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Karen Stendhal

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Karen Stendhal last won the day on April 12

Karen Stendhal had the most liked content!

About Karen Stendhal

  • Birthday 07/31/1984

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  • Interests
    Star Trek :-)

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Karen Stendhal's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. I forgot one H! I wanted to write "threats" lol not treats this time! anyway
  2. Amazing SIM by @Morro Caras
  3. @Jania Nis This description of Jana's outfit is fantastic!
  4. "The lower deckers" One of the best B-plot ever! Thank you so much! @Josh Herrick @yinn
  5. I really enjoyed this sim by @Yinn , very creative about the two mind in one body and funny to read too!
  6. Wauhk reaction in front of Karen's imprecision made me laugh 🤣 a lot!
  7. @Toz The right question is : Could a betazoid counselor guide a ship?
  8. @Lhandon_Nilsen Una have a real talent for that lol :-))) (And she is somehow a bit of a Stalker too LOL but don't worry, she is just in her own dream )
  9. @Toz Because of the capital letters I read this first and I felt like told off and in violation of whatever! rotfl!
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