a hypospray:: I also have a sure fire upset tummy fixer upper. ROMJIN: ::raising her head just enough to look at Peter Pan:: Oh yay. ::letting her head drop:: Just shoot me. ::Travers rolled his eyes, followed by shaking his head and chuckling as he crossed the room to stand right beside her. :: TRAVERS: You know under different circumstances... ROMJIN: I'll kick your [...] if you even think about it. TRAVERS: ::laughing:: You'd have beat me to death a million times already. ::Leaning down just enough, he pressed the hypospray against her neck.:: There. Give it a few seconds and you'll feel alive again. THEN we have to get moving before boss mad notices you're late. :: Without a word, she grabbed her pillow and threw it at him. :: TRAVERS: ::catching it easily enough:: So does Daddy know about it yet? ROMJIN: ::her head jerked up:: What!? ::seeing him laughing, she dropped her head again:: Oh my gods, Trav, don't be stupid. --tbc-- (PNPC) Ensign Devon Romjin Intel USS Discovery-C -- as played by Lt. jg Collim Kieran
  8. ((Stardate 257608.31)) ((Mess Hall, USS Discovery-F)) ::Emerson spooned tasteless grub into his mouth. Not because he was hungry. Not because he sought nourishment. Only because it was a ritual. A habit. A routine to hold on to whatever remnant of sanity still lurking inside that dented and cracked skull. Like a gaudy Picasso he stood out in his drab oversized civilian clothes in the equally drab hall, his skin an asymmetrical patchwork of scars, sutures and scabs. Without looking up, he knew the others were watching. Watching an ugly animal feed. Watching a grotesque fossil from the past. Watching an alien displaced in time and place. A shadow fell upon his bowl of grey goo. Hunched over the bowl, he didn't look up.:: RAVENSCROFT: Get lost. CAMERON: ::tremulous voice:: Lieutenant.. Ravenscroft? RAVENSCROFT: Am I? ::Another swallow, another suppressed gag reflex.:: I don't even know who or what I am anymore. CAMERON: I have someth---- ::A swipe of an arm was all it took to send the bowl sailing through the air and into the far corner of the hall. The loud clang of the metal container against the tables and bulkhead was followed by deafening silence. When the retired major-sergeant turned back to look at the former linguist, he became frozen in place by a pair of feral green eyes, bloodshot, bruised and vacuous. They locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity, the innocent of the present and the demon from the past, a hundred lifetimes standing between them.:: RAVENSCROFT: Frak off. ::Trembling, but defiant, MSgt Cameron gently placed a sleeker, futuristic version of the PADD on the cold metal table then slid it very slowly towards him. He waited a couple of seconds before speaking.:: CAMERON: I'm part of a salvage crew subcontracted by Starfleet in the extrication of the Discovery C. We managed to pull up some of the more intact ship logs. ::He paused, not certain just how delicately he should proceed from that point onwards.:: One of the first few logs I extracted were personal logs of the crew.. including those of.. the First Officer.. commander Blueheart.. RAVENSCROFT: Frak you! ::Growling, he jumped up and back, kicking the chair and sending it smashing against the bulkhead behind him. He gave the sergeant a parting savage look, nostrils flared, broken teeth bared. Digging his tightly clenched fists into his pockets, he turned away to leave, limping, his head throbbing, the wounds and scars on fire. Now was not the time to remember. No! Now was not the time to remember! He drew out his right fist and smacked it against his skull, thrice, scratching at the incision scar at the same time.:: CAMERON: ::raising his voice, unperturbed:: Lieutenant! ::He stopped in his tracks. He turned slowly, seething with rage. A morbid desire to wrap his callused fingers around the [...]y man's scrawny neck rose within him like the bile induced by the garbage he just forced himself to ingest. He wished to see his fingernails dig deeper and deeper into the supple flesh, collapsing the carotids millimeter by millimeter till the man turned fatally dusky, till his eyeballs and tongue leaked out of their orifices like slugs emerging from their lairs. It would be like killing all those Breen two hundred years ago, yesterday.:: CAMERON: The mission logs are classified and off limits. I went to extraordinary lengths to get you a copy of his personal logs. I thought you'd like to have them. Reading some of them.. well,.. ::His voice dropped a timbre.:: .. .. I know he'd have wanted you to have them. ::The sergeant grabbed the PADD off the table and threw it at him. All those years in cryostasis hadn't diminished reflexes borne and honed in the military. His right arm shot out with lightning speed to catch the device in midair before he even felt the stretch and subsequent snap of quiescent ligaments in his limb. He stared at the PADD, more out of surprise that he had reached out to catch it rather than actually successfully catching it. Cameron walked past him on his way out of the mess hall, breaking off eye contact with the feral beast, halting only briefly beside him for a parting word or two.:: CAMERON: Some of your friends are down on the planet, at the wreckage site. ::[...]ing his head to the side ever so slightly:: Good day, lieutenant. ((Time warp – One hour later)) ((Temporary Crew Quarters, USS Discovery-F)) ::He believed the itching would be gone once he surrendered himself to reading the logs. The itching of curiosity. The itching of missing someone so frakking badly. It only got worse. Subconsciously, he scratched that sinister scar that ran from the top of his right eye all the way back to his right ear with soiled, unkempt fingernails as he accessed the logs, sitting cross-legged in a dull grey room devoid of furniture, one entry at a time.:: Personal Log of Lieutenant Commander Raj Blueheart First Officer of the USS Discovery, NCC-31929-C Stardate 239002.19 I toured Astrometrics today with Essk. He almost launched a probe! One should see the look on Valdivia's and Vedra's face when the launch sequence was initiated. I had to pinch myself hard to keep me from laughing out loud. I don't remember ever wanting to laugh this much, ever. Oh wait. Except maybe for that time when Em wrestled a giant neurotic bird in Sickbay. (Not Dr Morning-Song). End of personal log. Stardate 239003.18 Em and I took the kids to the Arboretum for a picnic. We told them about Lady Julia and how she's now part of the universe, all around us. I think this is the kids' first exposure to spirituality, and the gods know I have no idea whether what I did was appropriate. Every so often I kept telling myself I should've consulted Steve before explaining life and death to our kids, but then I saw Vayu