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USS Invicta: Notable Quotables

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6 hours ago, Roshanara Rahman said:

I think this pretty much sums up that entire scene/the Rahman/Moonsong relationship so far:


Honestly, I think Alora's more like Tigger then either of those women are. ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was trying to make it as serious as possible for the characters, even while I was giggling. Oh, delicious, ironic humor!

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The whole post had me giggling, but this one just made fall out of my chair.



 "I know you can't perform miracles, but do this anyway".  The more she spoke to him, the more certain she was that she was going to end up in the brig.  A guy just couldn't give her this many straight lines and not expect her to say something.  It was a crime against comedy really.


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Dickens: We had an accident, the device I was wearing was a weapon, an energy weapon. :: he leaned and listened to the man's chest, seeing that he's still breathing, despite the light burn on his uniform. :: He's alive. Hey man, wake up! Are you ok?

:: He patted the man on the cheek trying to get a response, but the man was unconscious. ::

Oh man, I know I shouldn't laugh, but...

Just know, Sergio, that earns you a cruel Rahman smile.


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:: She turned her light from the ceiling back to Saveron’s face, flashing it in his eyes a little bit on purpose.::

T’Lea:  Are you certain?

Tuk: [tag]

Walker: So we are seeing things, and hearing things, that our equipment can’t detect.  And at the same time, we are cut off from the ship.  The question is..what changed?

Jolara: ::looking back at T'Lea:: Is there anything your... equipment can detect that standard tricorders can not?

:: She flashed the light in Jolara’s eyes, on purpose for that too.  She knew what Rune was hinting at.  Her cybernetic implants.  But they weren’t designed to analyze, they were designed to identify the target, aim, and kill it.::

Someone's going to get their flashlight privileges revoked.... <_<

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Hey, don't take away my toys.  I'll bring out the giant SPOT LIGHT instead.  ::flashes it at the Invicta blinding her::  Haha!  Take that!

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Meanwhile, back on the surface of Nygel II...


All fun and games with singing and dancing, until...





::goes to make a new player achievement::

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In Rune's defense, she is pregnant and the seedling isn't a happy camper with all that noise. <_< That's my story and I'm sticking with it. 

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:: She shook her head and pulled her phaser out, pointing it at the vulcan commander. ::

Walker: Not good enough.  And if I even feel a tingle in my brain I'll stun you into next week.  No.   You are going to provide a clear answer, here and now, for why we should trust you.. and how you think we can stop whatever may or may not be going on above us.  You are then going to get out of our heads so we can make a rational decision.  Got it?

Remind me never to get into an argument with Luna...


Washington: Commander Walker, we need warp drive in 5 minutes or we're all dead!

Walker: Well, then we're all dead cause it's gonna take at least two hours.

Washington: Walker, we don't have two hours!

Walker: ::pulls out phaser:: Hey, if I say it's gonna take two hours, it's gonna take two hours. Got it?



Rahman: :: exchanges a knowing look with Luna and silently nods::

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:: Was she covering up for the woman?  Wasn’t that a nice thing to do, and didn’t that go against T’Lea’s number one rule: Do not feed the Intel. Officers.::

Feeling the love... <_<


She is loved.  Very much loved.  In a hate kind of way. ;D

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[N2-C] Lt. Cmdr Luna Walker: "EMPty threats? Not likely"

:: Ok, things were getting stranger now.  T'Lea was reaching out to touch Rune.  And doing it in a familiar way, as if they'd been.. Sudden realization set in.  The two were dating!  They'd likely had a fight or something before the mission had started.. and had been all [...]ly.  But now... now they were holding onto each other.:: 


Yes.  Strange indeed.  That's their secret handshake.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

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T'Sara: Come wiff me.
:: She started carefully easing herself over toward the nearest wall, and when she got there, she ran a hand over it until she found something her fingers recognised. Almost of their own accord, those same little fingers worked away at what they'd found, and a moment later a panel popped free with a faint click, revealing empty space behind it.::
::The little Vulcan looked surprised for a moment before he remembered himself.::
Saavok: How did you know to do that?
Taz: ?
T'Sara: ::flashing a grin:: Coz I is cunning


Never underestimate the deviousness of small children. 

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On ‎4‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 5:14 PM, Rich said:

It's gonna be an interesting shore leave, that's for sure.

I think Ms Moonsong is going to have her hands full.  And so is sickbay if Vetri has anything to say about it.

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T’Lea: Are you stable?

:: She would have been more than happy to stab Rune too.::


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Iorl had told them what he had felt necessary, and then retreated to the back of Saveron’s mind where he lurked, like a toad on a stone.

Heh. Such a great image.

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Posted (edited)

Kells: How many people were over there?

Moonsong:Iorl’s followers… It hardly matters.

Luca: I don’t read any lifesigns anymore.

The Three Anti-Amigos.   You guys are bad, but oh so fun.

Edited by T'Lea
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I believe Rune has been wanted dead or seriously injured by more people during this mission than any other time in her life.

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::Rahman gestured to the engineering console, as Macoy walked over to it.  It’s various readings and programs twinkling in the light.  Oh, the things Macoy wanted to do to this machine.::


Now now, lets keep it PG!

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Washington: And clean up that beard, Mister Core. This is the Federation Starfleet, not Dewey's Express Cargo Service. Have some pride in your appearance.


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