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Denali Station quotes that have a nice Ring to them.

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18 minutes ago, Alora DeVeau said:


Knows the Denobulan well enough 

  • 2 weeks later...

From the @Vaysha Lennai's post.



Strathmore: You don’t have to tell me twice.


oO Twice? Did he fall into it once? Oo


It's @ArthurStrathmore.  He probably fell into it a dozen times.

  • Haha 1

It is always a pleasure to read Mr. @Kettick 


"Casually, and for the outdoors", the XO had said. Well, now that Kettick looked around at the lush park they were in, with a marquee sitting in its immaculately mowed meadow and shimmering lake, he could understand why. A bunch of Starfleet officers attending an upscale picnic in full dress whites would have looked quite silly.
Still, "casual" had always been an issue for him, since apparently his off-duty overalls did not count for whatever arbitrary reason. Fortunately, he'd had a suitable costume already sitting in his wardrobe; he was now walking at a sedate pace along the lakeshore, a light wind playing with the hawaiian shirt he had already worn for a previous award ceremony.
And other people's narrow-mindedness be damned. Some of his colleagues had protested his choice, and been quite rude about it. Why, one had almost implied that because he did not see in the same spectrum as some other species, he did not know how to pick coulours. He did find the patterns of his clothes most pleasant, and if someone else objected, they could always look elsewhere.
And he still was not sure "cognitohazard" was even a real word.


  • Haha 1

From the narrative of @Kettick.



As far as his senses told him, one of the musicians had just managed to emulate quite faithfully the scream of a hunting feline with ruptured eardrums.


Must have been a violin.


Another from @Kettick



That did sound like the sort of playdate his Deltan academy mate used to have, but he willed his mind not to go in that direction, if possible ever.


Definitely NOT what she meant!  *dies*

21 minutes ago, Alora DeVeau said:

From the narrative of @Kettick.


Must have been a violin.

Just wait until he hears bagpipes.

  • Haha 2
Then the blinking red lights of the red alert turned to the coulour of a b minor, and the klaxon started to taste like tickles.

I just love Kettick's description!

Synesthesia is actually a thing!

While Mac was a fan of musicals, he knew that his singing voice was about as graceful as an angry bird running it's talons across a chalkboard. So he never sang in front of others.


McGillian: Davyyyyy, Davy Crockett, King of the wild frontier.


Kettick: The comms protocols do not seem to follow Federation standards either, but their energy profile suggests that they are powering up quite a number of weapons.
The delivery was factual, in a perfect monotone. The weather is pleasant. I am wearing pants. They have an arsenal live and pointed at us.



In the criticality of the situation, with the anxiety that threatened to overwhelm him and make him lose control at any moment, the words of Commander Genkos Adea came back to haunt him: "If I get killed, it's very unlikely you'll pass the test ." 

This is at least the second time @Drex0379 has referred to this incident.  @Genkos Adea certainly left an impression.

McGillian: If they're intent on a fight we have to hit the bully in the nose, and we have to do so harder than our payload allows. We could actually breach the warp core, evacuate on a secondary runabout and steer the ship into the enemy vessel. We'd hit significantly harder than our payload, and it would likely do enough damage they couldn't pursue us, if it didn't outright destroy them. It would also let us use the runabout sensors to try to find the Commodore and the away team.
Harford gave Mac a rather flabbergasted look. Would the reckless man never learn when to hold his tongue and let the grown ups talk?



Tomas considered the implications. Judging by the apparent capabilities of the ship in front of them the prime directive didn’t apply, which meant his priority was to get the ship, and her entire crew, home safely. Since he was a Starfleet officer he’d try and do that without causing too much damage to the universe they had found themselves in, but unlike the prime directive that wasn’t something he was sworn to.

In other words, we have permission to explode stuff.  Got it.


@Alix Harford I actually do everyday, for different reason :P


Her grave words fell into silence. She looked up at Lt. Commander Kendrick. The weight of their situation finally sank in and it showed on her face. Whether from loss or fear she wasn't sure but tears welled in her eyes. She cleared her throat, sniffled and looked back at her triPADD attempting to regain her composure.
oO We don't cry at work. Oo


Kettick: Plasma, shrapnel or concussion? I don't have the materials for gas, smoke or incendiary on me. The combat engineer harnesses are only available in the Armory, alas.
Alix regarded the Remillian with horror. Until just then she'd only considered him a brilliant engineer, a curious acquaintance and perhaps a budding friend, but the calm deliverance of his very threatening idea caught her by surprise. It took her a few moments to recover her tongue from the floor.
Kendrick / Zevash: Response
Harford: Lt. Commander Kettick, as the umm... officer responsible for keeping you all alive, I'd prefer shrapnel be our last resort option, of the three. ::addressing both superior officers:: If it's all the same to you, Sirs.
  • 2 weeks later...