look up and out of the viewing window at a passing bright star and waved goodbye to Julie. And then I knew I did okay. We did okay. Me, Em and Steve. .. Though I'll leave explaining the birds and the bees and the lizards to those two. End of personal log. Stardate 239008.22 A year ago we were on shore leave on Earth, having the time of our lives. Now we are fighting for our lives. The conflict with the Breen had escalated with the assassination of their key ambassador. No party had come forth to claim responsibility for the crime. Independent commissions investigating the matter had not turned up anything conclusive. I had not been surprised. There are too many factions, splinter groups, even within Starfleet, I personally believe, that have gone rogue and have taken the execution of justice into their own hands. Now with a full scale war between the Federation and the Breen, the future looks dismal. Everyday I find my optimism and hope for a peaceful resolution to this strife evaporating. The crew of the Discovery has stuck through thick and thin many times before, always emerging triumphant and cohesive in the end. But with so much death and loss and shattered lives all around us, I'm not certain we will be as lucky this time. I dread thinking about the kind of future the kids will inherit.. End of personal log. Stardate 2390010.01 We laid Lieutenant Raine Vedra to rest today. He shot himself in the head with his phaser. His depression had relapsed. We are beginning to witness the collateral effects of the war. Displaced families, genocide, xenophobia, famine, depression, disease outbreaks, human trafficking, anarchy.. The impending complete collapse of Humanity. There are moments when I look at my own phaser and.. But I still have Em! I am blessed that way. I don't know how I'd even find the strength to wake up every day without him. He is my sanctuary. He is my war bunker, my panic room. Time stops when I'm with him. Nothing else matters when I'm with him. Yet I'm plagued by doubts of a future where we're still together. It's a sick, sick feeling I can't completely dismiss. And it makes me sad, most days, thinking about this prospect. Funny how joy and security can morph into paralyzing sadness in the lapse of a heartbeat. If ever there comes a terrible fate where only one of us is allowed to survive this war, I pray Ares will keep Em alive. He is the sun that gives life to all, not just me. He is the love of my life. Always shall be. Even in death.. My immortal beloved. End of personal log. ::He was holding his knees close to his chest by the time he read the last of the logs, rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. A metronome to accompany a tragic symphony. He was remembering the past. The past was crawling out of its cave, fangs bared. Like a hounded quarry he howled a horrifying guttural sound, clawing his way into a corner of the dark room, cowering and shaking, curling into a tight ball of flesh and bone and pain. There was no escape. The past had ensnared its prey.:: END ========================== Lt Emerson Ravenscroft Former Xenolinguist USS DISCOVERY-C as simmed by LtCmdr Raj Blueheart First Officer USS DISCOVERY-C
  9. (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) :: There was a slight bite to the evening air. Devon suppressed a shiver as she double checked the address she had written down. Biting her lip, she stood staring at the numbers. Doubt or maybe it was fear, once again rose inside her. She had no idea how the couple would react to meeting her or more importantly the small baby bundled warmly in the baby sling draped in front of her. But this was the right thing to do. She had to at least give them a chance to know their only grandchild. :: :: Taking a deep breath, she climbed the last two steps and pressed the door bell. Then she rocked gently back and forth as little legs began to squirm against her stomach. :: :: She was reaching for the bell again when the door slowly opened, just a crack. :: ROMJIN: Mr. Hoshino? :: The eyes peering out through the crack narrowed momentarily as the older man tried to register the woman's face. That moment was soon gone once the eyes fell onto the baby. :: TADANOBU HOSHINO: Oh, come in, child - it is freezing out there. :: The door open wide allowing Romjin access to the home's entrance. A single pair of men's boots lay neatly facing the door. On the wall, an elaborate inked piece of calligraphy added character to a rather utilitarian room :: :: Tadanobu stood slightly above Devon on a step delineating the inside of the house from the unadorned entrance floor. A fireplace crackled out of view, shadows dancing in the background from where it cast its light. :: :: The older man's white hair bore a stark contrast to the dark patches around his eyes, his body hunched up slightly from an unseen burden. It wasn't hard for Devon to guess what that burden maybe. :: HOSHINO: Now, miss, if you don't mind me asking, who are you? :: His voice was low and measured, he was sizing her up, just as his own son had barely a year prior. :: :: Looking into the old man's eyes, her heart ached even more. Did he realize his son had that very same way of looking at someone? Or was it just the way the had looked at her? :: ROMJIN: Devon Romjin, ::pause:: I... ::the baby made the slightest whimper and Devon uncovered his head:: I'm sorry to bother you but... ::smiling sadly as her mind and heart raced:: I knew your son. :: There was a moment's silence, not awkward, but one charged with meaning. :: HOSHINO: You came to the ceremony today, didn't you? You stood at the back of the crowd. I saw you. :: He inhaled deeply, exhaling with a drawn out sigh. What was he to do? :: Come in, come in. Step up into the house... and please, leave your shoes there. :: He smiled, it seemed warm, but his eyes were dead. In truth, the old man was wondering what he was about to hear... :: ROMJIN: Thank you. :: As she passed by him, he caught a glimpse of the baby's face. That it seemed ethnically different to Romjin was immediately obvious: the wispy black hair, the sharper dark eyes, the skintone... He knew what was about to come next. :: :: Stepping inside, she was glad to get out of the cold. She tried not to show her nervousness as she unfastened her jacket while still holding the baby close with one arm. Then she managed to unzipped the sides of her boots and kicked them off, leaving them neatly where the older man had indicated. :: ROMJIN: Yes, I was there. ::her voice cracked ever so slightly:: I... ::She really wasn't good at this sort of thing.:: It was a beautiful service. HOSHINO: :: Motioning to her to sit beside the fire. The furniture was wooden, hand-made by Tadanobu himself. :: Ryoma never mentioned he had gotten married... then again, we