Ayiana Sevo Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 Just a heads up: Starting tomorrow, April 2 through May 21, Star Trek Online is launching the Delta Recruitment event. This is a great opportunity to either get back in the game, start it for the first time, or create an alternate character! Some highlights from the blog:"Alongside new mission objectives, dialogue options, and new story options, players will be earning valuable rewards for both their Delta Recruit characters, as well as all characters on their Account.A few of our primary reward-centric goals when designing this system were:Bridge the gap between the leveling experiences of a new player vs. that of a veteran that has extensive resources from many years of playing STO.Reward players’ existing characters for the actions taken on their Delta Recruit, and the time spent playing a character that is not their “Main.”In an effort to bridge this gap, Delta Recruits will, in essence, be experiencing a form of “self-twinking” wherein completing their specialized Delta Recruit tasks will provide them with substantial resources and rewards, comparable to what an established player would be able to supply to a new character.Perhaps the most noteworthy rewards which bridge this gap are the free High-Quality Equipment sets you will be granted each time your Delta Recruit reaches a 10-level milestone (Level 10, 20, 30 and 40), as well as a “Reputation Jump-Start” package upon reaching level 50.This is how we arrived at the decision to include Account-Wide Rewards as part of the progression of a Delta Recruit character.Each time a Delta Recruit completes a particular task, a reward will be added to an Account Store accessible from the temporal agents located at the primary social hub for their faction (Earth Spacedock, Q’onoS or New Romulus Command). Once an Account-Wide Reward is unlocked, that reward will claimable once by every character on the Delta Recruit’s account. This includes characters created after the Delta Recruit event ends!In addition to the Character- and Account-centric rewards, Delta Recruits will also be participating in the completion of weekly server-wide goals. Each of these goals is created with the intent of fostering a more thorough understanding of the game’s many features, by encouraging players to explore targeted aspects of gameplay.Completing each Weekly Goal will kick off a Special Event on the subsequent week. These may include increased XP Gain, Dilithium earnings, and other similar bonuses.Additionally, each Weekly Goal comes in multiple tiers. Completing the first goal should be relatively simple, and reliably reward all players with an extra mini-event for this easy completion. Completing Tiers 2 and 3 of the same Weekly Goal will require a concerted effort on the behalf of Delta Recruits, but the rewards are also greatly increased.All equipment contained in these packs is Bound-to-Character and has a 0 EC Sell Value. All assigned [Mod]s are static up to Purple Quality, and will be the same for every Delta Recruit character. This equipment can be Upgraded if you like, but will remain BoP and 0 value, and will gain random [Mod]s if the Quality increases.At each Level Milestone (10, 20, 30 and 40) you may choose from one of four Equipment Packs.See the blog for a complete list of rewards.Star Trek: Online is downloadable for free and play-for-free (although it does have a store where you can buy stuff, and an optional subscription for perks, but they are not necessary).We also have an in-game Fleet (the same as a Clan or Guild in other MMOs). We are in desperate need of recruits! Help us upgrade our Starbase! 1
Nuvia Oori Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 Does the delta recruitment event require you to buy the Delta Rising pack thing? I play STO but I don't have Delta Rising. Also, what's the in-game fleet called? I'd love to join it!
Ayiana Sevo Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 Everything is free. The game is free to download and patch, no subscription required; however you can subscribe for some bonuses. Instead, Cryptic has a Zen Store for microtransactions (an increasingly popular form of revenue instead of subscriptions for low-population games). Nothing on it is REQUIRED to play. But you can find tons of ships, mostly for max-level characters, along with "Boost Packs" to help a new character, such as the Delta Rising pack, iirc. But again, its not required. Basically a money sink.Our fleet is UFOP Starbase 118 (Federation faction). Not many people are playing, so our progress is slow, and you may have trouble finding someone to invite you. My handle is Ayiana@ayiano7484. I think I have invite privileges. 2
+ Clase Drene Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 I have not played the sto in about a month I think that alt fleet I was in threw me out I would of ,, if someone left for like a month or more. 000so I will attempt an invite into the fleet maybe tomorrow
Nuvia Oori Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 Alright, I've made new characters for the Delta Recruitment event, I'll add you Ayiana tonight. I know the first part of my fed handle is Nuvia Oori, but I forget exactly what's after the @
Ayiana Sevo Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 I am also currently leveling a KDF player, Srissth@ayiano7484
Jesse DeVere Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 How is it after all the patches? I've not played it since before Delta Rising came out and to be honest I did try logging in the other day and had a panic attack when I saw how my buttons were all different!Is there a lot of new stuff or is it more of the same grinding aspect?
