Popular Post Kettick Posted March 12, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 12, 2023 Ensign Y'zyr was apparently excused from Piloting 101 Quote The Trill smiled behind his mask as he booted up the shuttle, bringing it to life. There were a couple angry buzzer sounds as he did the wrong protocol at the wrong time, or hit the wrong button. Hey, it had been a while! Quote Without waiting for confirmation he perhaps jammed the ignition a little too suddenly, and the shuttle hitched slightly to one side without lifting off. It sputtered a bit before the engines stabilized. Y’zyr: Ah… ::laughing lightly:: Sorry. Sticky clutch. Quote And there was an indelicate, metal *SCREEEEE* as he nudged the parked shuttle with his landing, pushing it slightly to the right as he and the wind tucked the second shuttle in nearly right on top of it. The Trill didn’t quite correct for the gust fast enough, so the pair of shuttles slid almost comically together before he set down onto solid rock, the struts crunching as they settled down. Y’zyr: =/\= Umm… I meant to do that? To help block some of the wind. =/\= 1 5
Dekas Posted March 16, 2023 Author Posted March 16, 2023 Quote Raimor rubbed his temples. How did he allow two superior officers to be seriously injured on his watch? Ensign Raimor thinking he’s the one “letting” Lt Commanders get injured. When the truth is every commander has a secret reckless side made up of hubris and the instinct to cause chaos for everyone involved. 😂 3
Popular Post Gogigobo Fairhug Posted March 17, 2023 Popular Post Posted March 17, 2023 Quote Raimor set about his orders, albeit a bit slower than he would have when this whole day began. He gently touched the pip on his neck and smiled to himself. He’d have a lot of time to think about what he’d done and failed to do today later, but for now he was a Starfleet officer. That thought made him stand a bit straighter, walk a bit faster, and work a bit harder. Whatever came next for him couldn’t take away that pride. This is a lovely way to wrap up a mission from Ensign Raimor. 👌🏻 5
Freck Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 Throwing a shout-out to this wonderfully amusing title from @Dekas, referencing, I presume, Bojack Horseman: Quote Lt. Commander Dekas - An Engineer in the science section? What is this, a crossover episode? 2 2
Dekas Posted March 20, 2023 Author Posted March 20, 2023 2 hours ago, Freck said: Throwing a shout-out to this wonderfully amusing title from @Dekas, referencing, I presume, Bojack Horseman: I'm so glad someone caught my Bojack reference because I was chuckling to myself about it. It gets funnier because I'm pretty sure Dr. Migleemo from Lower Decks is voiced by the same person who voices Mister Peanut Butter, and Migleemo is a bird alien of some sort. There's a whole other secret layer to the joke 🤣 2
Dekas Posted March 20, 2023 Author Posted March 20, 2023 @Kettick. "thoughts he would keep for later. Probably around two in the morning" is a mood. Quote The Remmilian did not take the time to think. To think would lead to realizing he had been left in command, and down that very short road might have laid... thoughts he would keep for later. Probably around two in the morning. 2
Popular Post Dekas Posted March 23, 2023 Author Popular Post Posted March 23, 2023 I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I really do love @Freck Quote The Ferengi resisted the urge to have his face meet his palm in exasperation. “Someone” needed help and he should go upstairs so “they” can get it? Not, go upstairs and help someone, oh no. He’d fallen right for the trap. Someone was going to get an earful from him later. Still, he was here, now. A short break wouldn’t kill anyone, and he supposed he did need to clear the air with their Counselor after his disasterous encounter with him before the turn of the year. He sat across the table from the vibrant Denobulan with a sigh. Freck: It seems I am the victim of clever wordplay, Counselor. It was implied that you needed assistance, but I think they were implying that I needed yours. Or maybe they just didn’t want me underfoot any longer. 5
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted March 24, 2023 Posted March 24, 2023 Pluck me! 🤣 @Dekas at it again with the last minute transporter comments! Quote He took the time leading them there to gather his wits about him. And just before the beam happened he realized… Dekas: Oh, pluck me, I forgot to warn you about the spiders. No one got the chance to make commentary about that before they became sparkles… 1 3
Dekas Posted March 28, 2023 Author Posted March 28, 2023 Ensign Raimor over here being funny by asking this to our resident Remillian at the end of a med visit 😂 Quote Raimor: ::grinning:: Would you like a popsicle for being such a good patient? 3
Elonat Posted March 31, 2023 Posted March 31, 2023 I was re-reading sims from earlier in the week and I had another good laugh at this. @Oddas Aria Quote Aria bit the inside of her cheek and considered how to ask the next, delicate, question. It wasn't like she could come right out and ask: is my stepdaughter in the smuggling business? Oddas: Is my stepdaughter in the smuggling business? 4
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 2, 2023 Posted April 2, 2023 I love little touches like this. Nice one @Alex Forsyth! 😂 Quote Forsyth: Well starfleet shuttles don't last very long out in the field, Call me superstitious. Kendrick: ::chuckles:: Now where did you get that story from? Forsyth: From stories cadets tell each other, Like the one where you shouldn't eat cheese before using the transporters. 4