didn't speak much before he... :: His voice trailed away. :: :: The house was spartan, although it hadn't always been that way. Although tidy, it is was utilitarian and cold. It wasn't like that when Ryoma was there. It wasn't like that until his mother left. :: :: Sitting beside the fire, she loosened the sling and pushed it further open to give the little one more freedom to move his little legs. She looked up at the old man and blinked. :: ROMJIN: Married... :: She glanced down at the baby and then back up at the man. :: Oh... No. ::shaking her head:: We nev... ::This was very awkward to her. As if sensing her emotions, the baby let out a squeal as he clutched his mother's finger. She couldn't help but smile down at him. She took a breath and shifted him to a more comfortable position.:: ROMJIN: I'm sorry. :she gave him a very nervous smile:: This isn't exactly how... ::shaking her head as if to clear it, she looked back down:: This is Ryo... your grandson. :: The old man looked at Romjin with piercing eyes. Was she for real? Coming to his house with a baby... what did she want? He forced himself to look down at the baby's eyes, the hard face lingered for only a moment before cracking into a sobbing wreck. They weren't the soft sobs of heartbreak, they were the heartwrenching sorrowful tears of a man who had lost everything only to be shown the light. :: :: Tadanobu buried his face into his hands as he sobbed out loud. A year of pain, loss, and burden came crashing down upon him. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, his face still covered by his hands as he attempted to catch his breath, to suppress the tears for just a moment that he might gaze on the legacy of his only son. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and left his armchair, falling to his knees. He didn't stop, crawling over to the baby in Romjin's lap, and reaching out with a hand. As his fingertip reached the baby's cheek, Ryo flinched, leaning back and grasping with his free-hand to wrap his meaty paws his grandfather's weathered index finger. It was too much for the old man to take. He dared not take back his hand, so he sobbed openly, right at Devon's lap. His head eventually falling onto the lap of the baby. :: HOSHINO: I miss him so much... :: He barely managed to form these words between breathless groans of sorrow. :: Thank you... :: His voice was now a whisper. :: Thank you. --tbc-- (PNPC) Ensign Devon Romjin Intel USS Discovery-C -- as played by Lt. jg Collim Kieran & (PNPC) Tadanobu Hoshino Civilian -- as played by Ens. Ryoma Hoshino
  10. (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) :: In the wooded hillside of the beautiful but slowly dwindling Lyshan VI wilderness, a sombre palette of mourners stood out amongst the browns and greens of the evergreen forest. :: At the head of the crowd stood a white-haired man, back bent by work, carrying himself as though shouldering the galaxy's burdens all upon himself. :: TADANOBU HOSHINO: Today we gather to remember the life... and death... of Ryoma Hoshino: son to my family, and to Lyshan VI as a whole. --------------- (( Crew Quarters, USS Discovery-C - Current Day )) :: Ryoma was awake. The chronometer told him that he had got into bed only some four hours before, but he was awake, and not feeling particularly rested. Four hours until his next shift... Barely even worth trying to sleep again. :: On his feet, and to the bathroom. The face that stared back at him had eyes ringed with darkness. A walking corpse. :: --------------- (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) TADANOBU HOSHINO: Earlier this year, Ryoma, serving aboard the USS Discovery, was... :: voice wavering, the corner of his eyes glistening :: ... lost to the cold of space. While helping his crewmates to escape the stricken vessel, a Breen energy weapon cut through the hull of the Sovereign-class starship and Ryoma... :: A tear traced a moist track down his face :: ... my son, was dragged out into space. --------------- (( Eagle's Nest, USS Discovery-C, Current Day )) :: Rice, grilled salmon, miso soup and a glass of water. A great start to the day, but it was the coffee that Ryoma really needed. He ate slowly, chopsticks in hand, as he flicked through the day's intelligence reports on his PADD. :: His gaze drifted over to one of the window seats. That was where he scored his date with Ensign Devon Romjin... He smiled in a wave of warm nostalgia. Hopefully, once Intel quietened down, they would get a chance to have a second date. :: HOSHINO: oO If I'm still on my feet by then! Oo --------------- (( Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) TADANOBU HOSHINO: Ryoma gave his life so that other may live. As parents, we could not be prouder of his actions, but we wish he were... :: He choked on his words. :: ... home. TADANOBU: In memory of his actions, his service to Lyshan VI and the Federation, we open the Ryoma Hoshino Natural Site, protecting our world as my son protected us. --------------- (( Crew Quarters, USS Discovery-C - Current Day )) :: Stomach full, Ryoma had nodded off on his bunk not long after returning to his quarters. While even enough caffeine to cheer up a Vulcan could keep him from his slumber, the chime of the computer woke him with painful ease. :: COMPUTER: Message received from Meredith Aras. :: Ryoma's eyes shot open at the sound of the name. His heart pumped with adrenaline (and caffeine) and he shot over to the terminal. :: RYOMA HOSHINO: Computer, play message. :: The screen blinked to the image of a man in his sixties. Silver hair brushed into a neat side parting, sitting in a rather non-descript office space with old-fashioned books lining the walls. :: ARAS: Ryoma, I have some news for you... --------------- (( Hoshino Residence, Lyshan VI - Stardate: 2390.10.23 )) :: Tadanobu was alone, a picture of his son in his hand, tears streaking his face. The house was almost empty, a poor semblance of the home where Ryoma had taken his first steps. :: In the bedroom, half of the room seemed undecorated, the grey patches of dust dulling the colours of the furniture beneath. The woman who stood at his side during the Park Opening was nowhere to be seen. :: TADANOBU HOSHINO: [...] you, son. You threw your life away for Starfleet... their war with the Breen has killed many more than you could ever have saved. What was the point, Ryoma! My son is gone, not even a body to be found, and for what? Service to warmongers. :: He threw the display into a wall. For Tadanobu, there were some wounds that time would never heal... :: --------------- (( Crew Quarters, USS Discovery-C - Current Day )) :: Ryoma proof-read his message to the Captain. He didn't like subverting the chain-of-command, but Captain Waltas had personally asked him to