Nuvia Oori Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 (edited) I never got too far into it to feel like it got really grindy. I think the farthest I've gotten in it was around the end of the Romulan episode on the Federation side, and I didn't get very far at all on the Klingon side. The beginning of the Romulan story is pretty fun I thought, and so far the game is fun and not grindy. Then again, my highest level character right now is level 8 so I can't much speak beyond the early game. I'm having a good time anyway. And as far as new stuff goes, beyond the extra bonuses from being a Delta Recruit, I haven't noticed too much changed. At least from the last time I played, the new Federation tutorial is nice, and maybe the Klingon one changed as well (not entirely sure though), and the Romulan tutorial was completely new to me since I never played Legacy of Romulus before. Edited April 7, 2015 by Nuvia Oori
Diego Beyett Posted April 12, 2015 Posted April 12, 2015 I've just started playing STO. I like it for the most part. Sometimes it's grindy, but overall it's pretty fun.Although my only character is level 7, and I haven't explored most of the game's content yet, I still like it! hehe. If anyone wants to form a group or whatever it's called I'd be glad to play with some of you guys.
Ayiana Sevo Posted April 12, 2015 Posted April 12, 2015 My main gripe is that once you hit max-level, finished your reputation grinds, and all the pve episodes, theres...like...NOTHING to do. Except duty officer & R/D maintenance.
+ Clase Drene Posted April 13, 2015 Posted April 13, 2015 i stopped at about level 35 if I remember not going to try again for a little bit more time and probably not sign in to sto for the next week but... when I say something like that I usually sign in before that.. I try to focus on the writing here not the video there.. there is another game in the startrek universe too about the delta quadrant playing the characters themselves somehow? or is this the delta thing going on at sto?I would try inventing new scenario's in the sto foundry but my system probably can't handle back-end behind the scenes stuff to make new missions.. ahhh welll I do have lots of ideas but no way to resolve the missions in there because of time basically.
Ayiana Sevo Posted April 13, 2015 Posted April 13, 2015 Elite Force 1 and 2. 1st person RPG. But they are REALLY old; at least 10 years. Last time I tried, my system wouldn't even run it.
+ Clase Drene Posted April 13, 2015 Posted April 13, 2015 right I played them.. I guess it was the delta thing that was big news and the new thing going on...
Ayiana Sevo Posted April 13, 2015 Posted April 13, 2015 Delta Rising is the latest expansion patch. Delta Recruitment is a current event in-game that gives leveling boosts and rewards to characters created right now. I leveled a KDF character from 1 to 50 in about 10 hours of game time.
+ Cecil Valo Posted June 3, 2015 Posted June 3, 2015 Its cool to see other people in the fleet play this. I will have to get on and try to find our group. I have not played in ages but may need to remedy that.One of my favorite aspects is actually the duty officer system. This is also great for any of you who have characters you want to level up but don't have a lot of time.I dont remember my handle, but I will check once I have time to hop on. I have a character in all three factions but the Federation is my main.
Kalianna Nicholotti Posted June 4, 2015 Posted June 4, 2015 I recently tried to re-log in/reset my password/find my handle but nothing I do works. It's been a nightmare really, so I gave up...but I did try.
Zinna Posted June 4, 2015 Posted June 4, 2015 I used to play but I never got pass the Lt. Cmdr. rank...I'm awful at space fighting and I always cause my ship and crew to die a painful death and eventually I get tired of respawning lol.
Jalana Posted June 4, 2015 Posted June 4, 2015 I did play a lot for a while, but have not for some months. Every now and then I peek in for an hour or so but then drop it again for whatever timeframe.
Lupo Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 I recently tried to re-log in/reset my password/find my handle but nothing I do works. It's been a nightmare really, so I gave up...but I did try. Did you ever bought anything in/for the game Zen maybe? Do you have PayPal report saved anywhere in the mail. If yes, contact Perfect World game support and ask them to retrieve your information for you. You need to still owe email address and have at least one payment ID to prove you're owner.I'm playing it, once a year or maybe twice and had to do this few times.
Jalana Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Yeah I had to as well. Support is really helpful when it comes to that, as long as you have some data to give them to prove it's your account.
Paul Sharpe Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 If any SB118 Members has an STO char and they want into the SB118 Fleet drop me a line in STO and the Char I have in the SB118 Fleet will invite you into the Fleet.My handle is @paulda73 I have numerous characters so it is safer just to supply my handle for STO.Paul
+ Cecil Valo Posted January 30, 2016 Posted January 30, 2016 I have decided to give it another go. My handle is trazko55 and anyone is welcome to add me. I wasn't able to find the fleet but would happily join if invited.
+ Frank O'Malley Posted August 25, 2016 Posted August 25, 2016 Paul, are you still playing? I have also a few (about 24) characters and one of the Temporal Agent Officers maybe would like to join (if I play them to a acceptable level)
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