Popular Post Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 2, 2023 Popular Post Posted April 2, 2023 What a great description of a Counselor's role from @Ashley Yael. 👏🏻 Quote This was what he was here for. For his crew. They picked up the bodies. He picked up their minds. 3 2
Alcyone Brennan Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 So relatable 😩 Quote Raimor: ::letting out a sigh:: Well then, we have an agreement. I think that we should have somebody fetch coffee while we get to work. You may not need caffeine Doctor Garev, but non-Vulcans sometimes need the little things in life. 2 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 Quote The Ensign removed their boots before padding to their luggage. @Elonat there's got to be a puss in boots joke in here somewhere. 😂 2
Popular Post Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 11, 2023 Popular Post Posted April 11, 2023 Love this from our guest simmer @N. Aristren aka Trovek 😂 Quote Now that she was walking down the corridor towards the counselling suites, she was wondering if he was holding a grudge. Well, even if he was, she was holding a really ugly plant, so they both were holding onto things they should probably get rid of. 1 1 3
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 Quote Letts: You'd be suprised just how many. Apparently there's such thing as an Andorian ice Peach, and a Q'onos Blood Fruit. Both made... interesting cobblers. The blood fruit especially, apparently someone forgot to list the fruit as an intoxicant in the academy database. Campus security was not happy, and we never did find the rest of the shuttle. Love these little touches from @Alan Letts. Also, did this sim make anyone else think of the song 'Peaches' by The Presidents of the United States of America? 😂 1
Oddas Aria Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 38 minutes ago, Gogigobo Fairhug said: Also, did this sim make anyone else think of the song 'Peaches' by The Presidents of the United States of America? The ones that come from a can? They were put there by a man ... 1
Elonat Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 2 hours ago, Gogigobo Fairhug said: @Elonat there's got to be a puss in boots joke in here somewhere. 😂 I wish! Unfortunately, not a moment of wit but simply a case of "shoes off in the house". 😆 1 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 3 hours ago, Oddas Aria said: The ones that come from a can? They were put there by a man ... In a factory downtooooowwwnnn. 1
Alcyone Brennan Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 Loving that whole scene, but this commentary in particular: Quote Kettick: Someone with hierarchical authority should probably inform the neighbours that we are going to throw radioactive dust onto explosive rocks in their vicinity. Freck: Oh, have we not put “Slight Chance of Explosions” on the meteorological forecast for the day? Really, that ought to be on the calendar all week. 1 3
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 Another one from @N. Aristren aka Trovek - imagine walking into your doctor and being like "just came to let you know that I am absolutely fine!" 😂 Quote Of course there were preventive measures, but as a rule, people predominantly sought out doctors when things had gone awry. No one ever booked a consultation to report that they were happy, healthy, and not experiencing any problems at all. 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 12, 2023 Posted April 12, 2023 Quote Freck frowned as he stared at the debris scattered around the district. It was depressing for more than just the ruined buildings, but for the destruction of the ancient architecture. Maybe they’d try to replicate the Ring Builder’s architecture, but would it still be the same, even if they did? History was destroyed here, and something about that bothered Freck deeply. Loss at a millennial scale. Oof! That hit pretty hard @Freck 1 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 13, 2023 Posted April 13, 2023 Quote Letts head swam for a second as the responses came rapid fire, such was the nature of a brainstorm.The question themselves had been open to the table, but they seemed to be questions for an ops officer so... Doing his best to answer, he gave silent thanks to Commander Setlek for giving him these maps to study. oO I aught to buy her a fruit basket or so ething... do Vulcans even *DO* fruit baskets? Oo I hope there's going to be millions of peaches in that fruit basket, @Alan Letts?! 😜 2
Dekas Posted April 14, 2023 Author Posted April 14, 2023 @Kettick As usual is a comedy genius in his choices of words at any given time. 🤣 Quote In the end, he had opted for a variant of what he had worn at the Hawaiian-themed awards ceremony: closed shoes, slacks, and a new shirt - this time plain, and in a colour he had been told by a reliable source was not likely to induce epileptic seizures in the assistance. 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted April 14, 2023 Posted April 14, 2023 Love this sim title referencing an old Adam West Batman episode (if I'm not mistaken) by @Alex Forsyth Quote Ensign Alex Forsyth - There are some days you can't dispose of a bomb. 1
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