look into the target of their mission, and this was the closest he had come to something resembling solid intelligence. :: RYOMA: :: Reading aloud :: According to my source, the Cardassian government was working on a system-level space-time warp disruption device. Development on the weapon began during the Federation-Cardassian border war, and SFI reports suggest that at least one small-scale practical test of the weapon may have been conducted during the Klingon-Cardassian war. RYOMA: ::continuing:: A weapon that affects the mobility of an opponent's fleet would allow the holder of said weapon to dictate and dominate invasion locations. This is a very likely cause of Starfleet Command's concerns. My source suggests that the weapon would be found somewhere in the southern hemisphere of Vador III in what would have been the Warp Drive Research Center. :: Ryoma nodded to himself and submitted the message to the upper decks. Meredith had been his mentor. Starfleet Intelligence from the Academy to retirement, serving with distinction during the Dominion War, and the only support Ryoma received for his application to the Academy. A father in the only role where Ryoma's own wouldn't support him. :: RYOMA: Thanks, Med. :: His eyes turned back to the screen, a message awaited him from the Medical and Counseling departments, but that would have to wait: it was time to get back to work. :: ==================== Ensign Ryoma Hoshino Intelligence Officer USS Discovery-C
  11. ((USS Avandar, Daycare)) :: It had fallen over again.:: :: No matter how many times she tried, she couldn't get more than many bricks to stand on each other without the whole thing collapsing. Some, she could do. More... usually stayed up. It was when she got to many that it went badly.:: :: Thinking about it, she decided that giving Izzard to Gee had been were it went wrong. When Izzard was there, she could sometimes get many *many* bricks to stay up...:: :: She'd have to get him back when she next saw her.:: :: With a sigh, she grabbed a brick and started again, only to get distracted when Noisy started yelling. Given the tone, she realised it must be getting time for food, and she looked around for any sign she was right... and there it was.:: :: Whilst tall Not-Mummy went to settle Noisy down, blue Not-Mummy was fiddling with the magic hole in the wall, pulling nommy-bottles out and putting them on the tray in her hand.:: :: Okay, so it wasn't as nice as when Glowy-Mummy or Funny-Mummy fed her, but food was food, and she wasn't going to pass it up just because she was here in the toy place.:: :: Dumping the brick she was holding, she lifted her hands and giggled when tall Not-Mummy picked her up and carried her over to one of the little tables. She gave her a pat of thanks as she was settled into her chair, then grinned up at the blue Not-Mummy as a nommy-bottle was held out to her.:: :: Her smile dropped away, though, when her hand touched blue Not- Mummy's. Ever since she'd arrived today, the person hadn't had the happy sparkle she normally did, and the touch let her see that there was quite the opposite lurking under that blue surface.:: :: She thought about that, absently plugging the bottle into her mouth, and decided that this simply was not going to be acceptable. When her real mummys were sad, they usually made each other happy again - and the sure sign of that was when she went to stay with Gee for sleepy-time - but blue Not-Mummy didn't have the feel of someone who had that.:: :: The other smalls seemed content with their noms, even Pointy - who, whilst his ears looked like Funny-Mummy's, acted very different. A couple of smalls on the other table got into a fight over who got to hold the cuddly during food time, but that got sorted quickly enough - which was good, because she had thinking to do, and she didn't need the distraction.:: :: Unfortunately, no ideas came to her.:: :: By the time her bottle was empty, and she'd shoved a couple of crunchy orange things into her mouth from her plate, she was starting to get annoyed. People were meant to be happy in the toy room - the occasional tantrum from a small aside - and having one of the Not- Mummy's break that rule just was allowed.:: :: The sound of the moving wall reached her ears as she groped around for another tasty off of the plate, and she looked over to see if anyone she knew was coming in. It wasn't, and she went back to her noms... only to stop as she felt blue Not-Mummy get even less happy.:: :: Tall Not-Mummy said something to the newcomer, but he didn't seem interested in what she was saying. Instead, he tried to speak to blue, and that seemed to be making her even *less* happy.:: :: With a frown, she looked him over. He was dressed like most other people - though his suit had yellow on it, unlike hers, which had red - and he was blue and bald like the Not-Mummy who wasn't happy to see him. He felt unhappy too, which was good, but not unhappy enough... and as he moved closer, she decided that there was *one* thing she could do...:: :: Taking hold of her bottle again, she shuffled around in her chair and lobbed it straight at him. It didn't go all that fast, admittedly, and got nowhere near his head, but it *did* reach him and bounced off of his arm.:: :: For a moment, nothing at all happened, except that everyone was looking at her - which was nice - and it was obvious he wasn't taking the hint. Making a rude noise at him, she waved her hand at the moving wall, letting everyone around feel that she wanted him to go away. A few more words from both Not-Mummys, and leave he did... looking even less happy than when he'd come in. This was good, especially as blue Not-Mummy felt happier now. Not all the way, but better...:: :: With a satisfied little burble, she looked at her plate and picked up one of the green bits that was on it. She *liked* the green bits. And if she was lucky, she'd get to draw them later - the crayons were always fun to play with.:: :: She still needed to get Izzard back, though. Sending him off with Gee had definitely not been a good idea.:: END -------------------- (PNPC) T'Sara Maren First Toddler USS Avandar simmed by Captain Della Vetri