Zevash: It seems our brave Commander has taken it upon himself to hunt down our boarders, though I fear that may make our job of neutralizing them a more delicate affair. To borrow a medical metaphor, a scalpel rather than a hammer.


Harford::mumbled half-coherently under her breath:: Don't touch my scalpels.

Don't mess with Harford.

Villkat: Well, the resistance is known for blowing things up.
Oddas: I think that is a truism in both Universes, Commander.

*hides the dynamite*

Stendhal: Yeah you can walk into the airlock and press the red button to jump out in the void of space! Wait bring also the Doc with you and no space suit is allowed! 

Someone's grumpy.


Witch? Kettick cast a quick look at Harford. The Doctor did not look like she was going to say anything that began with "Oo-ee, oo-ah-ah", so it was probably not meant in the literal sense.



Mr. @Kettick is always a step ahead

Kettick's console beeped, and the Remmilian read the incoming alter before casting a slightly amused look to his neighbour.
Kettick: Mister Zevash, you can notify the bridge that core energy levels are safe and nominal at 140%, and raising. Still not sure that I would recommend  installing a deck-wide, void-cooled auxiliary plasma cooling circuit on every ship, but it seems to work.
In essence, they had just made a typically dangerously unsafe situation safe, by doing something terribly unsafe that had made a whole section of the ship inhabitable, completely outside of any sane or approved practice. Starfleet Engineering at its finest.
Zevash / Harford: Response
Stendhal: Response
Kettick: Since you are currently acting Chief of Engineering, I reckon you are in for either a commendation or a request for court-martial from Utopia Planitia.


  • Haha 1

A moment passed in companionable silence as everyone worked on their appointed tasks (which, for Stendhal, included sitting around and looking uncomfortable).

@Kettick Indeed! :D :D :D

  • Haha 1

Kettick: Time to use your memory and dig out of as much juicy intel to use as bargaining chips as possible. The Federation welcomes asylum seekers with open arms, but is more likely to get out of their way to rescue them if they are also intelligence assets.

Stendhal: Well I have the recipe for grandma's cake.


  • 3 weeks later...

There were rumors aboard that the Remmilian had shielded several crew members with its body, also saving the ship from boarding by enemies of the Federation. There were rumors that the commander had ceded the privileges of chief engineer to the last cadet who graduate from the academy, and there were rumors that there was an internal investigation underway to determine whether said cadet had misinterpreted orders, causing the explosion that had almost destroyed half the ship. There were also rumors that the Commodore's girlfriend was alive and now in a luxurious accommodation on the station. And there were rumors that the missing runabout had actually been swapped for a secret cloaking device. And finally, there were rumors that the ship's crew was actually all dead and that what had reappeared was a duplicate.

And they're all true!!!!


Lyara: I’ll keep that in mind. I used to go to the Klingon place close to the academy a lot. It is a little weird eating some of your food alive.


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  • 1 month later...

I just love Tanner's reaction!



DeVeau: Good.  I shall not beat around the bush.  ::The Commander approach Jackson and took a detour around him, only adding to the mans confusion.:: I want you to have one of my babies. 


Tanner: ::If Jackson at this moment had of been taking a drink, it surely would have left his mouth explosively.  Trying to remain professional, Jackson clarified.::  Your what Commander??


DeVeau: Of course you are not required to accept, but it would be a shame not to.  They are beautiful and easy to care for.  


Jackson frantically racked his brain. While children were on his horizon, they were far off in the distance. He was sure the Commander was humanoid, but he panicked at the notion he was missing some foreign custom and that someone had neglected to give him all the information he needed when arriving. 


DeVeau: Of course, I understand, you probably wish to have some say in their characteristics.  It’s only fair.  Well then, I must ask, what is your favourite colour?


He watched as the commander moved to a shelf full of plants.  


oO Who describes plants as their BABIES!!? Oo


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