  12. ((Edited because the board screwed up the formatting. )) ((Turbolift, Enroute to Docking Ring Bay 7, Starbase 118)) ::Rumors. From the beginnings of written history, it seemed that they alone could be responsible for a rise to power, or a tragic fall from grace. In the words that spread as wildfire through the social vine, were the power to build up, and the power to tear asunder. Entire civilizations were created and maintained on rumors of strength and power, or terror. Those same civilizations fell easily under the weight of the words, and for eons, good men fell victim to the sword that was the pen.:: ::In pervasive whispers, men became consumed. Eaten from the inside out, souls were devoured by the acts that sought to hush the voices of the crowd. But the voices only changed. The blackness vanquished the good, and into the abyss that remained, fell the hope of humanity.:: ::It was a recurring theme, at least throughout the history of Earth; the rise and fall of entire world powers on the whims of the rumors that were always hanging on to the coattails of mere mortal men. Now Kali found herself caught up in the same on her second day of command. It terrified her to an extent, but that emotion would never surface. Instead, she would have to find a sort of resolve and soldier through.:: Nicholotti: Eh. ::She paused carefully considering what she would say next.:: Would you believe me if I said I don't know quite how to respond? Daniels: Yes. Yes I would. I know don't want to cause any problems for you with all these untrue rumors flying around... ::It was then, that Kali chose to turn and face him. She studied his face for a moment, thinking of the choice she was making. It was something she hadn't been prepared for, especially so soon after the heartbreak of losing Makal for a second time, but the way she felt when she was near him.:: ::She couldn't fight it. She wouldn't fight it. Rumors be [...]ed; she would not let all that made life precious crash into the soul eating darkness of whispering insurrection. It was what she had fought for when she stood between the knife and Jaxx, what she refused to let be taken away from her when she pulled Tressa from the mangled shuttle that day, and what she had brought into the world only a short time before the crisis began.:: ::It was worth fighting for, even if she faced a battle on many fronts; the projectiles in front of her and the smoldering fuse of social ambiguity behind.:: Nicholotti: I was thinking that maybe there could be some truth to what they say. ::From the moment she joined the Marines and Starfleet, Kali had been known for her passion for her team, for her chain of command, and for the sanctity of life itself. And God help those who would put any of those in danger; to incur her wrath meant meeting with a fury unmatched.:: ::Again, she found herself studying his facial expressions. The seeming cacophony of things made it all hard to read and she smiled. Maybe they were both a bit unsure of things, but together, they could certainly find their way.:: Daniels: I... I think there is definitely some truth to these rumors. I also think we should do whatever makes us happy and to hell with what other people think. ::Her smile only grew. It wouldn't be quite that easy, but she would let him have his moment. He hadn't really spoken his mind since they had returned to the life of the uniform and it was actually quite the sight to see him just then. The filter was down and his thoughts spilled out into the silence of the turbolift as they headed towards destiny.:: Nicholotti: I wish it could be that simple. ::But destiny would wait for a moment longer.:: Daniels: I care for you...a lot, Kali. ::He looked at the beautiful officer next to him and tried to think outside of their Starfleet ranks:: I don't know exactly where this is...::He paused and rephrased:: Where WE are going, but I do know that I don't want to let a few gossipy officers and wild rumors get in the way of us finding out. ::Kali had fallen before and the resulting crash made this even more difficult. But in that moment, seeing the fire burn in his eyes, and hearing the intensity of the words, she felt the weight of command, and the fear of falling, melt away. For a single moment, the raven haired commander was no more. In her place stood only a woman who craved more of the feelings that his presence invoked.:: ::Locking eyes with him, Kali conveyed the trust she had in him that he would catch her and not let her crash. It was the sentiment that if this road led to the hard fall she had suffered once before, it would be different this time.:: Nicholotti: Then let's not let them. ::And with that, she jumped in.:: TAG/TBC -- Commander Kalianna Nicholotti Commanding Officer Starbase 118 / USS Victory
  13. Due to the mix-up in scheduling, this round will start today and end on Sunday, May 6th. The winner will then be part of Run-off Round 2, judged in July. Sims are as follows: "Filling the job not the shoes" by Captain Tallis and LtCmdr Arden Cain "Active Duty" by LtCmdr Solok "Lights" by Lt. Sahmson & Aodhnait Cair "Personal Log" by Ensign Jacob Moore "The Bane of History, Repeating" by Commander Kalianna Nicholotti
  14. ((Personal Quarters – Starbase 118)) OOC: Earlier in the day, before arriving on Victory ::Laying in bed Jacob contemplated the upcoming events for the day. Knowing full well it was going to be a busy day, just like the day before it, he savoured the relaxing in moments in bed for a few more minutes before getting up.:: ::Jacob from a young age has always kept a Personal Log that he uses to document his days and as a powerful tool for self reflection. Not being overly religious about it, he's only done a few since coming aboard the Starbase. Given the events of the last few days, he figured it a good of a time as any to catch up.:: Moore: =/\= Computer, begin new entry in personal log =/\= ::Making the customary sound of acknowledgment, Jacob knew he could start.:: Moore: Its been some time between entries, so I'll try and capture some of the exciting stuff that's been happening. Shore leave on the Victory was fun and a good chance to get away from the hectic life on the station. Unfortunately I failed to capitalise on the social aspect of the trip, tending to spend most of the time there in my own solitary endeavours. Something I want to really change in the future. ::Jacob really did like to socialise, he just really didn't like meeting new people. Its almost contradictory but fully justifiable by him if queried.:: Moore: Upon returning to the Station, the Victory was hit with a wave that was designed to take offline certain sub processors that had been purposely manufactured in such way to exhibit this reaction to the wave. It was unclear to me the motives or the people behind, although I hear that perhaps the Romulans were involved. Its not something that interests me; the who done it, but what I am interested in is what is the plan now that they have done it. Can we expect something else in the future? If they are capable of achieving this kind of success what next? ::Diplomacy and conspiracy theory ranked pretty high on the list of things that Jacob found really boring. A talkfest of what if's and trying to query who had involvement without offending anyone seemed like a massive waste of time. Nevertheless he was grateful that some found it there passion, as it meant that he could focus on his, and repair the station as fast as he could.:: Moore: Victory managed to get away unscathed..mostly due to a few quick workarounds, and some of the sub processors being replaced recently. Lucky for us as we were able to limp back to the station who was far more affected than the victory. We were also luck the Victory was around as we were able to use it to assist the repairs. ::Jacob grabbed some of the cereal mix he had stored in his room and began to chew it dry as he was going through his log entry. He also managed to shower and dress also. Multitasking was something he prided himself on doing, and this was a small example of that for him.:: Moore: I spent most of my day yesterday getting the replicators back online, so we could churn out as much repaired sub processors as we could. I ended up working really closely with Crewman Sarah Novak. She is an extremely capable worker, and someone I think I would like to get to know out of work also…. oO Why am I blushing ? Oo ::Taking a few moments, Jacob challenged his thoughts. Was he really interested in getting to know Novak on a personal level, and that is enough to make him blush? Or was it simply that he was feeling for the first time in a long time that some personal attraction was necessary, just as doing your job really well was.:: oO Wait…I don't HAVE to like someone, I didn't even know that I DID think of her like that…Oo ::Jacob was right, he spent all day with her yesterday without an honest single thought of anything other than how to get the job done as best as possible. It was only now that he was feeling anything additional. :: Moore: Ahhhh…so the both of us managed to work well and get the replicators online. I had called It quits for the night when I received a phone call at just after midnight with an emergency. A virus was working its way towards the computer core and a virus I hadn't seen before. Commander Breeman was instrumental in coming up with a harmonic equalising solution that stopped the spread in its tracks. Quite clever really, and its a bit of a shame that he's moved on to bigger and better things in command. ::The Commander had made Jacob feel quite at home in Engineering and it had left a void in that spot when her left, and no one had replaced him. The leadership vacuum was huge in the current situation given the chaotic nature of engineering during a crisis.:: Moore: Today work-wise, is all about getting communications back online. We are an important part of the sectors communications, and when we are down, we are essentially in a bit of a black spot. Internally the communications are shot also, so its important today to get that online, and also get Main Power back to all the decks. Once we can accomplish that, the rest of the work gets easier and easier. I hope I'm prioritising the jobs correctly…..there is currently no one in charge in Engineering so I'm trying to fill the spaces, but I've got about zero experience in doing so. Anyway, we'll see what today brings. Computer end personal log and encrypt. ::As the computer beeped acknowledgement, Jacob Tidied himself up, grabbed his Engineering Kit that he brought home with him, tucked it firmly under his arm and headed out. As the light of the corridor his his face, he was ready to brave another full day.:: Ensign Jacob Moore Engineering Officer Starbase 118
  15. ((Civillian Sector - Keros Gardens - Starbase 118)) ::Sahmson felt the alien hand in his, its fingers twitching slightly as it adjusted its grip. In front of them was the darkness of a path they'd not seen yet, leading someplace down toward the fluid treatment absorption matrix. There was a kind of hum, indistinct from the rest of the surrounding sounds, merging into the winds and the chirping birds.:: Cair: So I take it everything's under control? ::It was now. He was here for her for the rest of her life. He'd turned his back on Reikara, on Romulus, on home. He turned to face Aodhnait now.:: ::Aodhnait looked into the yellow irises, into the darkness of the pupils at their centers. Around Sahmson's eyes the face changed slightly, and Aodhnait's mind did its best to provide for her some inkling of a copy of what he must be feeling. Parts didn't match, twitches here and there betraying happiness amid a decidedly less optimistic haze.:: Sahmson: We're fine. ::The words were quiet, to the point that her universal translator almost didn't register them.:: ::Sahmson watched the expressions crossing the human face. The gestures seemed like variations on his own, subtle twists of the meanings of words from a language he'd half learned before he'd been forced to grow up. In her Rinanov flickered before him and then dissipated, a transient brilliant flake disappearing into the tepid liquid of so many years.:: Sahmson: Don't worry. You're safe. ::It was all that mattered. Around them several fireflies shimmered.:: Cair: I never doubted you for a second. ::She pushed her cheek up against his arm as they walked together. Sahmson felt a gentle breeze in his hair, his forehead beginning to tingle with pleasure at the sensation. In the distance he could see the trees grow narrower, the path darker. This was the less maintained area, where vast ecosystems were allowed to grow unchecked.:: ::Aodhnait looked up at the labyrinthine mark on Sahmson's forehead, marvelling again at how it changed colour. She'd only seen it do that once before. She looked ahead again, into the greenish darkness that seemed to sparkle with the distant fireflies. There was something final about all this. The narrowing, winding path, the darkening forest. The silence. They were safe at last. Life was returning to normal. Sahmson was close.:: ::He looked down at Aodhnait as she stared at him and reached down to kiss her. Her lips against his were soft, and there was something familiar in the sensation. The world seemed to stop for a moment as everything went dark. Their lips were still locked but he could see only himself. Beside him was a soft female voice speaking now, its quality eliciting in him a mesmerizing warmth, something he'd not felt since--:: Voice: Ensign Sahmson. Service Numer 422345622-B. ::Inside of himself he felt his lips move, as though his body were now a tower stretching out above him.:: Sahmson: Ma'am! ::The faint outline of a Starfleet officer emerged in the corner of his vision. She was clad in some kind of dress uniform.:: Voice: The only cadet whose pastimes included intelligence manipulation, social engineering, genetic encoding, and distributed virtual network infrastructure penetrations... Not to mention rigging every strategic maneuvers simulation. ::The clucked her tongue.:: Sahmson: Yes ma'am! Voice: Not that you really had a choice. Did you really think you were in control--:: ::He felt his fingers begin to tighten, the joints cracked. And in front of him his mother gazed into his eyes, whispering softly,:: Mother: Sahmson, you've found a girl! ::The forest returned, gentle sparks of light criss-crossing it. Their lips parted and Sahmson gasped.:: Aodhnait: What's wrong? Sahmson: Nothing. ::She pulled him in to her again, their lips locking once more, Aodhnait whispering into his ear,:: Cair: I love you. Voice: You're never really in control. Cair: I want you. Voice: You're never really who you think you are. ::The sound of her voice dissipated again, and all he could hear now was Aodhnait breathing beside him, accompanied by the sensation of her teeth gently biting at his ear. Around them the lights came and went.:: TBC Lt. Sahmson Security Officer Starbase 118 and Aodhnait Cair Student Starbase 118 all simmed by Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Breeman Chief Engineer Starbase 118
  16. Guest

    Round 6 LtCmdr Solok - Active Duty

    ((Main Operations, USS Drake)) ::The first place Solok had had to go was the brig. Apparently, his feats of transporter excellence earlier had not been as wholly excellent as they had first seemed. From the reports, the brig visual recording, the internal sensor record, and the large stain on the wall, Solok was able fairly quickly to assess the nature of the damage done by the transporter accident.:: ::The greater difficulty had appeared in determining whether the accident was the result of null space physics, chance, something the Udukiin had done to interfere with the Drake's transporter -- or a problem with the transporter, which would transfer the investigation from his desk to Pandora's. Or operator error, which would likewise transfer the investigation, but not to Engineering: to Security.:: ::Solok had settled for leaving it to the Chief Engineer's capable work crews to determine whether further inquiry -- into the transporters, or into Solok's performance as transporter operator -- was warranted. He was confident, naturally, as Vulcans often are, that he had done no wrong.:: ::Having finished assessing the transporter systems, Solok traveled directly to Cargo Bay 1, just down the corridor from his office. A series of tricorder scans -- as well as a rather significant pile of animal waste -- confirmed his findings in the transporter log: someone had made an unauthorized transport from the planet in null space, just before they were thrust back into normal space, then attempted to hide the record of the transport in the log. The transporter signature indicated whatever had been living here was only recently transported off the Drake. Further scans revealed bioevidence of two humanoids in the Cargo Bay. DNA scans seemed to indicate they were Weston and Reed.:: Solok: Fascinating. ::He summarized his findings, and forwarded the report from his PADD to the Security office. He also left a brief note for Rogers, telling him what he had found. Leaving the Cargo Bay, he took the few steps necessary to get to Main Operations, then strode through the doors and headed directly for his office:: ::Although the rest of the vessel -- with the very likely exception of Engineering -- was rather inactive, owing to the beginning of shore leave, Operations was abuzz with activity. As was often said of Medical, in Engineering and Ops, the work often began when the mission had ended for everyone else. Solok had not been seated at his desk longer than 15.003 minutes when Traukarrt, his Gorn yeoman, deposited a report from Shuttlecraft Control on his desk. The Vulcan read it through once quickly, then began filing the necessary reports.:: ::As he did so, he activated the second and third computer monitors he had requested for his own use in Operations. On one, he called up the roster of crew being assigned to or reassigned from the Drake. Quarters would need to be assigned, pending security clearances and medical examinations. Should Rogers promote any of the junior officers to Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander, they'd need to be resituated among the senior officers, as well. He saw open quarters for Brice and Shryker, and assigned them immediately. The other assignments would have to wait on the customary awards and promotions ceremony/party.:: ::Except for one. The Gorn smuggler, Krogg, was apparently remaining aboard. Rogers' orders to find their guest accommodations were, Solok figured, open to some interpretation. Solok identified an empty double compartment among the enlisted crew's quarters. Assuming no one would accept assignment as Krogg's roommate, Solok set aside the entire suite for the Gorn. He then sent yet another note to Security -- to Whale or whoever was now in charge of that department -- requesting the quarters be fitted for covert surveillance. Until they knew something more about this man, it would serve them well to keep an eye on him.:: ::On the third monitor, Solok called up the data from the computerized in-room "nanny," a feature that allowed parents -- and sickbay, and the Captain -- to monitor unattended children. Apparently, his quarters were empty.:: Solok: Computer, what is the location of civilian Sabek che'Solok? Computer: Sabek che'Solok is not aboard the Drake at the present time. oO Curious. Oo Solok: What is the location of Ensign Sakorra Jefferson Reed? Computer: Ensign Reed is not aboard the Drake at the present time. oO Curiouser. Oo ::A quick check of the transporter logs confirmed Solok's deduction, that his wife and son had beamed to the colony, no doubt in pursuit of "entertainment." He could feel something he might have called resentment -- if he understood emotions more fully -- through his telepathic bond with Sakorra. She seemed to want him to join her on leave. But there was work to be done, and Solok was the best Vulcan for the job.:: ::He rose, heading for the exit into the corridor outside Ops.:: Solok: Computer, what is the location of Ensign Arthok? Computer: Ensign Arthok is in sickbay. ::He headed for the turbolift. He would check on Arthok's condition -- he had not seen the Tamarian since Traukarrt escorted her from the bridge -- and then he had a personal matter to which to attend on the holodeck. Then, and only then, would he consider joining his family for what Starfleet called "rest and relaxation." Ironically, but not unvulcanly, Solok seldom found shore leave to be either.:: TBC ... === Lieutenant Commander Solok Chief Operations Officer USS Drake
  17. ((USS Mercury, Deck 25: Holodeck 3)) ::Shore leave had proved to be quite relaxing. Besides his after action report he hadn't done any work whatsoever but for Arden there was only one other indulgence that he craved before the Mercury's next adventure. Taking a trip down to Holodeck three and praying not to be interrupted this time Arden started another one of his rock climbing simulations.:: ::As the holodeck doors opened Arden found himself standing five meters from the rock wall he would be climbing. All around him was a lush tropical jungle, the sun was shining with a light breeze. All in all it was a prefect environment which would look even better from the top.:: :: A meter away sat a crate in which Arden found all the supplies he would need for this climb. Rolling up his sleeves and buckling his harness in place he gathered the other provisions testing the functionality of each. Even though this was a holodeck and his gear was fabricated fault free Arden checked anyway just as he had been taught. The motto of never make assumptions etched into his mind. Somehow that motto seemed all the more relevant since joining Star Fleet particularly with his chosen career path.:: :: By the time Arden reached the second of the three segments in the wall he almost wished he paid closer attention to the weather settings prior to starting. Having climbed above the canopy the breeze was still gentle but he could feel the heat more. A sweat coated Arden continued onward anyway. As he poked his head over the pinnacle of the wall onto a large open plateau. Usually Arden felt relieved at having completed the exercise but this time he was shocked to see Captain Tallis standing a couple meters away. Shaking it off and remembering that he was hanging by a rope a good two hundred meters off the ground, he swung his right leg up onto the plateau to allow him to quickly haul his body off the cliff face. Taking a couple steps away from the cliff he disconnected his safety ropes and approached the Captain, still confused despite Captain Tallis's expression of enjoyment.:: ::Tallis hadn't been able to make a trip down into the sensor module section of the ship for quite some time, and was pleased to have the opportunity. He was even more pleased to have the opportunity to do what he was about to do. A few stealthily deployed clearance codes allowed him access to the otherwise closed off holodeck in which Arden was running his climbing program. A few more codes allowed him to easily access the part of the program that needed to be accessed. He knew it would not be long before Cain made it to his location. Until then, he took the time to enjoy the heat and the jungle scenery. It was a far cry from the confines of sickbay.:: ::So it was that when the Science chief made it to the top of the rock face, his captain was waiting for him with a flask and a light lunch of subs filled with a selection of fillings. For a moment, Tallis was sure that Cain would fall back down the cliff in shock, and was glad that the safety protocols were active. Fortunately, the worst did not come to the worst, and Arden hauled himself up onto solid ground.:: ::Taking the flask offered to him Arden drunk deeply. Afterward he wiped the sweat from his face before addressing the Captain.:: Cain: Captain are you a.... Tallis: ::Laughing:: No, I'm real. And to answer your next question, this is the first time I've ever gatecrashed someone's holodeck time. In my defence, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have something important to talk to you about. ::A formal air quickly descended on the proceedings, which Tallis hadn't quite been aiming for, but couldn't really be helped. As much as he tried, there really weren't very many ways to keep something like this casual.:: Cain: Yes Sir I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my appearance. What did you want to talk about Sir? Tallis: Well, to be honest, I'm thinking of appointing a new Chief of Science... ::To say that Arden didn't understand would have been an understatement. Arden knew the Captain well enough that he wasn't joking, definitely not having gatecrashed on his holodeck time. To his knowledge he had been doing a great job as the CSO and couldn't think of a reason to be replaced. Deciding the best thing to do would be to remain calm he asked the next logical question.:: Cain: May I ask why you are replacing me, Sir? I think I have done a pretty decent job thus far. Will I still be in the science department? ::The Bajoran smiled through Cain's inevitable concerns as he ploughed ahead, deliberately being vague, and knowing that Cain was about to get the shock of his life. In short, he was enjoying every minute.:: Tallis: Well in fairness, Arden, I don't think you'll have much time to spend there. Cain: I don't understand Sir. ::They had reached the point where Tallis's fun had to come to an end, and an offer needed to be made.:: Tallis: Commander Parker is moving into a more specialist role that should give us the edge we need out here in the Menthar Corridor. That means I need someone who's reliable, competent, respected by the crew, and a [...]ed good officer all round to step into the role of first officer. That would be you, if you're willing to accept a promotion? :: Now it become crystal clear why the Captain wanted to move Arden. Arden honestly felt idiotic. Not because he had expected the promotion but rather that he underestimated how much the Captain thought of him.:: Cain: I am honored Sir and I'm willing. I certainly have some big shoes to fill but I will do my best Captain. ::Rhul beamed as his wind-up unraveled into a realization of what was really going on. Arden was humble as ever, but that was one of the qualities that a great command candidate needed; it helped to keep in touch with the lowerdecksmen.:: Tallis: Your best will be more than good enough, Arden. Although come to think of it, Parker's feet are pretty big... ::he chuckled.:: Cain: I doubt that there are many who could actually fill his shoes. ::smiling:: Did you have any thoughts about the next chief of science Sir? Tallis: I think that Ba'Eli would make a good choice, given her enthusiasm for her change in departments. ::Arden had gone from shock and confusion to pride and excitement in the space of a few moments. The new position came with a lot of responsibility but that wasn't anything new. Even if Arden took a while adapting this time he knew he had support if he needed it. :: Cain: Thank you again Captain this definitely means alot to me. Tallis: You're more than welcome. I think you'll find yourself getting used to a red collar quicker than you might expect. You seem to have a knack for command. For now, though, help yourself to a sandwich. ::He glanced to the rock face towering behind him.:: I have a feeling you'll need it if you're going to make it to the summit... TBC A JP by Captain Tallis Rhul Commanding Officer USS Mercury NCC-99812 and Lieutenant Commander Arden Cain First Officer USS Mercury NCC-99812
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